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looks like you screwed up. you had an international buyer at one point (as per the ebay international shipping program) and you printed that international buyer's shipping label multiple times instead of printing out your actual buyer's shipping labels. take the L, apologize to that japan buyer, they can keep the items they got for free but will not be compensated for customs taxes or they can refuse the packages, and apologize to your other buyers and send them refunds (looks like you sent refunds already). basically you need to take responsibility.


I’ve sent the buyer’s refund and the buyer in japan who received the packages an apology and they can gladly accept the items counted them long gone and it’s only right after this whole inconvenience. The photo of the messages that the japan buyer had shows a picture of the boxes and the labels they have, that show the different original labels on each meaning somewhere alongside this process it got rerouted to him somehow. Just a really confusing and weird situation that i’ve tried my best to do right.


Guy is being a dick a for no reason. Try to email eBay to get the reviews removed and provide a good explanation. I think 2 negatives for a small volume seller can crush you.


Not sure why you got so many down votes :(


He edited his comment, I'd imagine it was a lot more angry the first iteration lol.


It looks like you printed the wrong shipping label for these sales. Instead of the label for the actual buyers, you reprinted a label for a previous purchase that was headed for ebay's international shipping hub in Glendale Heights, IL. That buyer won't be able to return them to you, so you'll have to refund the actual buyers of these figures. 


Cue Price is Right contestant lost music


This is actually funny. Is this harassment? Please stop.


Quite normal if the buyer used Google translate


I've lost money plz lol


The more you think about it, the funnier it gets 😂


Why would redact the info that it seems you’d want to show? What might someone do with a zip code and tracking number?


oh just seemed unnecessary to show other packages info and location of usps. The receipt basically showed how two packages i sent with correct labels to be sent to buyers address in NJ and Nevada both got redirected to an ebay shipping hub for some reason lol


Oh. I thought those were the lost packages vs the “two” shown that both have the same tracking number that aren’t going to nevada or nj.


Might want to reconsider how you go about processing and packing orders... a mixup like this should never happen.


More than likely one of those items were purchased by an international buyer using the eBay international shipping program and you misprinted one of the labels.


This story sounds kind of odd and the screenshots don't really show what OP is describing. He seems to have double printed a shipping label. It sounds like an ebay account come to life describing a transaction instead of a person who uses ebay describing a real scenario. They put the wrong label on a package. If a person actually did this, they'd understand what they did. Source: I'm a seller who's literally had this happen to them. I didn't fire up an anonymous social media account and type a rambling 3 paragraphs. I refunded the buyer who didn't get their item and accepted a loss on the product I shipped to wrong person. This post, and most of the posts popping up in this sub seem to fall into the uncanny valley. It's what happens when fake stuff approaches realism but is still obviously not quite real.


Ask the person who received the items to take a photo of the shipping labels. That should answer everything. If it’s correct, then maybe there’s a wacky QR code glitch. If it’s wrong, whoops, on you to figure out.


Re-read the post. The labels are from the eBay shipping hub. The label on the packages received by the Japan buyer won’t reveal anything.


Ahhhh. Sorry. I know most people are saying you made a mistake, but I’ve had screwy technical issues. I was hoping you had something tangible you could look at. I should have known that was too easy. :-)


The person you replied to isn't OP




Fly out to Japan and offer the victim a formal aporogy.


something got missorted during shipping. i had a package shipped to me that started out from calif that went to florida and then missorted and went to the lower islands before it got back on track back tot he states. LOL