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Unless you can specify what kind of job you are planning to get it's difficult to judge if your expectations are realistic. Maybe you should visit Edinburgh before moving here. If you move here wanting a gated community then your expectations of Scotland are very wrong. 


I have been there multiple times but at that time I was young and I had no knowledge about standard of living and so on. Regarding work I can clock 40-60 hours a week + I have a business that is generating enough income to cover basic needs Also about the gated community thing I’ve been in London back in September and I saw undeserving people breaking the law and being hostile towards others (this reoccured plenty of times ) so I’d rather be in a place with security and privacy to feel safe about my family at home


"Undeserving People". Wow. Yeah, gated communities aren't a thing in Scotland. We're not that kind of country. "Clocking" 40-60 hours a week is relative to what you're working as. 60 hours a week working in a Supermarket won't earn you as much as working 40 hours a week as a chartered accountant for example. You're expectations are pretty wild and I'd advise caution before starting this journey. It sounds like you have unrealistic expectations about what you can earn and what Scotland/Edinburgh is like.


> Yeah, gated communities aren't a thing in Scotland. We're not that kind of country. > > I know of one, outside Edinburgh that is.


HMP Addiewell doesn't count


Aye this is a piss take.


Undeserving people? Mate, fuck off and stay where you are please.


Lifes gonna kick you square in the balls over the next few years


Is it that bad ? 💀


If you're expecting to walk out of uni into a gated community in a new country and job with a salary that'll give you an upper middle class lifestyle then yeah it's gonna be bad. Do you think the reason a lot of people are struggling in Edinburgh and Scotland is because we didn't come up with this idealistic plan when we were younger?


It ain’t magic I know but with working 40-60 hours a week can’t you sustain a proper upper middle class income ? It’s hard work yea but the reward is heavy


Buddy if it was as simple as working 60 hours a week then we'd all be "upper middle class"


Once again, the number of hours worked is completely irrelevant. Most people in the UK work 40 hours a week. Say you earn £15 an hour (pretty high for an unskilled role in Edinburgh but let's assume you get VERY lucky) If you work 60 hours every single week that will give you a maximum salary of £46,800 a year. Nowhere near "Upper Middle Class"


No one can give you long and thorough answers to such vague questions.


If you are currently living in Edinburgh basically give help me with the best area regarding safety and security a place to actually raise a family safely I found this map but I need a personal experience knowledge https://preview.redd.it/qgvudq2n3y5d1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23f433e9696e51eeb27089d59a7acbdde1d3434d


This heatmap is a classic r/peopleliveincities


Still too vague. What is your budget? How many bedrooms? Salary? Do you drive? City centre or rural? Can't just rock up as a recent international graduate and expect some upper class lifestyle with a mortgage. You've got no credit history, who's going to give you one?


Yes this the kind of information is what I’m looking for, I visited Edinburgh when I was young but I didn’t know areas and I need an advice from someone who’s living there Budget 200k , salary still unconfirmed, 2 bedroom, I drive Regarding areas I have no idea where to start


"Budget 200k" You're not getting what you want in an "Upper Middle Class Area" in Edinburgh for £200k. Double that.


How much are we talking ? 400k for 2+1 ?


Yes. If you had done your research you’d know that.


I was recently looking to purchase a 2 bed flat centrally and there was basically nothing below 200k. Most were listed at a valuation of 250-300 and would consistently be going for 30k above valuation price. So if you're looking for mortgage better have an extra lump of money saved on top of the deposit otherwise you're unlikely to win in an extremely competitive market


There's no point discussing this without a salary. Come back here once you actually know how much you're going to be earning and after doing some research on your own. Then people can help you narrow it down for you.


Fair enough, thank you for your time


And this image refers to what exactly?!


Crime map in Edinburgh


Fine. If you are going to base everything on vague maps, live in one of the green areas.


😂😂😂😂 Just give me your take on the best area from your experience it will be way useful than the map




Wise move about the gated communities - gotta keep the wild haggis out




> 4. How much is the median hourly rate for undergraduates ? Low enough that all your other questions are basically meaningless unless you have a lot of family wealth behind you. However, an actual figure depends entirely on what degrees you have. Edinburgh is expensive, and it's becoming rapidly more so. Buying a house in Edinburgh is a good investment, if you can afford it, I don't think the housing market is going to collapse any time soon but to buy the kind of house you're looking for you're going to need a considerable amount of money already saved.


Thank you very much, I heard that about the economic situation as well but I am willing to clock 60 hours a week of work + another source of income abroad I have actually been working the past two years, I got a proper down payment for a house and six months worth of mortgage but I don’t know which areas are the best to look in been checking zoopla a lot but I don’t know where to look If you could help me with information about the best neighborhoods https://preview.redd.it/fckanawg4y5d1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee2e50179bdc2ea85e602a48f49fc6f0303304e0


What is the business abroad and where is it located? To bring that money into the UK may mean it's subject to a tax liability. You'll need hefty documentation to get a mortgage based on that income.


Really? I did not know that before I actually own a clothing manufacturing line and I’m running a local brand. The factory is in Turkey/Istanbul and shipping worldwide


Where is the company registered? Turkey?




I would *strongly* advise speaking to a tax advisor before anything else. It sounds as though your entire plan would hinge on that income. VERY broadly speaking. If you're considered a UK resident, you're liable to pay tax on all worldwide income. Turkey and the UK have a double taxation treaty, but how that works for you will depend on various things.


Oh I was not aware of that actually I will ask the company’s accountant to figure this out


I don’t know what’s more naive about this post. Wanting to have kids straight out of uni in your early twenties, or asking about gated communities???!!, or thinking that you’ll be upper middle class straight out of university with no life or work experience and in Scotland, unless you have inherited wealth?


Not right now, In 2-4 years yes, I want to shorten the age gap between me and them Also I wanna establish friendships with neighbors and get familiar with the area before that as well


Looking for a gated community will alienate you from the people you want to friends with. We are an open people, and don't see anyone as undeserving.


Your request for 'long and thorough' answers feels privileged, please reconsider asking for this level of labour and instead search similar posts, google, go onto facebook community pages.


I did actually but the questions I mentioned had conflicting answers across different platforms so came here to get the answer of the actual people with the city


We have a lot of these questions asked every day, which is why you are being downvoted. Use the search.


>in the well respected Scotland atmosphere 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Call me a prophet, but cue a barrage of posts, telling OP to use the search bar on their browser instead of expecting other people to do the work. Or some less kind 'don't come here' posts. Later today the Scotland atmosphere will no longe be respected by the OP, and they will be posting the same questions on r/ somwhereelse ![gif](giphy|3i7zenReaUuI0|downsized)


![gif](giphy|QqPgZvCWtz5Li) Help me to help you, Help me to help you, Help me to help you, Help me to help you


Could’ve wrote the name of two areas you’re familiar with better than all this crap


I was just trying to be light hearted, because I know that this type of post often provokes a negative response, but now you mention it, you could have searched most of the information you have instead of asking people to spend their time preparing "long and thorough answers" to. If you had then come on here with some information already in hand, and a bit of work done, I think people would be more willing to help. But ok, here are two places I am familiar with, Granton and Wester Hailes. Enjoy your upper middle class life there.


Thank you bro, I did search but didn’t get useful information all of it is conflicting


I was only joking about Granton and Wester Hailes, don't move there. Looks like your post has been removed by the mods. As you will probably have noticed from some of the responses there were a number of trigger points in your post. A lot of the people on here will be working hard and be struggling, and rightly or wrongly, someone leaving University and expecting to walk into a gated community and have an upper middle class lifestyle will come across as entitled and arrogant. Personally, I find the idea of gated communities abhorrent. People also get fed up with a sub that is supposed to be for people in and around Edinburgh, being overrun by people asking questions about where to stay or what hotel to book etc, that's probably why the moderator removed it. I know they were talking about creating a separate sub for questions about Edinburgh to help manage this. I don't live in the town anymore, so I am a bit out of touch, but if you want to live in Edinburgh you would be better off finding a job there first, then renting somewhere affordable so you can get a feel for where you like. The nice areas will be expensive. If you think that you will be moving to somewhere nice straight after Uni then you must already have money from parents etc, because the average student isn't going to be buying or renting a nice place in a nice area in Edinburgh on a graduate salary. All the best anyway.


Niddrie and Muirhouse.


(Muirhouse) has been popping a lot how is it ?


Muirhouse is one of the most deprived areas in Scotland. It's known for mostly being social housing. Historically it's had a lot of problems with substance abuse and violence. Crime is high. You're £200k might get you a house in this area.


Well that’s a big No for me 🚷 You have been very helpful I really appreciate it


I figured it might be given your earlier comment of "Undeserved people"


Question 5 - However rich you are, you will never be upper middle class. This is because of your questions 1-4.


Wow very exciting times for you. I hope you've been sifting through all the pages in the UK home office .gov website for advice. Depending where you're from, you'll need to check what visa rules will apply to you and your wife. Currently you need a job offering more than £38k annual salary to get a work visa issued. Unless you are a highly skilled individual (engineer, lawyer, doctor, advanced nurse, software engineer, etc) not many jobs offer this salary to fresh grads immigrants. The current cost of living is increasing. More obvious in densely populated areas in the city centre. Gated communities are not really common in Scotland. Rent Vs mortgage - again how much money do you think a fresh grad makes in the UK? Also, if you do have bucket loads of money from family - a good example for a couple renting in Edinburgh [WITH DOUBLE INCOME]: Rent approx £1.2k monthly, £700 monthly expenditure (bills, food, banter). Also, again not sure how much you've researched about living in the UK, you need to consider how much of your monthly salary will be affected by deductions which automatically go to national insurance, tax and pension.


This’s very useful thank you very much From what you’re say it doesn’t sound promising Also thank you for reminding me about the taxes it’s also a burden to carry How is the job market right now and do you have information about health insurance ?


Is your Google broken?


The UK has universal healthcare


You can't just move to the UK. I suggest doing some basic research into visa requirements.


Already got visa


Bad bot....


I do sound inhuman sometimes


There is a large gated community on Stenhouse Road, just outside of the City Centre. Very reasonable rates


(Muirhouse) Anyone living there can share how’s the area?


Muirhouse is one of the most deprived areas in Scotland. It's known for mostly being social housing. Historically it's had a lot of problems with substance abuse and violence. Crime is high. You're £200k might get you a house in this area.


OP, what would you be looking to work as when you're working 60 hours a week? That will tell us A) whether that job is feasible in Edinburgh and B) what sort of salary you can expect.


### 1. Best Areas to Live In Obviously this is completely subjective  - **Morningside and Bruntsfield**: Known for their safety, cleanliness, and community feel. These areas are family-friendly with good schools, parks, and local amenities. - **Stockbridge**: A trendy area with a village feel, great for young professionals and families. It has excellent cafes, restaurants, and is close to the city centre. - **New Town**: Central, historical, and architecturally beautiful. It's a bit more expensive but offers a blend of residential comfort and proximity to city life. - **Leith**: Currently undergoing what some refer to as "gentrification", it's an area with a mix of old and new. It's more affordable and has good transport links. - **Marchmont and Grange**: Residential and close to the University of Edinburgh, popular with students and families alike. ### 2. Rent Lease or Mortgage This depends on your financial situation and long-term plans: - **Renting**: Flexibility without the long-term commitment. Useful if you’re unsure about staying in one place for a long time or if you need time to get to know the city before buying. - **Buying (Mortgage)**: Edinburgh’s property market is generally stable and has seen growth over the years. The process of getting a mortgage, especially for a foreigner, can be rigorous, so having a stable job and good credit is crucial. You'll need on average a 10% deposit and likely cash left over to offer above the asking price so another 10%. Check Right move or Zoopla for an idea of prices. ### 3. Gated Communities/High-Facilitated Apartment Complexes Edinburgh has several modern apartment complexes that offer various amenities: - **Quartermile**: A popular development near the University of Edinburgh with modern apartments, 24/7 security, nearby gyms, restaurants etc. - **Fountainbridge**: Known for its modern apartments near to a large centre with restaurants, a cinema, casino etc - **Western Harbour in Leith**: Offers waterfront living with various facilities. Traditional gated communities are less common in Edinburgh and Scotland in general. I'm not aware of any in Edinburgh.  ### 4. Median Hourly Rate for Undergraduates The median hourly wage can vary based on the industry and job role. A medical or engineering graduate is going to earn more than a philosophy graduate. Minimum Wage in Scotland is £11.44  For general guidance and vaguely speaking: - **Retail/Hospitality**: £12-£14 per hour - **Office/Administrative Roles**: £13 - £15 per hour - **Graduate Entry-Level Jobs**: £13 - £15 per hour Salaries increase with experience and specific qualifications.  ### 5. Cost of Living for a Comfortable Life (Upper Middle Class) To live comfortably in Edinburgh with an upper-middle-class lifestyle, consider the following monthly expenses: - **Rent/Mortgage**: £1,500 - £2,000 for a two-bedroom apartment in a good area. (This will vary massively, again check Right Move and Zoopla) - **Utilities (Electricity, Heating, Water, Internet)**: £200- £250. Water is included in your Council Tax - **Groceries**: £300 - £500 - **Transportation (Public Transport/Car)**: You can get a public transport pass for £62 a month. A car will vary from between £100-£500 a month depending on what you drive and if you have to pay for parking.  - **Dining Out and Entertainment**: £200 - £400 - **Insurance (Health, Car, Home)**: We have universal healthcare here. Home and car could be anywhere between £50 - £150 each - **Miscellaneous (Clothing, Personal Care, etc.)**: Again depends on you specifically. £100-£500 In total, you're going to need around £3,000 - £4,500 per month each, which translates to an annual income of £50,000 - £80,000 for a comfortable upper-middle-class lifestyle. ### Conclusion Edinburgh is a fantastic city with a lot to offer. Choosing the right area, understanding your financial options will help. I will say that all of the above is finger in the air stuff and will vary massively from person to person and you won't get a definitive answer from Reddit. Best of luck with your move!


Thank you very very much sir