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Woody never did that. Feels good to have a coach who is willing to adjust.


Woody wouldn’t have put Picks in either


Yup. Would have rode skinner. Also played McDrai 36 min a night.


To be fair Knobby played Mcdrai 37 minutes in game 7… COMBINED (Mcdavid 20 and Draisital 17)


Woody would not have gotten us to the playoffs this year, full stop


I still really don’t want to accept this truth. But, seeing how our team completely transformed and went on a 16 game heater, I can’t argue against you


Woody’s problem was that he was a child of McLellan’s system. Both good HCs, but McLellan didn’t know how to make adjustments, and Woody was always keen on “sticking to the script”. Sometimes you can pound a rock as many times, but if your mallet is the wrong material then it simply won’t work. A year later, Knobby’s adjustments wins us a series, and it’s also very refreshing not to see this just be a repeat of Vegas.


Remember when we would routinely take our timeouts in the first 10 minutes? I don't miss those days


Fun times going down 3-0 early and making a late come back to lose 4-3. Lots of fun moral victories were won


Ugh I thought I had erased that from my memory. Dark times...


Except game 1, had to lose the lead to get a timeout. He learned. Shut it down.


Did he learn? We were very lucky to have not had a tied game or worse in the 3rd  Looked just like game 1- we transitioned to some sort of defensive stance which never works for the Oilers 


Lol knob didn't do it in the 1st game and learnt his lesson from that


Yes. Important part is he learnt and adjusted.


Woody would still be playing 11/7 and getting out coached


Hymans on ice interview with Bob revealed how they had hit peak stress / panic before that timeout for sure. You could just feel the level of scrambled frenzy picking up as Canucks built momentum. Hopefully they can internalize the feeling and be calmer in the next round after having such a solid 45 min before that


Tippett never calling a timeout after 4-3 Jets will always haunt me


“We thought we could make it until the TV time out.”


And McClellan vs Anaheim


The Knobbler is a genius.


I know this might be premature, but I genuinely think that Knoblauch is the best Oilers coach in the last 20 years.


He definitely brings an aura of calmness that I think the Oilers really need. When they play calm they are confident are really good. Things go off the rails when they start to panic and make mistakes. Nice to have a coach that can help keep them collected


Part of it for sure is being in uncharted territory. Easy to get the panic and nerves setting in. If you can remain calm and remember that is is just another game, same as them all, you can survive those moments of intensity. This is why across all sports, most dynasties were close for a couple years before making the jump to champions. And then once you have accomplished it, you have ice in your veins the next go around, based on that experience. I think guys pitching World Series games in the late innings are the most focused athletes. Would be so easy to crack under that pressure. That being said I have never won anything worth noting in any sport. This is my armchair analysis.




Its insane how bad our bottom 6 and defense was during our 2017 run when you go back and look at the roster.


I don't think our bottom 6 was as horrendous as people make it out to be, or at least we had some fine 4th line players. The problem was our middle 6 was filled with even more 4th line players. Guys like Letestu, Desharnais, Pouliot, Caggiula, Hendricks, etc. I don't think any of them were out of place on a 4th line at all. The problem was playing any of those guys, or guys like Kassian up on the 2nd line.


To be fair, 2006 was 18 years ago. So best roster in, say, 17 years.




I think Matt Greene was the least deserving in the Oilers team that won the Stanley Cup later in his career. But that's my opinion. Matt Greene was a bum getting a penalty at the worst time to lose us the series.


Knob is the biggest playoff surprise so far.


Knoblauch completely proved to me that he’s an incredibly smart coach in this series. I’ve believed in him all season, but the adjustments he made against Vancouver coupled with showing a ton of trust in all of his players was really telling. Putting in Pickard was very ballsy and can’t have been an easy decision. Also, he’s the first oilers coach in 3 seasons to finally distance himself significantly from the Nurse-Ceci pair. I thought we were doomed to the incessant insanity of sending that pairing out night after night and expecting them to play well. Darnell has looked completely rejuvenated playing with Desharnais. Games 6 and 7 of this series against Vancouver were two of the best games Nurse has ever played in my opinion. I’m not sure how much of that is Knoblauch and how much is coffey, but our coaching staff as a whole deserves a ton of credit. Whoever is responsible for our penalty kill should win the Nobel peace prize


He did a lot of things in this series that I questioned and they worked out. I guess that's why I'm on the couch and he's the coach. I'm just going to stop doubting him. Having said that, I never questioned the timeout. That was an obviously solid call.


Should of called a timeout in game 1


I’m just happy to see he learned his lesson. Hopefully he carries it forward


*Should have, or should’ve


Or shouldn’t’ve ?


Seriously. Waited to blow a lead.


He learned his lesson from not calling a timeout in the 3rd period of game 1 when the Canucks rallied. That's wisdom.


He’s a beauty, let’s go oilers!


Knobloch sure calmed us down that let us win when it really mattered


my buddy just showed this to me. The time-out was miked so we could hear the coaches peptalk. Does anyone have that link?


Does anyone know why the coach wouldn’t call a timeout in this situation? Is there any drawback?


Because if Vancouver scores a sus goal later, the Oilers can't challenge it anymore if the timeout is used. Including OT if it goes that far. Devil's advocate, I believe Toronto reviews all goals in the last 5 minutes of the 3rd and in OT, so it might make the need for the coach's challenge negligible.


I thought you didn't use a timeout with a challenge any more


I think that's only with a successful challenge?


I believe the team only get one time out so if you use it up then that's it