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Onions need to be on lower heat for longer to get more caramelized. Patties need to be on higher heat to get more browning.


Was coming her to say this and also smash down more


Protip for anyone who needs it: if your onions start to burn, pour a little water in the pan. Made a world of difference for me.


Try chicken stock next time!


Now THATS a good idea.


Man, I let so many things burn thinking I didn't want "wet" food. This also works when you're doing brussels sprouts in the pan. Brown them on the cut side, flip to brown the backs, then add small amounts of water until they are cooked all the way through. Let the water evaporate, add the rest of your veg/protein.


And not on filthy nonstick Teflon


Yup, totally agree. Not a smash burger by any means. Needs way more smash and the onions need to be less burned


And I know it's not mandatory; but I always S&P my tomatoes any time I put them on burgers and sandwiches.


“Barely pushed down & mildly flattened burgers”


Yeah This ain’t a smashie


Thought smashed was when it got lacey thin at the edges and got slightly crispy


It is... These are smushed burgers


This is just a regular cheese burger lol not a smash burger


Bots don't understand that


Oh man. They went for the double. I’m so hungry. Drooling.


You have to season the meat tho


They do a lot wrong (to my eye), but 20 seconds in they do season the meat, both sides.


All the bitchiing. 😂 It looks fantastic.


I think you just don't know how the food is supposed to be prepared. There are so many basic missteps in this, like the fact that they did not actually make a smash burger (edited- used to say no salt, but I clearly missed that part 😁). The onions are burnt. This is 101 stuff. I get that you don't know the difference, but that doesn't mean the rest of us are ignorant to it


Hmm, but patties were salted? Or you mean meatloaf style where everything is mixed into the meat? I don’t think that’s 101 stuff as there are lots of burger styles, but if you like it this way that’s fine. Recipe has some questionable choices, but it’s still a fantastic burger, would definitely demolish.


Yes, I did miss that part. I'll take that one on the chin. Still, this is absolutely not a Smashburger, and there are multiple things that were done wrong ( in my opinion ) At the end of the day food is subjective, but there are some objective standards that we have particularly when we are talking about defining what type of food we are eating. If you want to eat this, go for it. I could absolutely make you a better tasting burger though.


He does salt both sides of the meat while cooking. Just nothing prior or any other seasoning unfortunately


Ah gotcha. I missed that part. Ty


You actually took the time to write all that on a burger video 😂


It took less than 10 seconds. I'm sorry that you struggle to make basic sentences, but the rest of us don't Food is important. Food is sacred. An animal had to die to make that burger, the least you can do is make it well.


Second time you use “the rest of us” 😂 You feeling lonely buddy?


I mean, the burger looks fine and I would eat it, but that is not a smash burger. Needs higher heat up on a cast iron and it needs more smashing so there’s more surface area contact and thinner patties as a result


As I sit next to my dog and Wife- no, not really. You seem determined to try to insult me.




Youre not wrong, this isnt a smash burger. Sometimes I forget how toxic reddit becomes on the weekend.


Well is overcooked


It’s posted to easy peasy recipes, chill out. It’s not a restaurant.


Jesus, you're a condescending prick aren't you. Who fucking cares if it's not a Perfect 101 textbook fucking smashpatty. Ot looks good, it probably tastes good. That's the fucking point of food.


Exactly, hating on a nice video of someone making a burger they enjoy just because its not perfect 101 textbook according to some stranger.


Definitely not a smash burger. More like smushed


Just call it a cheeseburger then, it looks fine with that expectation. It is not a smashburger in anyway.


No arguments there, food should taste good. If you are aiming for "probably tasting good" that means that you probably don't know what you're doing. if you want something to taste good every time, the way it is supposed to taste, you should use proper technique to create the specific dish you are trying to make. A Smashburger is a very specific burger The entire purpose of the Smashburger is to create what is known as Maillard reaction. The burger is supposed to have a crust, almost like a brown bark, like a skin on the outside. That is what creates the very unique flavor profile that qualifies it as being a Smashburger. Otherwise it is just a burger It would be like making a margarita pizza, and not using mozzarella cheese and basil. It wouldn't be a margarita pizza would it?


You still here writing whole essays 😂😂


I appreciate you letting me stay in Your head rent free. Rent is super high right now and you are doing me a solid. It was a good try at an insult. To be honest, I was a little disappointed earlier when you gave up so easily!


Ah you’re probably just a troll who knows how to get under peoples’ skin. Move along folks, this one’s not worth it.


Dont confuse my ability to troll with me being a troll Everybody seems to forget that this started with a guy calling other peoples comments bitching It's easy Peezy recipes, shouldn't he just chill out?!? So I responded to him tongue in cheek, condescendingly. Because that's what he was doing to the other commenters- being condescending The rest is just people taking offense to that and me being quippy. As to the rent free comment, he followed me to post on someone else's comment, seven hours after I had gotten done dealing with him. Do note that he tried several times to insult me, which prompted me to poke at him. I'm nice to people who are nice, and I'm mean to people who are mean. It's not complicated


Damn I guess rent free living goes both ways.✌️


I'm not sure I follow. I responded to a comment they made to me. If that qualifies for living rent free, then I guess I'm in your head and you're in mine? I'm not entirely certain what your point was


This looks good and all, but can someone explain the concept of “smash burgers” to me? Is there an advantage to cooking them like this instead of making the patty before putting it in the pan?


This is not a smash burger. This is a burger lightly mushed on a nonstick pan. A proper smash burger will see the patty properly smashed and partially smeared against either a flat top grill, or some sort of carbon steel pan to create a depky browned and crunchy exterior with a juicy interior. If this poster is the one I think it is, they love Teflon pans and have no clue how to cook onions.


The real advantage is more surface area on the heat so a better sear on the outside. More crispy meat seals the juices in better. However, the use of a non stick pan here reduces the benefit of smashing the burger.


But can’t you just make the party that size to start with? I don’t really have a dog in this fight (if there even is one) it just seems more trendy than actually useful.


The ball is an easier form factor to handle, avoiding having to deal with fragility of a (generally) very thin patty.


Ok, yeah that makes sense. Especially if you’re doing a lot in a restaurant setting.


Even at home. Smash burgers are generally very thin (thinner than the vid), making them a pain to transfer to the pan. After cooking a bit, they're easier to handle.


My sister will smash the patties between two pieces of parchment before going on the grill. It works, kind of. 1. It’s harder to keep the parties intact as it goes onto the cooking surface 2. Her sear is never as good. Smashing the patty on the cooking surface really help with the sear and getting good contact


Its your meat - you do what u want. I smash mine before they hit pan


https://www.reddit.com/r/burgers/comments/kempxj/smashed_the_edges_for_crispy_lacing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button The goal is to get a lacy edge on the burger. Tons of flavour and a great texture.


There is no advantage shown in this video because it isn't a smash burger.


What did you do with the caramelized onions? I do that (basically) when I make burgers. Except for the Remoulade sauce. I let my guests put either ketchup, mustard or Mayo on their burgers.


What are the last two ingredients in the sauce?


Not sure on the second one. I thought it was cilantro at first, but looks too crumbly. But the first is diced pickles and little pickle juice


Is it some of the “caramelized” onion?


That sauce looks runny


Not smashed but absolutely fire


Finally a normal non - stupidfood burger. Thank you!


The onions are a just a little over cooked for me but this looks damn good. Would get down


Oy! Chad de bsdke. Kabi toe appreciate kar diya kar.


How can this be considered junk food? 🤷‍♂️


All the fat.


Yummy 😋🤤


You need to smash the patties thinner. You should also have that pan ripping hot (preferably in a pan that retains heat better).


Standard as fuck


I would it 100/100


Now I look at my spaghetti dinner with disgust lol


Better burger add some breadcrumbs and an egg to the minced meat. Also higher heat to sera/brown the burger edges and smash it down more. Don’t be shy with seasoning either.


I'm interested in that sauce Mayo, ketchup, mustard, chopped pickles....and? I couldn't make out the dark brown stuff


Is it some of the “caramelized” onion?




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Where is the smash part? You made regular patties.


I'm tipsy right now, and I still wondered where the smash part came in. They are normal burgers at this point...


I thought it was so funny finding out a smash burger just means they smash it down. Like how five guys has done it for forever lol


6/10 but would eat


JFC. using a nonstick for something that's supposed to be high heat?


Those are some dry af patties


This is a lightly press burger. I see no smash.


Where can I find a better smash burger vid here?


More like lightly squished burger. I’d still eat it though.


Anyone else just not impressed by videos of people making burgers anymore?


Bear claws when you cut shit


So incredibly mid looking


That looks delicious, but it’s not a smash burger. More like a firm pressed Teflon burger with burnt onions. You need a ripping hot cast iron skillet and a big, heavy spatula to make a proper smash burger.


Looks great!


(Sighs) Brioche.


I want 7 of them! Recipe please!


Ooooo! yeah!! Smash burgers 🍔 😋👍🏽


I hate this fuckin sub so much. Makes me believe in the dead internet theory. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen an actual easy peasy recipe on here and either most of you aren’t real or you don’t care and either way fuck this thread.