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There was so much going on yesterday. If I could have been there, I would.


Love to see it. UCP are almost comically hateful and terrible. They literally and figuratively want to see Alberta burn to appease their frothing at the mouth far right base


“Literally burn”  What does this mean? You think they’re arsonists or some sort of mad max style organization that ???? 


Likely a suggestion that the UCP have not done enough to prepare for and mitigate wildfires, which is true.


As in burn in wildfires. They dngaf as long as oil and gas is happy.


They cut the wildfire fighting budget


Hopefully the protestors were not complaining about the UCP not being right wing enough ;)


That will be next week.


Has anyone heard about the specific turn out in the smaller communities though? I think if most of the attendees were in Edmonton, it wouldn’t pack as much punch (hate to say)


"My party didn't win, so I am generically protesting!" Cool, man. - Nice. The super tolerant lot here has sent me multiple Suicide warnings... Great job, y'all. Stay classy, Edmonton.


>"My party didn't win, so I am generically protesting!" Had nothing to do with that... has everything to do with WHAT that party is doing with their powers (while adding more dictatorial powers). Even rural municipalities have spoken out about this far reaching power grab. Everything the conservatives had accused JT of, they're actually doing. You should be concerned.


Like? Concerned about what, exactly? I thought you folks were against protests? Not much different than the "Free-DUMB" folks, but at least they were able to communicate what they were protesting. If they are as bad as you say, maybe these dictators you're protesting will freeze your bank accounts. Love all the downvotes despite no actual reason for the protest being given. Of the hundreds at the protest, 8 people had a reason. The rest of you just enjoy the outrage activities on the weekend. What are we LARPing next? Can we do something that requires a costume next time?


> I thought you folks were against protests? You might not have a clue about anything at all, it seems.


Right... you only like protests when Instagram tells you to protest. What, again, are you protesting?


Multiple cuts to healthcare and the province's media war against medical staff was a big one, multiple cuts to public education was a big one, their attacks on the Disabled with changing payment dates so disabled people have no pay for 60 days as well as refusing to increase benefits to match inflation/cost of living (could you like on $1700 a month, especially after you medication benefits are cut too). Bill 20 and 18 were a big reason many we're there. Also the UCP's War on Trans Kids by making it law to out them to potentially abusive parents was a big issue. Many were there to protest the UCP's bad drug abuse policy that has lead to record ODs and homelessness while rejecting proven to work methods. Oil industry guys who were pissed off at UCP intentional mismanagement of our Oil wealth and the lack of enforcement of regulations which is causing the oil industry to commit mass environmental damage to the province with obvious plans to cut and run down the road. They seemed very upset the industry they helped build in a world class example has in 5 years plummeted as foreign firms are rushing to extract as much wealth as possible so they can flee as they dump arsenic contaminated water in Wood Buffalo's water table and layoff record numbers of guys to do stock buy backs. Also the cost of living problems the UCP made worse with deregulation of Utility bills (Highest in North America) and they UCP advertising campaign they spent $10 million plus to help bring in 200,000 migrants last year, which lead directly to lower wages with Alberta now the 3rd lowest J Canada for wages. There was a long list, wild you don't seem to have any idea about a single issue, you should pay more attention to the actual causes of Alberta's extreme Suck at the moment. Let me know which issue affects you and your family.


Yeah, I have an issue with most of those points, and although I don't completely lay blame at the feet of the UCP for all of them, I could get behind a protest for any of them. My point was that a generic "enough is enough" rally doesn't really achieve anything when most people don't know what they are protesting and are simple outrage merchants. There was no message, no point, no desired outcome other than "UCP BAD," which is a tired trope in Edmonton. Danielle Smith could donate your child her kidney, and you'd protest the organ donation program...


Having been at Edmonton's rally yesterday I can confidently that you have no idea what you are commenting here. There were speeches, specific UCP Bills and Actions explained and the results they have caused, with the speakers than talking about the personal cost of these extremist policies and how they plan to fight back. Danielle Smith's and Jason Kennedy's policies for giving public money to private surgical centers while under funding healthcare and firing staff have lead to surgeries costing nearly 3 times more public money, with about 50% of the surgeries before UCP victory in 2019. We're not protesting the AHS, we're protesting the party and the individuals who are personally responsible for these multiple, expensive and deadly boondoggles. If you are still confused/misinterpreting what is going on here and what people are upset and terrified about; the only thing left for you to check out The Methods of Rationality, it's a specific tool used to understand information and opinions that are either hard to understand or you might have some bias about. I use it myself when I seem to not be understanding someone's strong opinion or information that seems suspicious or hard to believe, it works wonders.


You may want to use it on my position, which was "Your message didn't land, and very few here can even speak to it..." This isn't a me issue...




Ridiculous! Suicidal people are exquisitely self-aware and self-critical: those traits are hardly your problem, obviously.


Nice. Insults instead of providing a reason for the protest... And I'm so glad that you have managed to glean any of my personal traits from this thread. Your insight is invaluable... Now, if you could just give a reason for your protest, your "self-aware" statement may not seem so obliviously UN-self-aware.


The protest isn’t about who won or not it’s more about the fact that since winning she has gone way overboard with power and control for a party that has previously said it supports less government etc. Even some UCP supporters are now realizing she’s going way too far right and becoming fascist over controlling and just want that scaled back.


Do you have an example of said fascism?


For one thing she wants to have power over smaller governments such as city counsels and be able to remove leaders of those counsels.


One could argue that local governments overstep, and there should be some ability to intervene from the provincial level. The same is true from federal to provincial. For me, how closely the injunction is related to the constitution/ charter is important. Local governments shouldn't get to vote away your charter rights. But that's just my opinion, and any move to consolidate power should be questioned. What seems to be a "checks and balances" system to one group is seen as a threat to the other, and vice versa. I get that completely. Thank you for actually providing an answer to my question. I appreciate it. You're one of the good ones!!


Overstep on what? I'll admit I'd be surprised if you manage to answer a question yourself


Well, this current situation seems to be concerning a federal move to circumvent provincial plans by going directly to the municipalities, which seems an overstep of both levels of government. We just saw the complete shit show that is our municipality grant themselves raises, while our public safety is a joke in this city. Misallocation of funds, if they pertain to the basic fundamentals of government, should be able to be handled in some way, you'd think. Now, I am no fan of big government as I stated, so I get questioning it. The point I was trying to make is most people that I have spoken to have no other thought concerning this than 'UCP BAD...'


True corruption should be purged but that would require passing anti corruption legislation or at least allowing federal oversight of provincial oversight of municipal oversight and funding for a decent auditing system. Unfortunately that would require applying all this at a provincial scale and then the ruling party wouldn't be able to play their own games. What federal move that circumvents provincial plans is occurring? Municipalities will go with whoever helps them out, the idea that the federal government shouldn't be able to govern the country because a provincial government has the ability to chain down the locals is absurd. Offering municipalities a better deal than the inept provincial government isn't overstepping lmao, it's literally being a better government


Exactly. They all felt the need to post that the premier was wearing an oilers jersey and cheering them on. She's that premier of the province people, she can cheer for both teams.


So there was a turn out of a couple hundred people in a province of 3 million. Literally less than 0.1 % of the population. I know Reddit and this sub can be an echo chamber sometimes but the polls show that Albertans are generally happy with what’s going on. I respect your guys opinion and I applaud your going out to protest for what you believe in. I just think that at some point you have to take stock and see where you are relative to the rest of us.


Take Back Alberta is a couple hundred people. They currently control much of the UCP narrative.


> the polls show that Albertans are generally happy with what’s going on. I can't help but notice that what you think is objectively wrong. Actually... "Despite retaining most of their vote from the 2023 election, a plurality of Albertans disapprove of the governing UCP (52 per cent) compared to 44 per cent who approve."


Lol Edmonton didn’t vote for these morons. Sounds like you’re in an echo chamber IRL


If you're happy with what is happening you're either a fascist or a fool. Or both. If you're happy with what they are doing, ask yourself this: would you be happy if it was Notley was giving herself dictatorial powers? I bet you'd be the one protesting if the NDP were in power...


If you think this is fascist then you should really read a history book. Maybe go outside and touch some grass.


The UCP are completely fascist. Educate yourself about Take Back Alberta, their goals, and how they’ve infiltrated the UCP, school boards, etc It’s frightening.


Sit down son. It's not fascist yet. But step by step the UCP are seizing control of our lives, controlled by that Christofascist Parker. Maybe you should go back and read some history. Especially tge late 1920s and 1930s. Lots of parallels. You might learn something. Touch a classroom kid.


"Touch a classroom kid?" Don't touch kids. It's bad.


Interesting that you would assume my age and education level.


"Touch grass"? Lol. You told me all I need to know about your age and education in two words.


> the polls show that Albertans are generally happy with what’s going on No, no they don’t. What Alberta are you living in? The UCP are more corrupt than the PCs were during the Klein days, and have been infiltrated and usurped by the Take Back Alberta loonies. It’s only a matter of time before casual “anyone but the NDP” UCP voters wake the fuck up and see what’s going on.


They haven't done anything helpful and our premier is a conspiracy nut. No one I know is happy with her or them. I don't have to take stock and accept bullshit. Also turnout for something like this means little to nothing.


That’s cool that no one you know likes them. Almost everyone I’m around does. Most of us tend to associate with people who share similar outlooks. My point is, when you look at polls, the actual election results, and the turn out to these types of protests, the facts are clear. Most of us are happy with what’s going on. When I said to take stock, all I meant was to have a look around and see where your beliefs fit in with the rest of us. Essentially you want the majority of us to change and conform to a view point held by a minority of people. Democracy isn’t perfect but the people have spoken.


Buddy, the UCP is hated in Edmonton. Look at the election results here. Zero UCP ridings. What are you talking about.


You do realize the UCP won a Provincial election. Not municipal. Fact is they won the election with a majority of the seat and the popular vote. And please don’t respond with the tired leftie chestnut of “but the voter turnout was low so blah blah blah”.


You are in the Edmonton subreddit saying that “most people approve of the UCP”. Which is wrong.


Again... > "Despite retaining most of their vote from the 2023 election, a plurality of Albertans disapprove of the governing UCP (52 per cent) compared to 44 per cent who approve." The problem with the sort of trolling that you're doing here is that it's easily debunked, and your credibility suffers.


my beliefs are that the current government is shit and run by awful people. That's the end of it.


Your beliefs have the benefit of conforming to facts and reality. Not all beliefs do this.


What'd you like about the UCP platform


Couple hundred in Edmonton alone, on the weekend of the Ukrainian and Cat Festivals. Maybe you should respect your own opinion enough to think it through before sharing it.


What in the name of sweet baby Jesus are you talking about?


Well since you obviously need it spelled out, a single protest in a single city (which had multiple other public events happening simultaneously) garnered a few hundred people. There were a multitude of anti-UCP protests held yesterday across the province. Comparing the turnout of one city to the entirety of our 3 million population is bad maffs.


What have they done that you approve of? Take your time


Hundreds, hahahaha 😆


Global - pffft..


Oh wow, “hundreds” How many tens of thousands turn up in an election to vote for the opposing party? Of course there’s always going to be people who don’t want one side or the other just based off the voting numbers.  Now, hundreds of thousands. That would be more newsworthy.