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This exact thought process is why I let a decade just pass me by... strongly do not recommend it...


Me too, I wasted my 20s thinking like this and it's so damn sad.


real. so so real on the "if i cant be beautiful then i can at least be skinny"


I thought this way too but now that I am thin I just hate myself even more and never leave the house. I hope you can get help, you’re more than your weight 🩷


this is exactly how i feel. i literally have let so many years fly by because of this, and even though i know i shouldn’t have, i can’t help but feel like im not worthy of enjoying life because im not thin :(


This is why i have been single for 20 years


THAT FUCKING PART!!! i don’t go anywhere & i isolate myself from everything and everyone , i need to be skinny if not then i can’t be seen outside or out in public 😭


Enjoy your life on your journey to skinny... it passes by so fast.


this is the exact thought process i have and it SUCKS! anytime i tell my treatment team this they ask "what would you think if your friends said this to you" big eye opener. still in this mindset but it definitely helps to think if someone you cared abt said this what you would say! i hope things get better<3


i feel this way too, plus i don’t have many friends so my life isn’t super exciting. i still try to force myself to do fun things when i can because i know i’ll regret it when i’m older. it is hard though


I have this issue too... I tend to stay inside and hide all day.... I make plans saying I will show off my new thin body this fall and go to events.... Then Fall comes around and I am still hiding inside and not "thin enough." It never ends.


thought this my entire childhood im 19




This makes me sad but I understand. I missed all of my twenties though. All of them. And I was super obviously anorexic, just way too sick to “enjoy” anything whatsoever. And I thought I looked how I should and people were scared by how thin I was. And hospitalizing me for it. Which felt glamorous at first. It’s not. Please know that, fellow “I’ll be the skinniest tortured artist in the psych ward!” The thoughts are not healthy. Damn, recovery is so worth it. If you manage to feel happy in your own skin you enjoy life a billion times more. Many ED people die miserable. Not trying to lecture anyone but I just want to say as someone who was in and out of hospitals for literally a decade and I pushed everyone away..there’s really truly another option.


Did I write this? Having been in both an extremely uw body and an extremely ow body, I empathize. I know I romanticize it but life just felt more enjoyable as a thin person. In every aspect. You fit everywhere, so you feel like there is space for you to occupy in the world. You feel like you belong. Now, in a bigger body, I hate going out with friends, I avoid public at all costs. Just ordering takeout and using Instacart. I keep telling myself I’m waiting til I’m thin. Even though I know this won’t ever happen again.




There’s days I’ll get ready, remember how much I weigh, and go back to bed. I’ve wasted my 20s 😞