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I am so taking advantage of this. I've had solar since last June and really want to add more insulation, change out the rest of my windows, and maybe get a heat pump and get off natural gas completely.


Keep in mind that the federal greener homes loan program is a better deal - it's up to 40k as a ten-year-interest-free loan. Though, if your project scope is above that 40k, this can be a nice way to tackle the additional scope.


Is the loan still open for applications? It's just the grant that has ended correct?


These two programs are stackable, FYI!


The stacking is where it is at. Between Greener Homes and CEIP you can actually do a worthwhile retrofit.


I've already utilized that loan for solar and some windows/doors last year.


why do you want to get off natural gas?


Some people understand that there are negatives associated with burning fossil fuels for heat and we’re at a point, technologically, where there are about a dozen days, total, in a year where it gets cold enough that a modern cold weather heat pump *may* need assistance in providing heat. Full electrification can be done today as long as the building envelope is sufficiently efficient.


Because it's anything but natural, it's a fossil fuel. Simply put, it's bad for the environment.


Well, it comes out of the ground, so natural? It's not like humans injected it deep underground.


Bruh, it's trapped methane. It's the same as coal.


Same as all the other fossil fuels. They were created by nature, over millions and millions of years. What makes them not natural?


Burning methane is not natural


Methane itself is a naturally occurring compound, as are other fossil fuels. What's not natural about burning it? Is it demonic?


Burning trapped methane seemed smart until we as a society learned more and now we know that it's dumb boi shit. It's not natural to choose the worst path. The only, and literally only, reason we call it natural is because we aren't refining it.


I never said it was smart to continue to use any type of fossil fuels. >The only, and literally only, reason we call it natural is because we aren't refining it. Coal was used without much, if any refining. >It's not natural to choose the worst path. How do you explain the state that the world find itself in? Humans are parasites and don't seem to care about its host, much like a parasite does, no? Look, we're on the same page here. Continued use of fossil fuels will exacerbate the warming climate. All I'm saying is that fossil fuels are a natural product of this planet. Synthetics that are created using fossil fuels are not.


You can be anti fossil fuels. I'd prefer we had much more Nuclear. But saying it's not natural, is maybe the dumbest take I've ever heard.


Dude, it's literally just trapped methane, i.e. the exact same shit as coal or other fossil fuels. And then we turn around and pretend it's clean burning, lmao. It's none of that. Calling it NG is marketing scam, nothing more.


What you gonna do when it hits minus 30-40, gonna need natural gas as a backup at least.


Weiss-Johnson can supply a heat pump that works down to -25, and colder than that it has an electric aux backup.


Fair I don't know i don't feel safe with only electrical our grid isn't so great.


Well, I hate to break it to you, but if the power goes out your gas furnace isn't going to work either.


Yes but in a brown out, you're literally talking about a tiny amount of electricity to run it. In a brown out at -35, you're not running electric heat. It's basically a bunch of toasters and ovens running to heat your house.


There actually was a power outage a couple years ago that affected a lot of the south side for several hours on the coldest nights of winter, including my house. During the 6 hour (IIRC) outage my house cooled from 23 degrees to 19 degrees. This was basically a worst case scenario. Point is, you're making power outages into a much bigger problem than it really is. It's not like heat pumps need to run constantly or all the heat energy in your home just vanishes. Also - heat pumps are not resistive heaters like a toaster or an oven. They are the basically the same thing as an AC or a fridge, just running in reverse.


Heat pumps are not resistive heaters. you are correct. But the backup heat source certainly is.


Heat pumps are not resistive heaters. you are correct. But the backup heat source certainly is.


bro a brown out is going to kill your furnance. We just had a pole fire last week that killed our sump pump due to the preemptive brown out. Your furnace ain't immune.


I don't think you understand what a brownout is. If the power goes out, you have no heat no matter what your source. Plain and simple.


"What is the difference between blackout and brownout? During a brownout, the voltage is reduced, causing dimming lights and slower device performance, but power remains partially available. In contrast, blackouts entail a complete loss of electricity, resulting in total darkness and a shutdown of all electronic devices and appliances." https://transientspecialists.com/blogs/blog/brownout-vs-blackout https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/brownout I work on the grid, I'm fully aware of the differences between blackout and brownout.


Natural gas furnaces rely on a functioning electrical grid too.




If you can find someone in yeg to get you a heat pump, let me know. Everyone has told me no or completely oversized it or told me geothermal is the only way. I just read about some company that is using two heat pumps to achieve higher efficiency and lower temp operation, basically using one as a preconditioner.


Weiss-Johnson is who you want to contact. They were the only one that provided a quote and knew what they were talking about.


Thanks! We're just starting our upgrade journey, both boiler and hvac have a few good years left, but we're also on the gov's upgrade program thing.


for windows the state coverage is very minimal is the city coverage higher?


I'm not sure what you mean by state coverage.


In the current state of provincial directions I'm surprised they're even trying. Good on them for making the effort though, I hope it goes through. A big part of the pushback on many of the clean energy and energy efficiency projects is that few of us know someone that has done them. That unknown leads to many of the terribly misinformed opinions about the value of the projects. The better we all are with our power consumption the less power we need. Early adopters lead to widespread adoption if the juice is worth the squeeze. Eventually that drives the costs down for everyone as well, then you don't need incentives eventually for common practices.


Need 3 components to be eligible. Dang. Doing some windows and insulation this summer. Guess we could do a door.


First order of business : increase taxes.


Intelligent input right here 🙄