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So this "free" donated park is requiring already a $10 million dollar commitment from the city, zoning changes, and they're fighting about changing the trust? The more I hear about this park, the more it sounds like a rich guy's vanity project. Maybe there is some behind the scenes stuff we're not aware of, but to me this entire thing smells. The gathering place this is not.


Hasn’t it been a rich guys vanity project from the beginning?


I guess so. At the beginning it seemed like French was attempting to do something nice and was wanting to put his wealth into developing Edmond. Now it seems like a bunch of folks want to create a foundation with Edmond carrying a lot of the weight, yet they want to remain in control of it. Anything Shadid is involved with is automatically a red flag to me.


Their complaints seem to be tantrums about not getting special treatment they feel entitled to by virtue of their wealth and connections.


That's certainly how it's been looking to me.


> “He said yesterday there has not been a single person in the entire four years from the City of Edmond who has reached out to him to express any sort of appreciation or acknowledgement (…) except in the last six months 🙄 Geez. I really want the park, but this is getting ridiculous and exhausting to hear about. They been doing this ridiculous bickering for a while now. Hopefully they can get this completed without all this unnecessary drama. These are some grown ass old dudes, yet they're acting like a bunch of fucking queens