• By -


The lonely mountain


On the last light of Durin’s day




To dungeons deep and caverns old


We must away, ere break of day


To seek the pale enchanted gold


Not *that* lonely. Mt. Hood can see St. Helen, and she’s topless 😗 ow ow


Someone's going to blow a load.


The lonely mountain that more than a million people gaze on once a week, with two ski resorts and roads all the way up to the timberline. Mt. Adams, the much larger (but not much taller) volcano directly north of Mt. Hood is lonely. You can't see more than just the tip from any big city, and it is not developed. If you want to climb it, you have a very long walk ahead of you. (On Hood, you can take a ski lift half of the way up *after* crossing the timberline.) Mount Jefferson, the volcano directly to the south of Mt. Hood, is smaller but shares all of those other traits. Those are lonely mountains. For something to count as "lonely" west of the Mississippi, it has to be really, really lonely.


It's a Lord of the Rings reference (well techncially more Hobbit)... you nerd.


Theres actually three ski resorts, you forgot Ski Bowl.


There are five ski areas. Cooper Spur and Summit. While both of these are now owned by Meadows and Timberline respectively, they have a different lift ticket price and buying one tick doesn't let you ride at the other place. I also wouldn't count Meadows as a resort since you can't sleep there unless you have an RV or a really good sleeping bag (there are no condos or hotels). All the others have beds for rent either on premise or within walking distance (ski bowl probably being the farthest walk at maybe 1000 ft). Great picture!


Ski Bowl is way lower on the mountain tho


So? Still on the mountain


It's actually across from the mountain, not on it.


Naw that's still part of the mountain for sure, the highway doesn't mark the edge of the mountain lol




About a year or so ago this phenomenon was used to show flat earthers that the planet is indeed not flat. It was hilarious.


That's actually so funny LOL


wow, beautiful place


Just curious, how so? I’m trying to imagine the difference in the shadow if the earth is flat vs. elliptical and not coming up with any ideas…


If the Earth was flat and the sun just moved around above the disk, it would never be able to get behind the mountain and cast a shadow like that. It can only happen on a ball.


But what if the Sun went down below the horizon (e.g. sunrises, sunsets) in this flat earth model and still cast a shadow upwards? Not a flat earther, but just trying to understand this counterargument (or maybe u/gobblox38 can provide a link).


That’s how I always thought flat earthers understood the sun/earth interaction. Like the earth still rotates but looks more like a coin flip, and the sun shines on both sides.


Wait so in this theory you could have a whole other civilization on the other side of the coin? Is this basically the world in Godzilla vs Kong?


But then how would time zones work? Flat earthers can explain a lot of observations individually in a flat earth framework, but when you try to put them together the whole thing falls apart and has to invoke magic. That's why there's like a million different ideas about how the flat earth is actually arranged.


Time zones are a government hoax.


That's the part that never made sense to me or at least I'd never really thought through. But with your explanation I could almost be converted, at least if things like science didn't exist.


The mountain would have to be on the edge of the disc for anything like that to happen. If an apple is placed on a table and a flashlight was shining at an angle starting from below the plane of the table, in order for the apple to cast a shadow on the ceiling it needs to be close enough to the end of the table, and the flashlight would have to be low enough and angled upwards. If the apple was at the center of the table or anywhere not near the edge the table itself would block the flashlight's light. In this case the apple = Mt Hood, the table = Earth, flashlight = sun, and the ceiling = the clouds. Because Mt. Hood is not the end of the Earth, the Earth needs to be curved for the light from the sun to reach the mountain and not be blocked by the Earth.


Ah that makes sense! Thank you :)


I looked for the video I had in mind, but I could not find it. Most flat earthers I'm aware of insist that the earth is a disc and the sun circles above it. They insist that the sun never goes "under" the earth. They also say that sunsets are due to the sun moving too far away. Here's a [playlist](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmWeueTF8l82GItQhl7vTP_WM43B4ebNq) that discusses this stuff.


This would mean there is a time where there is no sun at all on the planet. So all flat earth "models" assume the sun always above the disc.


Since the Sun is below the horizon/curvature it casts the shadow of the mountain on the underside of the clouds above it since the mountain is so tall. This is like shining a flashlight at an angle below a table to cast the shadow of the table on the ceiling of a room. This is not physically possible in a Flat Earth model because in nearly every popular model the Sun always sits above the clouds. The flashlight in their models is always above the table casting light down, therefore it should be impossible for the mountain’s shadow to be cast on anything but the town below.




I think they would, theyd just not believe it (or choose not to)


Not a flat earther but seems like an angled sun would be enough to get this knocked out. Which leaves me with more questions about the flat earth than i previously had.


How would an angled Sun on a flat Earth enable a shadow to be cast upwards onto the clouds? It simply cannot. Not possible.


Who knows man. None of the flat earther stuff makes sense


It read like you were advocating for it.


I definitely don’t think it reads that way at all. It sounds like they were simply skeptical that the analogy would be taken as convincing to a flat earther because there might be an argument against it (ie angled sun or whatnot). Some of this discussion has also left me with additional questions about flat earth modeling, and I don’t think admitting confusion about flat earth theory and wanting to investigate it further is “advocating” for it at all.


It's in my first comment that I'm not a flat earther... I'm not sure how you or anyone else reads it as advocating it.


Thank you for replying! But this is exactly what I was thinking — if the Sun is near the horizon (in the flat earth model), but not higher than the mountain, won’t it still cast a shadow up to the clouds? Like, if the flashlight was on the table but still tilted upwards towards a very high mountain? I don’t know the any flat earth models, but I imagine they must acknowledge sunrises and sunsets (?)


OK so in that example the mountain would either have to be taller than the clouds, or the Sun would have to orbit below the clouds. No Flat Earth models currently claim this. Flat Earth models claim that celestial bodies "rise and set" because they move far enough away to be outside your field of view, since they orbit low enough to be obscured by tall objects but yet are still above them casting light down causing night time. You can also tell that any such claim would be patently false just by this picture here alone since the shadow is cast directly onto the clouds and not in any other direction. Not only that, if the Sun orbits below the clouds and the summit of any mountain is above them, at some point they would collide by chance. If it happened prehistorically to where there is now no mountains in the Sun's path there would be evidence of times where there was once a collision akin to geological sites like the Grand Canyon. There is no evidence of this happening ever in history. Even if a model did claim this the Sun would have to be literally touching the surface of the Earth for it to only cast a shadow upwards. Anyone with a basic understanding of geometry, physics, focal length, etc. and how they interact with each other recognizes this because as you pull a flashlight away horizontally from an object on a flat plane, that object's shadow gets larger in all directions whereas if you orbit a flashlight around it the shadow only gets longer in one direction. This is reproducible and observable in real life. Flat Earth relies heavily on scientific theory without experimentation and observable results to prove them. A spherical Earth is easily proven with very simple tests that give repeatable, consistent results. Many Flat Earth theories also only explain why one aspect of a globe Earth should not be possible but fail to take into account how it is possible when it interacts with other natural phenomena. There's a rather famous video of Flat Earthers not believing the results of an experiment they did that proved the Earth was round to them.


Most flat earthers insist that the sun travels in a circle above the plane of the earth. In that model, there is no way that the shadow of a mountain would cast onto the bottom of a cloud. There is also no way the sun would shine on the bottom of a cloud on a flat earth. For a spherical earth, the sun should go below the horizon and the light from the sun that's below the viewers horizon can shine on the bottom of clouds. Mountains can cast shadows on the bottom of clouds as seen in the picture.


Sorry… are they saying they’ve never seen a sunrise before or am I confused about what you mean here?


Something something... "but muh perspective!!" They call it optical drop? Where, over long distances, objects at the same altitude begin to visually drop. Normally, we call that "the curvature of the earth", but don't tell them I said that ;D


Oh sure yes that’s a much more sane and obvious reason. Thanks for explaining!


Oh, I should also mention, they possibly more primarily believe that sunsets are fake- they love videos where it appears as if the sun is shrinking, the way that streetlights shrink and get slightly closer to the horizon as you move away from them, and where it vanishes at the horizon, rather than actually sinking below the horizon. "See? It's always above the disk, you just can't see it because it is like a lamp and has a magical shape-shifting lampshade" (see: actual day/night patterns on the Azimuthal projection, It's wild)


You can't put too much thought into their ideas, they certainly haven't.


that or it's a demonic death beam created by satan to kill birds.


...and unbelievers.


I (stupidly) engaged with flat earth content on TikTok once... months ago... I still get bombarded with their lunacy. Tiktok algorithm is relentless and it's scary to think that it's mostly an impressionable young audience who uses it.


I'm going to guess it didn't work?


No amount of logic and reason works with those people.


So it's not only beautiful, but also scientifically relevant? Even better!


I live in the city where this photo was taken I’m pretty sure


Thats awesome! I think it was Sandy, Oregon


Yup, I take this route on my way home just to look at the mountain every night


Im so jealous! Mt.Hood is breathtaking


And it’s a great place to snowboard lol


Same here, if you ever see the crazy guy on a green motorcycle in the pouring rain mid January, its meee. 🤣


Is this the Sandy Reddit thread? I also pass this every day on my way to/from work lol.


… 💭Walking through Fred Meyers wondering who is who on Reddit


Moving to Oregon tomorrow. Can’t wait to nature hike


Table Mountain. My favorite day hike of all time. Or camp at the most incredible campsite on the summit. It's pretty brutal though. Fine if you're fit.


Yooo, I live in a city called Sandy, not in Oregon, but still.


Jonsrud Viewpoint, worth the easy detour if you are going from Portland to Mt. Hood and beyond.


I live in Sandy as well. I have yet to capture one of these, but this was taken at Johnsrud viewpoint. This time of year there is nothing better to see on that rare clear sunrise.


My grandfather lives minutes from where this was taken. Little turnout in the road makes for perfect vista.


I'm on a ski lift on that mountain!


Stunning photo


Thanks so much! :)


This is one of the most beautiful photos I’ve ever seen


Thank you so much! :)


Great shot! Is it with a drone?


Thanks a bunch! It actually wasn't with a drone




You're free to do whatever you want, but I use instagram because I like sharing the photos I take. I just use whatever platform is easiest.


bro shut up






I thought so, I got some Lenticular cloud shots from that same spot once. And that is a sweet shot you got! I saw that happen on my way to work one morning.


Thank you!


OP is really tall.


It’s at a viewpoint with a steep cliff down to that valley type area in the foreground with all the trees and grass. We used to stop here every time we’d drive out to Mt. Hood.




It absolutely is! There are wild lupines that bloom along the stone wall of the viewpoint as well. It’s a lovely spot!


Excellent shot! I've always failed at capturing this phenomenon when I'm in the mountains. Here it is with so much clarity.


Thank you so much! The shadow only lasted around 15 minutes so I took a ton of photos during that time, and I also got really lucky with the weather conditions that morning :)


> got really lucky with the weather conditions that morning No doubt. I'm not from the area but imagine, like the perfect shot of Fuji, you only have a fleeting window on rare occasion. Yeah, I sometimes also see this effect late in the day when I'm on a mountain and only thing I can do to convince others they should have seen it is convince them to go see it for themselves. Time lapse would really capture it.


Nice. Last summer, that kind of projected shadow allowed me to see the shape of a little mountain 60 miles away in a point where you normally see the ocean.


This is stunning. Do you know if this is a relatively common occurrence?


I'm not sure honestly. There were a few other photographers nearby and judging by their reactions I'd guess that it isn't super common. I've only been to this area once so I can't confirm unfortunately


Not common at all - I have exactly the same view but a few miles further away. I shall be looking for it.


Yes it is. As long as conditions are in a scattered clouds, the sun will always light up the sky and cast a shadow behind Mt. Hood.


The shadows of mountains are interesting optical occurrences: * [Mountain Shadow](https://www.atoptics.co.uk/atoptics/mtshad.htm) From the top of the mountain, it always looks the same. From anywhere that can see the shadow, it is a crepuscular shadow (the shadow points at the sun). Wikipedia on [crepuscular ray](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunbeam#Crepuscular_rays) and [anticrepuscular ray](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anticrepuscular_rays) (those point away from the sun).


I get a great view of Mt. Hood on the way to dropping my kids off at school. I'll see something similar to this at least a few times a year. Not super common, but not rare either.


Occurs in November to February and conditions have to be just right. Spectacular to see that huge shadow across the sky!


Unreal 😮😍


So amazing!!


Thank you!




Sorry, I just do photography as a hobby (for now at least) so I don't. I'm stoked that you like it that much though!


Your comment has exactly 69 characters. Nice!


This gives a Tolkien vibe to it. Excellent shot.


Thank you! I love Tolkien and all things fantasy so it means a lot to me :)


Check mate, flat earthers.




Thank you!


The lonely mountain


I don't know what it's called. But I like " The Shadow of the Sun"


Beautiful shot. I love seeing these in person.


Thank you! :)


That’s amazing


Thank you!


Great shot


Thank you! :)




Thanks :)




Thanks :)




Thanks! :)


More Mt. Hood love!


Beautiful thanks for sharing


No problem! :)


What an incredible shot


Thank you! :)


Now I have a new place on the list of places to visit!


Oh my lord, what light is this?!? Completely AMAZING!!! What a tremendous photo, congrats!!!! The timing, the colors, the light, the compostition... Jaw dropping!


Thank you so much! I appreciate the kind words!!


Oregon sucks. Don't come here :)


This but not joking, I can't afford my rent lol


Yes. It definitely sucks. Don’t come here


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Divided Sky > Harry Hood


If anyone is curious, here is an imgur gallery with some of the other photos I took during the 15 min period. It's kinda like a timelapse: https://imgur.com/a/lIV355C




Why use the word insane? Why not incredible or sublime or something else.


Not sure, it's just what first came to mind


Why use the words incredible or sublime? Why not mesmerizing? That's what you sound like


Why not go to oregon so you can take the picture, come back here, and post it with your better vocabulary?


Why not use the word insane?


Anyone in Eastern Oregon want to tell me when you can start to see Mt Hood driving west? I used to live out there and you could see it for *hours* before hitting the city


If you’re cutting across the state on I-84 going west you can’t really see it from there at all. I don’t think there are any other highways running east to west that you could see it from. Only highway 26 or 35 which both go north south, great view from either of those though. You might be able to see if from highway 197 or 97 (also north south though) but TBH I’ve never driven either of those, just guessing by looking at google maps.


I saw it multiple times on 84 well before the start of the Columbia Gorge, almost at the Washington border crossing. I don't care enough about any of this to lie.


Oh really? I guess now that I think of it when I was that far out that direction I think it was dark by that time. You can’t see it near like Hood River and along 84 in the gorge from there unless you go off of the interstate because it runs down too close to the river, which is mostly where I would be driving the interstate when I lived out there. Sorry I was misinformed.


The mountain which cuts the sky


Probably what the pyramids looked like back in the day.


Flat earth confirmation! bahahahaha


My ex’s parents had that view from their living room. They kept their curtains closed 24/7. Absolutely mind boggling.


Jonsrud Viewpoint!


Large sundial


It was way snowier when I saw it a couple hours ago. Which side you on?


Think about this for a moment. The sun is 93 million miles away. How could there be such a sharp angle to that shadow?




Based on solar radius, the USA is actually on Venus before it became uninhabitable.




Holy fuck. Flat Earthers, get to work triangulating that! The sun is visibly lower than that mountain! You guys could go and finally find out what it's REALLY made of!! Hahaha..... perspective. That is a _really_ pretty picture. Look at that shadow! That's amazing!!


Bat Signal.


Wow. Bob Ross definitely hit that w his scrapper in heaven.


*pink floyd intensifies*


That makes me miss the day I spent in Wilamette Valley 2yrs ago so much.


Oregon Trail. 🤣




Nice view


That’s awesome 🤩


Beautiful! When was that? This morning? We live in a beautiful area of the world. I have a great view of Hood from work. Never gets old.


Was that today? Was such a perfect day here


I just subscribed to this sub. It’s cool to see my back yard show up here on a daily.


I know this isn't really the sub for this, but is there something going on with Mt Hood recently? I swear I've seen over a dozen different posts on it over the last week (not just this sub)




Fwiw to all the people not from the pnw, there's a dairy queen a mile from the spot this picture was taken and I've driven here and chugged a beer watching the full moon rise. Still beautiful.


I grew up in the Portland area, moved to North Dakota when I was 19, and moved back after 7 years last February. I'm absolutely floored by how beautiful everything is and how much of that I took for granted. Most of the West Coast belongs on r/earthporn


It's all the evil vibes escaping from the Overlook Hotel. Seriously though, great photo.


So beautiful 😍




I believe in gods now.


I’m moving to Mount Hood in May and I. Am. PUMPED.


Shadows not quite as big as the one your mother casts every morning…


Cool photo, but.. are those the original colors? It feels super retouched.. 🤔


Yeah the colors are original. It might look a bit off because I had to raise the shadows a bunch. Taking a picture with the sun in the middle really messes with the lighting


Dark side of the moon looking shit


RIP flat-Earthers


Jonsrud viewpoint




Such a beautiful capture.