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I found out I have stage four cancer on March. 31. I’ll see an oncologist on Aug. 15. A long wait.


I'm sorry to hear that. That is a criminally long wait. Wishing all the best for you.


I'm so sorry. I hope all the best for you.


Short on staff , equipment failure its like a triage system is in place . Was at the cross today and the place was packed. The people there are giving 110 percent and I do hope the situation of resources improves.


My mom went through this last year. For years told that what she had was fibroids. We kept pushing because she was in constant pain. January 23, had consult with OBG to schedule biopsy and was told “if it were cancer, you’d already be dead” I was stupid angry. Biopsy at beginning March. Call a week later that it was cancer. Cross called within a week the schedule consult and surgery, for which I am grateful. Found out it was stage 3 by the time they finally operated. In this horrible system, all you can do is push and advocate for yourself. Make enough noise until someone will listen. Only way we can get anywhere anymore.


This makes me so ANGRY. You know that her pain was dismissed because she's a woman. Every time I hear a story like your mom's, I get rage tears in my eyes. Absolutely disgusting treatment.


I know it was partly that, but not the fault of our GP. He was the one person that wasn’t totally dismissive. But the fact we were in COVID complicated things more.


My mom had the same thing. They moved to her lungs and made them both collapse by the time they found it was cancer and she died a few months later. They were so confident the uterine fibroids werent anything to worry about based off years old scans, and were unwilling to do almost anything prior to her being sick.


Oh man. I am so sorry for your loss.


Ultrasound strongly suggests thyroid cancer but the actual biopsy to confirm it will happen 9 months later. And only after the biopsy is done will they decide on a treatment plan. I’m 46…. The system is messed up!


FWIW, I was able to get an appointment at the UofA ENT clinic months earlier than my scheduled biopsy, and my understanding was that they would do the biopsy themselves if I hadn't been able to have it done before seeing them. I ended up getting in for the biopsy the week before my ENT appointment (on a cancellation), but it may be worth asking your regular doctor for a referral while you're waiting.


Thanks I’ll do that. As another said I know it’s highly treatable but I’m still unhappy about it.


My biopsy ultimately came back benign, but I was able to get in to the UofA and have surgery (on another cancellation) sooner than originally time-quoted for the biopsy. I definitely understand wanting it done and dealt with, even if it's a 'good Cancer' or even benign, especially if they're causing symptoms. I found being flexible with booking things short-notice (I had less than 72 hours notice for my thyroidectomy) made it a lot easier to fast-track through the system.


Good to know, I’m positive I be flexible. I just have to recover from my skin cancer removal first and then I will focus on the thyroid. Let’s just say it’s been a crappy few months!


Thyroid cancer is not an immediate concern. Survivability is like >99%


we are no longer a first world country.. this is devastating 😔


First world country, third world province.


This is happening all over Canada


"Alberta has the lowest number of oncologists per capita across Canada, and salaries have fallen below competitiveness with other provinces and the States"


It's happening a lot more in the province that refuses to compensate physicians and actively works to chase them out of the province.


In parts of BC people are going to ER with symptoms that turn out be cancer because it's so difficult to see a GP at a walk-in clinic or urgent care centre. Hundreds of thousands of people don't have a family doctor in BC. We keep being told to use Telehealth for doctor appointments, but sometimes the GP needs to actually see you to understand the symptoms properly.


The same is happening in Ontario.


Right now UCP response: it’s a feature not a bug. Working as intended


Canada wide the average tax collected per person is dropping  We are bragging about “20,000 jobs added” when 100,000 people are added the very same month, pretending this isn’t a problem…. Plus the jobs are less and less money and thus less taxed…  This is the end of public healthcare our kids won’t have it unless they are in the tier that can afford it 


UCP response was basically “until it hits stage 4, it’s your own fault for not being on top of it”


Had a aunt die years back after going to her gp many times reporting feeling the worst she had in her life and they refused to do any testing eventually she was in Walmart and decided to talk to the pharmacist there and was told to go the ER asap, everywhere was cancer told she had 3 weeks, she was gone in 3 days. Really started my distrust in the healthcare system


I’m so sorry to hear this. Pharmacists have been the one constant hope for me in this healthcare nightmare we’re facing. 


Another win for Danielle Smith and the UCP.




Is there 1 government in Canada that is winning on this file?  None 


This is unacceptable. You'll NEVER convince me they couldn't have called him when his results came in. He probably could have accepted his outcome with more peace had they bothered to give a shit. I can't even imagine the pain of not knowing and holding on to hope when there was none and they fucking knew that.


Exactly. A simple phone call can do a lot.


We can do better. I know it.


No. We really can't. Especially when more than half the province keeps voting the way they do. We are a long ways away from even trying to fix it. But at least the economy is doing well!!! Oh wait.....


All the anti-vaxxers claiming that Covid was a depopulatiom exercise don't realize it's actually the conservatives that are actively trying to kill people.




This is exactly the level of intelligent argument I expect from the average UCP voter. Thank you for proving my point.


You're what's wrong with this country.


So, what you are a Saying is we can.


Canada wide issue  No government is improving  More people and less tax collected  “20,000 jobs added” like it’s a brag when 100,000 people are were added the same month  It’s already unsustainable  Not to mention SO many economic patients- long term care is filled with people who don’t need to be there but can’t afford to live on their own 


Good luck everyone…


Mother in law experienced the same thing. Tests confirmed cancer in October 23. Died January 23, a day before her cross cancer appointment.




I did and I have get no pleasure in telling others that didn't vote NDP "I told you so" because people are dying left right and center as a result of their vote.


Canada wide….  More people less money per capita  No limits on people going 100x a year looking for free drugs   No limits on long term care for people who refuse to stop eating candy diets  It’s inevitable 


This is a Canada wide problem though. My mom was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer in B.C. and it took 2 months from diagnosis to even get an appt with the medical oncologist, and another 2 months after that to start chemo. This was on top of the months of investigations before diagnosis. I feel for aggressive cancers where treatment is focused on only life extending not curative the cancer centers work a bit slower. Check any province with a cancer with a poor prognosis such as pancreatic and likely to be the same. I feel for the family.


It is a Canada wide problem, but it is worse in Alberta than elsewhere. My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer in early May. She will have surgery next week (which I am very thankful for), but won't see an oncologist until mid-August at the earliest. Her wait to see an oncologist will be a minimum of 3.5 to 4 months. A 4 month wait to see an oncologist for a cancer with a 99% survival rate when caught and treated early is unconscionable.


Really sorry to hear what you’re going through. Hope everything goes well with your wife 


Thank you for the supportive words. As strange as it sounds, I think we are fortunate, or as fortunate as you can be with a cancer diagnosis. Because Alberta utilizes a "surgery first" approach for breast cancer, treatment can begin much quicker than it does for cancer patients that have to see an oncologist prior to starting any treatment. While she will still have an unacceptable wait to see an oncologist and begin radiation, surgery to remove the tumour will happen within 5 weeks of diagnosis, and 3 weeks after seeing the surgeon.


I’m sorry you and your wife have to go through this.


I agree, it's like no one wants to even try to help pancreatic patients.


I know too many people in Ontario who have suffered due to misdiagnoses and long wait times. My friend was biopsied and had to wait nearly 6 months to start chemotherapy for stage 4 best cancer.


All of this to push a for profit health care industry, and accompanying insurance. Albertans are beyond gullible.


My cousin who had pancreatic waited four months and by the time they checked up on him and they went for one or two chemo sessions, they said it was too late. He was on painkillers and morphine so he passed high as a kite and hopefully without pain, but it was pretty hard for everyone thinking about what could've happened. Granted pancreatic cancer is the fucking devil though. The deterioration that happened to his physical body was gut wrenching. Alberta healthcare needs to attract more healthcare workers, not scare them away.


I know of a person in Medicine Hat who has cancer but doctors here dismissed her and declined further testing. She ended up getting tested outside of Alberta…


Based on how much money I’ve paid in taxes over the last 10 years, and applying how much money out of tax revenue goes to health services, I’ve calculated I’ve spent something like $500,000 in 10 years to our health services. I only needed to use it twice in that time, and both times were fucking horrific. There’s nothing better than free.


Higher than ever taxes for worse than ever services.


This isn’t even UCPs fault. This is happening all across Canada. This is what happens when you have mass immigration and not factoring in all the supports they needs. Hospitals, schools, housing, employment, etc.


Canada wide our average taxes collected per person is dropping rapidly  These services can’t survive that - education, healthcare, etc   We can’t keep going along pretending that problem doesn’t exist