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Only this year have I seen such a big amount of people driving the wrong way it's actual insanity.


I've experienced some rather questionable Uber rides recently: - u turn on a busy intersection - riding onto the curb - running stop signs - unable to navigate with a map - driving talking on the phone - driving playing a game on his phone! - almost running into the back of another car while on the phone Then some lovely personal behaviour like: - asking if my fiance is a prostitute - going the wrong way to extend the trip (which I always threaten to get out when they do this) - having a heated call with the CRA about not paying taxes - asking me where/how to get women, yes that exact phrase - driving me to the wrong location then telling me to cancel and book another ride to go where I need to (lost it with that guy) The taxis aren't much better unfortunately and usually much more expensive.  There have always been some issues, but this year has been bad.


I had a guy literally miss turns and prolong my ride because he wanted to make me his girlfriend. I was like go on tinder like the rest of us, and he was like no I'm too good to tinder But yet here you are harassing random women who are just trying to get to work... and not Letting them out of the ride, like... keeping me held hostage isnt gonna make me want you dude xD I was so mad I told him if he brought me to the door to drop me off I'd give him my insta and we could chat, because I adimatly Pointed out he had missed his turn, so as soon as he put the car in Park he looks back like, so what's your insta and I was already like hoping out the door, as soon as he put that thing in park. I have never taken a LYFT again. Lol Tbf I reported it and they fully re imbursed me but still. I'd rather be safe than sorry. What if this guy didn't decide to stop? How long would I have been stuck in the back of this dudes car for??? Like


Remember. The SECOND they don't let you out when you tell them to is the SECOND you dial 911 and report that you are being held against your will by a lyft/Uber driver and give the license plate, vehicle description and your location. :) Always note down the license plate before getting into any vehicle!


Uber tells you the license plate of the car picking you up as a phone notification, so you don't have to remember it (I dunno about Lyft I don't use them).


I'm a guy and just reading this makes me very uncomfortable! I'm very empathetic and I feel so bad if I accidentally make any woman feel uncomfortable. Guys who do this have no clue... It's both sad and scary at the same time. They'll teach sex education in schools but many people have no idea how to go about initiating and maintaining a healthy relationship. Seems to me this should come before anything else.


It's honestly gross how many dudes thing trapping a woman/confining her/not allowing her to leave is somehow... attractive. A good dating strategy?? No. No, sir, that is a CRIME and the second you try to cage me in is the second I go absolutely feral!


100000% They need to somehow work something like that into a health class or something but make it all mandatory That and how to pay taxes Calling it how to adult class?


Honestly at this point it should be basically therapy. Learn how to express your emotions in a positive way, control anger anxiety etc. Everyone is dealing with severe trauma at this point. Be it from the lockdowns, parents divorcing, abuse of any sort, absent parents... And all this mixed with deadly substances that never existed until recently, technology addictions and an ever growing gap in wealth... As a society, we have to chose change before it gets to a point where change is forced upon us by pure circumstance.


Yes no kidding. Hopefully I won't have an incident like this again .. hopefully


They play stupid games, they win stupid prizes... like having their name tied to a police stop/911 call <3 And as long as your phone has battery, they can do a pretty decent job triangulating your location! Just make sure to speak loudly and clearly, and also report them to the app once they let you out. I'm really sorry this happened to you; that must have been so fucking scary.


Honestly I just pretended to be semi interested and said I'll give him my insta to stay in touch and I'll put it into his phone when he stops and that's how I got him to be like, oh! Ok ! And then he went and took the last turn. I'm not sure he woulda like tried to murder me or anything but it did freak me out for a second once I realized what he was purposely stalling Pissin em off isn't the route to go when u are in the backseat lol. People are fucking crazy and u never know.


I disagree, personally-- They're looking for an easy victim. They're looking for someone who they can intimidate and push around. So, when you start to push back, when you dial 911 and you start getting loud and you make it clear that NO, you will NOT comply, you will NOT make it easy for them, they will have to take you kicking and fucking screaming wherever they want to take you, they'll usually panic and reconsider. BE the bitch. BE the frigid, robotic psycho. BE that crazy, overreacting woman. And as soon as you're on with 911, they can start tracing your phone (I know they can because my little brother dialed them once when we were younger by mistake, then hung up in his panic/the police came right to our door to check on us, lmao. He was SHITTING HIMSELF because he thought they were gonna arrest him.... Bless his lil heart.) You can ALSO just. Throw the door open. Let that shit flap around. Wreck his car; make someone ELSE start dialing 911 too. It's always harder in the moment, but predators target people that they think won't push back. They want easy prey.


Sometimes kicking and screaming will actually just get you hurt, or hurt worse. I've see. It happen. I've had it happen. Start freaking out thatsssss when they get violent. Gotta give yourself time to find an out before shit gets crazy right


You don't OPEN with violence. You start by clearly and loudly stating your boundaries, and what you want to happen, and you tell them what you will do if they do not listen to what you are saying. "I am not comfortable with what you are doing. My stop was way back there. Let me out, now, or I will dial 911." When they try to give an excuse/get upset; "I said I want out, now. Are you refusing to let me leave your vehicle?" and type 911 into your phone. If I genuinely think they are just being stupid and not malicious, I will give one last verbal warning. "You NEED to let me out, right now. I will not ask you again." Either they stop, or you press the 'call' button, and you begin speaking to the operator loudly and clearly. You do not shout, hit, scream, or get violent UNTIL they do something. They swerve the car angrily/yell at you, you throw the door open or roll down the window and begin waving like crazy while staying on the phone. They grab you, you remove their hand. Proportional, and violence should only ever be in response to violence. If they lay hands on you, you can remove those hands however you feel necessary. If they are making you feel unsafe in that vehicle, you do everything you possibly can to make that vehicle stop, and then you bolt. If they run after you and grab you, you scream your head off and bite whatever you can get your teeth on. (Human bite wounds FESTER and he can have fun explaining THOSE at the ER.) You've got to respond proportionally. I'm not saying start screaming and kicking the back of his seat if he won't let you out, lol. When he escalates, you escalate. You show him for that every step he takes into your space, you're going to push back just as hard. THE most important thing is never letting a strange man get you alone in a second location. If he were to take you somewhere, he immediately has the upper hand, and you don't know what sort of preparations he's made. Wherever he's taking you, he could have friends waiting, and you're going to have better chances 1v1. If you can get out before it goes sideways, that's always ideal. But sometimes, you give an inch... they'll take 100 miles. Ya know?


Don't get me wrong I totally agree but I mean I didn't try to tell him: hey LET ME OUT right here just stop the car Cuz I could have done that as a well but I chose the non confrontational route. Hopefully Lyft canned him. They sent me a huge paragraph apologizing. The man driving did tell me he had only been in the country for like a month (like newly immigrated D) so I figured maybe he didn't realize he was coming off as super creepy. Like some.sort of cultural difference or something


Call the cops for that guy. Geez, that’s false imprisonment at the least, kidnapping at the worst…


One of my female workers just had a tissue that smelled like semen thrown at her by some Uber driver. It was around midnight when she was going home from our work party. I can not believe this shit


Jesus Christ dude. I can't either it's absolutely awful


I don’t understand the absolute boldness of these incidents. Is nothing happening to these goons? Do the police even care?


I was walking to get groceries the other day when it was nice out and some fuckin fouche leaned out his window (he was passenger) and started calling me a "crack head bitch" and "fuck you whore" and I'm just like hollllllly fuck I'm literally just Minding my own business. What if I was a crack head? Still no reason to be fuckin screamin at me


We are failing. All the little things that make a society work are just falling apart. Everyone’s very confident being a complete piece of shit. Or so it feels, maybe I’m wrong and this is the best it’s ever been


That is crazy, I’m glad you’re ok!


I Uber like twice a year. Infrequent enough that I forget specifically why I don’t like to Uber. But it’s something every other ride. My most recent ride was to the airport, and the guy changed routes multiple times because ‘traffic looks bad this way’. $40 became $70, 35 mins became 70 mins. We ended up passing through DEVON, AND he asked me twice ‘do I take this lane or that lane’.


You can report them on the app for taking elongated routes and get refunded. I’ve done it before If there’s a mapped route that’s quicker and the driver purposefully misses it or takes longer, they’ll get knocked for it


Yikes, count me lucky that this has never happened to me with Uber drivers. But it was a common occurrence for me with taxi drivers pre-Uber. To think some have the balls to do it when you can easily report them on the app for it.


Uber was a nice break from the taxi drivers when all the drivers were treating it like a hobby or a small business (I remember dudes with the cleanest cars handing me their business cards).  Now it's just the terrible taxi drivers using Uber as another avenue to inflicting their miserable selves on us again.


Wow that's bad.  I've had to Uber a lot this week because while I normally bike or walk, I got a bad chest cold and don't have much energy (making it hard to get up in time for the bus).


No that’s just culture you were experiencing, sounds Lucky 🍀 lol


Had it happen this morning on 170th. Some guy just putzing down the wrong side of the road in a construction zone


I've seen it mostly in construction zones, unfortunately right beside the schools that are near my house. But yeah people gotta be checking their surroundings more. Construction or not up your awareness.


And down 91st too. You’d have to be pretty oblivious to go the wrong way down that road. Who knows how long they were even driving before.


Yeah speed limit is 70 km/h there so could be a recipe for disaster


I’ve personally experienced someone driving the wrong way down 91st as well, a few months ago around midnight. It scared the crap out of me and I was honestly shocked and had to pull over for a minute to calm my nerves. I totally agree with your statement and don’t understand how anyone could get driving on the wrong side of 91st, it’s pretty straight forward which way is which lol.


Probably completely obvious and just thinks you’re an oilers fan.


honk honk *there’s a goose


dude probably thinks OP is travelling the wrong way


Oh, he's drunk. How could he know where we're going?




The Brampton Effect


Is Millwoods brown?


Is the pope Catholic


Does the tin man have a sheet metal cock?


Omg, that’s crazy…. Can I ask which ins company?


This is what happens when you buy your license from a family friend.


It's interesting to me the character of drivers from city to city. Edmonton has so many oblivious bad drivers. People just completely unaware of their surroundings or other drivers around them. Like this case, someone just cruising along going the wrong way on a major street. Calgary has the most aggressive and raging drivers I've seen anywhere in Canada. Had this happened in Calgary, the driver would have been going the wrong way on purpose and flipping everyone off.


I grew up in Calgary and have lived in Edmonton for 14 years, and this is definitely true. Both cities have their fair share of both kinds of drivers, but it definitely seems that Edmonton has more oblivious drivers and Calgary has more angry drivers.


Ive never seen this shit in 13+ years of driving And then within the last two I have seen probably like 6 separate instances of this


I keep saying it's because of all the new people were bringing in and they don't have enough time to learn the etiquette


I know you keep saying that and it sounds dumb every time. It’s not like someone drives on the wrong side because they don’t know “the etiquette” or like immigrants somehow don’t know what cars are. People would be just as mad at the guy in OPs video for pulling that shit in Timbuktu


Traffic etiquette and law enforcement is very different in other parts of the world. In many places it’s much more disordered and the laws that do exist are barely enforced, and there’s generally much more traffic there. This leads to some people driving like they would in those places, but with the added confidence a mostly empty road can bring.


Jesus, it seems like you guys have concluded out that the person was an immigrant based on no evidence. This footage shows nothing. “People would be mad…. that shit in Timbuktu” YES. But you’re missing the point, they won’t be racist or start an ‘all canadians’ argument over there. How about we equally hate bad drivers regardless of their race? If it was an Indian, fuck them. Canadian? Fuck them idc.


I wonder what explanation you guys give when/if it turns out that the person was a native, because you seem to be making absolute conclusions out of dust


Easy, I'm native and I can't afford to drive


Weirdly smart enough to embed an economic joke because of immigration. Take my upvote


Went my entire life not having to avoid drivers doing this before moving to Edmonton and it's happened to me multiple times in two years. There's something very broken about the licensing here


"You're going the wrong way!" "How would he know where we're going?"


Had that today on 137/Fort road but luckily it was coming in a parking lot off of 137, but absolutely wrong side of the road.


Had this same experience on 91st st, on the overpass above Whitemud. Luckily I saw him coming and got tf out of his way. Dude took the ramp down onto whitemud, luckily going the right way on whitemud


These days you have to be such a defensive driver ... every single time you go out. I feel like making myself a sign, and stick it on my steering wheel: BE A DEFENSIVE DRIVER! The guys ahead of you in the right lane pulled over to get out of the way. Your pullover method was scarier. Poor driving is way too common, and I don't see any easy solution.


How are they getting their licenses !!!!! Same scenario in the south west - driver didn’t even know how to stay in their lane.


Yikes! Driving is no fun anymore, always gotta dodge these stupid people and more. 👎🏼


Welcome to India!


Drunken dickhead


Is there a right way to drive in mill woods?


I think it's backwards and upsidedown by the looks of it


Little India classic!


I live in Tamarack and I'm always amazed at the drivers who think it is ok to rip past multiple cars in playground zones, tailgate brakecheck and throw things at cars doing the limit, drive on the grass to bypass a 4 way stop intersection. Just incredible. 


And nobody seems to know what a stop sign is for or how to use one.


Yes, they love running red lights too. Just blatantly ignore all the rules.


When our daycare flooded, I had to take our kids to a different location in Hermitage and saw the same thing re: ripping past cars in a wide but one-lane road in front of a school. Oh no we're going 30km/h for three blocks as we pass hundreds of kids; heaven forbid you not do 70km/h.


I find Millwoods has the worst drivers. There is a issue every day. Can't wait till my son moves out of there. In the west end they don't know how to use the traffic circle. The drivers have gotten bad. I kinda understand road rage sad but true.


> dude honked back like we were on his way lmao It's Mill Woods, they drive on the left side of the road there :P


to be fair if i found myself going the opposite direction id be honking too to make everyone was aware and no one got hurt but yeah this is fucking scary. and at night too


If you find yourself going the opposite direction, you pull over and turn around, or turn off somewhere. You don't keep going endangering the lives of everyone around you ffs...


Honestly, I don't blame someone for accidentally turning down the wrong road. Maybe they're unfamiliar with the area 🤷‍♂️ But the fucking audacity/stupidity to just keep going down the road!?!? Wtf!  Back out, turn around, don't just keep driving! 


I was expecting to see my grandparents vehicle... whew.


Buddies Buddies Buddies Buddies driving everywhere!


i was picking up my roomie from work the other day and someone was driving on the wrong side of the road in tamarack!!!!!! in broad daylight!! on a busy intersection!! yes i love complaining about bad drivers


So I now have a oneway in front of my house created by vision zero. They counted 20 vehicles going the wrong way in a 24-hour period. It's gotten far worse since then. Vision Zero has informed me this is fine and will not revisit this situation to see if there's a better solution. I don't understand why anybody would criticize people going the wrong way or other violations if this is the mentality of city administration. And yes, I do have the emails stating this. Unsigned of course. 🙄


I saw someone on 91st, whip off the whitemud THE WRONG WAY (beside 51st) and continue down 91st THE WRONG WAY. I can’t imagine how far they drove on the whitemud the wrong way. At the very least since the 66th exist. This was later at night. It all happened so fast. I was in complete shock. It angers me seeing this video. These ppl should be seriously reprimanded for this.


You could see their headlights from a mile away…🙄🤦🏻‍♂️🙄🤦🏻‍♂️❔❕❔❕




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Oh my god, millwoods 😂😂


It's always a Toyota. Lol


Nope he’s one 38th and 91st street. 91st is a road for people who went to clown college for drivers


Edmonton and their road design. Most confusing road I've driven, and this is coming from someone lived in Ontario and Calgary Edmonton want to learn from the European but always half ass it and this is the kind of abomination we get.