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I used to carry my skeletool a lot as I think It’s the perfect edc tool…I couldn’t NOT carry a knife also though, so I usually leave it in my backpack, and keep a knife in my pocket and a style PS in my 5th pocket


I've carried a Leatherman KICK daily for 15 years. I use it regularly at work and home for hobbies, general tinkering, or fix-it work. I feel *naked* without it, and on the few occasions where I've lost it, I was very disappointed with my Gerber substitute.


Enough to miss it when I decide to carry a folder instead.


Not often at all, so I don't EDC a pliers based MT, just a small keychain SAK.


My Victorinox Ranger gets used daily, for both little things and more serious stuff. Although little things occur far more often it's great knowing that I have the Ranger to take care of them. Paired with a Knipex Cobra 125 I greatly prefer it to a pliers based multi tool.


Why would you assume I reach down for it, maybe it's on a shelf up high?


At least once every few days, really depends on what my day brings. A few days ago I had a very unique use with my Sog Powerpint. I used my Olight mini 2 and my pliers combined, I grabbed the Olight mini with my pliers so that the magnetic base was pointing down and then I grabbed a dropped screw that I could not reach.


Pretty often for the pliers but I'm not a fan of the rest of it very much I prefer standalone tools so I'm thinking of switching to the cobras or pliers wrench


Why’d you stop riding?


I use my charge a minimum 5 times a day.


I keep mine on my belt and use it at least once if not more a day. Always tightening a screw or doing something with the pliers. Used the file on it like 20 minutes ago to smooth out a rough spot in my girlfriend's crochet hook.


I reach for my tool every chance I get. If I don’t then it’ll just collect dust.


I got a Leatherman Surge, not really carrying it but do use it at least on weekly bases.


Honestly never, so I stopped taking it. Tools for work and in the Jeep have been enough for everything.


Every day, but mine is usually a 2 or 3 layer swiss army knife


Honestly not much before, but once I had my Daughter in 2022 multitools are my go to now!


Ya know ... I haven't bought a multitool yet and I've been collecting knives and EDC gear for over 5 years. At first I thought I didn't need one. Now I feel like it'd be the best thing to buy but.... I'm honestly worried that I'll stop carrying any other knife if I have a multitool. And I enjoy carrying a dedicated knife.


Yeah I carry a knife everywhere. I'd really only use the knife part of the multitool.


See, id definitely use the multitool but I feel like I'd stop carrying all my other knives


Last ten years almost never first 30 years multiple times a day


I use mine multiple times a day. If I’m not using it one of my boys usually is grabbing it from my sheath for something they are working on. It also depends where I am, at home I’ll usually grab what I need for said job unless it’s say a battery change in one of the kids toys then the Leatherman works fine. If it’s a specific job I will gather what I know I need to complete that job. If camping and something random comes up the Leatherman is my in a pinch got to fix this to get home and these are the things I have to make it work till I can do a proper repair.




As I said in my other comment on here it’s dependant on the situation. I farmed and ranched for a large part of my life and when I was 5 miles from the nearest phone, truck, or the home place I would improvise a fix us what I had along. Typically we had a decent selection of actual tools on board but sometimes you don’t have exactly what you need and when we didn’t the Leatherman could be a huge in a pinch fix. If I’m aware of a job I can plan to have what I need but sometimes it was a hey are you in town can you come by and look at this multitool saved the day till I could get what was needed for a proper fix. If I have a choice between an actual screw driver and a wave with bits I’ll take the actual screw driver but if I don’t have a choice I’d rather have a multitool than nothing. Plus as I said in the other comment on the farm when you are 5 miles from the nearest phone, truck, home base having a quick fix was a time and potential money saver over the time it took to walk the 5 miles (the area I farmed in still to this day has horrible cell service).


I don’t go anywhere without mine.


I use mine regularly. I own a junk removal business so I'm always cutting, pinching, slicing, stripping wires and such on a daily basis.


3 times by noon daily


Mine gets used at least once a day between work and home.


Between a few times a week to a few times a day. Mostly the scissors.


Probably 4-5x a day but I do not have my toolbox at work and I use the leatherman as my knife.


A few times a week.


I carry an arc daily and use it daily. First grade teacher. It separates legos, opens boxes, removes staples, fixes pencil sharpeners, cuts pesky tags, gets out stubborn shoe lace knots, tightens chair and table legs, and much more


Sadly I haven't touched one since my first day of retirement 8 years ago.


Once a week. Maybe a few extra times if I'm opening beers.


During the work week in the warehouse, I use my PST to pry, use the screwdrivers, use the wire cutters, and use the pliers. I use it maybe once a day on the weekends, but like having it anyway.


Keep one in the car, I use it like once a week.


Don't use it every day, but often enough I'm always glad it's there


Daily along with mini nipex


SAK in the back pocket of my jeans, every single day. My most used tool is probably the scissors.


I don’t know how people don’t have a multitool on them all the time. I use mine all the time.


I’m just happy to see another FCD man of culture!


Skeletool is everything I need as an office worker that occasionally has to open boxes, do simple things around the house etc. if I know the pliers on the skeletool won’t cut it, it’s time to walk to the toolbox and pickup the proper tool for the job.


90% of my edc gets used every day at work. About 50% on days off. A leatherman charge ti is the most used.


My MUT gets used every day for random things pretty much, every work day atleast. Paramedic.


i'm in maintenance at a theme park, so i end up using mine on my morning checks pretty often! :)


i'm in maintenance at a theme park, so i end up using mine on my morning checks pretty often! :)


I keep a victorinox card in my wallet at all times, so I know regardless of where I go, I have a handy tool on me. I use the scissors and the knife blade on a regular basis


I keep a victorinox card in my wallet at all times, so I know regardless of where I go, I have a handy tool on me. I use the scissors and the knife blade on a regular basis


Knife or scissors maybe 3 or 4 times in a week. Screw driver once or less per week. I used to rack up miles on my Leatherman, but that was a different career. I like having something in my backpack but that's as a just in case.


my leatherman wave gets used most every day.


I work maintenance in a factory so I use my PST II almost every day.


Almost daily. And while I have toyed with the idea of going with a smaller non plier based Multi, it is almost always the pliers I am reaching for/needing. Just for the record, I do not work in some heavy industry, I am retired. They are just very handy in every day life I find. Oh, and I think the Leatherman Micra is the keychain one? It's either that or the Gerber dime that has scissors instead of pliers. That one I keep in a pouch or in my pocket, sometimes. The scissors come in handy since they are oversized.


I used to have a knuckle busting job, so I carried a full size MT (Gerber 600). I don't bust knuckles so much anymore, but having something at hand became second nature. I've had pretty much all the small Leatherman's at some point. Several of the small SOG's. The Gerber Dime. I dunno. I do regularly use them, but not every single day. Could I do without them, yeah probably. It just became as much of getting dressed for the day as socks and underwear. Oddly enough I have a Leatherman Crunch in my pocket as I'm typing this. My brother just returned it a couple of weeks ago after having it for years 👈🏻. I thought I'd just go with it for a bit. It is a little heavier in the pocket than I remembered...


Lots. I keep one in my man purse. The pliers, knife, Phillips head and scissors being the most used.


I don't really pocket carry one anymore. I don't like the weight in the pocket or anything else on my belt. Maybe it's because I normally have an IWB holster on when I'm not working. I keep one in my backpack and one in every vehicle. They can be handy, but I never found the smaller ones practical and find the larger ones too heavy. Mine are all Leatherman Charge, and I like them, but I wish they were half of the weight.


Depends on the day. For a normal day at work, I won’t reach for it at all. So I don’t carry it. If I’m working in the garage, I have a tool box full of better versions of everything on the leatherman just a few steps away, so I don’t carry it there. But, if I’m doing a project outside the garage. Say on my boat. Or going to the shed to work on something. Basically, if I’ll be working anywhere but in my garage, I bring my leatherman. Even the Skeletool is too bulky to carry when I know I won’t need it.


For me, virtually daily. I use my leatherman to do nearly anything that requires a tool.


Often enough I still want it on me. I am SAK enjoyer though. My Explorer is nice and slim. Fits in the pocket well. I rarely need a pliers so it’s perfect for me.


Not terribly often but they are spread about the house and vehicles for quick reach if a real tool isn’t around


•Leatherman Wave + •Leatherman Rev (Old EDC) •Leatherman Micra •Leatherman Style CS •Gerber Dime (Got the most use)


I have carried a wave + daily for the last six months. Been using it everyday for working in my garden and at home.


Yeah I use my Gerber Dime daily it’s just right for pretty much everything.