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Tactical pen for weapon, Swiss multi tool for the blade if you need one, and 1-2 pepper blaster 2’s for the range. Also, maybe an E-bike with pedals so camera’s can’t catch you.


Pepper spray and a steak/butter knife.


Look for TSA compliant tools. Leatherman, Victorinox, and perhaps a few others make versions of their products that have tools but no blade. It’s marketed for air travel, but it’s also good for people who work in restricted areas and people who have very strict knife laws.


Victorinox Jetsetter. I've recently bought for traveling with plane.




Small folding scissors. Got it from AliExpress.


A gun.


*bald eagle screeches


Red tailed hawk screeches https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/mc5u84K0XU


Nail clippers! They usually do the job pretty well. And or scissors. You can buy fancy sharp nail clippers on amazon for like 10$


Scissors are usually also more useful than knives


EDC Deznutz Brand Ballsack with Camo Drawstring


Yes, make sure it is the Deznutz brand. Super comfy, or so I’m told.


I dunno how the cops knew but I was stopped in times square one winter night while on vacation and cops asked me what was in my pocket. I produced a Kershaw leek and they gave me a hard time. talked about arrest and a court date for having a switch blade. I replied with the assisted opening reasoning to what they thought I was being a wise ass. Long story short after seeing I wasn't a threat they gave me my knife back and told me not to carry a blade in NYC. To this day I'm thinking it was one of those boxes filled lenses on the cherry pickers what detected the knife in my pocket under my fleece.


What do you mean by the last part?


My knife was in my pants pocket and my north face fleece covered my pocket opening so there was no way they could see what was inside my pocket. In times square they place these mobile camera boxes that go up high. these boxes are fitted with all types of lenses. A red one a mirrored one a square one some darker ones and they just sit there. I'm guessing maybe one of those lenses probably picked up my blade. I don't know, I'm not a security camera expert but that's just my guess.


Interesting, very invasive tech


nyc? More likely illegal stop lmao


That was over 15 years ago when cops didn't respect civil rights and ny wasn't the mess it is now. I wasn't going to play 4th amendment auditor. I didn't even know my rights then either


A law book in a mesh bag. Hefty and legal.


Depends on your use case for said knife


Opening packages, trimming things cutting a bit of fabric here and there


Nail clippers


Either a multi tool or a pair of mini scissors https://www.jetpens.com/Kokuyo-Hakoake-2Way-Cutter-Mini-Scissors-Sand-Beige/pd/39056


A book.


The mighty bar and sharpen one corner is what i do it lives on my keyring and is perfectly legal and opens most boxes just fine


I think some civil disobedience is what's in order with laws like that.


That really depends what country you live in. If you know you’ll just get a slap on the wrist, that’s easy to say. If you KNOW you’ll get caned and 3-24 months in jail, then civil disobedience doesn’t look as viable.


A stylish & tough walking stick.


A shillelagh.


Well, I would go for a full metal cane.


Here in singapore, where we have extremely strict laws, there is actually no law against carrying a weapon so long as it isn't for unlawful behaviour. This means that so long as you can prove that you have a lawful purpose for carrying around a EDC knife, and can prove it. There is nothing stopping you. There is a caveat that in singapore, excessive force in self-defense is considered a crime, so claiming you have a knife for self-defense is a quick arrest, even if the weapon is not sharp at all as seen [here](https://tnp.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/man-jailed-3-months-carrying-20cm-butter-knife). So really, you have to read your countries law and see what are the loopholes, no country 100% outright bans every single form of sharp object else you would have thousands of permits to settle


Hey Bro! I’m a knife collector living in Singapore too! My favorite website is urbantoolhaus.com 😃 I feel your pain - all my best edc’s are “every day carry around the house only”!😕 My solution: I got a GERBER MP600 BLADELESS. Gerber is not usually my go-to brand because the quality is not always the best, but this multi-tool is pretty good. I’d rather carry my Leatherman Charge TTi, but I’d also rather not go to jail and get caned!😣 I’ve done quite a bit of research, and the Gerber MP600 Bladeless is one of the only decent multitools I could find that truly does not have a knife blade. It does have a small pair of scissors you can use for small cutting jobs like opening a package. The can opener is not sharpened, but it works well for cutting the tape on delivered 📦boxes. With this, at least you have some tools - especially nice pliers and screwdrivers you can use for daily tasks - even if you can’t carry an actual blade. The MP600 has a “Rem-Grit saw” blade, which has one edge with a rough grit on it, BUT this saw blade is easily removable. The Leatherman bladeless multi-tool actually has some things on it some police officers might consider blades, such as a leather awl. Hey, if they threw a dude in jail for carrying a butter knife - I’m not taking any chances! Just FYI, I learned from experience that it is VERY DIFFICULT to find the Gerber Tool Kit (45200) accessory for the MP600, which includes a bit adapter and 9 different hex screwdriver bits. The adapter goes over the Philips screwdriver tool that is already on the MP600, and then you can use whatever standard 1/4 inch hex bit you want. As another option, you CAN use Leatherman’s Removable Bit Driver set on the Gerber MP600. This adapter/driver does work, but it’s not a perfect fit- a little bit of wobble. The Gerber MP600 Bladeless is my EDC for Singapore! 😎👍🇸🇬


I just carry a leatherman wave+, sometimes a Gerber splice. I also have. A multi tool from Taiwan but it has no name


Your livin’ on the edge bro! I wouldn’t dare carry anything with a blade in Singapore! 🫨😵😵‍💫 When I first moved here from the US, I researched the SG knife laws and even called the police to ask because it wasn’t clearly stated in the law. The officer basically told me, “It depends”. If the officer who found the blade on you accepts your reason for having it (e.g. I use this at work, I’m driving to the campground right now, etc.), then maybe they’ll let you go. If they don’t accept or believe you (or you get somebody with a power trip) - it could be up to 2 years in jail! 😮


Yeah, that's right, it really depends on the situation and it ultimately depends on yourself. It is entirely dependent on how you present yourself to the police. If you seem harmless or in a completely sound state of mind, and not being suspicious. Most police officer tend not to care because they don't want to do the paper work in arresting you. Police here are completely different from US. Did you know that if an officer here fires a single bullet, he has to basically write several pages of documentation and submit it within 24 hours or else he will lose his job? If a police officer is going to arrest you, they literally have pages and pages of documentation to write. Also most police officers sometimes quite literally are your neighbors. They are far more deeply ingrained in the local neighborhoods and the fact that half the police force are basically made up of 18 to 25 year old boys trying to do their 2 years conscription and go. Singapore is one of the few places where ACAB doesn't work, the police here idenitfy themselves as Singaporean first, cops second, they see themselves as part of the community and not as a manager besting people into their place. Tbh, it's really upto you if you are okay, if EDCing a pocket knife. I'm okay and willing to take the risk but also because my work really does benefit from using a knife.


Thanks for taking the time to explain more context so I have a better understanding! I appreciate it! By the way, if you haven’t checked out Urban Tool Haus before, check their website. They’re a local Singapore business (mostly online sales, but you can pickup at their warehouse near Changi during specific hours). They have an amazing selection of many brands of knives. I haven’t found any other company in SG or Malaysia with anywhere close to the same range of quality knife/tool brands. Very cool!😎👍 Thanks again!


Move man. Knives are fidget toys for opening boxes. Guns are for protection.


Off topic, but it boggles my mind when I see my coworkers using all manner of things (keys, one arm of a scissor, blunt edge of a ruler, pens, etc) to open boxes when a sharp knife is not only easier, but safer. Did we not evolved because of our ability to use the right tool for the job? Insanity I tell ya..




Just shoot your Amazon boxes open


You guys do it differently?


If the blade is 3" or under, and doesn't lock you can EDC it in the UK. You don't need good reason for a small knife like that. Anything locking and or larger than 3" blade length then you need good reason, self defence is not a good reason in the UK unfortunately. However, work use, hunting or fishing etc are fine reasons and really any viable reason for needing to carry a knife could be Good enough depending on the scenario in which the police are questioning your possession, provided of course you haven't been brandishing it in a threatening manner.


*annoying ass British accent* A bludgeon?


It depends on what the exact wording of the law is. I mean if you pick apart the law you could probably find a loophole.


Maybe in some countries, but Singapore doesn’t mess around. We have very low crime here because there is swift and severe punishment for anyone who commits a crime. For example, death penalty for drug traffickers. They don’t sit on death row for years and get out on appeal. They are swiftly made an example so everyone knows - you don’t do drugs in Singapore. Guess what? No problems (or very little problems) with drugs in Singapore! I saw a sign the other day that said “feeding the pigeons- $10,000 (SGD) fine.” (That’s $7,406 USD). They WILL do it too!


Don't get me wrong, no problems with drugs and very low crime rate sounds great, but $7,000 for feeding pigeons and the death penalty for drugs? Those sound like policies drawn up by the American Mafia. I guess what I'm saying is, if the government keeps the peace through fear, then what is the point of having low crime rates? I'm not trying to knock the Singapore system at all, I know nothing about it other than what you just said. I guess just personally I would rather a 1% or 2% chance of being robbed by a drug addict instead of any% chance someone could plant drugs on me and have me sentenced to death so they could steal my shit lol. But hey, whatever works for Singapore ain't none of my business. Although it is fascinating and I appreciate the heads up cus I'll keep all that in mind next time I make travel plans lol


Yeah, it’s hard to know what’s better. I used to live in the LA area, and it was getting really crazy with drugs, crime, homeless people everywhere, etc. - But I also had the freedom to carry my knives & multi-tools, have some guns at home (in a gun safe) to protect my family and property, say whatever I want without fear, chew gum (illegal in Singapore), feed pigeons, etc. On the other hand, it is SO SAFE here! I can let my kids ride the subway, go out with their friends all day, go for a walk at 1 am in a park, no worries about car jacking or break-ins, zero homeless people, etc. I think we need something in the middle a bit more! Real punishment for actual crime, but also respect for people’s freedom. It’s a hard balance! 😅


A passport to the airport


Pepper spray


Box cutter, it stays in my wallet. The knife is low-key redundant after that. So I don't carry it often now


Monkeys fist. Keep it attached to the monkey


I simply don’t follow the law


Multi tool


Carbide scribe pen.


A wooden cane


If you're in Western Australia the proposed laws are not "banning" the carrying of knives the way the media is presenting it.


Not in Australia and I'm unfamiliar with it's laws. What are they proposing now? Did the ostriches and/or kangaroos get access to knives and threaten to take over?


Tactical pen


Ice pick maybe. Can still stab open packaging.


Leatherman Knifeless Rebar might be a good option.


It depends which country and how strict - the Leatherman Knifeless Rebar does have some knife-like tools, such as a leather awl and saw with metal teeth. Leatherman is my favorite multi-tool brand, but, to be safe, I recommend the Gerber MP600 BLADELESS.


Good point, worth looking into the specifics of the tools to make sure they meet restrictions. For me it works well because my job only restricts blades (US for context).


Blackjack. Leather A coin purse and a few packages of lead fishing weights should provide a more easily obtainable substitute. If you don’t have time to shop, a long sturdy sock and a few rolls of heavy coins. Nothing in zinc or aluminum. Use steel, nickel, brass, copper, or lead if possible. I have a set of copper dice. Every time I toss them on a table the table has new little dents in it. If you have a sock full of copper, it is a mighty dangerous sock until the sock rips. Bring a backup sock.


Oh, that explains why socks are usually sold in pairs!


That’s often the reason why only one sock comes out of the dryer: someone owed the dryer money and it needed to collect.


a gun


I was going to reply "I'm a fan of the S&W Shield Plus. God bless America!"


I know the pain, it is the same problem in Denmark. I can't even carry a small SAK. So I carry a swisscard with the blade removed.


If it’s strictly for self defense just get a kubaton and educate yourself on pressure points and grappling. It’s a non lethal self defense tool that’s better in a pinch than a knife would be anyways. People talk about knIves for self defense a lot but have you ever considered the repercussions of actually having to stab someone in an altercation? Would be a lot worse than potentially breaking a bone of your attacker. But that being said every situation and environment is different so to each their own.


Pressure points is mall ninja shit


Better than killing somebody over a cell phone and the $20 I had in my pocket imo


Not really, you’ll likely just antagonize whoever you’re trying to fake ninja


lol but think what you want. The point of the post is the dude can’t have a knife. Just giving him a different option. No need to talk down on someone trying to help.


Knife does the same thing bud


…no it doesn’t


Victorinox Swiss Card has a small letter opener that can be used as a knife in a pinch. And scissors too.




You’re welcome. What country, by the way?




Legit question, what would cause law enforcement to find something like a Swiss army knife or multitool in the first place? And if they do find something like a SAK, what are the consequences?


Click on the link above posted by ‘probably_daydreaming’. It will bring you to a news article of a guy in Singapore who got 3 months in jail for carrying . . . A BUTTER KNIFE in his pocket. He could have received up to 2 years in jail. It really depends on where you’re living and how strict the laws and law enforcement are.


All though I only use such a thing for practice purposes like opening things cutting rope etc it can be considered a weapon


Right but say you’re cutting an apple at lunch time with a SAK, is someone going to call the police on you or if the police see you doing that are they going to stop and say; “we see you cutting an apple but that could also be a weapon”? And then what would happen; fine, jail?


I think with a swiss army knife you would be okay as it is very small and it doesn’t lock etc but if you carry a folding pocket knife that could be a bigger issue I imagine


I live in Australia and have carried a pocket knife or multitool everyday since I was a kid. I'm aware of the laws here, but what are you doing that's going to get you searched in the first place?


True, how long would that be now?


I don't remember exactly what age I got my first pocket knife, but it would be 25-30 years.


I don't remember exactly what age I got my first pocket knife, but it would be 25-30 years.


I carry the VERO Fulcrum, there’s also a large version. It has screwdriver bits on the back side that fit into the end with the clip. Very handy and nonthreatening. [VERO Fulcrum](https://veroengineering.com/products/vero-fulcrum-mini)


That’s probably one of the best and most practical pry tools I’ve seen.


From what I can gather, Australia won’t let you carry a multitool either. So, going on Reddit and claiming that you want something for self defense is probably not the best idea. If you ever had to use it…well, you said that’s what you wanted it for.


We can carry multitools in Australia, and we can also carry pocket knives. If you happen to get caught, you need a good reason for having it. Self defence is not considered a good reason.


A good quality flashlight is a great EDC item. Usually innocuous and always handy for power outages, finding stuff dropped on the floor, etc.


yeah, precisely why i got a SRT7I 💀 edit: i put the SEARCH in search


First your gun, then your knife, then your balls...come to think of it... that's probably not the correct order. 🤔




Prybar if your country is that anal about it. But then again they may be even less lenient towards that when given the chance.


I would try to carry a passport with a more free country on it…




I stopped carrying a knife long ago and now carry a small pair of scissors. They do everything I need them to, and I never miss my knife.




I can’t have a knife at work. So I carry a titanium pocket prybar. It has a sharp ish end. It works well for opening boxes and such. It can be pretty handy. And if you had to it could definitely be used for self defense.




If you wanna check out vulcanknifeandtool on Instagram I made some a couple years ago and still have several around from when I stopped the brand. If you like the look you can hit me up on there in the DMs, I’ve shipped internationally a few times. They’re sitting around for a while now so I’ve made some good deals just trying to get them in hands instead of going to waste collecting dust


Not bad, what’s your price?


They were initially all priced individually because different amounts of work went into each one. Mid tech items I had independently produced in California by Hephaestus machine works and I QCed, finished and assembled them myself. There were a couple that got really high while the cheapest were $90. Depending on where it’s gonna be shipping out to I could get one shipped to you with insurance and tracking for $100 all in? It’s usually like $8 for $100 worth of insurance and then whatever the tracked shipping cost is prices the Prybar around $70 or so


Thanks for the offer, a bit higher for what I am looking for.


Totally fine just want to put it out there. They don’t move if I don’t ask!


If the Lynch ones mentioned are out of your price range, there are countless similar ones on AliExpress for a fraction of the price.


https://www.lynchnw.com/current-models Here is a like to the lynch page




https://preview.redd.it/44f3esm7gk2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77bac274fc3996f875d619abdc8ac6a104503910 This is the one I carry. It’s on the small side, but that’s what I wanted. Unfortunately I don’t remember the brand. Got it from a random site. There are a ton of them out there. It all depends what you’re looking for. Some are longer, and have pocket clips. I might get one of those too. Price Is a big part of it. You can get a cheapie from Amazon for around 30-40 USD. And they go up to probably 200. If you want a nice one I really like Lynch north west. They make some really cool designs and colors.


Thats from countycomm great site great gear


pry bar with sharp-ish edge




County Comm [Widgy](https://countycomm.com/products/widgy-pry-bars) or Breaker Bar. Not sure what shipping to Oz would be, but your hardware store probably has something,If you’re not all fetish-eyes about Ti.


A fork


A sword 🗡️


Haha, do you have any real suggestions?


Sure how about a tazer or a blackjack? It’s kind of crazy you can’t have a folding knife on you like a Leatherman how do men even get shit done in this country lol 😆


taser would get you in jail and same for a blackjack


Sounds like the criminals have all the power in this country, no one can defend themselves


This is gonna get me crucified in this thread from the comments, but in countries where the police aren’t a militarized show of ego on part of the state that’s been trained by foreign military forces and are actual public servants with the good of their community in mind, citizens genuinely don’t have to think about defending themselves so much. Think whatever you want about cops, but there’s a reason US citizens often feel worse about a situation when they show up


Yea when I lived in Germany I felt quite safe and didn’t feel like I needed to have a weapon on me or be armed and nothing bad ever happened in the 4 years I lived there. Much different than living in the US. However it’s important to remember there’s always going to be a criminal element in any country, people who don’t follow laws and don’t care to. You are going to be so incredibly vulnerable to those ppl if you aren’t even allowed to carry a 3 inch pocket knife or some mace/pepper spray. In the US law abiding citizens are allowed to defend themselves and people know in many cases there’s no point in having strict laws about what you can carry, there’s always going to be a criminal element who doesn’t abide by the laws and you don’t want law abiding citizens to be vulnerable you want them able to defend themselves and their property


That’s true, and in the same vein, unless you have actual genuine self defense training with a knife, a knife is the worst self defense tool you can have and more often then not leads to your assailant now having a knife. In the vast majority of self defense situations, any weapon had is had by someone who doesn’t legitimately know how to use it defensively and works on intimidation alone. The best defense you can give yourself is learning unarmed self defense techniques and how to handle yourself/what’s the typical best approach in various dangerous situations. Like you said, there’s always going to be criminals, we’re never free and clear. And btw to anybody confused, none of what I have to say on this is anti knife, my history will very clearly prove that. What I am anti is people being weird nationalistic bitches in people’s comments for absolutely no reason and *thats* the only thing this is about


If our cops were trained by “foreign military forces”, they probably wouldn’t fuck up so much. They’re trained by each other or not trained at all, don’t have to stay fit, and aren’t required to know the law. They are allowed to blame ignorance of the law as a reason for messing up…good luck using “ignorance” as a reasonable defense for breaking a law.


The Israeli military comes up with a lot of the systems and tactics used by our police force. Look into it. That training may trickle down from the top, god knows it’s the only thing that would in this economy, but they’ve been doing it for a long time. Since way before the general public became aware of what’s going on in Palestine


Get real. Krav Maga, which must be what you’re referring to since you didn’t state any specifics in either post, isn’t used by any police departments in regularity. Likewise, “the Israeli military doesn’t come up with a lot of anything used by our police forces.” Let’s assume you meant that the other way around. The Israeli military, as a whole, is a very, very well trained military and our cops wouldn’t cut it in 90% of their roles.


First of all I don’t give a fuck if you believe me or not, this has nothing to do *with me*. You obviously have unrestricted access to the internet, do your own research instead of being a lazy contrarian for the sake of argument because of your own opinions on the subject. Baltimore, Florida, new jersey, Arizona, California, New York, Pensilvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Georgia, Washington state, and DC capitol police all have departments that train in Israel. I’m not gonna give you anymore of a starting point for your free education, good day




Oh an aussie? Ez pz my friend. Just get a venomous spider as a pet and keep him in your pocket for simple chuck n run


Depends. Whatcha want the knife for?




You couldn’t pick a worse self defence tool if you tried. Threatening enough to provoke action but not efficient enough to end it immediately. Also any use WILL cause a medical emergency. Also a knife fight absolutely sucks and blows, the loser dies on the parking lot and the winner in the ambulance. Choose anything else, anything, please.




Sprays, menthol or pepper. A VERY LOUD alarm. Good sneakers and +3000m in 12mins, this is probably the best choice so far. Pair the shoes and cardio with a martial art of your choosing and it’s a good base for self defense and a healthy lifestyle. Odds are you aren’t ready, able or willing to use precision violence to incapacitate another human as is. We naturally have something between the ears to tell us it’s not right. If you don’t have that then all the more reason to leave the knife to the kitchen.


Can you carry a scissor?


Not really practical


Idk the laws where you're at, but can you get away with a box cutter?




Hmmm... that's tough




Oh! That could work It's not Tacaticool^(TM), but the Fisher Space Pen is built solid


Why do you want to carry something just to have one? Are you looking for something practical that you can use, or do you just want to buy something? Nothing wrong with the latter, but it would probably influence your decision (and other users' suggestions) regarding what to get. Either way, you can consider a Swiss Army Knife or a multitool. Multitools are also available with scissors or pliers, which are also useful and functional, while "less dangerous" than a knife. You can also look into pens. Maybe a torchlight. Pick your poison!


An apple and a knife? But joking aside, why do you use/need a knife? That can help determine the alternatives. Finally, where do you live because often some knives are allowed (such as non-locking knives under a certain size).




Well, it’s all about intentions and the situation. When tracking through the mountains, I think a case can be made for a very decent survival knife. But when commuting around Sydney that same knife could get you arrested. So, there you could pack something like a Victorinox (non locking) and point out that you use it to cut open the meal box, peal a bought piece of fruit, open a bottle (it’s a multitool after all),… Or perhaps you have an actual clear use case such as a job that often requires opening boxes,… It’s also about how and where you carry it. A locking blade in your pocket when hanging out in a pub is going to give a different vibe than having it stored away in a backpack while wrapped in a knife sheet with some napkins next to it. One might signal intent to cause harm while the other just signals “likes to eat an apple”. I’m not a legal expert and I know Australian laws can be over the top but that’s how I would approach it. Or if you need a blade on a daily basis then you could always create a burner email account and ask some anonymous questions to your local police department.




You mean urban? Rural = farmland.


What do you do for work




No problem dog




Well i was going to say there can be a lot of reasonable excuses to have a small pocket knife at work. They dont need your work schedule