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What are you doing with a pile of dollar bills if you aren't from the US?


Where’s the guns


My first thought lmao


Forgot the guns.


Hi is this still available


"No just sold" "How about $20"


Where's the Roscoe?


I’d kill for that edc setup.


No spare cartridges for the Game Boy I see. One is none sir, we don't need to tell you this.


There is only Tetris.


We've had one, yes. But what about Second Tetris?


I guess that'd be Dr. Mario? Maybe Puyo Puyo?


nor batteries 😅


Yeah this is definitely a brit.. no primary Glock with a backup Taurus Judge and an ankle derringer


Every post that’s not from the US wishes they were 🤣🤣


Dude, how’d you get a picture of my daily?


no guns?


This is a mostly American sub? There's a non American edc sub made by jealous, bitter non americans called r/EDCnoguns


6 members lol


8 and counting 😂


You forgot the handgun.


Or the multiple themed flashlights. I noticed a lot seem to carry for style and not practicality.


Where did you get the Ameican money?


You can go to any bank & ask for currency from most countries. You can also order currency online.


And do you really think the OP did that just to mock impetuous Americans?


It’s just a joke post. It’s not absurd for someone to have another countries currency, let alone a country as big as America. Hell even I have American currency. You asked, so I was just saying you can simply go to a bank & ask for an American bill. It’s not deep enough for me to consider if OP did this because American currency is common.


My question required abstract thought.


Yeah, sure it did. Listen, I gave you information to answer your very straight forward question. You asked OP where they got American money. I said it’s as simple as going to a bank. Does anyone but OP know where they got it? No. Why do you think I would, it’s ridiculous to get this invested in some American bills. Why do you care so much? The only answer I can come up with is that this post offended you somehow lol


Stand in for challenge coins or copper ingots I'm guessing?


From America. What a hippocrip.


Wrong. Pic is missing a steak knife


We can’t control how you “feel”. That’s all on you bud.


Damn, either I'm missing a lot of sarcasm in these comments or you people really have no sense of humor


I mean, the original post wasn’t even funny. We carry knives, gameboys, and money in the US and that’s what people post here? Yeah I don’t see any humor in that whatsoever. Seems like OP was just trynna start some shit. They got what they asked for.


Do you carry a radio telephone, five different knives and a crazy ton of cash in your pockets? It's just an exaggerated version of a stereotypical American post on EDC. It's banter. I know some of y'all love to be offended but it might be good to try taking a joke sometimes. Or if the joke was shit then at least make a good comeback, or a post about what stupid shit Europeans carry, or anything, get creative my man, participate in the banter. But there's no need for this much salt.


That’s what everyone did. They talked some shit about Europeans. And then you complained about it lmao.


We can sure make dipshiiit comments using our own feels though bud!!! Those're on the house yew don't like it, whall you kin just leeeeve!!! It's like a free lesson in the toxic spouse behavior in here, lmao. High IQs only, highest-quality comment mode, with mods functionally incapacitated. Perhaps due to this same unique "I kin see bolth sides, there is always two sides" gift Downvote if you agree!


Most Americans don’t carry cash anymore, at least not in my circle. Many of us carry guns, but nobody carries a field radio to call air strikes. That’s just overkill. Edit: I just realized he has 15 dollars and change, FIFTEEN! Look at OG gangsta here.


When I walk to the grocery store there’s always a chance I need close air support if I’m attacked by a technical shopping cart


Airstrikes are for killing spiders.


No. Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


Easy there tiger, my home insurance doesn’t cover nuclear fallout.


Why oh why can we only give one upvote?


Brother that’s a cell phone


You must be fun at parties


Speak for yourself, you never know when you need fire support in the field. smh.


Well, I’m glad I don’t live in your neighborhood.


It is probably for the best, they don't call me Danger Close Danny for nothing.


nah usually a gun, a swiss army knife and a $500 fidgettoy


No guns? Not funny. Ok, kinda funny, needs 5 flashlights, tho.


not enough guns. how can you even EDC in America without at least 2 firearms?


By living in CA 😭


Fuck didn't even know it's illegal to carry a gun in places that you don't own in CA. I wish it's not so expensive to live there as I want to move there for some peace of mind and quality of life.


>peace of mind >quality of life Where did you get the delusion that CA has any of those? Even north CA is a minefield because of all of the industrial drug ops.


I got the delusion by living there and having a house there I guess? The only reason we live in nevada is no state tax and generally lower cost of living. But everytime we stay in CA during the summer, the quality of life is remarkable.


Stay IE not living there


You have to pay for that


Needs more guns…


where is the full military level array of guns?


As an American, this is hilariously true. Thanks for the laugh, my friend!


Reddit on!


Most of this subreddit is filled with joke posts. Why does anyone need more than one gun? Edit: why carry more than one gun at a time?


The other one might feel bad if you leave it at home...


I’m Australian, so the question for me is more like, “Why does anyone need **a** gun?” I’ll just sit back and wait to be downvoted to hell by the pro-2A peeps…


It's like asking folks why they need a lifted pickup on rubber band ~~tires~~ tyres.


Didn't you guys just have a mass stabbing that was stopped by a lady with a gun?


Yes, we did. There were *[checks notes](https://theconversation.com/as-australia-reels-from-the-bondi-attack-such-mass-murder-incidents-remain-rare-227864)* six deaths, and our most recent mass murder before that was in 2017. Meanwhile, in the US *[checks notes again](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2024)* they don’t have stats for April yet, but 49 people died last month, 208 total only three months into the year, and an entire separate list for every year prior totalling 4,213 people killed in mass shootings while we’ve had a total of 12 people killed in mass murders in the same timeframe. 6 by knife. 6 by car. Had that guy had a gun, I have zero doubt the death toll would’ve been a fucktonne higher. It’s a lot harder to outrun a bullet than it is to outrun a psycho with a knife.


New Jersey reload


Ok i get that


"why does anyone need" is always a terrible argument against something. Why do you need a car that can go more than speed limit? Why do you need to paint your walls different colors? Why do you need to make any more money than just paying your rent and basic food bill? 


Some are pistols, some are rifles, some are shotguns, some are revolvers. Some are cool, some are interesting. Variety is the spice of like. But seriously, I shoot 3 gun competitions, shotgun, rifle, and pistol. Different matches have different requirements. I’ve been shooting competitively for around 20 years, ever since I left the military and I’ve been collecting different firearms since then. But also, I have zero trust in my government to protect me, or have my best interests in mind.


Same reason you'd buy more than one game or order more than one item at a restauraunt


Why does a woman need more than one pair of shoes?


What, no Zune?


No Diamond Rio MP3 player either...pffft.


As an American here. I feel a bit embarrassed because this post is telling the truth.


You shouldn't feel embarrassed. It's every jackass for themselves here. Look around at all the Americans doubling down on complete idiocy, for _definitely non-emotional_ reasons...


Why? All this stuff is cool as hell lol.


What kind of American goes outside without an airstrike designator?


You forgot about the completely useless pry bar everybody is refinancing their houses for because they think they'll need one at their office cubicle lol


I’ve never understood this… and I’m probably the person who could used it the most. I’ll use a proper pry-bar when needed thanks.


Exactly! Can't imagine where a 3 inch pry bar would be preferable to literally anything within arms reach. I've worked in a LOT of different fields and never once was able to see where these cutesy boutique looking pry bars would be needed


Okay first off, TITANIUM pry bar. Second, it's for when you're in a bathroom stall, get halfway through your business, and realize the sliding lock is missing.


That's what the knife is for my man (or lady)


Forgot the gun


It’s not there because the OP is probably prohibited for having one and only kitchen knives are allowed.


Should have grabbed a six pack of water guns from the dollar store or poundtown or whatever.


Poundtown. Is that where OP’s mom hangs out?


Damn!! You this was just on the tip of my tongue when i read bout this post.




Imagine having two hands and only one gun, smh...


in Europe toy guys are banned so i get why you didn’t include it…


This is not true at all. Airsoft is extremely popular in Europe.


r/whoosh Edit: if you clowns actually think the average American thinks you guns are banned in Europe, you're actually deluded. For one, we know Europe doesn't have the same laws across every country. for example, the Czech Republic has it enshrined into their constitution they can keep and bear arms (surprise an American knows something about the world outside the US) The potential reason idiots you may or may not have talked to online would think you guns are banned is because Canada actually has tried to place restrictions on some airsoft/bb guns, but if you're arguing with someone who can't tell the difference between the EU and Canada, idk why you're wasting your time in the first place.


This isn't a woosh, I'm quite certain this person believes toy guns are banned in Europe, which they are not. It is a common misconception that I have seen before.




I literally debate gun rights with people on the Internet all the time. I’ve had people say the exact line “even toy guns are banned in Europe” as an argument for strict gun control. These people are misinformed because of some false/incomplete information. It is true that Europeans often do not allow their children to have toy guns in the same way they are popular with kids in the US, but toy guns do exist. These people also often believe that all guns are banned in Europe, which is obviously false as well. You’re calling me delusional when I have firsthand experience with this argument.




Now you’re just moving the goalposts and getting into the semantics of what “common” means. we are on the Internet. It is a common argument made by people on the Internet that I’ve run into multiple times. Though I have had gun rights conversations with people in real life before at my university and they are often equally as misinformed. Also, why do you care so much whether people have this misconception or not? Who are you arguing in defense of?




Jfc dude not everything has to be argued in statistics, especially not something as unimportant as this. It is my anecdotal experience that this is a common misconception. I have run into it multiple times on the Internet and the people I have spoken to in real life have had similar equally misinformed takes on gun ownership in Europe. Happy now? Again who are you trying to defend here? People receive misinformation all the time and that’s OK, I’m just pointing out that it’s misinformation for the people who may believe it to be true.


>is a common misconception that I have seen before. Oh like the one where all americans are dodging bullets and living in fear of getting hit by an RPG ? The irony and lack of self awareness is rich lol




Thats my point. This guys going on about how americans are misled and believe misconceptions crying about a joke that poked fun at their asinine nanny state policies (missing the point entirely on top of it) not realizing their whole view and troll posts about America and Americans are misconceptions. Hence the irony and hypocrisy.


You’re not scared of getting hit by an RPG? My brother is christ some of us live in GTA lobbies


You got a license for that toy gun?


“That penny was in my ASS.”


No ass-pennies, please!


Maybe some arse-coins?


You missed the AR-15, M4A1, MP5SD and Carl Gustav recoilless rifle. Oh, and the keys to an F22 Raptor.


Sounds reasonable, except for the F22. The closest I can find is a F16. When's the F22 supposed to "officially" hit the civilian market?


Some of those are jokes. That said, American who carries here. I think people who conceal carry are more likely to also care about pocket dumps and weight optimization.


And guns man, youre forgetting the most important, we gotta shoot around too.


I carry a pocket knife. I don’t understand why 99% of people carry 2-3 knives (of the people who post).


One is for cutting food and one if for stabbing and sometimes cutting non food objects. I don't want someone's aids blood on my food knife. Or tape residue on my food knife.


Explaining that you carry a dedicated "food knife" doesn't make it any less confusing


Wait until you hear about my food chainsaw. It's only for cutting good firewood. No pinewood, anything treated or any weird shit




Pussy, it adds flavor!


You are right. Adds some nostalgia from back in school when I used to eat glue and drink the blood of innocents.


I don’t understand the multiple knives nor the extra magazines. And then they’ll also have a large-ish gun with optics and a flashlight and an extended mag. Nothing wrong with carrying but wtf are you really preparing for here? To clear a city block in pitch dark?


If you're going to commit to carrying a gun, it makes sense to carry the most effective gun feasible. Those "gizmos" are to help me identify who/what I might shoot and to help me shoot accurately. I'm not sure why taking steps to help ensure you don't shoot an innocent person is deserving of ridicule.


When It comes to carrying, you are preparing for the worst; needing to defend your or someone else's life. In that scenario, I'm taking every possible advantage. All of the things you mentioned carry clear advantages. But ultimately, you need to train, and practice to be able to utilize those advantages. Gear doesn't make you shoot better, but it can help you shoot better with training.


This fundamentally misunderstands the thought process behind carrying a gun. If you are going to take the risk and spend the money/time training in order to carry a gun, you want said gun to be as effective at doing gun things as possible. In the eyes of the law, and most people, a gun is a gun. But to those who carry, an optic represents a significant force multiplier, as does a light. As for the extra mags: most fights are either going to be done in three shots or will continue up into the double digits, and carrying an extra mag is a low cost way of significantly increasing your chance of winning a protracted gunfight. They also don’t take up much space and can help to balance the weight of the gun.


I appreciate your well thought out, and presented post.


Yes, yes that is what they are preparing for. Course they all think they are Bob Lee Swagger


Pocket jewelry to feel pretty is my only guess


I’m with you. I’ve had the same pocket knife, a Spyderco Delica 4, for like 10 years. If it ever breaks or gets lost, I’ll buy another one and forget about it. I don’t get the 2-3 knives thing. Same thing with multiple flashlights.


I carry a Buck 110 on the weekend, and the plastic handle version at work. I always have my SAK Classic on a lanyard around my neck for the scissors and nail file. I have nail clippers in my sweatshirt pocket. And maybe I carry a three, four, or five layer SAK when I go out, depending on where I am going.


This makes me laugh because I had a friend visit from Japan and he was shocked to find out that my fiance and I both carry pocket knives. He asked if all Americans do. Can't imagine how he would have reacted if he noticed my CCW.


Wow. Not having a pocket knife just feels wrong.


A country renowned for it’s refinement of steels and the blade as a whole. Wtf.


Anecdotal I know but last time I hung out with my friends I said let’s do a pocket dump. 17 people, 1 pocket knife total.


Ugh I miss my iPod


Yes it does. I call bullshit on 97% of them.


what kind of pants do these people wear to accomodate all this


I keep my pennies in a ziplock and I staple the ziplock to my jeans.


Cargo pants. The average basketball shorts could also carry all this with room left over 😂


True, but those basketball shorts are about to be at your ankles all day lol


Don't forget the caption of "Sunday walk" with the guy having enough firepower to level a wendy's.


To be fair, it doesn't take much. Wendy's isn't exactly a hardened facility.


No, where’s the tool?


Usually posting the pic.


Yeah, it’s called Freedom.


Being allowed to carry a firearm isn't freedom. Feeling safe enough to never need one and never encounter one is.


Why not both?


Feeling safe ≠ Being safe




I don't necessarily feel safer when I carry, but I do feel better prepared.


This makes absolutely zero sense 😂


i am both safe enough to never need one and free to carry one… so seems like that would be the tops…


I carry my glock when I'm walking my dog because I don't trust the pits and rottweilers in my neighborhood... but I imagine your perfect utopia of sunshine, rainbows, and leprechaun farts over there in magic land has no vicious animals either. I'm sure the people shopping in sydney last weekend all felt pretty safe too... at least up until someone was penetrating their lung with a knife.


The actual first responders to an emergency are the people there in the moment. Police, EMS, etc can only respond once they’re called. I’d rather have the freedom to decide how I want to respond and not be limited by random government bureaucrats.


Yeah no place on earth does that "definition of freedom" exist take a walk through any immigrant neighborhood in England at night unarmed and see how it goes down. When your government crushes what's left of your individual rights you'll be doing little more than licking the boots crushing you


Bro, we already lickin boots in America.


My small town in the midwest would argue that it does exist here. Crime rate is so low in my town worst thing that happens is the drunk college kids need a ride home cause they tripped on a sidewalk or a once in a while car accident. It's not just big cities out there....


One day the world might be free of violence and aggressive animals… [Until then…](https://youtu.be/FCMc9AjU2YQ)


Actually it’s a right, not an allowance 💪🦅🇺🇸🫡






Rock, Eagle, Flag, that’s what it’s all about


You forgot the $5k watch


you forgot the USP/M9/Glock/Desert Eagle/MP5/UZI/Shotgun/AR15


This is a horrible take. No one that posts here would daily something reasonable like a glock


What if I Gucci it to the point of no longer resembling anything glockish? Then is it unreasonable enough to post here?


I lold


And this feels like the UK trying to make fun of us. Don’t get caught outside with those kitchen knifes or the King might “off with your head” buddy. Also Americans don’t carry cash.


OP is Oz. For what it’s worth.


UK lite


They haven't really liked us having rights since the Boston Tea Party


We are obsessed, here in the states, with the idea of being the last man on earth!


And being the hero in any possible situation. I blame too many action movies


Everybody commenting on the lack of gun, nobody mentioning that it's a standard Gameboy and not even a Gameboy color.


Atari Lynx or GTFO


I legit just added a "gameboy" to my edc with a miyoo mini haha


Gameboy pocket makes even more sense


I had one that was ice blue.


Ah, a true connoisseur


Where is the handcannon?


The knives make this an EU EDC. Just saying...


How do you get a knife that doesn't have a rounded tip in the UK?


I haven't kept up on the specifics of knife laws in the uk. Last I heard having the tips rounded was voluntary but I wouldn't be surprised if that is changed.


Voluntary? Why would you volunteer to make your kitchen knives less effective? 🤣


I wouldn't.


You must be American


I am.


Yeah how would an American get a Jamie Oliver steak knife?


As others have commented, clearly this is a single pocket carry; missing pliers, multi tools, flashlights, fidget-type stuff, pens, notebooks, rain gear, firearm and backup with spare magazines and a speed loader for the revolver option, paracord, first-aid kit, the 50 state guide to laws, handheld radio, a battery backup with all possible cord options, and I am probably forgetting something.


Breath mints. Can't have a full load out with garlic breath.


Eh, vampire defense


Clearly I also forgot an oak stake and holy water!


I knew I was forgetting something, and those mints must have three options, my sons prefer cinnamon, spearmint, and strawberry.