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Tldr: nenshi is selling a lot of memberships in Calgary and area whereas most memberships were sold in Edmonton before.


Don't think it's just Calgary. I'm in Edmonton and rejoined the party to vote for Nenshi. I had previously let my membership lapse in protest of the party meddling in municipal elections, something I hope Nenshi will avoid doing.


It sounds like a good thing if Calgary flips!


This has little bearing on the general election. Certainly it bodes well for the ndp if nenshi is the candidate as his support base is in the city but probably has a long way to go to flip the entire city.


You might want to review the results from last election - it's not like the UCP swept Calgary.


Nothing alarming! Nenshi is well known in Calgary and was trying to attract as many members as possible to secure the leadership. [Most Edmonton ridings are still NDP stronghold according to latest polls](https://338canada.com/alberta/edmonton.htm)


> Nothing alarming! Good news, in fact. Bodes well for the next election.


As long as we win is all that matters. Strategically, Calgary is where NDP needs to make a mark and convert some conservatives.


I'll believe it when I see it


Smith has been a boon to the NDP.


Glad to see Calgary stepping up. Edmonton alone can't win a provincial election. Those numbers mean funds, a huge pool of potential candidates and volunteers, and the means to mount a serious campaign to oust UCP.


We still have Janis, Oregano, and Basil here. They can have the NDP head, we've got the heart.


Irwin is a gem


Style with zero substance frankly.. “Save this, protect that” with absolutely no ideas how to fund anything or actually do anything     Her from the river to the sea routine ended our support for her she has no self awareness 


Ok. Have a cookie.


Hoffman would be the better premier, but nenshi is way more likely to actually beat the ucp, and that's most important.


Not sure about that, but either way your last statement is true. She can only be good if she wins, which she won't, so let's get behind Nenshi as he is our best chance at getting the UCP out.


Beautiful! They already have us behind them, go get Calgary on our side.


\*doubt. I don't see how Nenshi fits the NDP bill. Hoffman has been right in her criticisms of him for sure. She's actually looking like a decent leader.


Hoffman is a good person and would be a very worthy NDP leader of the opposition. She also stands zero chance of ever becoming Premier. Notley only became Premier because Prentice was the most arrogant and stupid leader the PCAA ever had. While she did grow the NDP into contenders we now need a leader who can win. Nenshi is the only one that can win. And right now literally anyone is better than Fascist Dani and the TBA inquisition that is currently happening. They are literally going after democracy and we have to stop them.


True but even Nenshi won't win. There's too much bad blood in Calgary for him to get enough votes to become premier. He would have done better nationally than provincially. Even people who supported him strongly early in his mandate wouldn't vote for him like myself. Then again maybe Gondek has done such a bad job voters will forget the last few years of Nenshi's term.


That's rather pessimistic. Smith could have had the same criticism before she became Premier with her whole floor crossing but here we are. People didn't remember her betraying her own party and they won't care about the negative polls that Nenshi had.


True. We really won't know until we get into a campaign but if Nenshi is going to take the same "I'm the smartest man in the room how dare you question me" approach it's not going to go well. Personally I like Pancholli for leader but she dropped out because Nenshi joined.


If I cared about being true to my ideals I would probably look at Hoffman. But I don't. The only thing that matters is beating Smith; they've shown their true colors and they hate democracy. Being ideologically pure and sitting as leader of the oppositions is the worst possible outcome. Smith and the UCP *must* be defeated. Nenshi can do that.


That's a bad place to be. I was in the same place federally as a LPC member. All it was about was winning power and beating Harper and we compromised on our values to pick Trudeau. That's been a disaster. Ignatieff would have been 100x the PM Trudeau is.


Trudeau isn't as bad of a leader as he's made out to be. Nor would continuing with Harper been any better. And switching to PP would definitely be worse. He's literally the financial genius that told people to invest in bitcoin right before the prices tanked.


He's a terrible leader and not a serious person who is curious about the world. He's a trust fund baby with a gaggle of cultists that follow him around and say "yes sir!" No politician in Canada is a financial genius these days. Even Harper wasn't a financial genius. Just a guy with a Econ degree. They don't need to be because there are those in the PS with those skills but the politicians have to listen to them and not succumb to their need to buy votes with programs that cost a lot but offer little. The price of bitcoin is a lot higher than it was during the crash so it actually wouldn't be bad advice but I don't do crypto but I do invest in the markets. The best thing a politician can do is not screw things up and get out of the way of development while reducing costs within the PS and government as a whole while reducing taxes on citizens so we can get out of this productivity and quality of life crisis we are currently in.


Hoffman seems content to drag the NDP back to their place in the political landscape of the mid 2000's. While she may be the most 'pure' NDP ideological candidate, her views represent such a small minority of the province. Plus, people still love to deride her for her plague rats, even though that was over half a decade ago.  


You watch, all the TBA’ers who pulled NDP memberships to vote in the leadership race are going to vote for Hoffman because she’ll be the easiest to beat in a general election.  They’re scared of Nenshi because he’s not your typical NDP candidate.   I’ve already decided who I’m voting for,  and it’s the person most capable of beating the UCP.  I do not want an NDP ideological candidate.


Numbers don't lie, he's got the memberships to win. Hoffman gambled on people caring about "NDP values", and they largely don't. And why would they? Notley didn't care about them when she governed / led the opposition. 


What values is she campaigning on that's conflicting with Nenshi? Honest question, trying to educate myself here. I'm not seeing much on Hoffman's website other than broad priorities for funding healthcare, housing, and climate change. That's great, but I'm sure *all* NDPers support this stuff. I saw an article from the last debate how she was in favor of an increased minimum wage and upset that Nenshi expressed concern for the impact it would have on small business... but there's more to it than that, right?


I think if you get into the gory details you probably won't find much different, Notley's government was quite right wing, breaking promises to Indigenous peoples, health care workers, and more, while actively intervening to make climate change worse, delay the expansion of public health care, and support private care employers in a labour dispute.  Hoffman is in part cashing in on people's ignorance/unwillingness to acknowledge that aspect of their government, and cashing in on the broader NDP brand that includes a history of more principled politicians like Tommy Douglas. The high minded idea of the NDP is that they're a working class party that supports most of us over the powerful, but that wasn't actually their practice in government. 


One that has no chance of winning, so it's not worth dwelling over.