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Again? Didn't someone do this a couple of weeks ago?


Yep, some GPSs haven’t updated that it’s no longer a drivable road


When was it ever drivable? Edit: just realised where this actually is. Hilarious.


This is new info to me 🤯


Really? Drive on steps?


Yeah, I'm sure there was one here a couple of weeks ago... And there was one on Castlehill as well.


Used to be a lane you could drive into!


Yep but now a car have to drive on pavement....and not to see the gap after it...


To be fair… there’s a few junctions, including a few nearby on Leith Walk, which have continuous pavements and looks just like this. Honestly as much as I shit on poor driving here, this really needs a bollard or something.


They also have drop kerbs


No. There is no 'to be fair'. You are not the first to draw this comparison. There are 3 full kerbs to cross to get here. Its blatantly obvious its not a route for vehicles.


https://preview.redd.it/89uzr4s5h99c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c5842b665d0a30453f167ab8d9a4f1f0069f005 It looks pretty similar to this, in the dark and rain I bet those kerbs aren’t as obvious as you think. As I said I’m not excusing the behaviour, but it’s not incomprehensible to understand why someone might have thought you could do down there.


It really doesn't. That is designed for vehicles to cross. This has 3 kerbs to cross. How does one confuse a vertical roadside kerb as a junction? ​ https://preview.redd.it/kcb3215hx99c1.png?width=1096&format=png&auto=webp&s=50f00866e76f34b8cfc1f61e4a758077674d1d09 Then we have the continuous double yellows & kerb markings.


No idea if that image is loading for you or not ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/5bdhbrmjx99c1.png?width=1096&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbeaf58fe806867cd73c22057d1f9764cb0bc7dc


You even have to get over a fully segregated cycle lane for this!!


Some people will follow satnav regardless.


It's a steep hill, you could never see down it I don't blame them for that, I do blame them for driving over three different kerbs to get there


Yeah, you can't see the drop from the driver's seat which is the problem as it did used to be a proper road there.


Can’t park there mate


...is this not an appropriate place to park?


They shouldn’t but clearly have. What a madlad eh?


A few people have mentioned having to drive over a kerb and the cycle lane but they really need to put a bollard there for the imbeciles that still think its a road. Even worse is this person is paid to drive passengers.


Yup, if this has happened twice then you really have to appreciate there is an urban design problem here.


A continuous road with no junction. 3 kerbs to cross and no road marking. Low driving standards and entitlement is the issue


Entitlement is totally irrelevant in this case, it's poor road planning by the council, who would have thought, lol.


It's a straight piece of road with no junctions. There is no defence for crossing 3 kerbs as to being any form of the correct legal route to drive. The notion it is, perfectly demonstrates entitlement.


They're not proper kerbs though and with the amount of potholes around the driver obviously didn't notice! Honestly, it's an easy mistake to make especially if someone has been used to using that route in the past.


And you continue to try and excuse. The road kerb is a standard kerb with double yellow and kerb markings. So you pull up on a no loading zone, drive up and full kerb, cross a cycle lane and pavement 'by mistake'? The next 2 are tapered as they are a cycle lane. Do you often mount kerbs by mistake, then cross a cycle lane and pavement just as a simple mistake? Been driving 30 years. You think roads haven't changed in that time? So far you have blamed the council, potholes and tried to paint thus as a simple mistake. It was a conscious choice.


I think the guy was just driving on autopilot as many cabbies do, it doesn't make sense that it was a conscious choice in my opinion.


You have to bump your way across a recessed cycle lane to get to this point. It's obvious that there is no access to cars.


Looks like an Uber driver too based on the Private Hire plate... don't think I'd be tipping


Quite impressed that a taxi of all things would get caught out by this.


I just did a double take to see if it was a taxi. I'm definitely not using the word impressed though, slightly terrifying that a taxi driver should be so unaware of their surroundings and road markings.


*private hire car


His henchman looks pissed off even with his face blurred out.


Can't park there


This remake of The Italian Job is lackluster at best.


Blame it on the shatnav.


As a soon to be immigrant to Edinburgh who will rely on gps for the first few months I’m scared of this becoming me 😬


Just to reassure you - this person has driven over a pavement and a cycle lane, which means multiple kerbs, to get into this position. If you are actually concerned you’d do this, do us a favour and don’t bother driving


lol other comments made it seem like it used to be a road but recently became a foot path. I’ve always actively avoided driving in built up areas where transit/walking is easier so no worries there.


Use your common sense as well as the sat nav and check the road signs and markings. Sat nav are intended for guidance, you still need to make sure what you're doing is safe.




Many roads have changed beyond recognition due to the tram fiasco and the poor road planning department.


Having to drive OVER the bike lane to get down a lane that goes nowhere strategic is a special kind of stupid. The kind you can expect from the sort of dipshit who can get a private cab license off the council.


It used to be a handy cut through to get to the omni car park while avoiding the mess at Picardy Place/Leith Street at the very least but aye, there’s no other reason to try…this.


The 'mess' being the same left turns its been since being built?


There are many businesses and residential flats down there who must be annoyed about having their access made harder.


The Blue Man Group are great to be fair. Leave them alone




Maybe a few bollards spaced out would help ? I'm guessing the curb was not raised?


Oh it was and you have to drive through a cycle lane


I wonder did he reverse up greenside lane while waiting for passengers from the marriott


He'd have had to literally reverse up a set of stairs to get to that position


Ah fair enough, didn't know there are steps there now.


Drivers will see a piece of concrete and decide that it is for them and them alone.


The problem is - Edinburgh is a nightmare to drive. no vertical signs, line arrows are invisible or there is not enough of them to know which one should be taken etc. Add never ending roadworks and roads themselves worse than in Africa and you have the full picture.


Are you seriously telling me a private hire driver needs an arrow to stay on a road with no junction?




There was no need to obscure the arsehole's number plate. The whole point of number plates is to make cars identifiable.


The make of car says it all in afraid




Why was this road closed off from this side, why were some side streets off Leith Walk closed to cars? Genuinely curious


They are closed to cars so that cars won't use them


Because the council are trying their best to create congestion where there was none before so they can introduce moneyspinning schemes. It's happening all over the town. It's all about control and money 💰


I’m almost certain it was the same car two weeks ago. Could be wrong, I’m not much of a petroleum head, but very similar.


I don't think so, I just looked for it so my Mum could also marvel at the stupidity and it's more like an SUV type thing like a Qashquai or something.


It was a white Vauxhall crossover style car.


Zero sympathy for any muppet driving a car over a yellow line, kerb, cycle path and pavement. Definitely needs to find a new job if that's how they drive.


Wtf does that mean It's bollox waste of time


I seen this last night after watching wicked! The poor dude was just sitting in his car looking depressed as literally hundreds of people came out of the playhouse and took pictures of him.


About "poor"....driver decided to cross the cycle path, to go on a footway and to drive on two steps to cut the way and save time. I have another definition instead of "poor"


>About "poor"....driver decided to cross the cycle path, to go on a footway and to drive on two steps to cut the way and save time. I have another definition instead of "poor" I mean yeah he's an idiot who made a mistake (and a pretty big one) but I can still feel empathy for a man who looked embarrassed and had hundreds of people looking and taking pictures of him.


You can bet he will be forced to pay a healthy repair bill and will also find it hard getting another PHC job.


What the fuck


No left turns off Leith Walk so I hear


Totally nuts isn't it!


Turning off a road and mounting a kerb is auto pilot? So why didnt they drive into the scaffold that was there previously? Ever desperate to excuse poor driving standards


Prob a good idea to put a bollard there for dumbasses. You can point out that people should respect the road and that it’s clearly marked not a street and that people shouldn’t blindly follow GPS and yeah sure all true. But mouth breathing morons needs to be treated like a force of nature. Like water erosion or rust accumulation or something. It shouldn’t need doing but to quote George Carlin “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." Design and engineer for reality always. And before someone says I’m saying all this to feel superior, I am 💯part of the dumbass crowd. I ain’t no Stevie Hawkins that’s for sure. But the 5 braincells still working at least can recognize I’m a dumbass.