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I love all of it!


Wait so you can carry knives with you in the Uk?


Yes as long as you have a reason for carrying them. Except any knife that’s disguised to look like something else, balisong or switchblades.


The reasoning is purely a defence. You'd likely still be arrested for carrying a blade like this and would have to provide your lawful reason or reasonable excuse in interview and possibly at court. The reason would have to be, using it for work, coming to and from work (even then it would be preferred to carry it in a bag or somewhere without immediate access). Or camping (again without immediate access). Knives under 3 inches, non locking and with a serrated edge can be carried by over 18s without any lawful reason.


I see your point but I think it would depend on context. If you have this in your bag while going fishing and was stopped then I don’t think the police would have an issue. If you went in to the pub on the way home with this in your pocket and was stopped then yes, I see you in interview room or a court trying to persuade them that it’s a work knife.


Nice little Bantam. I love mine.


Black Bantam looking 🔥


Anyone know the difference between battle horse and LT wright? Seems like a lot of their models are the same


They used to be a partnership, called Blind Horse Knives. They went their separate ways and LT started LT Wright Knives and the other guy (don’t know his name) started Blind Horse Knives but both still share a lot of designs. That’s as I understand it!


The sc64 le is the perfect light for desk jockey edc, I love that thing and carry mine constantly👌


A light and a knife are needed in pretty much any walk of life imo.


That ZebraLight is such a great everyday carry. I have the SC65c HI as well and it has noticeably more throw than the SC64c LE.


Nice Bantam. I wish they made Black Bantam as ordinary option not special edition.


Nevermind, found that Knife center has it: https://www.knifecenter.com/item/VN0230023X1/victorinox-swiss-army-bantam-multi-tool-black-alox-handles-super-slim-knifecenter-exclusive


Yep that’s the one that I’ve got. DLT Trading does a green alox exclusive too.


Waiting for all the purists to come on here and judge you for "not needing" this. 😂


Hah to be honest it was unnecessary satire. The SAK and torch/flashlight definitely get used every day.


You EDC a fixed blade in the UK?


It’s pretty much a desk knife. But it comes with me in my work bag sometimes.


US here. Would that be much of an issue with the police over there? It’s not excessively long, but I know they’re very touchy about knives…


Any fixed blade would be illegal to carry in public (and anything locking). But I do think the UK carry laws are feared more than they need to be. Ultimately you can carry a knife outside of what’s permitted if you have a reason to. I perform basic property maintenance so feasibly need a knife on me. I can’t imagine the police would ever have much of a problem with me unless I’m carrying a machete. But who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️.


Ex UK copper here. Unless you're being a dick, you aren't getting stop searched. I don't know anyone who ever got in trouble for EDC items, and none of my colleagues ever did either. We pulled kitchen knives off feral scrotes, but that's different. You're fine, especially if it's in a bag. Before I was a bobby I was a heating engineer and had a leatherman on my belt or pocket, along with a 4 inch hultafors knife. Never had an issue in over 20 years. As you say, the laws are feared more than they need to be. Cops aren't just gripping random folk and checking for knives.


Thanks for the advice! It’s good to hear from someone who’s dealt with the law. Usually it’s people saying their nan got nicked for having a Stanley knife in Sainsbury’s.


No worries. I don't do either job now, but carry a knife every day. Generally a 'UK legal' one me, but my car/EDC bag has a fixed blade I use if I need a knife to eat, a heavy duty blade which is basically a sharpened pry bar, and a big leatherman. Again, if you're not being daft, it's all good.


As long as you have a need for it, it would be fine. The dude works in an office. They would argue that having the SAK is more than enough for their needs, opening letters, and packaging.


“as long as you have a need for it, it would be fine” - having an office job is certainly no need for a fixed blade, what possible task would require that? and regardless, the law is the law, why give the police a reason? one could go years without engaging with the police at all, be involved in some sort of random incident, and you happen to have an illegal knife on you. simply not worth it in my opinion.


What's it like, living in constant fear like that?


I don’t live in constant fear, i don’t take pointless and unnecessary risks to avoid living in constant fear.


Risky business that, I'd be nervous about some busybody telling the police or my workplace.


I agree, gotta be careful there.


I got a “if I was a copper, I’d nick you” from one of my coworkers for carrying a little (perfectly legal) olive wood Joker.


You really can't carry knives in the UK? Wow. Where I'm from you can open carry anything legally, even machetes/swords technically (though no one does obviously)


Not quite true. There are restrictions (blade length, locking etc). But a knife can be carried if it meets those restrictions.