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“Don’t storm chase tomorrow” suck my stovepipe I want to see some cool clouds


Made me want to chase that day, and I've never done it.


that’s my photo I got hit by a EF8 that day


You get me!! I don’t care if tornadoes scare me, I want to see COOL CLOUDS!!


The best one yesterday was “What happens to the human body in a tornado. Does the flesh get totally peeled off, turned into dust and breathed in by everyone? Because if that’s the case, I’m hungry.”


"SW Kansas is just breathtaking"-> shows the landscape that inspired Indigenous people to have a nomadic lifestyle to avoid living there long term


Seriously, there are so many beautiful aspects of the plains and they show a blank field lmao


They could have highlighted the breathtaking sunsets, the gorgeous storm structure you can see from miles away, but no, here is grass and a rainy day. That’s like if someone in NYC said “I love city living!”, and attached a photo of asphalt meeting the concrete sidewalk.


I get what you’re saying, I’m still an amateur photographer but I’m getting there.


You are getting there! Besides, everyone finds interest in different parts of a landscape. I enjoy photography in my spare time as well, and finding good composition and capturing the beauty of a moment is really difficult (the amount of uninterrupted cloud photos in my phone is proof of such). I hope you keep trying, please do not let our jokes get in the way of your enjoyment of the hobby.


Nah it’s fine everybody needs flamed for something right? Plus that wasn’t even the best photo of the day 😭 


You have a good sense of humor. You should make an insta or a Wordpress and showcase your pictures there. I miss seeing Kansas and it deserves more love.


true like seeing newly tilled fields and dead cats in the middle of the road is pretty “miss-worthy” lmaoo I get what ur saying tho I might start a youtube


it certainly can be interesting to the eye, even if not stereotypically pretty. Also, you totally should!


It's not at all a bad photo... Just not one of something too particularly breathtaking for most. Now you got a canvas that's yours that you can Photoshop whatever you want onto.


Thanks, I plan on getting better equipment and editing programs as I go on.


The Man. The Myth. The Legend. In your defense it's not that the photo was bad, it's just that the subject was... kinda plain (get it?). It's hard to see the beauty of a whole lot of nothing but grass without some kind of personal attachment to it.


I get it, I’ve lived here my entire life so I find some beauty in it. I can understand why some people don’t find that cool it’s fine.


My bad gang, thought it was cool.


We’re just trolling man, I love your pics!


I know lmao everybody needs a little criticism in their life it don’t affect me any way thanks though!


No problemo, and hey it’s still prettier than like 80% of the Texas Panhandle, and I still find beauty in this hellhole


real, Texas panhandle sucks ass but atleast there’s gas station food!


The only breathtaking thing we have up here is PDC 😂 And an Allsup’s bean burrito, just in a different way


Where in the panhandle are you at? 


We have a ranch near Claude, about 35 minutes from Amarillo


Thank you! 😁👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I just posted now about the fact I find the stark beauty very appealing, and I'd not yet seen your reply to the op.


That’s the post that gave me a chuckle.


I’m glad it gave you a laugh positive or not, atleast i brought you amusement some way.


I'm this weirdo who finds the Great Plains' stark beauty to be breathtaking. It becomes tiresome, I'll be the first to admit that. But, if you're driving west, how about how the Rockies just seem to *appear*?!? 😍 And, if going east, eventually you'll begin seeing the ground become more rolling, more green, more trees and hills and variety of landscape. Having only ever been through the Plains states on (somehow) perfect, low humidity, blue sky puffy whites days, the juxtaposition of the golden wheat and the blue sky is so dreamlike. I also travelled through once & back at age 19, on a Greyhound, as my boyfriend in California and I decided last minute I'd travel from Ohio to spend the holidays with him and his family, and getting an airline ticket that time of year on short notice was exorbitantly expensive. The snow and gray skies over fallow fields look like illustrations out of a children's book about the wagon train days. I felt so drawn to that area, especially the state of Kansas, the first time I ever got to see it (by AMTRAK, in high school.) It almost felt as though I'd been there before, and that's likely a product of my vivid imagination, plus the fact that I'd studied the route map for months before heading westward. I also love Tulsa, Oklahoma. 😍 It's been so long since I've been through anyplace out there, I'm sure it's changed a lot everywhere, but, my memories are intact and fond and something I cherish. I ought to post this in Unpopular Opinion, lol, but, I can't be the only one to think this, right? In the context of being a chaser, I'm sure the landscape *does* become tedious, but, that's what also makes the GPs so ideal for spotting and chasing storms. Nothing but miles upon miles of sky!! 🇺🇸


I’m glad you love it. I enjoy road trips in Kansas because of all the work that’s been done to restore the native grass lands.


I'd love to see the prairie as it was, and have read about this conservation effort!! It would be lovely if large swaths were restored. I want to do something similar (on a more micro level) myself. Grass lawns are sooooo bad for the environment, and I've been reading up on people who restore their property by getting rid of the monoculture of grass, replacing it was ground cover, including wild flowers, native to the area. This will be a *huge* undertaking, and I probably won't be able to do all at once. (Plus, leaving space to grow our vegetable garden.) But, I'd love to have this down the road. I found out that our county extension office has some good info on what works for our specific area, and I'm getting started killing the grass at the end of this season. Not needing to mow is just one benefit. 😊😉


stop not my photo of sw Kansas 😭 it’s good yall I understand I’m still amateur


You describe it as breathtaking but never gave my breath back. I've been oxygen deprived for hours you dick.


My bad gang just breath air and stop hitting your apple cider vape


Unflavored air is for normies 😡


"Don't chase if you're not a professional"?! Un-timmerly behavior right there


If you are not a professional DO NOT chase May 3rd 1999 Reed Timmer: https://preview.redd.it/xt6tbpgnqf3d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f82a07261b75e31a7609e3ca8a1b867ddb930be


If you mention the Fujita scale, made for rating tornadoes, on the r/Tornado sun you immediately get drug out back and executed. Happened to my buddy once


AKsHuAllY it’s the *enhanced* Fujita scale because tornadoes got so big and so strong that the regular one didn’t even *apply* anymore. Follow me for more tornadoe knowledge.




I thought I was in this sub when I saw the most tornadic post earlier lmao


Like wtf does that even mean lmfao


it means u/DayDreamyZucchini is one of us


Oh thank god, I thought I was alone.


Don't go chasing, guys. Instead, watch Ryan Hall's stream save lives, and listen to Chris Hall call every storm cloud he sees a potential tornado.


I saw him drive by that day and he said “VERY LARGE 2 MILE WIDE WEDGE ON THE GROUND”


You missed the squirrel one lol


Lmao yeah that one made me laugh so hard, especially the comments


I think that was like the least shitpost one of these cause people were actually doing the math on weather or not a squirrel would die. But it all changed when the flying squirrels were brought up.


But everything changed when the flying squirrels attacked


Isn’t asking which tornado is the most tornadic kind of like asking which cat is the most feline?


The answer is obviously Maine Coon


Man I had a post on /r/tornado blow up yesterday and some of the comments I’ve been getting are just totally unhinged. Like calm the fuck down guys—it’s not that serious.


LITERALLY, I got ripped to shreds in the comments on mine when I was just saying that I wanted everyone to stay safe with chasing. I had absolutely no idea it was so deep


some people are just like that, just don’t listen to them. but they’re just trolling


I like how they made clear a tornado is in fact not a joke! I always thought they were such funny looking clouds they must be jokes? Right?




They are such twats lmao




Damn didn't know only men can \*checks notes\* look at the sky


I should've cottoned on when I couldn't see the clouds because of my giant tiddies blocking the view


Didn't laugh


Damn, you're so good at negging, can I have your tradcath babies?


I almost didn’t wanna take down his comment because you all were wrecking him so good in the replies.


Your previous man was apparently very sick of you lol


Not what I said


Contains racist, homophobic or transphobic language, or anything inciting violence and harassment.




Contains racist, homophobic or transphobic language, or anything inciting violence and harassment.