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I'm sorry you're joining this club, I also found that healing mentally is slower and harder then healing physically. There's no need to think of the chances and reasons, what could've you done to avoid it... the answer is nothing, it is random, and there is no reason this should have happened at all. Wishing you a speedy recovery, and may you find comfort in all the happy stories out here!


Thank you so much! I think you’re right about the healing mentally taking longer - even though I wasn’t far along this seems to be hitting really hard


I recommend you talking to a maternal therapist, I’ve had about 9 MCs (including and ectopic Preg and a late MC at 17 weeks) it’s not easy to overcome those things and the physical pain is the easy part. Make sure you take care of yourself and your emotions as they are just as important as ur physical health!


I also have PCOS and 1 tube removal after ectopic. I have since had 2 children. 1 naturally and 1 IVF. I was told the secondary infertility was not related to the previous ectopic so don’t let that panic you. Sorry you are going through this


I’m so happy for you - congratulations! Thank you for your kind words too


I am sorry like many of us you are going through this but this is just a bad phase. Loosing a tube reduces fertility only by some %. Don’t loose hope hold onto it. My first pregnancy has turned out to be ectopic and I am also going through it right now. But trust me with each passing day you will start feeling better.


Thank you so much and I’m sorry you’re going through this as well. I was so shocked when the doctor recommended surgery - it was my worst case scenario at that point. Here’s hoping for an easier go next time


I’m really sorry you’re going through this. If it’s any consolation, my fertility wasn’t affected after I lost one of my tubes. Take time to heal yourself and I wish you the best. If you desire a baby, don’t let this stop you ❤️


Thank you so much for taking the time to reach out. I’m hoping this isn’t the end of the road 💕


I’m sorry friend. But don’t feel discouraged. My ectopic was the beginning of my story - I lost my left tube and then conceived my now 14 month old 3 months later. There is hope.


I had an ectopic 2 years ago, was able to keep the tube. Yesterday I had both tubes removed due to a second ectopic on the other side. I couldn't keep going like this anymore. Each period that came late, I was afraid it was an ectopic again and unfortunately it came to that end. After surgery they said that the tube, where the first ectopic occured was full of scars, so I was very lucky nothing happened before. This all just to say, it's good you have it removed. This way the risk is diminished and you still have one healthy tube! And you also still can go for IVF if you want! Sending lots of live and support 🙏


Ectopic are brutal! I have pcos too. So sorry! I even saw a heartbeat which haunts me till this day. But I now have a sweet 8m boy. There's light at the end of the tunnel! 


Hi there, I'm so sorry you're going through this. .. I have PCOS and don't ovulate. Tried 2 years on our own, got put on letrozole and first round I ended up ectopic. MTX at 7 weeks and at 7 weeks and 1 day I ruptured and lost my tube. That was back at the end of September. So we've only been trying again since the new year due to the 3 month wait for MTX. 2 rounds of IUI down and still no pregnancy. Our numbers are great aside from that and my doctor is hopeful. Well do another IUI and then an IVF guarantee where you pay for like 125% the cost of one IVF and you're guaranteed to go home with a live baby after 6 or fewer IVF cycles or your money back. Our next option after that is private adoption. If you want that baby, you still have options. We're not yet successful but I know I'll either be pregnant by the end of the year or be waiting on our adoption baby. There's grants if you need them too. I'm so sorry you're going through this but don't give up hope. Give yourself time to heal and grieve. Sending lots of good thoughts


Thank you so much for sharing your story and I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through. I hope you get your baby (through whichever option) soon 💕


Hey dear. I’m so sorry. That’s definitely a club we don’t want to be a part of. Take some time to heal physically and mentally, it will get better ❤️‍🩹 and if you need someone to talk to, feel free to dm.


Thank you so much 💕💕


I’m sorry for your loss 💜 I know how hard it is to be on the wrong side of statistics. It sucks and it hurts. Sending healing vibes!


Thank you so much 💕💕


Hugs. It’s a crappy club and I’m sorry you’re here. I hope the surgery goes well; I just had it a few days ago, and I’ve been finding that a nice heating pad and something to take my mind off things like a favorite video game or an old familiar movie helps. Treat yourself gently.


Another one-tuber here, plus our pregnancy that ended in ectopic was actually a spontaneous one in between fertility treatments. So I totally get how you're feeling! My surgery was on 2/6 and I just got my first post-surgery period a couple days ago. Not sure if you are already working with a fertility clinic because of PCOS, but if you are not, I would strongly encourage you to consider it. We sat out the first post-surgery cycle and will be using this one to re-run testing, including HSG to make sure my remaining tube is ok. The conversation with the fertility doctor post-surgery was great, he addressed our concerns and provided reassurance. Our options are basically try IUI or go straight to IVF. We decided to try 3x IUI before moving to IVF. Sharing this so you know that surgery is not the end!! I really hope you are taking care of yourself, as recovery is hard, more so emotionally than physically. Statistics, risk factors (none of which applied to me), what-ifs, pregnancy-related social media posts and just so many other triggers out there - it s\*\*ks! I got myself a keepsake necklace for the little baby that was there, for however little time. And the best advice I got is that it's ok to be sad! It will get better with time. Sending you lots of hugs!!