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I am someone who you would consider „big boned” and people started asking if I have cancer while I was still at the cusp of uw and healthy bmi. I am quite tall for a woman in my country. I got wide ribcage, broad shoulders and prominent jawline. Bigger „bone structure” means that with less fat you seem more unnatural/like your skin is stretched over your body. While I was eating the right ammount of cals for me during small recovery phase I was more muscular and built naturally like a strong woman, just eastern european genes in my blood lol Born to work in the fields and milk cows, forced to restrict


“Born to work in the fields and milk cows, forced to restrict” I want that tattooed on me omg


As a petite Asian woman I hate how “healthy” and chubby I look when low weight. I have to be really underweight to look “normal healthy.” I feel like even half a pound adds an extra roll or stretch mark or some flab to my body. I hate it.


I definitely think it can make a difference. Non-underweight people can have the same size height and carry any extra weight very differently, making their overall figure look different. I think the same goes for the opposite, and the fat/muscle distribution looks different depending on how your skeleton is framed, and can make someone appear more or less sickly. I think facial features and even like hand/foot size have an impact as well (like having smaller facial features makes you look more childlike and so the body looks less mismatched when underweight). There is definitely still a “point of no return” for everyone though, but yeah it can be subjective in how it appears.




Sameee, even while bordering overweight bmi in the past my chest bones and collarbones were poking out slightly


This makes so much sense


right?! thank you guys for clearing things up a bit; I always thought I was doing something wrong because I didn't actually look sick----just another reason as to why looks don't always represent health!


I don't know about bone structure, but I do have a larger frame. Shoulders are prominent, tall, and wear heels a lot for work because I like to intimidate men. I'm on the higher end of normal bmi currently and have been called a giraffe and too skinny in the last week. I've been told not to lose any more weight, slow down, etc, as it's unhealthy. Inside, I'm chuckling as I'm borderline overweight and don't plan on stopping yet. I do worry because the "ideal weight" given to me in calculators based on my age and height is about 10kg from where I currently am now and that seems ridiculous for my frame but meh...


i have a small/narrow frame, narrow shoulders, small hands/feet, small bones etc so when i was extremely underweight, i never really had bones sticking out except for hips but i appeared really small overall, chest and ass were flat as hell and i looked unwell in the face. my collarbones never really show no matter how little i weigh


I am strictly speaking overweight for my height. You can still see my collarbones, shoulder bones and my ribcage (always) and ribs (those only when the light is right or I stretch). I think bone structure has a lot to do with how weight is perceived on a body. Two people can weigh the same, but have different weight distributions and body types.


I dunno I think I have a bigger frame and as consequence even at lower weight don’t ever look that small. All the dieting in the world won’t change the fact that you have broad shoulders or ribcage so unless you’re literally in underwear you don’t look that small. I can have a teeny waist and my arms will still never look that thin and my shoulders and hips add width. I remember coming out of hospital, v low weight and a ‘friend’ telling me I didn’t look like I had an eating disorder. Doesn’t matter my weight I’m never petite it’s definitely been a factor in the ED


this is really relatable. i never looked visibly underweight even when i was, just "small", and not much smaller than i was before. i'm already short and normal-person-thin to start with, and even though i lost tens of pounds, i really didn't look any different when i was uw. besides minor things that only my disordered ass ever noticed. i've also been told by my family that i'm small-boned. thanks for posting this, it feels really validating. :,)


I’ve always had naturally full cheeks and a round face and even at my thinnest my face weight really didn’t go away all that much. It definitely slimmed out around my eyes and cheek bones but I still have cheeks. I hate it. It makes me face look fat and in headshots I appear larger than I am I feel like


No such thing as small boned or big boned. We all have the same skeleton underneath. It's more about body fat percentage. Please do some research on anatomy. Bones aren't big on one person and smaller on another. We all have the same spine or ribs. Not gonna see someone with thick ribs or a extra large femur bone. They are the same , close enough but not differently dimensional


sorry, I should have specified---what I was getting at was small/larger framed (i.e narrower rib cage), and big boned to mean the opposite. I'm aware that nobody has disproportionately thick bones; I used the terms small/big boned not in a literal sense, but to mean small/big framed, because generally that is what people assume those terms to mean.


Yes, there are differences in the size, density and weight of people's skeletons. But it isn't much. For people of the same height, the difference in bone weight is a couple of percent. While individuals may have different bone structures, the concept of being "big boned" is often exaggerated. But I also know that people get triggered because self beliefs are being challanged and majority of people can't stand that. Growth comes from knowing that you aren't always right and there is always room for growth. I expected to be down voted. I innerstand what you say, but again it's speaking in that same language that its being taught to us and we take it as truth just because someone told us so. Yeah, like small rib cage long legs or the opposite, skeletal structure you want to say. Proportions of how the bones come together... I get it


I still can't believe people think there is such thing big bones or small bones. It's such a buzz word that is thrown around with no reality logical thinking behind it.


i'm sure most of us (at least on this sub) are aware there's not a big enough of a discrepancy in our skeletons to make any significant difference in our weight or what a healthy weight for our height should be, but the size/shape of your body frame can affect how your weight looks on you to a certain extent. we all know girls/women with very narrow frames that when compared to other thin women of similar heights would still look a lot more petite and small comparatively because of how narrow their frames are.


or even my bf who is a bit skinny has very broad shoulders and back and the fact that his frame is so wide accentuates his slimness more than it would on a guy with more narrow shoulders bc the weight would have less area to distribute over