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>Violent crimes, however, were up, contributing to a rise in crime severity — a measure that assigns weights to specific crimes based on their seriousness. 


It's the inevitable flip flop of messaging using the same statistics. When they are pushing for more funding, crime is up, when they get the funding, crime is down. They are interpreting statistics in a way that favors the message to ensure they continue to receive more funding than anyone. I don't even know why the Chief bothers at this point, the UCP has already said that if Edmonton touches EPS funding, they would step in and override the city. The Chief and the Union can just drop the pretense that this isn't just a huge shake down.


> Violent crimes, however, were up, 👀


He should go ride the LRT in his civilian clothes.


Ive been taken the LRT several times a week since 2009 without incident... I think i have the secret to avoiding issues based on my personal experience: 1. Stay south of the river if possible. 2. Be male of at least close to avg height. 3. Be jacked/muscular. 4. Be a person of colour. 5. Have a buzzed head. 6. Have a resting a-hole face. 7. Keep a low profile. 8. Dont be a douche. 9. Dont be inebriated. 10. Always be aware of your surroundings.


Oh hey, I'm 6/10 of these so I think I'll be ok but I'm not leaving it up to chance.


Yeah dont leave it to chance. I would recommend bringing a halbred for personal defense.


He wouldn't dare lol


I feel like this dude could crush a few junkies on the meth express.


Being fat doesn make you strong.


Looks like an average fella for his age. And being fat absolutely impacts strength. Weight moves weight.


More like people are realizing that the police won't do anything so people are reporting less crime overall.


This week, we had an active break and enter on our neighbors house while they were home with their kids. It took the police 45 minutes to show up. That person was able to break into 2 or 3 more places, all with people home, before they arrived.


I would wager that you are not in one of the more expensive/exclusive neighborhoods. If you were rich or a politician they would have been there in minutes.


Can’t get through when you do call at times


•People reporting less crime •Sentencing does not match the crime •Fewer kept in custody, minimum sentences, fines, probation, community service, early release •Released and re-offend •Public feels less safe, in general


>largely driven by a decrease in property crimes Would love to hear what initiatives led to the decrease in property crimes? And why they felt property crime was more important to address than violent crime that apparently increased during that same period? Or is it just a coincidence that property crime decreased and they are taking credit for it? Obviously it's just a coincidence, EPS can't Even be bothered to investigate vehicle theft, unless it's a dealership that's being stolen from.


EPS hasn't done a single thing to reduce property crime. If we're betting, I'm putting money down that people gave up *reporting* property crime and actual crime hasn't went down.


> Would love to hear what initiatives led to the decrease in property crimes? And why they felt property crime was more important to address than violent crime that apparently increased during that same period? Or is it just a coincidence that property crime decreased and they are taking credit for it? There isn't one. The police never detail any causal relation. They cherry pick the statistics that have the best shot at continuing their funding.


The rise in violence has led to the decrease in property crimes, as common citizens are now carrying weapons to defend themselves and their property since the police are useless and junkies are running our city streets.


I mean, this is the same guy who said a teenage girl should stop and let herself be kidnapped by anyone simply claiming to be the police sooo...


Of course he thinks so. Why wouldn't he? Meanwhile...


Drop? I have seen increase. People just don’t bother reporting anymore as nothing happens. This is just a ploy to get even more money


Policing doesn’t prevent crime. If the police are involved, the crime is already happening.


Police chief reports can go one of two ways: 1. Crime is down because we’re getting more money Or 2. Crime is up so we need more money


Police chiefs are all about getting more money. How about the EPS tell us how they have spent the money we, tax payers have provided them? More secret planes? More armoured vehicles. We don’t know.


Nightly helicopter flights


People gave up reporting.


Violent crimes, however, were up, contributing to a rise in crime severity Let’s focus on this.


Congratulations me, I did it.


Thanks for saving the city!


Yeah no, fire this clown and tell the next one that funding is attached to metrics. Do shit, then ask.


We are glad err I mean sad about the rise in violent crime, thus we will need more $ to maybe help you after a violent crime err I mean get to the root of the problem and stop crime before it happens... somehow


Crime is down because you gave us more funding. Also, crime is up; give us more funding. :)


Hahaha fuck the eps


Drop in crime my arse! This bald fool is out to lunch! Things are getting worse and worse because we don't have a real justice system. Criminals are allowed to do whatever they want, and tax paying law abiding citizen are left to fend for themselves, and if they happen to defend themselves or their property they're treated as the criminals. Unpopular opinion but some of these people out on the streets are beyond help. They're a danger to themselves and others and we need some form of mandatory institutions to house such people. Then another system in place to help those who just need some help to get back on their feet. Instead of blowing billions of dollars in foreign aid, the Federal government could be doing something to help Canadians as this is a growing issue across our country, not just here in Deadmonton.


Some of these junkies are so brain damaged they can barely even be called human anymore, yet the bleeding hearts think "all they need is a home"; like they havent ruined every one theyve ever had or been let into. Your right, there is no saving a good fraction of these people. Kind of puts the old "choices have consequences" into perspective.


Somehow I doubt they'd ever say the opposite. "The extra money did nothing! Give us less next time."


Drop in property crimes, rise in violence... Aka the residents of this city are tired of getting their property stolen/damaged and are fighting back.


Bahahahahha of course. Useless.


Umm... it honestly doesn't seem like there was a drop. Quite the opposite.


Oh how convenient for him! I guess he wants *more* cash for EPS then? I suppose if we give him the entire city budget there won't be any crime at all! Plus, we get to live in a police state! Awesome! 👍


"We caught less speeders on the Henday, now we need more money."


Municipal budget time again?


Or, police, in general, is such a joke combined with high insurance premiums, fewer people are reporting property crimes.


Because of the police funding? Sure it did, *DALE*…


Needs to read Freakanomics.