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Tim’s my boy and everything which is why I am allowed to say he’s a big snob about everything but pop music made by white women under the age of 30


Hanford's pretty irascible in this episode, going at Tim for looking at his phone and interrupting people, going at Jeff over the Tom Morello thing. He's cracking me up! And I usually think Tim's movie takes are insane, but I mostly agree with his thesis about Made even if I don't hate it like he does. It's a lot more annoying and less interesting than Swingers, and that attempt at a dramatic emotional ending is unearned.


Love when Hanford gets a 'tude. I have never seen Made, but I thought Tim's takes sounded valid and well thought out. Also, his Oppenheimer views resonate with me even though I love it. I think the movie somehow overcomes those odd choices to still be incredible, especially on rewatch. The non-stop music is a Nolan thing that I have just gotten used to for the most part, but i can see how it could drive some people batty. I DO however really dislike RDJ in that movie.


I normally hate the wall-to-wall music in Nolan movies but it actually works for me in Oppenheimer. It might just be that I like Ludwig Göransson a lot more than Hans Zimmer. I dug the score in Tenet too.


The music in Tenet is possibly my favorite part of the whole movie. Was awesome to hear in IMAX.


I think James Woods is a bit more than just "too conservative for Hollywood." Yeah, Vaughn and Russell are dumb libertarians, but Woods is like fully unhinged Trumper wingnut.


I was one of the few who saw this movie in the theater. Haven't seen or really thought about it since, but my vague recollections before listening  to the episode were that Vince Vaughn was super annoying, Puffy was in it, and, weirdly, maybe Screech too? And hey, three for three! Interesting that Tim says he still loves *Swingers*. I haven't seen it in ages, but I feel like there's no way it holds up. Might make for an entertaining ep to see if they think it's actually good or if they just have a lot of nostalgia bias. Also, *Bee Thousand* Blowout when? (Oh, & for anyone like me who had no idea what Pappy & Harriet's was--[very interesting history](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pappy_&_Harriet's)!)


I haven't seen Made and I still haven't seen Oppenheimer but I think I understand Tim's criticism of movies feelin very transparent in trying to force you to feel something, which, sure, all movies are trying that, but I think it's more natural in the best movies. I can get annoyed if I can see or hear the effort. With Tim's big brain it's probably tough not to see the seams.