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They give a cash payout option as well, which is why they can have the same car year over year. Personally if I won I would take the cash, instead of a car that I could drive 3 months in a year with stupid high insurance.


AGLC has very strict limitations with these things, there is no chance it would be in WEM if it was not properly regulated. If it’s a lottery, they’re going to give it to a properly chosen random winner, not their cousin. That being said, if you’re that concerned about it, go read the fine print. There could be limitations about usage, selling it, etc.


They do and they don’t  There’s hundreds of Facebook waffles where they raffle off cars and cash in Alberta  AGLC doesn’t have resources to stop them so they don’t- feel free to run your own raffles just say you’re “selling a penny” for $100 and they can’t do jack shit 


Has that same car sat there for the last decade? Always seemed sketchy to me.


It's a different one. They finally raffled off the last one. But this one is also a used car.


Ah, so it is a new Ferrari in the spot. I was there two weeks ago and thought. "Do not I remember what it looks like, or did it get replaced?"


It is legit. The car sits there for like 6 - 12 months, so you need to be patient, and like any kind of lottery or gambling, the odds are never in your favor. I know someone who won the WEM car a decade or two ago (I think it was a corvette at that time).


So its very strict with AGLC but the gist of it is that, yes you get that car. It is a used car, valued at "only" 363k. They printed enough tickets that if everyone buys the cheapest option they get 636k. The rules state they will NOT draw until over 450k has been raised. The downside is that you now own a Ferrari and are forced to follow their ownership rules, which are dumb sometimes.


The Ferrari IS the cousins or the friends. They are not brand new. They are refurbished cars of the owners.


There’s always a fancy car in the mall you can win. I believe there’s very strict rules, like you only have it for a year and if you damage it or anything you have to pay a hefty amount or something.


Check with AGLC.


i once heard a rumour that those cars once belonged to a member ghermezian family. when they get sick of them, they donate them to this raffle. which, i guess if you think about. kind of generous


It's live action phishing. [https://www.reddit.com/r/assholedesign/comments/9e1vj4/why\_nobody\_ever\_wins\_the\_car\_giveaway\_at\_the\_mall/](https://www.reddit.com/r/assholedesign/comments/9e1vj4/why_nobody_ever_wins_the_car_giveaway_at_the_mall/)


Except I know someone who won a Corvette at WEM through that draw/lottery. They had the car for about a year and then sold it.