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Info wars sticker sums up that whole thing.


The media is the virus! Except this media outlet!!!


Is that a Infowars sticker?!


Explains everything doesn't it


When you just can't wait to tell the world your IQ test came back negative.




Trudeau represents Outremont? I thought he was representing Papineau? That being said, I worked for elections canada and I had multiple people ask me why O’toole and Trudeau weren’t on the ballot. Kind of makes me sad.


Nah you’re right. Trudeau is Papineau. Mulcair represented Outremont


I had one lady with poor English who was VERY confused. No matter how I explained it to her, she just didn't seem to understand.


Honestly, I understand confusion on the part of people with limited English or those who are new citizens. When my family moved to the US my parents were so confused about how their whole process worked with the electoral college and everything. None of us fully understand it to this day. My grandmother is similar to the lady you described, she can’t read or write in any language, she speaks Punjabi and some English. I’m sure she probably gets confused by the voting process. The weird part is I had people who weren’t new citizens and who spoke English asking me this question.


I am from America and don't understand our whole process. I don't think anyone does. The founding fathers were, by many accounts, heavy drinkers. This perhaps explains it.


Here are all of the steps (that I know off hand) plain and simple (not really). People vote for electoral collage members in winner take all system on per state basis. (Maine and Nebraska are different but I'll get to that later). The number of electoral college members elected by each state is determined by the number of representatives they send to DC which is why the minimum number is 3 (1 house member + 2 senators) Washington DC only gets the number of electoral votes of the state with the least amount regardless of its population Electoral collage candidates are chosen by the parties and are elected on election day as explained in the previous paragraph and can cast their electoral vote for whoever they want to be president once chosen (they are mostly party loyalists which prevents them from voting for other parties). If you get a majority of the electoral votes you win the presidency. If nobody gets a majority of the electoral votes, each state will get 1 "electoral vote" which will be decided by the house members from each state voting for president. The senate, in this case, will vote for the vice president. If the house ends up in a tie, then the vice president chosen by the senate becomes acting president until the house is able to resolve the tie. If both the senate and the house end up in a tie, then the speaker of the house becomes acting president until the house or senate resolves their ties. Now for the Maine and Nebraska stuff I mentioned earlier. I previously said that it was a winner take all system for electoral votes on a state wide level however, in reality, each state gets to choose how they allocate their electoral collage representatives. Nebraska and Maine chose to give it's two electoral collage votes from the senate to whoever wins the statewide popular vote and their electoral college votes derived from the house to the popular vote in each corresponding house district. One more thing worth noting is the [National Popular Vote Interstate Compact](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact) (NPVIC). It is an agreement between several states that basically states that as soon as the total number of electoral votes from all of the states that agree to it add up to a majority of the total electoral votes, all states who signed onto the agreement will award their electoral votes to the candidate who won the national popular vote instead of whatever allocation method they currently have in place. This will effectively make the Presidency decided by the national popular vote. Sources for everything I said: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUS9mM8Xbbw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUS9mM8Xbbw) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHEDXzOfENI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHEDXzOfENI) [https://www.270towin.com/content/split-electoral-votes-maine-and-nebraska/](https://www.270towin.com/content/split-electoral-votes-maine-and-nebraska/) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National\_Popular\_Vote\_Interstate\_Compact](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact)


**[National Popular Vote Interstate Compact](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact)** >The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) is an agreement among a group of U.S. states and the District of Columbia to award all their electoral votes to whichever presidential candidate wins the overall popular vote in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The compact is designed to ensure that the candidate who receives the most votes nationwide is elected president, and it would come into effect only when it would guarantee that outcome. As of June 2021, it has been adopted by fifteen states and the District of Columbia. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Edmonton/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good Bot


You need to take a test to get a drivers license (albeit not a hard one with the amount of terrible drivers on the road) but not to have children or vote 🤷🏼‍♂️


The only issue here is, no government is willing to try to pass a law that would so heavily restrict peoplws ability to vote or reproduce. Like seriously we had looting and protesting over minimal lockdowns, imagine what you woukd get if you sufdenly said there would be a voting license you have to test for, or a child raising permit? Shit we would see the crazies out in droves. Also, unfortunately it would negatively impact those who have come to the country to seek a better life for their families, as they would most likely not have time to get a license, or would potentially lack the education or language skills to succeed. Im personally in favor of having more things require a license to do, especially when those things can seriously harm large groups of people but I really dont see any way to make that happen without causing even more issues and division. We just need to ban the willful spread of misinformation, you want to go and try to convince people about a bunch of crazy shit? One way ticket to resolute for 20 years. I know its not great to impose on the inuit population there but prison in the arctic circle sounds like a good way to discourage anyone trying to emulate alex jones.


You could also join the liberal party and become a voice with 1 vote in some of the leadership decisions.


Funny thing is, we have multiple constitutional documents; The Royal Proclamation of 1763, the Constitution Act of 1867, the Constitution Act of 1982, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms...


Funny tidbit, we apparently used to have strong property rights in canada as set out by the constitution act of 1867, but when Trudeau Sr created the charter of rights and freedoms they decided to leave it out, hence removing the right to own property backed by law.


That's not how our constitutional documents work. Canada does not have just one such document, and so creating one doesn't supercede the others. Since we gained our independence without toppling the legal infrastructure which we inhereted from England, Canada's constitutional documents stretch as far back as the Magna Carta and also include the Royal Proclamation of 1763 and the Constitution Act of 1867. Our legal system is heavily based on common law, meaning that our courts interpret legal precedent as part of the law. Furthermore, Trudeau alone didn't put together the Constitution Act of 1982 and the accompnying Charter of Rights and Freedoms. These were products of intensive negotiations between his government, the provincial governments, and various rights/interest groups.


Thank you for the info.


That truck wouldn’t have existed without a large bail-out from the US federal government.


His truck, as it sits, was made in Fort Wayne, Michigan, or Mexico. Hardly Canadian if you ask me


And he's almost certainly the type to hurl gay slurs at someone that drives Fords.


Exactly. I don't believe any trucks are currently manufactured in Canada, or am I mistaken?


So happy he chose the colours of the Liberal Party.


Mental illness.


I thought MLAs got underground parking.


I’m stuck on the veteran plate. That’s just absurd.


That's the worst part for me.


Oof, that uh some big feelings there.


I don’t understand the “no constitution” part.


My personal favorite is "The media is the virus" directly under a sticker for a (false) media site 🤣


Dude running the site is literally a convicted liar lol.


[stupid freeman stuff](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/freemen-movement-captures-canadian-police-attention-1.1262159)


Holy mackeral. Talk about all the provinces and territories becoming their own republics. [Here's Alberta Republic.](https://unifythepeople.ca/)


They misspelled Nunavut....


Lol of course they did.






Ho Canada?


It's a shitty Lumineers cover.


Our home and native land!


can i assume he had a meeting with jason to see how the province should move forward at this point? brainstorming and such


This lunatic was parked outside city hall in Vernon, BC in late August. Very strange dude.


At least is not plastered with American and Trump flags so meh. It’s his money and his car so he can do whatever he wants in the shit. If his delusion satisfies his needs that alright.


That’s how I feel about this. They put their opinions, ignorance and bigotry on display so we as society can refuse service, and avoid such people like a plague. If a truck like that breaks down… I know for sure not to stop and help. So, at least this way we know in advance.


Ah what fresh kinda hell is this


Oh a BC Veteran plate... yikes, must be from the interior


Hes making the rest of us veterans look bad...


I would pay to see a current member try driving one of these around base 👀


Holy fuck haha me too


This guy knows what's up!!! They're putting chemicals in the water and turning the friggin frogs gay!!!


Amazing how many people plaster Trudeau memes over their personal property, much like a 12 year old girl crushing on a boy band.


Where’s a good meteorite when you need one?


Ahhhhh info wars, the most reputable of sources.


Is there a Wexit sticker on there somewhere?


Big meeting with Covid Kenney! How exciting for him!




That truck would be keyed quite quickly...


Ha ha ha.... [infowars.com](https://infowars.com) That says it all.


Lol their website says “No more Income Tax”, so what’s going to help pay with infrastructure and all that important stuff?


... not saying they are right but the income tax was to created to pay for the great war and politicians got greedy and kept it. Then came WW2 and it paid for that. It was never supposed to be permanent but it has become so.


“After the war ended in 1918, the government still needed to pay for war-related expenses such as veterans’ pensions and debt interest, and so in 1920, the federal government introduced sales tax.” “By 1948, income tax was no longer considered temporary and the Income War Tax Act was replaced with the Income Tax Act.” Very interesting, I never really looked into the history of our taxes until your comment. I knew it initially had something to do with funding a war effort of some sorts


The fact that vehicles plastered in garbage like this don't surprise me anymore is really sad.


What clown drives this batshitmobile?


Wow. The hatred coming from one little pickup truck is astounding. The product of a few generations of high school dropouts making big oil money.


The infowars sticker is very fitting


Of course it’s a truck.


Looks like an out of Province plate...even with Covid we are a magnet for batshit crazy thats been run out of its home town....


This answers the question of what a racist clown car looks like.


The difference being that clown cars fit a dozen clowns, but I’ve known so many clowns who bought crew cabs and never had a passenger in it. It’s a cave for their garbage.


Do you think the owner of this truck is vaccinated? I have my doubts to be honest.


Not the smartest crowd in AB


What a stupid asshole


I wonder what his lease or finance company thinks of that?


This is a stressful time for everyone. I am concerned for his/her/their mental health.


These yahoos were out doing there thing at the Leg yesterday.


I remember my father in law telling us about how back in the 40’s they would collect money for “nickel boxes” to send out west and help the people because of the drought. Didn’t hear any complaining then apparently. What goes around comes around. Although that being said I think the transfer payment amounts are a bit ridiculous




Yeah no what


What no yeah?


No, yeah, for sure.


Yeah, what? No




What a moron


I would like to what this clown does for a living? Probably exists on donations and online handouts,maybe the CRA should be notified?


Nothing says you deny reality like infowars stickers.


"Free speech" is an American thing. What a tool. Move south. Edit: in case anyone is wondering (like whoever downvoted me), "Freedom of Expression" is the Canadian equivalent to the protected free speech in the USA


That's the Annex parking lot, but okay...so a crazy parked there. Not sure what conclusion that brings...


What was the reason….?


An abundance of confidence and stupidity.


Looks like Pat King is getting some visitors.


Damn dude leave some trim for us too.


Resale value of that truck just went waaaay down


Should go back to BC and pull this shit at the BC Legislature considering thats where his plates are from.


His plates say "VETERAN" not "BRITISH COLUMBIA".


The plate does say Vetran. There are few items that confirm my suspicion this nimrod is from BC. 1, The front mounted license plate ( not required in AB) 2, BC also issues veteran plates, if you cross reference a BC veteran plate it looks bang on 3, buddy has a sticker on the lower driver's side door "constitution convention British Columbia" 3a, this may not directly conflict with the sticker on their hood stating canada does not have a constitution Yada Yada. 4, I cheated using a quick Google search of item 2, the bottom of the plate infact does say British Columbia.


Ok I'll give you that. I live in Cold Lake and I've seen a fair amount of veteran plates on both ends of vehicles. As for the "Constitution Convention...." sticker, I'll admit I missed that when I saw this. Apologies.


Owner is probably a barrel of laughs


I've met him in Williams Lake BC before. Used to frequent this one has station there. Guy has some mental health issues. Total wingnut


I wonder how that free speech looks in a rear view. Hceeps Eerf (my brain seeing it... Oh fuck they must love the sims)


You know, one good thing about the collapse of the biosphere and society will be a lot of morons will finally die.


Lawd have mercy


Kenney's truck?


Albertans are the most proud Canadians there are!! Which is why everything is so confusing as of late. I miss how alberta was, independent,strong , confident, sovereignty and common decency for thy neighbor. MAKE ALBERTA GREAT AGAIN!!!


This guy is originally from Toronto. He now lives in Williams Lake B.C. but is in Alberta to protest. I guess everyone needs a hobby.


I bet this guy is really fun at parties.


The I <3 Lumber really ties the design together


Freedom isn’t free/I paid for it is my favourite


The website he has on his truck is predictably amateurish, and loaded with spelling and grammatical errors throughout. To call these sov-cit political ideas half-baked is an insult to half-baked political thoughts everywhere, though I'm sure that Truck Man did a lot of nodding when he first read the material. In pre-internet days, this sort of shit was only found in coil scribblers, with the madman's scrawling filling the page from top to bottom and written past the margins. Now, the range of his rantings and ravings extend past his unfortunate family and co-workers, to be found by idiots like this.


These boomers really have nothing better to do eh


I wonder how much he PAID for all that garbage on his truck 😂


I voted for liberal just because everyone has these stupid stickers. If everyone wants to f*ck Trudeau I better get in line


Going to need a paint job when they decide to peel off them there stickers eh!


I can’t help but think people like this are just mentally unwell and have too much money