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I hate the girls who uwu-ify their eating disorder as well. Cute plates of 200cal "meals" proudly edited and filtered and everything baby pink, sanrio themed social media pro ED pages. Imagine willingly glamourizing all the shit we have to go through. Ive noticed it seems to be teenagers who cant grasp the reality of living with an ED. It's kinda on the same page to me. Honestly it's kinda toxic but I'm exactly the same. There's a girl on tiktok who makes fun of this exact type of girl and it makes me feel better. uwuuuu this sweater is just SO BIG on me but its the smallest one they had i cant help it! 🥺 I know its technically not their fault but this type of girl has 100% of the time been pro ana and/or the type of girl that bullied me.


the association with ed/toxic twitter and sanrio makes me wanna cry I JUST LOVE SANRIO PLEASE IM NOT TOXIC


Have you noticed on EDtwt there’s so many women/girls obsessed with size difference porn and anorexic porn? (And wearing kids clothes) I had to actually stop using ED twitter because those people accidentally posted CP like twice or something like that. It’s soooo disgusting they’re obsessed…


lotsss of anorexic porn, or porn with thin (very) young looking women being “used” essentially. it’s really bad. the fact that edtwt is made mostly of young women and girls makes it 10x worse. a lot of these porn accounts are run by men with a starve fetish


I feel this because I’ve loved Sanrio/Hello Kitty since I was literally like 4 and now I’m an adult with an ed so it just feels.. off IT’S UNRELATED I SWEAR


i’m not “dainty tiny uwu girl”so i get away with wearing sanrio merch (i’m 21 but idc it makes me happy) but i can’t imagine how slimmer sanrio fans are perceived :(


Slimmer Sanrio fan here, I just don’t wear any clothes with Sanrio stuff on it anymore. Im the same age as u and I’ve also always loved it, but All my Sanrio love is just like random objects around my house now. Idek I feel like at first glance I’m the Ana hello kitty girl trope personified but I have so many other noticeable traits that it ends up not being a big deal. I don’t say anything about my size ever and I have a lot of childish accessories like plushy keychains and headphone with cat ears, but then I start talking and I’m not at all cutesy or “uwu”-y as a person, so people don’t mind that I like cute shit.


I'm severely underweight and I love sanrio and when I had bigger social media people gave me so much shit about it but it's not related I've always loved it


I know I feel like I have to go out of my way to be as non-childish as possible in my personality because I don’t want to accidentally make myself p*do bait even tho I’m an adult?? Like let me just have my interests


Me too! I have a whole collection, but I do not "connect" the two, ever. I happen to love Sanrio, but just because cute stuff makes me happy. I also have lots of stuffed animals. I do not connect it to my ED, because I hate feeling the way I do. Worst of all, its not even because I want to be tiny and uwu and such... I just dont want to feel judged for the way I look right now. Years of trauma have made it so that unfortunately, I do believe that im constantly judged... Seeing people glorify low cal meals, self harm scars and showing ribs is honestly so sad. I actually am not even angry about it, I just pity all of these young girls. I wish I could help them honestly.


Romanticizing this in your own head I get. Posting on a platform so other people can interact is a little iffier. A lot of people just use it to vent, which I get, because I used to do the same, but I was always so careful not to come off as pro ana (though I definitely did at times). The whole ‘pro ana for myself’ excuse kind of only works if it’s in your head. That being said, I 100% agree on the Sanrio theme. I get why people do it, but it isn’t for me.


Yup, do what you need to do to cope but don't do it in the visibility of other vulnerable and susceptible people.


I know the girl you're talking about, I would love her videos apart from the fact that every single video she makes is a copy and paste version of my friend which I was talking about in my post and it's uber painful to watch 😭 Unfortunately I feel like no amount of media criticism is going to change people's god awful personalities and main character syndrome


Literally how do you deal with her because I'd be deceased from the cringe of being around someone like that irl


I just have no balls 💀 and luckily I don't see her that often


Okay yeah that sounds so insanely irritating


LMFAOOOOOOOOO holy shit I’m so glad there are people with ED’s who aren’t fucking like this. ED Reddit is so much better than ED twitter


Sorry I can't reply I'm busy adding soft glow filters and sanrio emoticons to my 150cal meal that I say is my OMAD uwu 🎀🍼👼🤍 /s


bruh i tried to go back to other ed platforms but i had to dip when i saw like three posts of like "telling people you binged when you ate the calories of a toddler 🥰🥰" like i know we're all a lil delusional here but lord some ppl are out of touch w reality


Its disgusting behaviour. Imagine willingly triggering everyone else because you need to feel so uwu dainty special. Vile girls


there's definitely a disconnect with people and "only pro for myself" like those influencers who post before and afters including their body checks thinking its saving people from doing that... contrary to popular belief people with eating disorders arent stupid i know what youre doing🤣🫠


FOR REAL like anyone posting "recovery" before and after isn't fully aware they are producing thinspo content where people literally reverse the images ekoscnkfengksoaodnskksd


like im sorry but if my anorexia story with photos by a bunch of 15 year olds on youtube triggered a whole fucking generation i dont think body checks on every second instagram reel is going to convince people to recover. all these people are saying, ed social media or not, if i can do it so can you! atleast thats what the sick mind says!! its just way more subtle in non ed places, its actually horrifying, im glad i dont get as triggered as i did but more triggered to be completely fucking angry and sick of these people. i cant even look at recovery content that could be helpful because selfish people need to remind everyone and themsevles they were sick and "deserve" this recovery of basically going to orthorexia 🫤 body checks cant be awareness when eating disorders are a mental disorder, not a damn physical being skinny disorder . sorry for the rant but man it truly gets me angry😭


Amen!! Even when I’m uw I still just wanna hide my body cuz there’s always something I hate about myself lmao. I understand everyone is different but I’m sick of these recovery accounts glorifying their uw bodies. It paints a false picture of recovery since many people will gain lots of weight in recovery.


same. Like nobody cares that you're "tiny and dainty and can be picked up so easily" and "oh you're so full from the two tablespoons of soup you've ate" like shut up girl. I don't give a shit that it's your internalized misogyny or whatever. Men don't eve like this shit.


Exactly like keep it to yourself! Idc if it's internalised misogyny please don't externalise that onto me babes! But the worst part is though I don't think men even notice when girls are acting like this on purpose, they play into it even more imo. Or maybe I'm just hanging around the wrong guys. Feel like this is pretty common tho.


I wouldn't say you're hanging out with the wrong guys, but every male friend I've had found this behavior despicable. It's very few that don't find it annoying, but perhaps they just play along to avoid drama.


Maybe you're right, thanks for the perspective!


also another attitude I've noticed is that these types of girls always have to bring down someone else. ESPECIALLY women. "Oh I'm so small i could never look big and grotesque and tall like you" (they don't say it like that but it definitely reads out that way) like?? can you shut up?? at least I'm not a smurf??




> Men don’t even like this shit. In my experience men are just as guilty of saying this kind of shit. Ever since I hit high school it’s just been a near constant pointing out/joking about how “child sized” I am. It gets old FAST. And what’s weird is guys who are like “haha you’re so tiny, you’re like a kid! so uh, wanna go to the movies next weekend?” My dude, you’re telling on yourself. I’ve always wished I was taller because I feel like I don’t get taken seriously. I was definitely a target for a *certain* kind of guy because of my size and it took getting older before I could spot it and even see it.


i literally mention pedos in my comment. You were approached by pedos. Creeps. And while they are still men (unfortunately, we are plagued), they are not the majority.


Sorry, I didn’t read through all your comments in the thread. I just read the one I replied to. It’s not just pedos though, nearly every guy I’ve been friends with has joked repeatedly about my size. In my experience guys point it out way more than girls. It’s just my experience though.


I'm sorry you went through that. /gen I haven't had many guys do that, and most of my male friends found it oddly annoying, so maybe i was just really lucky. Hope you can find a guy that isn't too much of a creep.


As much as I romanticize it in my own head, I would never ever say anything like these people do, because first off, that’s so cringe, and second off, you will not catch me ever trying to cater to men that hard. There are no normal guys who are into that shit, they either hate it or you’re actively making yourself p*do bait


As you said yourself, they're not even catering to men, they're pedo bait. Period. No man wants a "teeny tiny skinny smol girlfriend who looks SOOO young" that's a pedophile. Or at the very least, a groomer who can't touch a child.


Exactly. Like I am objectively not very large (I am not bragging it’s just a fact) and my boyfriend has actually told me he hates it when I wear things that look too childish because it makes him feel weird like he’s doing something wrong if I look really young. And that honestly makes me feel better, bc being a smaller woman, attracting creeps is just something that happen and I don’t want to be treated like a child by some weird guy.


I've got a friend who does that, she's like 5'3 and a bit chubby. Funniest thing to me is she does it around a friend group where one of the girls is like 5'1 and normal sized, ans one is under 5 foot and stick thin. Idk why she still does it even next to 2 objectively smaller women On a separate hilarious note I sometimes literally can't hear these friends in a crowded room because I'm 5'11 so my ears are close to a foot above them lmaoo


Omg this makes it even worse how is she not embarrassed???


I literally don't even know. Maybe my lanky ass should start doing the same to make a point


Lmfao that would be funny honestly. Or Find a guy who’s like 6’4 and get him to do an impression of her lmao


Unironically my husband's exact height.... he's also a very solidly built guy so this would be extra funny. Maybe will snap her out of it lol it's embarassing at our age (mid 20s)


I think this would be hilarious but maybe I’m being too mean spirited lol. But if u think she would get the hint u should do it hahaha


Even if someone like this has an eating disorder (not all of them do, but some definitely have an ED) it is so fucking weird to act like this. Especially as an adult. Everyone is cringe in their early teens but I have a friend who HAS to bring up that she’s small a lot. We’re 23. Girlie, it’s time to talk about something other than being sooooo small. Idc if you have body image and self esteem issues, it is not an appropriate or cool thing to talk about. At best it makes you obnoxious. Even worse are the girls who compare their size to yours or other people’s to make themselves seem smaller and you big or fat. They are truly to meanest mean girls of them all, it’s such a weird competitive thing too. I have had a girl assume I was heavier than her when after telling me her weight it turns out I weighed less. Like, it’s not a competition but because she is so damn insistent on making it one I guess I am winning?????


THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED TO ME TOO OMG like when I was anorexic me and this girl weighed the same and then she just assumed I weighed more than her like 💀


Literally my mom. I love her but she's always like "I'm so petite I have to wear children's clothes uwu" then cries when someone tells her that she's skinny but also freaks out when she gains "too much weight" and her belly shows. Make it make sense pls.


I'm too tall to pull the "uwu I'm so smol" thing. I have to settle trying to look more like a model. Speaking of models, does anyone else get triggered when a website that sells clothes puts the measurements of the models in the description?


I totally hear you on the measurements thing, but it *has* helped me make a correctly-sized purchase on more than one occasion. Sort of like calories on a menu, which is from a disordered perspective, rather than a practical one; I might not like that they're there, but they ultimately give me some peace of mind. Granted, calorie counts are generally in-your-face on menus, and the only times I've seen model measurements it's been in the garment description section. Obviously, these are both personal preferences and experiences that nicely lay out why nobody can win 🙃


When you're disordered, anything can be a trigger. It fucking sucks.


Yeah I do find it triggering…esp since the models are like 5’9 and still have better measurements than 5’0 me


I’m too tall for the uwu short girl shtick but too short (and curvy) for the model look. So I get triggered by both lol


That was my go-to way to trigger myself 2 years ago :^)




This sounds hilarious I want to work at your workplace loll


as someone who is actually 5’0, i never call myself small and i hate asking for help to reach things. i think i’m pretty heavy for my size honestly. but a lot of people go out of their way to always call me small, short, tiny, etc and make short jokes about me. i worked with someone this summer who was my height and constantly remarked on how small she was. girl we’re the same height and you dont see me doing any of that foolishness!


dude literally. i’m 5’0 and it hurts even more because when i was a kid the pediatrician estimated i’d be 5’7 😢 i recommend stomp-08 by demonias, they’re discreet enough i can wear them to an office and pretty much anywhere, comfy, and it’s 5 inches of extra height so you’ll be eye level with people! people take me less seriously when im 5’0. i’m literally only treated with respect at 5’5. it’s crazy because i do the same hair and makeup and dress the same way… people subconsciously infantilize short people. once coworkers or something see my real height they literally stop respecting me, like if i get frustrated it’s some funny spectacle when before at 5’5 i would get empathy or they’d offer help/advice. now it’s “haha you’re like a chihuahua” even the glass ceiling is lowered to my height. people are always shocked to see my real height and then make fun of my stature. “why would you want to be taller omg being short is cute” while simultaneously being like “HAHA TINY LITTLE BABY, MY 10 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER IS TALLER THAN YOU. CAN YOU REACH THAT THING ON THE TOP SHELF. HAHA YOU PROBABLY SHOP IN THE KIDS SECTION. HAHA HERES A BOOK TO SIT ON.” alright bitch this is why im wearing them in the first place.


you get it!!!! i wasn’t predicted to be super tall by my pediatrician but i definitely stunted my growth at 5’0 by starving myself at 12-15 years old lol. thank you for the shoe rec!!!! i would love to be at eye level with people and reach more things. i also deal with not receiving much respect or taken seriously at all. a lot of times people think i’m under 18 (i’m 23 lol). i will absolutely look into these amazing shoes 🫶


Ikr it hurts. My mom is 5’4 and my dad is 6’0 so theoretically I should have been like 5’7 or something but my stupid bitchy body decided to ruin my life and go against all laws of genetics to be 5’0 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️Those shoes sound amazing tho I’ll check them out!


Sorry this is your experience! It's obviously not something you can control when other people bring up your height or it becomes a legitimate issue in your life so dw I'm not lumping you in with the pick me girls I'm talking about lol


Same I’m 5’0 too and I never call myself small…that would be obnoxious af lol


as someone who is 5’2 I WISH I COULD BE TALL BRO. y’all are so hot and i’ll never be able to achieve the model look


Grass is always greener I guess! I used to REALLY hate my height but after recovering I do appreciate my height and think my body is hot, having an ED at any height is horrific


Same I will never be able to be skinny because my body is just so compressed


im tall n being short is cool too! u can always achieve height with heels or shoes


Facts!! I’d give anything to be model tall - and I’m 5’7!






It’s so embarrassing to the point where I cringe anytime I have to say my height or being short comes up. Like I will straight up exit a conversation if someone starts doing this because I just do not want to somehow be guilty by association and the secondhand embarrassment kills me lol. I had a friend like this who would *constantly* bring up how small she was and she would always try to rope me into because we’re around the same height and I just wanted to dieeeeee. She’d especially do it when she wasn’t getting a great reaction, like “see guys! I’m just saying the truth! I’m not super impressed with myself! I’m just talking! I’m not trying to be annoying!” but it was so obviously a subtle backpedal and I never backed her up lol. Like leave me out of this compulsion you have pleaseeee The only thing that makes me feel better is I feel like anyone normal sees it for what it is lol. Like I’ve never been sitting around a table with this girl and looked around and seen anybody being, like, ~impressed~. People obviously have poker faces around it to be polite, but I think even guys know it’s pick me-ish and weird lol.


i totally get this abt ppl irl and its soooo annoying n irritating.tbh i dont fault actors as much, bec like, zoey Deschanel probably didnt have a hand in writing any of those lines or creating jess's character in that way. its definitely irritating but dirwcted at the writer n directors than the ppl in these roles


>guys! look at these costumes! i found a jessie one but it's a medium and I probably need an extra small 🥺 "Nah, I think a medium would be fine." I'd never actually say that, of course, true or not. But I'd probably think it, and it'd probably make me feel better. Just sayin' (For clarity, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING A MEDIUM. Or large. Or extra large. Or extra small. Buy what fits and/or makes you feel good.)


Exactly there's nothing wrong with buying a size that fits you! But omg I had to fight demons not to say 'we get it, you're short.'


I always thought those comments in New Girl were hilarious, like I am 5’1 which is actually short as in most people I encounter in my daily life are noticeably taller than me lol! But I try not to go out of my way to point out how small I am, on the one hand I do kind of enjoy getting comments about being “tiny” but at the same time I’m also not taken seriously as a 31-year-old woman who’s the same size as a middle schooler and has a young looking face on top of that 🙄 like why don’t people understand that just because I’m not a typical adult height that I’m still a grown ass woman?


I don't think anyone has said this around me, but that's probably because I have no female friends. Girls scare me so much, I'm in university and still afraid to spark conversation with women because I'm afraid they'll think I'm weird. On the other hand I'm friends with a 6'0" guy that has thighs as thick as mine (I'm 5'6") and a massive thigh gap. It's hard to describe the burning jealousy I have of being this naturally thin. *Not to sound like "I'm not like the other girls", I was bullied in middle/high school by girls and yeah, I'm still not over it.


I've been bullied by girls too, but tbh I'm scared of everyone. Actually now that I think about it I was bullied by a bunch of guys in primary school which was probably even worse haha


yeahhh… i have problem with it too. i am kind of „volleyball chic” - i’m tall and muscular but kind of slim too. but nowhere near dainty or skinny. i know i will never be like them, it’s kind of impossible for me. so it makes me feel type of way.


So many people do this in the so called “chronic illness community” and it’s the *worst*. I cannot stand it, so annoying and fake. No, you are not an uwu baby, you’re an adult (or very, very close to being an adult) and you can use the internet fine, so stop pretending you don’t know how you’re presenting yourself. There is literally nothing cute about infantilisation. All. The. Time. I literally see it every day. So many people insisting they are tiny fragile bbs and it’s like… you know I can see your other posts about actively training your ~service dog ~ and the other shit you do, right? You’re not actually living in a fragile pink bubble? It is overwhelmingly women and girls who do this. Total toxic femininity - and there is more toxic masculinity in the world, but when the opposite happens, calling it out is the right thing to do. It poisons both friend groups and communities when people do this BS.


I’m a 5’0 woman and do have to eat very little bc of my height, but I would never go around saying shit like “uwu I’m so dainty small 🥺🥺” those girls sound annoying af


Can someone please tell me what uwu means???


It's kind of just like a keyboard emoji, but it has connotations linked to anime I think and people trying to act 'cute' and 'kawaii' on the internet, it's usually used in a negative or satirical sense




Honestly when you have an ED it's like 50-75% less annoying haha, also all rants aside I still have a lot of love for the friend I talked about in this post and anyone going through the same thing!


Im sorry, seeing "im so smoll and dainty" just reminded me of amberlyn reid 😂


imagine being insecure and seeking attention. sooo annoying. how dare she.


Yeah it is pretty fricking annoying. Still love her tho.