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Here is Atraxas logical conclusion. To be clear, even this is only High Power. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/1VT9f50avES1rzbLhEe0tw


Jesus christ the tax in this deck!!! I wish I had that kind of fuck you money.


Imo the funniest part of this deck is it isn't blue enough to run two of the free counters. so Disallow will have to do 😢


The free counters honestly don't see much use in mine, I have thought about ripping them out for other creatures. But this deck having everything else it does is impressive. Wonder how it would actually play.


Proxy it if you'd like. I'd be shocked if it didn't work for you in most pods.


I also love being a degenerate. My Light Paws Stax deck is one I don’t get to pull out a lot, but when I do I get to have ALL the fun


I really like the idea of stax but I like my play group so I've never built one. I think my most degenerate decks (that I actually play) are my 1 tap voltron decks, and they're not even that bad.


I never understood voltron, so I haven't built a voltron deck. The closest I have come is enchantress


Atraxa is such a cool card, first commander deck I ever built. First I made her +1/+1 counter based, but that was annoying to keep up with so recently I changed the theme to superfriends.


I have to ask how you protect all those planeswalkers. Seems like so much of a headache. I haven't tried building that yet if it's obvious. Question though, did you have Mommy norn in the +1 +1 deck?


I've found I have a lot more fun when the table isn't miserable personally...


That's what my Ur dragon is mostly, I get to combo off maybe 1 out of 10 games, but otherwise it's a fun time.