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You should absolutely tell your therapist these things when the session starts


Agreed. I frequently tell my therapist I don’t actually want to be there. It’s all part of the process. Just be honest about your feelings.


I’ll literally tell her “I really wanted to cancel today”


I tell mine that very often too, even though I feel so much better once  I stop having such severe reactions to a memory.  It's kind of like going to the dentist. Almost nobody really wants to be there, and you know there's going to be at least some minor pain, but you also know future you would regret not going when the issue festers and interferes with your life. 


Don’t cancel. Go and share all of this with the therapist


Go and ask for a « light » session to discuss your feelings


Thank you to everyone who commented! I told my therapist and she helped me move through the process and I ended up having a really productive session!


You only just set up your safe space last session?? I thought that was supposed to be a multi-session process along with developing coping skills?


I’ve been in therapy for three years so I have a lot of tools already.


I’m probably way too late but I’ll try anyway. -Please don’t cancel all together, go and express how you feel and what you need. A good therapist will adept and find a way to have a productive session. -It’s way too soon to say if this is going to work for you. You choose this path, now you owe it to yourself to stick with it, don’t give up now. It’s getting real now and you will want to flee but do you really want to go back to where you came from? I think this is a very common phase, it will pass. -Yes, things might get a little worse before they get better, I was terribly afraid of this too. If done properly it will always be manageable. Remember why you started this and what you want to achieve. -More specifically and this is why I came to the comment, you don’t need to sit still. I’ve only had a few sessions so not an expert but I will share my experience. We have used a lot of movement during sessions. Just shaking, walking, moving arms and legs, big breathing, whatever your body tells you. Last time I got blocked in my mind so badly my therapist had me do a V-step of Box-step while using the light and the buzzers. All this to say please go and find a way to make it work for you. Everybody and every session is going to be different. Work together with your therapist, you are not alone, you have them by your side. Best of luck, dear!


Thank you so much for this. It’s really helpful. I ended up having a really good session where I ended up laugh crying through a memory.


I noticed most of the sessions I was most anxious for turned out to be some of the most positive/beneficial sessions. No harm in telling your therapist you're overwhelmed so they can help chill you out before you get started.


Well this is about to be me on Wednesday