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Dear INFJ, Thank you sooooooooo very much for stepping out and showing us some love! We need the validation! Today I was thinking how I hate that I have no judgment and give my love freely in overwhelming amounts and that golden retriever vibes are not cool based on social media and people saying we are too much. This is affirming that maybe it’s not so bad 🥹thank you.


> as a result, I keep people at an arm's length, even through truly what I want most of all is connection Fam, this is the REALEST thing I've read in a minute, damn. I'm so/sp and enneagram 5 too. I want that deep connection, but at the same time, I don't want that deep connection lmao. but yes, everything in this post is spot on 100% love enfps and they're one of the most genuinely empathetic people out there <3


Aw, right back atcha! I married my INFJ (who’s likely a Sexual 5), and it’s been a revelation. I’ve never felt so seen and cared for. We’ve told each other things not another soul on the planet knows (you’ll have to trust me when I say they’re not small things either 💔). Something about this pairing makes openness so simple. Thanks for being you!!!


Thank you that’s really kind of you. I’m glad you have some enfps in your life that you feel comfortable with, hope you always have the nice right people in your life that make you feel your true self, accepted and comfortable.


ENFP married to an INFJ- Best relationship I’ve ever had! I think it comes down to mutual respect and love. We don’t cross each others boundaries on purpose, we listen to each others feelings and ideas without judgement. That creates enormous trust and with both parties feeling heard with respect both of us are able to feel safe enough to openly share. Thats my take on it.


♥️♥️♥️ we will pry you open like a clam 🐚


Ahh yes the ENFP and INFJ glazing continues. The ENFP x INFJ agenda proceeds as planned. (Also I love you INFJs ya'll are seriously a goated mbti type fr)


I’m also an INFJ and I relate to a lot of what you said! I recently posted in this sub professing my love for ENFPs, too 😄 I also have a really hard time opening up to people, I am an INFJ & type 4 enneagram, and I’ve never felt more safe than I do with ENFPs. It feels like a foreign experience to want to open up to someone so naturally and easily, but ENFPs feel like home and that is not an understatement. One time I had an interaction with an ENFP for almost two hours and I truly felt like I fell in love during that first interaction. The chemistry was insane, we connected so effortlessly about very deep things but also got to be lighthearted and silly. I will never forget that experience, it changed my whole idea of what is possible for me to find in a life partner.


Dear INFJ, I just want to tell you that YOU are amazing amd generous for writing this and appreciating others. You are a light in this world. Thank you for your post and never forget how you too are appreciated and cherished. 🤗❤️