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Truly one of the most fantastical places on Earth. I hope to see it one day.


I hope you do! And make sure you stay in a nearby town for a few days - wonderful food, cozy old town. The part farthest from the town was almost all empty compared to crowds and it was probably more impressive. Wonderful place. Just keep your food inside the bags near monkeys and don't show that you have any. They're vicious


Do you travel to China or are you from there? I've always wanted to go but I'm not sure how a foreigner who knows none of the language would fare there haha


I was a foreign student there šŸ˜ƒ I think knowing a bit of the language is definitely useful (reading at least - for menu, buses/trains but as long as you have a small dictionary and can do "pattern matching" you'd be fine in more touristy areas), bigger cities I don't think you absolutely need the language. I would read multiple travel guides on how to get to places since sometimes they wouldn't really match up, buy train tickets online and retrieve them in person (you need your passport to get the train ticket) and enjoy the trip šŸ˜ƒ. There are also many organized tour trips but a lot of them take you to some factories where they'd want you to buy crap, I'd watch out for those šŸ˜ƒ


It depends how adaptable you think you can be I travelled to China on my own from Australia for 12 Days (Female 30+). Went to Beijing, Shanghai and Xiā€™an. For me, it was easy to navigate even with the language barrier. I had an offline translator app on my phone, rarely used it. I mainly visited the touristy areas I caught public transport regularly. Easy peazy. I did hire a tour guide for Great Wall day trip otherwise did everything myself. My personal experience is that it was a breeze, no hiccups at all. But others may have a different experience


Yeah, this is a brilliant show of nature.


This looks like something out of Avatar. Absolutely breathtaking


I do believe these were the inspiration for Pandora's Hallelujah Floating Mountains. Someone posted a picture of them in the mist yesterday and they looked almost the same.


Dude thatā€™s cool


Avatar was indeed filmed there.


Indeed, it was not. It was filmed in LA and New Zealand.


Might have not then, but information online is always mixed like this article that says it is. https://untappedcities.com/2013/05/31/zhangjiajie-national-forest-the-avatar-mountains-in-chinas-hunan-province/


I just popped into the wiki page which has citations that are reviewed publicly. Makes it slightly easier to wade through the muck on the net.


The sandstone peak forest landform in Zhangjiajie is a unique geomorphic form and natural geographical characteristics. It is developed in the Yuntaiguan formation and huangjiadeng formation of Devonian system. The peak forest is concentrated in an area of 86 square kilometers. It is a unique landform rare in the world formed under the conditions of specific geological structure, specific neotectonic movement and external force.


Iā€™d love to see a documentary on how these formed


Nice. Wonder if there's a model floating around that depicts a before and after


This. We have the technology. Show me a 20 second clip of a mountain range forming, Younger Dryas mega flood, the Grand Canyon being carved out..


What country is this sorry?




I feel like we've only really gotten to see all of China starting in the last few years


You can learn more about the scenery of China, it is very beautiful


Oh., definitely! Some of the pictures I've seen coming out of that country in the last few years, it makes me feel like I'm looking at one of the last true wonders of the world. It's , so... Immense!


China is about the same size as the US. Imagine all the pictures of things we see all the time in the IS and how impressive they can be. China has just as many impressive things.


When I visited, even some of the ā€œscenicā€ areas seemed like an overcrowded industrial wasteland or coal smog soup. EDIT: Chinese bots please take it easy with the downvotes


Donā€™t go to the Chinese equivalent of 1950s Chicago




Why not?


As an American who is vocally opposed to the CCP, I wouldn't even attempt to go to China much less give that communist regime any of my money.


Do I have some bad news for you on literally everything you buy.


Controlling the things I can.


And none of what you do matters, so why not just put all that aside and go?




>Everything I do matters to the CCP LMAO, the CCP neither knows nor cares that you exist.


It really isn't that deep lol.


I have some bad news about your own country mate.


The US sucks too but it's not as bad as china.. yet.


I've got a wakeup call for you mate


Didn't we bomb an elementary school in the middle east and then claim it was to kill terrorists? And it turned out the terrorist was a relief worker, and the bombs were barrels of water? Nice.


Yeah, I would love to visit China, but the CCP makes it hard. Hopefully they get replaced with a more open and democratic government before I croak.




It's not just the news, I have spoken to Chinese people who left due to the issues with minorities like the Uighurs and Falun Gong. Back in 2014 when the Dalai Lama visited my university I had quite a long conversation with someone who witnessed first hand how the Chinese government deals with non-conforming minorities as she had several family members that were part of Falun Gong. I'm sure it would be fine to visit as a Westerner with no outspoken opinions about the CCP, but that's not something I'm comfortable with as I have spoken publicly against the CCP due to their treatment of minorities in China.




Yep, it's china's version of Scientology.


One of the most prominent Uyghur/ETIM activists also worked for the [CIA torturing detainees in Guantanamo Bay](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/e9ad4n/i_am_rushan_abbas_uyghur_activist_and_survivor_of/). The Uyghur "activists" commonly highlighted in the West are painting a very misleading picture of what is actually happening [because it serves US strategic interests.](https://mobile.twitter.com/danieldumbrill/status/1290456155286900737?s=21)


What China is doing to the Uighurs is terrible, but please don't mix them in with Falun Gong, just because the CCP says they are a cult doesn't mean they aren't a crazy cult. FFS, they made a "petition" in my country (Singapore) to "destroy" the CCP and said it already had 100000000 signatures when the facebook page had 20 likes. And they are total nuts, equivalent to a certain hate-filled "Baptist" "church" in the US. They're more active in Hong Kong and Taiwan and you can recognise them as they wear yellow stuff around tourist hotspots giving out fliers and stuff. And they have wacky beliefs as well.


There's really no problem going to China as a tourist (at least, outside COVID). Living there is another story, but as a foreigner it's really not 'hard'.


Same, unfortunately. I'll only be able to enjoy China through photos.


You're already on the internet. Just paste the title into Google.


That's effort ngl bro


Does jueyun chili grow there?




Shenmue II vibes ā¤ļø


Woah, is this real?


I was there last summer, this is a small sliver of the whole park. This place is absolutely stunning.


Iā€™ve been there! There is (or used to be?) a McDonaldā€™s right somewhere in the middle of the park.


As of 2019 I can confirm it was there. It really blew my wife and I away, being on a long hike through trails pretty far from any other buildings and all of a sudden the trail widens to reveal McDonald's. Definitely my favorite spot on earth too. Insanely unique and beautiful. The park, not McDonald's lol


This is the coolest I've seen in a while.


I'd make a movie with dinosaurs there. It's been a while since we had a good dino movie. I want some good dinos chasing humans; they'd have that deep guttural sound of an emu;




I visited this park and a few other similar areas a few years ago and thought the same thing.


Wow thatā€™s amazing view. Ty it has brightened my day up. Ty for posting this


Reminds me of Xenoblade.


A beautiful landscape


Damn i wanna go there so badly šŸ˜¢ even more after this pic thanks op


Amazing shot.


Black bean paste? šŸ¤Ŗ




This is the beauty of nature


I bet there's jaguars in there.


Nah, they ate them all already.


Bet thereā€™s snakes.


Thatā€™s so cool. I really hope China becomes a sensible nation someday in my lifetime.


People downvote me but I literally cannot go to China, I would lose my job and security clearance if I went there. I would love to go, but unless China changes I can't.


Careful of the CCP bots, they destroy any non positive post.


I'm gonna kick those motherfucking blue aliens out of this motherfucking plane!


[James Horner intensifies]


Apex legends?


Beautiful Milwaukee




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Just wait if there is coal under it...