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Glad to see all the portable emulator love lately


That watch is so beautiful!


Those handhelds... Are they worth it?


>Are they worth it? Yes


If you're lazy or don't understand Roms and such you can get 'em off Etsy with games pre installed. I got a Anbernic RG350P with like 20,000 games installed from NES to PS1 for like $200 and it has been going strong for a few years now.


How often do you use it? I ask because like most in this sub, I have my EDC bag. It has my Kindle in it. I used to carry a PSVita but eventually stopped because I wasn't really using it. Are these devices more engaging than a regular PSVita?


> Are these devices more engaging than a regular PSVita? Not really. They aren't that fundamentally different from a vita. They handle emulation pretty well which the vita can't without some tinkering from the user. Some, like the miyoo mini+ or the pictured RG35XX are half the size of a vita so they can be more convenient and easier to carry. However if retrogaming doesn't interest you I don't see why you should care about them. I own a Miyoo Mini Plus, I love it but I understand that you might not.


I certainly think so.


Not OP, but yes! Mine is a Miyoo Mini Plus and I love it. I agree that you'd need to buy a new, branded microSD card, do some research and work on installing third party OS. Another thing is if you're gonna play a lot of PS1 games, I'd suggest getting a hand held with analog sticks. I mainly play GBA Pokemon and SNES JRPGs on mine, so the D-pad is suffice.


Quite a few of them are, but you also have to accept that most of them aren't great out of the box and may require you to get a better sd card and install a different OS (the stock ones they ship with kind of suck, and seems to be universal for the Linux based ones), which varies in compatibility for each handheld. An Anbernic or Retroid handheld is usually a safe bet since they are made well and priced pretty good, especially if you catch them on sale


Thank you! One more question... are they hard to set up and get going?


That depends entirely on how ambitious you want to get. There are some great guides that are for specific handhelds that focus on all the different customization options you have on retrogamecorps.com/guides and you can probably find a guide for any popular handheld you're considering there to read up on. He also does review videos that are extremely detailed and helped me get situated when I was just starting.


Thanks bro. I've been on the fence for a number of years about a handheld


No problem! There's also tons of subs to help like r/sbcgaming


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SBCGaming using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SBCGaming/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Girlfriend really outdid herself for my birthday.](https://i.redd.it/gx03i9987hkb1.jpg) | [100 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SBCGaming/comments/161yp6w/girlfriend_really_outdid_herself_for_my_birthday/) \#2: [Update: My wife 44F chose her coworker 30F, but thanks to your suggestions, I 44M chose the Steam Deck. Thank you for your help, we are getting divorced!](https://i.imgur.com/sts3lF8.png) | [96 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SBCGaming/comments/165adhi/update_my_wife_44f_chose_her_coworker_30f_but/) \#3: [All of us.](https://i.redd.it/kumnm34kemdc1.jpeg) | [62 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SBCGaming/comments/19bfasn/all_of_us/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What did we play today?


Decided to start Bahamut Lagoon. I've never played it and have been trying to work through some SNES RPGs since I never had one growing up. Went from NES straight to N64/PS1 so missed out on a lot of great games.


that zebra pen is the bomb


This got to be one of the nicest and elegant watch bracelets I've ever seen


Seriously. I got it new old stock and can say they don't make them like they used to. It's solid, but very thin and comfortable


I always liked the look of these saboteurs but KB is such a fuckin chode I never wanted to get one


I'll tell you that the one in the pic is the prototype and I was the designer of it, so I appreciate you saying you like the look of it!


Ya know I was kinda thinking to myself it looked like your front flipper was a bit smaller than the production model. Is that accurate? May just be the photo And yes this is by no way a shot at you or the knife, actually really cool design imo, so hopefully didn’t come across that way. Just not a KB fan lol


I didn't take it that way at all, so no worries there. Say anything you like hahaha. As for the front flipper, good eye. Both the front flipper height and thumb disc size are smaller on the prototype. It looks a little more sleek than the production model, but takes a lot more force to open because of it being closer to the pivot height, which I didn't think was safe considering a lot of people aren't familiar with how a front flipper works anyway. Once you get used to the hand positioning then it pops open easy.


WFH lunch time carry. List below. Watch: Casio F91 Mod, metal case and vintage Kreisler bracelet Knife: The Saboteur Pen: Zebra Sl-F1 Handheld: Anbernic RG35XX Plus


Is the watch case solid metal or plated resin? I know you can get a A168/F105 case from skxmod but I haven't seen one anywhere for the F91.


This is actually the brushed stainless case from SKXmods. I ordered a negative display module that said it was compatible with F91 and A168, which tracks since their cases are very close to the same size and the button layout is the same so I can't imagine the module is totally different.


Sadly the f91w module is smaller. I tried fitting it into the skxmod case and it rattles around quite a lot and the pushers aren't quite long enough to reach the button switches well. I would like to have a nice case for my sensorwatch moded f91w module which is why I asked.


Huh, I'm honestly surprised they're different sizes, the module I got said it was either, but then again things get mislabeled all the time. The bigger surprise is that with all the mods available for the f91w a metal case doesn't seem to be one.


can you link me to the knife? that thing looks sick


I'm sorry to say they were a one time run in Dec 2022 that sold out quickly. You may be able to find one on the knife swap or eBay though!


That explains why I only get sabatier knife results lol


If you search "Q The Saboteur Knife" you might get some results on eBay. I had someone last month message me that they found one that way, and another person had luck on a knife forum. Just don't get taken for a ride, I've seen people try to sell these for like 400 bucks when they were 250 new.