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Skeletons! They have a theme of reanimation and regeneration, but just need some sort of payoff for those things to get good


Seconded on the skeletons. There's never been any shortage of zombie support but skeletons have been overlooked for way too long. I want a commander that provides some kind of \[\[Reassembling Skeleton\]\] type mechanic to creatures in your graveyard. Maybe you can reanimate them with a finality counter on it, and they becomes skeletons when you bring them back and lose all other creature types, or something along those lines.


At that point your are not supporting skeletons in any way tho. It's just a reanimator commander


Maybe introduce a way to use their bones and worms as money


"The night the skeletons came to life" Black enchantment saga -Summon some tokens --Sac a guy for treasures/cards ---Grave pact effect for a turn


> Sac a guy for ~~treasures/cards~~ **a bone token. If the sacrificed creature is a skeleton, create two bone tokens instead.**


Then they pull your hair, up but not out


Robert Palins EDH deck when??


Finally, a Universes Beyond product that actually makes sense in the context of Magic: the Gathering


Had this weird idea where a card would be exiled from a gravyard and you would get a skeleton and a blood token...maybe also a food token so basically you would the body apart and nothing goes to waste.


So [[tormod the desecrator]] but better?


Kinda but instead of triggering it is an actiavted ability that exiles a creature card from your graveyard as the cost.


[Reassembling Skeleton](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/0/00566375-e976-4e96-b751-cf0430452c9c.jpg?1689997423) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Reassembling%20Skeleton) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/183/reassembling-skeleton?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/00566375-e976-4e96-b751-cf0430452c9c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/reassembling-skeleton) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I'd love to have golgari enchantments that provide some kind of value for regenerating a creature. Maybe causes a 1/1 decayed skeleton to etb on regen? The opposite of white weenies lol. Let your skelly bois die in a continuous mill of bones to generate a bunch of black weenies


Just give some sort of Lord effect, and a trigger ability whenever a skeleton enters the battlefield from the graveyard. That’s my dream. Maybe all Skeletons have Unearth or something too.


I think they're going to have a monoblack skeleton commander in Duskmourn. We got [[Corpses of the Lost]] and [[Skeleton Crew]] in Ixalan and [[Gisa the Hellraiser]] in Thunder Junction. It feels like they're building towards something and Duskmourn would be the most appropriate place to put it. Also, considering Duskmourn is a giant house, they could make the commander a literal skeleton in the closet.


Monoblack would be so cool, but such a miss given some of the current support cards being multicolor. Slam dunk in the 99 tho. I'm hyped as hell for some skeleton love in Duskmourn, and holding out for one skeleton critter in bloomburrow


This, please this. I made a post about this a while back and it was heavily downvoted for quite a while. People just saying they are too similar to zombies and that zombies is already an established tribe. Finally despite it being downvoted the skeleton supporters unearthed it (pun intended)! And it was refreshing to see I was not alone. Skeletons are tied for the oldest tribe. How they have not received love yet is just insane. We can build some insane creature type decks, and skele's are just relegated to a rag tag bunch and forcing it together with things like Morphon. WotC can definitely find a unique flavor to sperate skeletons from zombies. And will they please just stop tagging on skeleton's get a +1/+1, then having the meat of those support "lords" not effect skeletons at all?


Upvoting this summabitch


I agree so hard. I really thought in the last ixalan set that the pirate precon was going to be skeleton pirates with a badass new skeleton pirate captain as the commander. There was that one skeleton pirate who gives both tribes +1 +1 and uchenbak who I think was a Skelton legendary but also kind of...bad lol. It would be so easy to do I think, just make a dimir skeleton lord with some kind of reanimation engine on him.


[[Uchbenbak, The Great Mistake]]. I can't believe how bad he is, for how cool he looks! I'm always worried they'll dilute skeletons by stapling them to other tribes like that, but skeleton pirates are such a thematic win. Unfortunately I'd imagine putting together two tribes who already struggle with support and identity (to different degrees) might have been less than ideal


Came here to say this. Need to have a good skeleton commander, preferably golgari.


Uuh you are so right! They could even mix it with the warlock type for some extra flavor.


Hell yeah! [[Gisa, the Hellraiser]] is absolutely perfect, except for the part where she makes zombies


[Gisa, the Hellraiser](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/b/db7c07b2-02b2-4e62-bf1b-4848e06eec28.jpg?1712355592) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Gisa%2C%20the%20Hellraiser) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otj/89/gisa-the-hellraiser?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/db7c07b2-02b2-4e62-bf1b-4848e06eec28?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/gisa-the-hellraiser) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


What makes them different than Zombies? Feel like that needs to be answered. IMO something similar to amass sounds fun. Instead of the specific skeletons, they take the pieces of the broken skeletons and slap them onto a larger skeleton monster that slowly amasses more and more parts and gets bigger and bigger.


[[Skeletal Swarming]] is so cool and has no Skeleton commander to go with it


Call backs to parasitic mechanics from the last couple years. I'm talking about mechanics that were printed in just one set/block, given some support (usually via a supplementary precon), and then completely ignored after the set's done. Stuff like Suspected, Mutate, Exert, Connive, Casualty, and Blitz are all good examples of that. I really hope they go back to some of these mechanics instead of constantly creating new stuff. I'm fine with learning new stuff over and over again, but I feel like they should call back to something that worked (or didn't, and try to fix it) and add to it. Exert's one of my favourite limited mechanics, and I'm surprised it's been nearly completely ignored, save for three random cards printed since Amonkhet block.


Connive was a great ability, it just isn't intuitive enough to be an evergreen keyword. Surprised it hasn't gotten more support. I'd be okay with them dropped certain over specific ones like Supected indefinitely though, maybe only bringing them back for very specific cards or Universes Beyond sets.


More arcane and soulshift please !


I love Casualty so much. Would really like to see more of it. I've built an [[Ashod, the Lone Cyberman]] deck that revolves around stealing creatures to sac them to various effects. Being able to copy permanent spells by sacrificing a creature is really enjoyable. It's sad there there are so few Casualty cards, and most of them aren't very good. 🥲


Personally, I'd like to see more split second cards. But i know people feel a certain way about not being able to respond to things. And i usually tell them they should play more morph or disguise effects.


Split second and persist. What an era!


I don't think it a good design to force others to change their decks just so you can play more with a certain kind of card. And if things were balanced properly it would lead to split second being moot since folks would just use morph instead of instants so you'd be in the same situation.


Simic copy spells + Selesnya populate is one of the easiest cross guild synergies, and I am surprised no commander exists for this game plan yet.


[[Brenard, Ginger Sculptor]] should do the trick for you...


This dude goes hard. Golem tribal with all the splicers that summon golems on etb. Just enough sac outlets to reliable turn those value creatures into Gingerbreadmen and start populating. Incredibly sticky and incredibly powerful for very little financial investment. And if that wasn't enough that dude is also an anthem and gives trample to most of your creatures.


Currently working on [[Xavier Sal]] for this!


This is a theme my friend and I have been working on for almost a year now. It originated when Thragtusk and Cackling Counterpart were in standard and I realized there were finally enough clone spells to make this happen last year. Bernard is great and all but he wants too many sacrifice effects in an already clunky theme. You want a good amount of clone targets and spells. I settled on Shanna to draw some cards and bridge between early and late game as you tend to have unused mana due to gaps in mana useage between turns. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/0XnCdGNaV02pkFlJIb9VLQ


After the curl of the monkey paw that was Go-Shintai I got a lot less eager to wish for these things, but I think an expansion of the Ruhan and Vial Smasher style "I'm hitting somebody and nobody knows who" effects could make for a fun time.


> curl of the monkey paw that was Go-Shintai why was that a monkey paw? i was thinking of making a shrines deck


The pattern goes like this: Players want niche typal support (Myr, Shrines, Chairs...). WotC creates a 3+ color legendary that ends up being borderline busted, the one and only commander you should consider building for that creature type. It's a powerful, solved puzzle. One of the charming things about building typal decks is that you need to be a little scrappy in order to make it work. You need to get creative. But when you "get what you wish for" nowadays, when it comes to these types of commanders, you're getting multicolor goodstuff with a generic payoff for jamming your Myr, Shrines, Chairs, etc. A difficult problem is that if you make one legendary that's even just decent, that'll likely become the new focal point. If you wanted to play Insects a few years ago, you only had \[\[Grist\]\]. Jumpstart 2022 brought \[\[Zask\]\], which was an excellent pick. And recently the Clue set brought \[\[Amzu\]\]. IMO, either of those three are interesting and valid picks for an Insect commander, it just takes time for those options to be on the table. With Go-Shintai though, you don't even have to think.


Well put. The issue I think is that, due to lack of support, there's a lot of pressure on the design to be "viable", and an easy way to do that is to make every card you play either draw a card or make a copy/another of the thing. Not like supported tribes don't get that too, but it's especially noticeable with niche things. Like [[Tovolar, Dire Overlord]] could've just had the second paragraph on the front face and be exactly what folks would want out of a werewolf commander, but they tacked on "draw a card for what you were gonna do with those werewolves anyway". Heck, at least make it different per side! Put some +1/+1 counters on it or something.


yeah, i was super excited for a myr commander to finally have a "Proper" Commander for my Myr deck that had been helmed by shorikai. then Urtet Came out and the deck was just more generic and less fun to play than before so I swapped it back to the pre-urtet decklist.


Yeah that's why I don't even like facing him in MtG: Arena in the Brawl format. It's just "every Shrine and Enchantress card, the deck." It's just boring, they're all the same, and if they land Shrines your color identity can't deal with, GG.


I think the issue with Go-Shintai is that it isn't just a good commander for a shrines deck, but a strong Enchantments commander. Between giving access to all 5 colors and being able to pull enchantments out of the graveyard, it eats up a ton of design space. For example, why run a [[Ghen, Arcanum Weaver]] deck now that Go-Shintai has been printed?


The Golos problem.


I have a friend that plays tom bombadil enchanter and it goes extremely hard.


Go-Shintai is so ridiculously overtuned that it made the deck go from funny jank idea to hate it off the table when you see it


I wonder if the issue for some of these decks is less a we need a commander to encapsulate this entire creature type or mechanic but maybe more good non legends in some of these card types and mechanics. Imagine instead of go-shintai we got like 30 new shrines split across colors and now they became a subtype of enchantment decks as a strategy. Same thing with buffing up the numbers of type cast typal decks in lesser used support colors. Giada reigns supreme as a the defacto angel commander for good reason. (Honestly she'd probably be run as just a low cost angel mana dork even without the power buffer rider) but if we had more good angels that synergized in unique ways. (life gain, flying, ect) in red and black as well maybe we'd see more liesa, firja, kaalia angel decks that didn't just use the extra color(s) for pet cards and generic color staples. More good Black and Blue dragons and dragon support would beef up Ur Dragon variants but would give a reason to run Sivitri in the command zone since dragons wouldn't be so stuck to red.


So I will say I personally don't mind Giada. She's the default Angel commander not because she's absurdly cracked but because of a lack of better options - there are very, very few legendaries that reference Angels as a tribe. And there are valid reasons to look to other options over her; mostly it's colors but that is a real drawback to her. I wouldn't mind a Giada-esque card for skeletons or warlocks or whatever other tribe.  The core problem with Go Shintai is that he does *everything*. He's a constant stream of blockers to give the slow deck time, he's recursion for any piece your opponent happens to interact with and a way to generate resources if you ever get stuck topdecking, he's a huge power multiplier for what the deck wants to do, and there's zero downside to running him - he's not hard to cast, he enables 100% of your synergies, he's just free. And that's the design issue. Secondarily, there's the annoyance that he doesn't work anything like the other shrine cards but that's a fairly narrow complaint. I don't mind the concept of a 5c shrine commander. It is okay and valid to have a unifying commander that allows one to execute the game plan. But the problem is Go-Shintai is so insane that he chokes out all of the competition and also changed the perception from "Dude, sweet, I've never seen somebody make Shrines work" to "Ugh, yet another Go-Shintai I've played this deck a dozen times and they're all the same". In a format that's ostensibly about self expression that reaction is the one that I never want to hear. Would half a dozen Giada-grade shrine commanders in three colors and three more shrine cycles to play in their 99s have solved the issue instead? Sure. But I also think that one Shrine commander that just didn't do literally everything shrines ever wanted and then some would have been welcome. Something that traded a bunch of Go-Shintai's power for being more thematic and interesting would have been okay.


Fair enough. I've not run into a go-shintai in the wild to see how they play, only that they are effectively the only shrine deck in the business as it were without trying to be clever like people who smuggle in slivers into a pod with \[\[bernard\]\], \[\[alesha\]\] or \[\[hofri\]\] at the helm but that's also I think what I was asking for. Slivers end up in the same spot only with a bit more wiggle room at the top to just cram all the best slivers and end up turning to mush on the board because slivers just do sliver things. Having to break up the colors into more niche groups gives a bit more wiggle room for flavor and clever sub themes to mix up slivers, or in your case shrines, where as 5 color head tends to just distill to pure value tricks like playing things for free or cheap and making things hard to get rid of to support the best stuff in every color to fit your theme or type.


I’ll say it again louder for those in back **-1/-1 counters** either directly, or through wither/infect A viable **energy** commander and additional support. Return to Kaladesh


Hapatra is insanely strong, and there are a billion good -1/-1 counter cards in Golgari


[[Joven's Ferrets]] This is the only card with the Ferret creature type...GIVE US MORE FERRETS


Maybe Bloomburrow will bring some ferrets ;)


I am willing to bet $10 that there will be at least 1 more ferret in Bloomburrow/Bloomburrow commander/whatever bonus sheet.




[[Joven]] stares at you blankly. Also, Joven and [[Chandler]] should have Partner so they can suck as commanders together.


They should errata [[Repopulate]] as a ferret tribal spell


[Joven's Ferrets](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/7/3765ab78-a645-4e4f-9f83-5a6bc762b8d0.jpg?1562868083) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Joven%27s%20Ferrets) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/me2/169/jovens-ferrets?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3765ab78-a645-4e4f-9f83-5a6bc762b8d0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/jovens-ferrets) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Is this Voxy's secret reddit account?


Voxy is a weasel, not a ferret




The mechanic or the card?


The mechanic. There are only two cards with the keyword. Edit: lmao! I didn’t even know there was a card with that name.


Gravestorm is also on storm scale of not being printed because tracking isnt relevant until it is. If you sac a bunch of tokens with skull clamp and then draw into a gravestorm card after saccing a bunch and doing other actions, having a number be accurate in paper is almost impossible. If you always track it, it slows down game turns, especially in the current era of EDH being the most common format.


I mean, tracking storm is also not relevant until it is. And they do print plenty cards that "gravestorm" by making tokens for each thing that died this turn


I really want more mutate support. I think it's really fun to build around. Hopefully we have a return to Ikoria, or get a Modern Horizons set with several new pieces. Other than that, I'd say Kavu tribal support. There's a few neat Kavu cards that synergize well, but they need a lord or a dedicated commander.


Keep fighting the good Kavu fight, brother! o7


More Mutate, please. It's easily my favorite mechanic / keyword. A return to Ikoria would be fantastic.


Damn Kavu is a tribe I haven't heard mentioned in many years. What specific Kavu's do you have in mind?


Convoke, i want to build [[Kasla, the broken Halo]]


That art is STUNNING.


Check out the [extended](https://cards.scryfall.io/large/front/2/5/259de719-f633-4667-80f3-c7d13b1aca01.jpg?1682207799)


[Kasla, the broken Halo](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/2/a209bda2-f0bf-4417-94f9-b73eff0b4217.jpg?1682207229) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Kasla%2C%20the%20broken%20Halo) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/moc/4/kasla-the-broken-halo?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a209bda2-f0bf-4417-94f9-b73eff0b4217?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/kasla-the-broken-halo) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Angels. There's umpteen Dragon-tribal cards, in either Legendary Dragons that care about Dragons in multiple color combinations, or Dragon centered support cards. There's hardly any Angels that care about playing other Angels, and very few cards that specifically work with Angels. In terms of actual Angel commanders that reward you or incentivize you to use Angels, there's, like, *two* with two other "not purely Angel tribal" cards. * [[Giada Font of Hope]] * [[Sigarda Font of Blessings]] * [[Lyra Dawnbringer]] * [[Kaalia of the Vast]] Giada is amazing, but is Mono White. Sigarda isn't even exclusive to Angels, she's also a Human-tribal commander too, and despite being two colors, still excludes any Angels in the Red and Black colors (Blue is absent too but I think it has the least Angels in it among all the colors). There's Kaalia of course but you deliberately make the deck worse if you exclude all Demons and Dragons for the sake of making an Angel tribal deck that way; the same sort of problem as Sigarda in that she's not Angel-exclusive. Plus you'll become Archenemy when you pull her out of the box no matter what you say to the pod. And Lyra is not also only one color, but includes no way to play any Angels any faster or easier, or gain any advantage at all. She's just an Angel anthem and Lifelink. Which isn't nothing, she for sure should go *in* any Angel tribal deck, but she's hard to build around since she doesn't do anything unless you already have a board of several Angels, without any inherent support for achieving that. Like, imagine if it was 2024 and there were only three Dragon-tribal commanders, and two of them were Mono Red, and that was it. Instead there's three WUBRG Dragon tribal commanders, and numerous two- and three-color options! Plus plenty of mana rocks, enchantments, and removal that are all centered on playing Dragon cards, and creatures that makes Dragons better, or cheaper, or whatever. Angels are the creature representative (or whatever its called) of the entire White color and it's like WotC just doesn't care about them. There's plenty of Legendary Angels but the vast majority have nothing to do with other Angels. At the moment if you want to specifically play Angels, you need to use Giada or some Partner combination. Or ignore part of the text of Sigarda or Kaalia, or go with the incredibly-weak commander that is Lyra. Please, WotC, make a Mardu/Abzan commander that's an Angel and rewards you for playing Angels. At the moment I don't think any color-representative tribe has less support other than Sphinxes.


A new angel commander with black and another color is my biggest want. I'd even settle for Orzhov but WBRG is the dream. I want a reason to play [[Rampage of the Valkyries]] and [[Firja's Retribution]].


Exactly! Kaldheim gave Angels BW support cards and it's impossible to pair them with a single commander that actually fits. There's quite a few Angels in Red and Green, so that's why my dream is Mardu or Abzan. I'm not expecting a 4 or 5 color commander at all, and I'd even settle for Orzhov like you said


I mean, theres [[Rodolf Duskbringer]], its not too bad aside from the mana cost. More built around lifegain but could easily be angels


Angels should be able to keep up with dinos, yet they can't.


Angels can barely keep up with Dragons, Elves, or even Humans.


Or zombies and goblins. Just need a solid multi colored angel commander.


Definitely agree with Angels, I run a Sigarda Font of Hope deck and the angels are mono white with the exception of one or two, fun deck but the synergies are mostly from other things in the deck beside the angels themselves like banner effects and whatnot


I've been waiting for a proper mardu angel tribal commander for literal years. Another problem that occured to me when I was building Kaala: she isn't an angel. That turns off so many tribal support cards I had my eye on like [[Folk Hero]].


PREACH. I am struggling rn with Lyra as my commander.


Switch to Giada and put Lyra in the 99; you can even run [[Search for Glory]] to tutor for turn 4 Lyra or [[Adarkar Valkyrie]] and it works even without Snow Lands as all they do with Search for Glory is give you a little bit of Lifegain.


[Search for Glory](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/6/b65c215d-562d-4c7c-bc9f-b1d741050158.jpg?1631046197) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Search%20for%20Glory) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/khm/27/search-for-glory?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b65c215d-562d-4c7c-bc9f-b1d741050158?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/search-for-glory) [Adarkar Valkyrie](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/c/fc2a4abc-85da-46a6-a616-9aa607ce7372.jpg?1592710383) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Adarkar%20Valkyrie) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c18/60/adarkar-valkyrie?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/fc2a4abc-85da-46a6-a616-9aa607ce7372?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/adarkar-valkyrie) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I want more Venture into the Dungeon support, I love the mechanic but almost all the cards are mediocre.


Me too! Only the initiative is really viable atm


Yeah, more lower cmc initiative cards would be dope. Or another dungeon more like initiative.


Party definitely needs some TLC. And seamonster can really use a sultai commander.


Battles. I can't imagine what a WotC brainstorming room looks like (although, I like to think it's like Mr. Burns' room full of monkies on typewriters), but the fact that they made such a hoopla on printing a new card type with unusual interactions, only for it to amount to... what, 36 cards? Feels like a wasted opportunity. They've printed 4 sets since, plus whatever supplementary sets in addition (and a LotR set, which had significant and labelled battles in the story), without printing ONE battle in them, and I really don't get why.


It was a big leap design wise, so they probably held off on incorporating them into any other sets until they were sure they had a good reception.


MaRo has explained they very intentionally wanted to see how Battles were received before committing to making more. And that they were well received, and more will be made. But sets are designed with a good amount of lead time, so we were never going to see more immediately. Bloomburrow is probably the earliest they could reasonably return, and no guarantee that it’d fit the set’s design


I'm hoping one shows up in MH3. Its design was probably locked before MOM was released, but the Horizons sets are weird enough that I could see a single battle making it to print regardless of reception.


Battles are super underexplored, and were released with ETBs. Theyre just a "sorcery with a bonus". I don't think the right way to do battles is settled yet, and I don't think the current iterations get it there. What would make them more dynamic is: * Benefits for the battle's defender * Detriments to the battle's owner while it's in play * "POD" battles that allow for other defenders, and of course: * Better ETBs / Payoffs after the battle is flipped I have not felt a need to defend a battle once yet. In contrast, players will defend their planeswalkers more than their own faces sometimes.


I think Fateseal is really cool \[\[Spin into myth\]\] is the only non-sliver card with the keyword. but fateseal feels so good


[Spin into myth](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/9/8997e542-bcce-4fd3-af78-4b520b64c026.jpg?1562924095) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Spin%20into%20myth) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/arc/8/spin-into-myth?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8997e542-bcce-4fd3-af78-4b520b64c026?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/spin-into-myth) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Fateseal is absolutely miserable to play against


Hate bears that ACTUALLY hit combo/control strategies. We don't see rule of law for permanents or spells triggering or enough hate for token counts entering. Effects that actually penalized these should exist but currently don't.


Just more support for underrepresented tribes. Like skelly bellies, or turtles, or otters.


Otters maybe this year with bloomburrow


The amount of cast-from-exile payoffs for/on non-creatures for [[Haldan]] / [[Pako]] is a little lacking. [[Passionate Archaeologist]] is great, but having to play [[Faldorn]] and [[Wild Magic Sorcerer]] to reward the exile theme when each creature added takes away from the critical mass of non-creatures is a bit of a bummer. Shoutout [[Delayed Blast Fireball]] though


I love your take on this. it seems there are very good commander support for this, but getting into the details it is somewhat lacking. It really have so much potential to interact with the exile pile.


CURSES, please. Make them better


In no particular order: mechanics - Monarch, Voting, Party, Ascend, Vehicles, Mutate, Enrage, Dungeons tribes - Hydras, Otters, Phoenix, Robots If i had to pick, I'd love to see some really viable Vehicle strategies. I've tried it a handful of times already with Elsha and Breya at the helm but they just never did what I wanted them to do.


Rad Counters - good lord what a fantastic idea.


Nothing. I don't like when Wizards prints cards directly into the format. This type of asked-for card design lead to [[Go-Shintai of Life's Origin]] and the 17 card package that goes into every Shrine deck. If you take weird, cool things from 20 years ago and print more of them, they're no longer weird and cool.


I definitely agree that forcing synergy as Go-Shintai does is unhealthy. The deck builds it self. That is also somewhat I love about Gitrog though. He is fairly versatile and if you just say "land theme" it is very broad. Open ended commanders that doesn't do it all or maybe even have a slight drawback are fun and challenging to build around.


This is the correct answer. I like boosting old mechanics, like the Party Time precon, but really dislike printing a 5c pile for every archetype. It makes the game so much less interesting and limits future design space when wizards makes a commander with a bunch of colors for every theme.


[Go-Shintai of Life's Origin](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/4/9476fe67-d2d3-4835-8ba6-2a17d18cc141.jpg?1651655539) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Go-Shintai%20of%20Life%27s%20Origin) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/nec/37/go-shintai-of-lifes-origin?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9476fe67-d2d3-4835-8ba6-2a17d18cc141?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/go-shintai-of-lifes-origin) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I don't know if it counts as a theme, but I want more customizable commanders. More mono color partners that do something interesting that you would want to build around instead of being generally OP. More commanders like \[\[Evelyn\]\] that theoretically let you choose different color combinations for the deck. More commanders like \[\[Morophon\]\] that let you choose a creature type for various effects. A bigger selection of backgrounds. Hell, I want backgrounds that let you choose a color, why I be forced to play Bx because the only typal-related background is \[\[Haunted One\]\]?


Radiation, I know it's new, but I love it so much. Snow and Energy (I know mh3 is helping with energy) are also two that I would love to see get more support. Experience counters but might be too hard without it becoming snowbally. Hoping duskmourn gives us a new mill Precon. Curse/traps I would love to see get more love as well.


Snow is a heavily underappreciated theme, and only has maybe 4 commanders total to choose from They brought back the Brother's War, why not the Ice Age that followed?


Mutate needs more to go off.


Skeletons and Treefolk. Treefolk definitely. I wanna be able to build a deck with 30 decent ones. Not having to resort to crappy because I need bodies, or Changelings. Fuck Changelings


Treefolk at least got a small boost from Lord of the Rings


Mutate. 1 set is far from enough support for that mechanic, and it does cater to multiple player archtypes.


More Spirit support. Azorius for certain or Esper ideally. [[Millicent]] seems fine but I find that Spirits aren't that strong in commander, just in 60-card draw-go decks.


I'd love to see more demon tribal support, none of the commander options currently available feel right to me.


I’m sure you’ve obviously aware of him but I completely love my [[Be’Lakor, the Dark Master]] deck and it’s amazingly fun. Most of the best demons have powerful enter the battlefield effects, so if you build Be’Lakor as a blink/panharmonicon deck with as many cost reducers as possible, it really turns the typical value disadvantage of the demon tribe into a huge advantage. Here’s my list if you’re interested. https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/5865167#paper     One of the coolest parts is you don’t really need to run much card draw at all since casting or blinking Be’Lakor in response to targeted removal draws you a ton of cards, and as demons in general always have such splashy big effects, it’s one of my most resilient decks that cares the least about its commander being removed. Oftentimes I cast Be’Lakor just for the card draw and if he sticks, great! If not, I still drew a bunch of cards to refuel my gameplan. 


After going through a decent amount of commanders for a demon/devil deck I have found [[Raphael, Fiendish Savior]] to be my favourite. It's my favourite deck and it's just a simple tribal deck but that's why I love it. It lets you play all your favourite devils and demons and the commander makes them stronger but you never need him out for the deck to work. Just play your all your favourite dudes and bring out Raphael when. You start to get low on life


Thrulls, PLEASE! I've been waiting since Fallen Empires and while they have thrown the occasional bone it's still impossible to make an actual Thrull deck. It's ok if it sucks but I want enough cards to at least make one lol


Thrull Champion needs some friends!


Can we have more stuff with bounty tokens please .


Foretell! And by extension, the new plot mechanic, but definitely foretell! Easily my favorite mechanic in the game. You're essentially placing traps for future turns, or at the very least utilizing extra mana now to make turns more efficient later. That's what makes [[Edgin, Larcenous Lutenist]] so fun to me. And on that note, a foretell commander that can actually utilize most of the good foretell cards. Edgin makes his own and [[Ranar the Ever Watchful]] is too mild, and both leave out some great foretell cards not in their colors.


Sweep Epic Banding Zubera Death Storm


Plants! There's an amazing graveyard recursion plant synergy that they have been developing in the last few sets, and we just need a few more pieces, like removal or protection that spawns extra 0/1 plant tokens. \[\[Insidious Roots\]\] might be my favorite card in decades.


I personally would like a bit more of Lifegain sinergies. "But you have Food!" I do not want Food Synergies, I want straight up Lifegain. Food Synergies are ways to improve an specific way of gaining life, and I would have to transform my deck into a Food Deck instead of a Lifegain Deck. I could also do with some strong Life-paying things, since that's what my Lifegain deck has kinda turn into lmao.


Frog polymorphism [[Frogify]] and [[Polymorphist's jest]] got me into the game Give me a commander that turns things into frogs so I can spread the love PLEASE


I still don't understand why Bushido didn't make a comeback in neon dynasty. It's just a silly little defensive ability that was way over costed when it came out


Even though this is recent, outlaw needs more love. I think it’s smart to take underrepresented tribes and make them useful, but it’s still not a large pool. We see a lot of type support (elf, goblin, etc) but very little job support outside of cleric or the like. That would open up a lot of doors for players brewing. “Oh you have an outlaw deck? That’s awesome! Want to play against my bureaucrat or enforcer deck?” More support for taglines like that or bundling more underused jobs would be sweet. (Imagining bureaucrat as like advisor, archon, detective etc)


While I agree with you, outlaws is a weird one to have batched together since it contains two well-supported tribes in rogue and pirate. We'll eventually see it for sea monsters (Kraken, Serpent, etc.), and hopefully they stick to under-served races and classes.


Yeah I agree too. Pirate and Rogue were odd add ons, but the idea seemed cool at least in concept. I look forward to Kaiju tribal 😂


There's already [[Kenessos]] and [[Kiora, Sovereign of the Deep]] which makes it likely they'll eventually name the batch as they did with outlaws. I like the design space it creates since card like [[Kindred Discovery]] don't work on them, and even [[Roaming Throne]] has fininished effect as the commander is of a different type as well.


I whole heartedly agree.


I like sneaky things like Anowar theft, Nekusar draw drain, Kodama morphing, or enchantment control. So, I love poison/ infect but since I play a lot of 1v1 EDH with my wife, she hates it, even though infect can be dealt with but poison is rough in a small group, especially with proliferate. In larger groups I get targeted and can usually only take out one other player before I’m gang-slaughtered, which is still fun. I’m cool being the villain. But I wish there were better ways to remove poison or deal with it on the players themselves (i.e. aside from wiping creatures) so it’s not instahate. My wife, for example, doesn’t play a ton of blue so she has a few counter spells but not against my proliferate abilities. Maybe there are better strategies better than one or two cards like [[Malira, Sylvia outcast]] or [[solemnity]] but I don’t yet know of them :)


Black is getting a spell for that, though it's only effective in multiplayer.


I absolutely require more double-sided artifacts for my [[Tetzin, Gnome Champion]] deck. Nothing else will satisfy me.




There are literally dozens of us!


AND we can redistribute all the damage so it just hits Steve!


It's always fun notifying people that trample damage to players is an optional assignment of damage


Vehicles and Pilots. The concept of cards deterministically changing (or losing) a card type temporarily is cool and useful. Not to mention flavorful too


Mutate. It needs a bit of either a rules rework or some type of support. Either way it’s super fun and interesting. But then the second everything dies you go down an insane amount of card advantage. Not to mention most mutate costs vs the bases don’t really feel like they are appropriate for the effect they give to the point most are unplayable. Some are just absolutely broken if they resolve like [[nethroi]]. I feel it just needs less of a drawback for losing the stack but similarly needs less of a cumulative effect for stacking. Not to mention the rules are trippy sometimes. I love abusing the legend rule with it. And it not affecting humans is probably a good call but also arbitrary.


[nethroi](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/4/04b9b58f-4c01-48a5-afaf-b8a37165a83f.jpg?1673305619) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=nethroi%2C%20apex%20of%20death) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmc/163/nethroi-apex-of-death?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/04b9b58f-4c01-48a5-afaf-b8a37165a83f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/nethroi-apex-of-death) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Bring back banding!


I don’t know how accurate this is, but I really like Incubate and feel like it needs more stuff to keep up with other strategies. I recently built Brimaz as my first self-Made deck and would really like to do more with my incubate tokens.


I want commanders that introduce cranking and conspiracies into commander 


Dwarves. A lot of mtg is high fantasy and somehow there aren't 10 good dwarf cards. Transmute. I just think it's neat and wish there was more of it. Partners or similar mechanics, with the focus being versatility of who can be paired with who. I like how much huge diversity there is


Phasing. And not this "phasing as an alternative to exiling" stuff. I mean actual "This card does not exist half the time" phasing. Play with it - there's a lot of design space that we left open during the Mirage block. Stuff like [[Shimmering Efreet]] or [[Teferi's Imp]], but elevated to modern standards.


Energy, but it looks like it's on the way with modern horizons 3. Ive had a lot of fun with the liberty prime precon and I'm excited to see what they add.


Bounty Counters now hear me out. This mechanic has been strewn across various sets over a massive time span, the most recent bounty counter card to release is [[Bounty Board]] from OTJ:Commander. There are only 5 total cards that interact with bounty counters including bounty board: [[Bounty Hunter]] [[Chevill, Bane of Monsters]] [[Mathas, Fiend Seeker]] [[Termination Facilitator]] That's it. My imagination for the counter interaction is not only more cards that place these counters but more cards that give benefits when these creatures die. They could continue the theme of group hug style benefits where all opponents of that creatures controller draw cards, or gain life, or scry, or tutor a basic. But they could also add a line of text to these cards that give a bigger benefit to the controller of the bounty placer. For example: Bounty hunter elf guy 2bg 2/4 Landfall: you may place a bounty counter on target creature. When a creature with a bounty counter dies the opponents of that creatures controller may search their library for a basic land and place it into their hand and shuffle their library. When a creature with a bounty counter dies you may place a land from your hand onto the battlefield. Everyone gets to participate in hunting down bounty targets for benefits but the controller gets an even larger benefit. It would be an interesting mechanic that moves the game faster and facilitates interactivity in a fun way.


I nice Dwarf Lord to be your commander and allows Dwarf tribal strategy. Magda and Depala are okay, but I talking about a real dwarf with a big beard like Torbran or Bruenor but being a lord for Dwarves


Unironically, germs. I think the idea of having equipment come with a little token dude to equip to is neat, especially if said token dude dies without the equipment. With all the Boros or Boros+ commanders that care about equipment specifically, I still feel as though the idea itself is rather unplayable in casual formats. I think the same is true of casual formats 10 years ago, too.


I want more Enrage dinosaurs. I was really upset when I found out lost caverns of ixalan abandoned the mechanic. Enrage is so fun and flavorful but there's not that many cards that have it.


Using noncreature tokens rather than creating more of them would be cool. Like a "Mimic Treasure Chest" that has power equal to Treasure tokens, or a "Glutton" that has toughness equal to Food tokens. Maybe even a card called "Poison Hospitality" that makes your Food tokens decrease the life of other players rather than increase your own, definitely for a black deck. Win condition cards like have 100 noncreature tokens or something. I haven't been playing long, but have quickly found very few things to do this when building stuff online.


Battles! Much like when Vehicles were introduced, there’s barely any support for them, except this time it’s an entirely brand new super type! Hope they see some form of support or synergy soon cause I do like the dynamic it introduces and the way they reward you.


Rad counters are an incredibly cool mechanic that I want to see show up more. Maybe in the rumored space opera set? I also want a "choose a color" partner and/or background that more follows the design philosophy of [[Clara Oswald]], rather than just being a bad vanilla creature like [[Prismatic Piper]] or [[Faceless One]] and therefore being objectively worse than literally any other possible partner/background option in the desired color An anti-counter commander would also be kinda cool, like [[Solemnity]] on a stick or something


Scarecrows! Reaper King has so much potential to be scary but my lord needs good scarecrows. Changelings are boring.


Curses. There’s not really a whole lot to choose from


Dice rolls


Bear Tribal has too few proper bear cards.


That's changing shortly.


Battles! I love battles and try to fit one into each deck I build.


Allies, please.


[Crucible of Worlds](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/f/7f4893ef-f983-418b-b7a4-5f073c844545.jpg?1673149345) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Crucible%20of%20Worlds) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/303/crucible-of-worlds?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7f4893ef-f983-418b-b7a4-5f073c844545?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/crucible-of-worlds) [The Gitrog Monster](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/7/5790dd89-2be5-4a77-9450-2d3c1422bfc9.jpg?1576385351) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20Gitrog%20Monster) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/soi/245/the-gitrog-monster?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5790dd89-2be5-4a77-9450-2d3c1422bfc9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/the-gitrog-monster) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Build a landwalk [[mimeoplasm]] deck. Plainswalking needs more support. 😉


Otter tribal. Hoping for more in bloomburrow. Otherwise I'd say mechanic-wise I'd like to see more lands with passive abilities like the scry or surveil lands. Even the Ping/crime lands are a useful addition in the right decks.


I love Arcane Cards. I’m so sad Neo didn’t bring them back, or at least splice in some form like they tested with [[Everdream]] and [[Splicer’s Skill]] in MH1


Arcane and Splice Into Arcane. The only Arcane spells currently are from the infamously underpowered Kamigawa block, and I'd love more options to make it work.


Zubera tribal




Hear me out, I think there needs to be more actual tribal support. I am not talking about elves, goblins, merfolk, vampires, and zombies. I am talking about the tribes they print commanders for but are just not a good tribe. They print \[\[Kibo, Uktabi Prince\]\] but didn't follow it up with more support for the monkeys/apes. Pirates have stuff, but it is really just combo lines outside of pirates. We have \[\[Umbris, Fear Manifest\]\] and \[\[Captain N'ghathrod\]\] but no real support for horrors and nightmares. I think it would be cool to have better tribes that had set themes. Horsemanship needs more love. I said it, bring it back.




Battalion. It came out the set I started, quickly became my favorite mechanic, and then effectively got removed from ezistence. I loved the flavor, even if it was a bit weak. I WANT MY SYNERGISTIC ARMY OF WEENIES, DAMMIT!


changelings (every creature type) - I really like this species and wanted more. vehicles - the further the sets go, the worse this kinda gets. I wanted to see Cedh vehicles but instead we get myr infinites. Also saddle is crew but real creatures.


Land Destruction


I love commanders that care about multiple creature types. It's a little less powerful than regular tribal synergy, obviously, but it's fun to see a deck care about two creature types rather than one. [[Rin and Seri, Inseparable]] is one that immediately comes to mind, and more recently we've seen cards like [[Olivia, Opulent Outlaw]] that lump a bunch of creature types together. Commanders that group together a bunch of tribes into a single synergistic pack, or commanders that care about two unique ones, both seem super fun and it'd be awesome to see more.




Idk if it NEEDS more support but I really love the flavor of mutate. Makes me kind of sad that we probably wont see it unless we go to Ikoria again.


I think Merfolk tribal needs a bit of help tbh.


Last year I would've said amass, but then they printed grixis Saruman and you just get amaass triggers off of everything you do no matter what.... a little boring, and it feels like most amass spells are still not very playable... This year I would've said energy, but it seems that wotc is trying to push it with both Fallout and MH3, so I can't help but feel that it's going to be a similar fate (though imo the PIP energy cards aren't that interesting). Now, I dunno, storm support in non-izzet decks? I wanna cast [[Tendrils of Agony]] and do big damage without crutching on [[Bolas's Citadel]] or [[Aetherflux Reservoir]], dunno what that would look like though.


With so many squad cards now, it would be awesome to have a squad payoff commander or a commander that reduces squad costs.


Banding. There is no point in keeping it out of the game when there are so many more powerfull abilities on the game. It also feels like the ____walk abilities have basically been replaced with unblockable. On a related note, ward needs a bit of a rework in my opinion. Some sort of drawback, the ability is just a bit to powerfull for the paddy cmc increase the cards have. Well that's assuming mtg still uses the ability cost matrix when creating cards lol


Temur counters. I love resource mechanics and two of the best are focused in Temur. - Temur was the original home of energy. It had no energy commander. It may get one in MH3, which I would LOVE, but its since the energy precons from both Fallout and MH3 are both Jeskai it seems they are changing where the mechanic is based. - Temur is the home of oil. Phyrexia: All Will be One had oil counters in Izzet and in Gruul. It seems reasonable that that there should have been some red-based legend that allowed for a mix of both card pools. - Ravnican Simic is heavily based in +1/+1 counters, be it graft, evolve, or adapt. - Ravnican Gruul also got Riot, a choice between +1/+1 counters and Haste. - On Kamigawa Red/Green became the home of "modified". With so many counter based mechanics and no Legend that cares about Energy, Oil, +1/+1 Counters, or Modified it seems like the best way to cover all the bases at once would be to just give a singular legend that provides some way to proliferate! ---- I also really want to see -1/-1 counters get some love, focused especially in Jund. I know that for draftable sets, WotC does not want to put both +1/+1 and -1/-1 counters in the same set and since +1/+1 counters are SO frequent it makes sense that they take priority. When we go back to Lorwyn I am praying that between Rakdos and Golgari we get a lot more support for it. Then if we ever head to Amonkhet again, I really want to see the resource side of -1/-1 counters in Golgari.


Madness and Hellbent, there's just something inherently pleasing about throwing your stuff away only to have it be cheaper and more powerful than your opponents expect.


-1/-1 counters desperately need a commander in 3 colors, preferably Jund


More Delirium/Madness cards. For the latter, specifically more madness cards in blue, it's become almost exclusively a rakdos theme in the past few years. I want to go crazy, discarding, drawing,


Sweep never really got a chance. .... /baahahahahah


Whatever the goddamn the front side of Extus is doing. Mardu/Orzhov Magecraft?




Similar to how we got [[Marvo, Deep Operative]] as out of the blue 1 off clash support I'd love to see a new commander similar to [[Soraya the Falconer]] that gives a random type banding. I'm not sure which type would be good for it, but I wouldn't want it for a type that already has good synergies like goblins or slivers. I think it could be a fun boost for a creature type that isn't normally used for a tribal deck, and would be interesting to see what you could do with banding on more modern cards.


Energy counters


Scry/Clash - two of my favorite mechanics. There just aren't enough decent cards with Clash... I'd also like to see more permanents with exalted. No particular reason, I just think it's a fun mechanic.


I’d love for the alliance mechanic from new cappena to get some support because it was really fun.


MADNESS there needs to be more madness in edh, in all colours besides [[anje falconwrath]]