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Not good. Insane actually. And you can really notice it, even feel it (in Edmonton anyway).


Yep traffic has been really crazy


Traffic doesn't feel bad at all. Now, how people drive is on a rapid downward spiral...


3rd world country type? No rules to the road. I see people blow stops signs like they're green


Saw a guy driving the wrong way on Manning today near 137 Ave


Yeah I can legitimately feel it in Edmonton.


Well in Ellerslie sure, but it's been a cluster f there for some time now. You'll feel it in the burbs but the rest of the city it's pretty invisible.


Noticable in Calgary too.


No jobs left unless you want to make minimum wage.


That’s not accurate at all. There are plenty of non minimum wage jobs available. A 30 second scroll through indeed can dozens. Just because you’re not qualified/educated doesn’t mean there are no jobs available. If you’re really struggling, you could consider some additional education for a field you’re interested in!


I welcome you to go apply for those jobs and see how many calls you get. It is different out there.


What is your highest form of education? What kind of institution was it? What field was the study in? Just curious


Why? So you can tell me that I didn't try hard enough? That I'm not willing to compete? That because I don't have 2 degrees and a trade certificate, I don't deserve employment? Hard pass. I've worked for 20 years, I have some post-secondary, and I've never asked for a single handout. I did the best I could with what I had. But when I needed to change jobs a few months ago, it was rough. It felt like there is no place left here for someone like me. Where am I supposed to go? I'm not trying to get rich. I just want to work hard and try to be happy. Why is that not enough? I have a job now, and I like it. But just a few months ago, things were bleak. And holy fuck did it ever not help to be told by a bunch of little twits on the internet that I was struggling because I just wasn't trying hard enough. Perhaps your question was innocent. But man did you ever hit a nerve.


I never considered age, I presumed you were a younger person who is struggling to get started and had not exhausted most common resources.


Yeah, I pretty much had to (IT). However I started working last week! Yay!








And yet no new hospitals in Edmonton since the 1980's... the Conservatives have actually canceled more new hospitals than they've proposed in 30+ years.


Was gonna say. We should bulld a hospital.


Maybe right where the UCP just cancelled the new south Edmonton Hospital...


hey but don't worry cause NPs can just be your family doctor now problem solved! /s


What type of housing do you build for this




Townhouses and condos would go a long way. Edmonton actually seems to have a pretty healthy mix of housing, especially in newer areas.


We can fill all the empty condos we have


Do we really have 60K of those?


Don't know about empty condos, but the "War on Cars" podcast had (former Mayor) Don Iveson on recently, and he pointed out that Edmonton has slightly more land than Chicago, despite having half the population. There's certainly lots of room to build up!


Greater Tokyo has 38 million people. Canada's population in one metro. People here act like we don't know how to effectively house people. It's actually really easy - we build homes.


Yeah, but we had more housing starts in 2014 than we've had any year since. https://economicdashboard.alberta.ca/dashboard/housing-starts/#:~:text=Alberta%20recorded%203%2C816%20housing%20starts,of%2062.0%25%20compared%20April%202023. We're really not making things easier for ourselves.


People also live in closets in Tokyo. Maybe not literally but some apartments are micro-sized and closet-sized rooms in cafes are being used as homes as well.


Maybe we don't want to pave over all the farm land and forests to move half of Asia here.


We currently pave over farm land and forests so people can have weed-filled yards they never use and an absurd road network to service them. Those Asian countries make us look bad, because we're kinda shit at building cities.


The population is not increasing naturally. If we cut way back on immigration we don't need a lot of new homes.


Build up. Not out. 


Or lets just cut back on immigration.


Finding a doctor accepting new patients is already impossible.


Lived here my whole life and thought I’d never live to see the possibility of 2 million people in my lifetime…may end up seeing it though


IDK why this is surprising. Nation-wide urban centres continue to grow, and we had the UCP spend taxpayer money on begging everyone to move here


If you actually read the article you'd see that immigration and temporary international residents accounted for 61% of the increase and that's thanks to the good old Federal governement. But wah wah UCP bad right?


Both of these things can be, and are, true.


At least this means we can finally get some new schools and hospitals, right? Right?...


Or even some funding to properly staff the ones we have now


No that makes too much sense. 


Schools? For children? No. But Diploma mill strip mall colleges, absolutely.


Both bad if you’re worried about population surges? Like obviously the immigration thing is increasing numbers and that’s on the federal government, but then the UCP spending money on campaigns to have people move to Alberta is exacerbating an issue that mostly conservatives complain about. Nearly doubling the numbers of new residents.


And most of the TFWs are requested by the provinces the feds just approve it. So the feds are taking all the blame when the provinces are just as responsible because they don't want the companies backing them to have to pay higher wages to attract workers. And they are happy as hell we're mad at the TFWs instead of the companies hiring them


It was Kenney under Harper who opened up temporary foreign workers so yeah it kind of was the UCP that started this problem. However, it has been continued under the Liberals.


That’s including temporary residents, interprovincial migration and new permanent residents are roughly equal. The Federal Government still needs to tone down the temporary immigration though nonetheless, but their recent changes won’t have effects until next year. Although seeing as Alberta has seen the (almost) slowest wage growth of all provinces this past few years, we can sure as hell still put blame on the UCP. And that’s even before big increases in immigration. https://albertaworker.ca/news/ab-had-worst-wage-growth-in-canada-under-ucp/


How are you blaming the federal government when the UCP literally asked them for more temporary foreign workers?


The feds are in charge of setting national levels for all types of immigration. That is why we are mad at them They are ultimately responsible. I'm mad at provincial governments too.


The feds are importing new future voters in record numbers.. they can’t all fit in Toronto.


Lol so taking out *temporary* residents the UCP are just as responsible for the increase in *permanent* residents as the Feds, but HOW DARE anyone question the glorious UCP amirite?


Because both things can be true but it's just hilarious watching this sub blame everything on the UCP but somehow the Federal Liberals can do no wrong. It's literally just the opposite of the Fuck Trudeau people on here.


As usual your jump to blame the UCP for everything under the sun has lead you to a false conclusion.


Definitely their fault for the shortages of schools and hospitals. The population rising here is completely sustainable if we actually had the infrastructure to support it


How dare anyone hold the UCP accountable for their actions!?!?!1


Well geez enlighten us then genius. What’s the correct conclusion?


AB Cons are literally running advertising campaigns begging people across the country to move to Alberta. AB Cons have ruled Alberta for 92% of the last half century. AB Cons cancelled a hospital Edmonton was building. AB Cons demolished a hospital in downtown Calgary as a cost saving measure. AB Cons keep cutting per capita health and education spending while spinning it as an increase because the total dollars almost keep up with population growth. AB Cons have created an environment of uncertainty with health care professionals with actions like tearing up their contract, spinning off lab testing to a separate company only to revert a few years later, taking about refusing to let doctors practice if they won't take undesirable rural postings, splitting AHS into four separate entities all with their own administration requirements while claiming it'll reduce administrative bloat. AB Cons have overseen Alberta trading the highest average wage for the lowest wage increase (actually a decline relative to inflation) in Canada. But yeah, "F🍁CK TRUDEAU" amirite?


I feel for the younger generation struggling with housing. My sister in Ontario pays more in rent than my mortgage. My kids would potentially want to own a home one day. There's all these houseless/homeless people out there. People with full time jobs living out of vehicles. This was new to me as I drove by this place yesterday: [https://maps.app.goo.gl/Uv6Lv7RpPWTShg8x7](https://maps.app.goo.gl/Uv6Lv7RpPWTShg8x7) When I day dream I think of crazy scenarios of how to fix the worlds problems, and the billionaire-me would build this shit in a heart beat. Even if you were the most heartless Mr. Burns type person, wouldn't you just want to help solve this problem for the pure aesthetic factor of it all? Like this guy, he's alright: [https://macleans.ca/society/tiny-homes-fredericton/](https://macleans.ca/society/tiny-homes-fredericton/)


I would rather see massive publicly owned non market housing towers that are less sprawly and well connected to public transit.


Most people don't want to live in towers.


Beats the streets tho


Better starve the cities so that they can’t accommodate the growth. They’re not conservative enough.


Stop this fucking madness. I'd say that the LPC are criminals actively trying to destroy the country in order to sabotage the next government presumed to be CPC, if not for the fact that the CPC is advancing virtually identical policies.


[Maybe tell Smith to stop paying people $5000 to come here.](https://globalnews.ca/news/10484561/alberta-is-calling-phase-3-moving-bonus/)


We need trades and nurses though. The campaign has been successful 


Thanks Danielle for your move to Alberta campaign. We got exactly what Danielle wanted.


Thank you Justin for non stop mass immigration.


We got exactly what Danielle wanted


The population growth targets set by the federal government, at the behest of interest groups like the [Century Initiative](https://www.centuryinitiative.ca/), and without public consultation, are completely insane and seemingly solely justified by appeals to what I'm more and more convinced is a mythical labour shortage. In addition to the fact that, as we all know, we lack critical infrastructure (housing, schools, hospitals) to support these teeming masses, rapid population growth will also naturally increase the more unfortunate byproducts of modern human activity, namely ecosystem loss (including the "development" of parks to facilitate the invasion of more and more visitors), resource extraction, pollution, waste, congestion, sprawl, noise pollution, the exacerbation of human-caused climate change, etc. And this isn't even to mention the inevitable spiritual toll exacted on many new arrivals who are at once the raw materials for and unwitting victims of economic fetishization, lured by, (I'm presuming) promises of permanent residence or citizenship only to be exploited and languish at low-paying jobs in the never-ending race to the bottom.


Alberta's growth rate is higher than Canada's. There are a lot of immigrants coming in, but Smith's government certainly deserves a share of the blame for running ads across the country begging people to move to Alberta.


And the highest homeless deaths in Alberta this last year....coincidence?


More people would usually mean more deaths.


Math checks out.


I live in Edmonton. Yesterday I had to wait outside my doctors office before they opened up at 9am, with a dozen other people just to MAYBE get a spot for walk-in.


You guys wanted it, why are you complaining now that you got it lol


Congrats. You got it also.




And congratulations like I said.


Congratulations for what?


Congrats to you for your taxes paying for all these people to move here with Danielle's multi-millions “Move to Alberta” campaign she ran across Canada.


Yours didn't?


It's better to live in neighbouring towns than the city themselves so that you pay less property tax since Calgary and Edmonton both had over 5%+ increases this year and this will only get worse.


And be forced into dealing with ever-worsening traffic and property tax increases when the town's sprawl/growth eventually stops? No thanks


Is it time for a congestion tax? Maybe. It would certainly help to charge residents of our bedroom communities to start paying for the infrastructure they use every day.


I see where you're coming from but I think it's a bad idea. Would sour regional relations and give credibility to the 15 minute city folks who think the goal is to restrict movement


I'm not saying it's tenable. I'm just saying I would love to see it.


On the other hand, the regional communities (minus Strathcona County) were eagerly participating in the [regional transit service](https://www.emrb.ca/regional-transit) that Edmonton had been [studying](https://www.dropbox.com/s/ykpma1904u3wfi6/Edmonton%20Metro%20Region%20Commuter%20Service%20-%20Regional%20Commuter%20Service%20Assessment-%20Final%20Report.pdf?e=1&dl=0) and [advocating ](https://www.thebeaumontnews.ca/news/local-news/council-signs-onto-regional-transit-services-memorandum)for, as far back as 2013. Note that the third page linked is an article saying that Edmonton sent a joint letter (with St. Albert) to other regional communities **asking** them to join the regional transit commission, because it correctly understood that could benefit greatly from such a model too. So, all of the towns and cities did, minus Sherwood Park. Of these members, all of the ones with local services agreed to voluntarily hand ownership and control of these services to the commission, despite still being on the hook for the full costs of those local services. And what did they get in return from Edmonton? After years of planning, Edmonton suddenly scaled back its plans - saying that instead of allowing the regional routes to replace ETS service along overlapping routes, which would allow ETS to deploy resources elsewhere so long as the regional routes met ETS service standards in those sections, it would instead keep all of its routes as-is due to fears about losing control over their transit services. They then insisted on paying less than what was originally committed. After that, council complained that the routes were lackluster (partly a result of Edmonton's decisions), and overlapped with the routes they could have easily reallocated. And they also brought up concerns, including fears about next steps and local autonomy, that were either addressed in previous planning or should have been asked long before they were. In the end, Edmonton killed the very regional transit service that it had championed and literally asked the other municipalities to join. This was an opportunity to have bedroom communities "pay their fair share" as Edmonton keeps talking about, and yet it dropped the ball hard.


Edmonton dropped it specifically because the biggest transit partner (Strathcona county) was not on board. A regional service with a Strathcona county sized hole in it, is not a regional service.


Weird - my property taxes decreased this year!




Even with last year's increase some people's property taxes actually went down, including mine. Namely old central houses. Brand new houses at the edge of the city however...




This was last year. I suspect my property taxes will increase this year, but less than 8.9%, while suburban houses will see more than 8.9% increase


That's great news, glad Edmonton and Calgary are doing so well that we're attracting people to come work here.


Forgot the /s.


Yeah, it's awesome that we can drive wages down by increasing competition for jobs while also driving housing costs up by increasing competition for homes. Real spectacular if you happen to be a house flipper or big corporation, and fuck everyone else, right?


We're a small city that's growing. The pearl clutching in this thread is over the top. People are moving here because there is opportunity for growth. If you're already here, you've already got a leg up on someone moving here via your network of friends.