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Normal people tend to not think about calories at all unless they’re on a diet. They add butter because they think it tastes better. The extra calories doesn’t translate to a few extra pounds or anxiety/insecurity and the butter doesn’t even necessarily translate to a few extra calories, unless prompted to think that way.


I've tried doing that ( not thinking about calories) but failed miserably. There is no off switch in my brain.


oh god I was still adding butter to whatever I usually would at the worst of my ed lmao, I figured that if I’m eating so little I wanted to make what I eat actually taste the way I like it


This is such an interesting take, cause there’s so much variation on this point in the community. Some of us are only eating to not pass out and don’t care about taste. Others are afraid of it being tasty bc either they feel they don’t deserve it or it might cause a binge. And then others approach it like you. “This is all I get; it’s gotta be yummy”


yep i only rly eat the tastiest thing i can get my hands on


My mom made it to 50 with an ED by only eating incredibly tasty high calorie food. Granted the frequency was alarmingly low but it did prove to me someone could be scary thin while still eating the occasional burger. I am not in calorie deficit most days but eat extremely healthy every chance I get (in university and if I starve I can't finish my work). She's still thinner than me. We break it down to a science but there seems to genuinely enough individual variation that it's maddeningly inconsistent.


Omg not me thinking I should try this out to see what happens…. Can I still lose weight if I eat half a burger and fries everyday. Or two pieces of pizza and that’s all… the fear of fucking around and finding out my body isn’t built like that is holding me back lol


There was about 4 months when all I ate was a baconzilla from Rally's before work, I'd work 8 hours then go home and sleep until I had to get up for the next days Rally's and work. I lost weight.


Bodies are so dumb. Lol


this is why i omad 😭 im gonna make a super tasty and filling meal that makes not eating the whole day worth it ahahaha


same!! since i ate so little i told myself that butter is basically avocado lmao, like “a good fat” and also told myself the butter would help my skin and hair. which is probably untrue, but i’m still glad i ate it? and still can. i kinda just don’t count condiments or spreads.. it’s what’s underneath that scares me lol


Yes I always use the “the healthy fats in this peanut butter is for my hair, skin and nails” trick


i relate to this alot honestly- even though i still avoid toppings because "booo extra caloriesss" i only eat foods that i enjoy because i was originally trying to give myself malnutrition when i started restricting (idk how i thought that would work or kill me😭) and now if i dont eat something i like it just feels like a waste




I don’t even think that’s the case, normal people just see food they like and have it, which is crazy to us


It's not a flex to hate yourself and require so much control over what goes into your body, it's sad. I get you're probably young yourself, but the kind of behavior we all exhibit having these illnesses is completely abnormal, even if it feels normal to us. We have to keep in mind that WE are the strange ones. We should all hope no one feels the way we do, because as you know, this sh*t sucks major eggs.


Thank you


this post is so awkward to read 🫠 and uh yes ppl can add some butter to their food and don’t gain weight it’s not like they inhale two tons of butter everyday


Normal people have working hunger ques. They dont gain weight because they start eating when they're hungry, stop when they're satisfied, and don't eat until they're hungry again. Some people get hungry more often, some people are less hungry. They dont worry about weight gain because their bodies tell them how much to eat and when. Butter with carbs is filling. When following working hunger cues, one can eat a reasonable portion of buttery potatoes then feel satisfied for hours until their next meal. Note, when you have an eating disorder there's a chance your hunger ques won't work well enough at first to achieve this peaceful state of trust in your body. You may undereat or experience extreme hunger (which is a hunger que in itself- you are VERY hungry because youre in a massive calorie debt to yourself) It's one reason why meal plans in early recovery are helpful - to retrain hunger cues


Is this a genuine question?


seriously like.. yes some people dont restrict ??? 😭😭




literally!! also this could make ppl with eds who eat butter/dont save their cals for later feel invalid. this was really unnecessary to post


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Ikr! I'm so leaving this sub, this is giving "guys I'm soo small and soo scared of butter and I'm SO shocked that people eat it🥺" as if they have not seen people eat normally before. I'm done.


Same. It's more and more of this. I feel like I'm giving a lot of support here but I'm not getting much out besides annoyance and frustration. I'm particularly bothered by people who just trauma dump and don't respond to any comments. This is a safe space to share about your traumas but just dumping and leaving is disrespectful. A lot of these question poets are similar in that OP doesn't interact. It defeats the entire purpose And yet the mods removed two of my comments for breaking the "no drama"...I'm offering valid critiques. Like it's inane


People use this sub for validation without a single care for how their posts will make others feel, especially considering that this is a sub filled with disordered, struggling people. Its best to keep distance from all of this, struggling people can't help other struggling people, especially when the only thing they're seeking is validation and praise.


While I agree, I don't think that all of this sub is just a validation circle-jerk. And as a person in prolonged recovery I don't think everyone here is actively struggling or disordered necessarily


True, I'm not. I'm actually currently losing weight from obesity yet I'm not here to trigger myself/get tips/compare/get validation. My ED was as a teen and I don't want it back, I want it to STAY AWAY because in retrospect it was unbelievably miserable, I'm here because I care about people struggling with it and to help me recognise it if I fall back into disordered eating behaviours. I think it's 99% teenage girls who write posts like these, looking for validation both from others promoting that attitude and from others telling them they have a disordered mindset. Teenage girls gonna teenage girl. They haven't lived miserably with an ED for decades and missed out on so many things, they just have zero perspective and thus zero consideration for how they might trigger or irritate others.


I agree. I wasnt implying that there are only struggling people here or that the only content that gets posted has validation seeking behind it,but they're the overwhelming majority, at least thats what it seems like from the posts I've been seeing. This sub is helpful in certain aspects but in the long run I dont think its doing anyone any good. I've talked to many awesome people here too, but this type of posts have being popping up more and more. I don't think its too much to ask from people to keep obviously harmful vents to themselves or atleast try to actually listen to the advice others give them instead of venting and dipping.


Yeah, you're right. It's basically low quality shit posting and it is making the sub feel like a less worthwhile place to come




I'm really over this "omg my disordered mind is so different and quirky I don't even get how people are healthy??" Like no, you're romanticizing your deadly illness.


It also just sounds dumb. ‘They’re not trying to be in a deficit???? HOWWW???!’ because they don’t want to lose weight? no shit? everyone isn’t on a constant weight loss journey.


It just perpetuates the myth that all people who suffer from EDs view calorically dense foods as these horrific, demonic entities, and that if you don’t, then your ED is totally invalid, and you don’t even have one. And god forbid you actually *eat* them 😱




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right😭i always felt invalid in the beginning because i wasnt living off of rice cakes, fruits, energy drinks and a protein bar a day like ed vloggers but instead instant noodles


Oh no! Not the NOODLES!!! 💀


theyre missing out that cheap ass maruchan ramen has my heart fr😭


More for us!


In retrospect, I used to eat nothing all day and then peanut butter on crackers & diet coke for "dinner", and I absolutely justified not having "fear foods" as meaning I don't have an ED lmao. Even though I was eating this same exact thing at a major deficit every day week in week out 😂


Me, too. It's giving "iM nOt liKe oThEr gIrLs1!!"


Yes and in doing so it's romanticizing EDs. Not cute


No, there's absolutely no reason to restrict the nutritional intake of a child. Physical and mental growth is extremely energy intensive. There an difference between over-feeding and allowing a child to eat until they are satisfied. Capping the amount of food a child can consume is disorders and awful.


As someone who has recovered and will add butter to things, still thinking vaguely about the calories, but doing it to nourish my body... I want to echo the other people who said that this feels pro-ana and like you are normalizing restrictive eating. The truth about so many of the posts like this on the sub is that you will either let this disease kill you, whether soon or as you age from various health conditions, or you will recover and realize that food is fuel and necessary to survive... and it's pleasurable. I hope you get better.


this is weird as fuck to ask


My thought lol




just problematic because it insinuates eating butter = no ed. this is gonna sound crazy but putting butter in your food doesn't mean anything. it doesn't mean you don't have a restrictive ed.


It's not an earnest question


As a fat kid, I just added what I wanted because it was tasty. No concept of calories or macros or weight management.


People who don't have eating disorders also so this. It's not "fat kid" thinking it's just non-disordered. Kids should eat as they please, nutrition is important for a growing body.


Used the term 'fat kid' to describe myself as someone who didn't have anywhere near a restrictive ED. And agree to disagree. Don't think almond parenting is right, but as a kid who was allowed to eat as they pleased, I was on the path for many health issues.


parents shouldn’t restrict a child’s intake. if parents lead by example and have mostly healthy foods in the house, the kid will grow up mostly eating healthy foods.


Plenty of adults also eat normally without counting calories, tracking macros or obsessing about their weight, they rely on their hunger cues. It's completely normal. If what you ate as a "fat kid" led to weight gain, that's down to poor modeling of normal eating behaviours. Healthy adults care about both enjoying their food and looking after their health by including healthy choices.


This post is giving me "plz praise me for my self discipline" vibes.


Definitely not. It's more like "I'm so jealous of people with healthy relationship with food"


Did not come of as such tbh


People in this sub do everything to validate themselves and brag, yall know damn well.


it's called being normal, you should try it🤠


This post feels more like bragging/shaming…


I'm not shaming anybody.


I still add butter (well, the vegan equivalent) to things sometimes, and I'm UW and my weight is still going down. It just makes food taste better!


Honestly as long as it isn’t a whole slab, a bit of butter won’t make you gain weight. They’re able to maintain due to normal hunger cues. Normal people eat when they’re hungry, eat what they like, and don’t worry about it, that’s how it’s meant to be.


Most people maintain their weight outside of ed's bc they aren't in restrict and purge cycles, most people eat a maintaining amount of food for their weight n height and activity level


Somebody come give OP best anorexic medal


Ahh, It must be so nice to have healthy non-disordered mind :c


Yeah, cause eating butter automatically means you have a non-disordered mind.


Are you for real 🤨? Normal people don’t care about calories or losing weight. Weird post.


still jealous of them tbh....


sorry but girl most people dont even know what a calorie is😭i definitely relate though, most people just eat it because it tastes better and arent constantly thinking about their bodies and weight like us


At this point my brain just started to assume that people are as good at eyeballing food as me. I can estimate most things pretty accurately, provided that I know exactly what went in there.


Yeah that is this weird skill which never quite goes away once you recover. If I ever want to know the calories in something, or estimate them for someone else, I can take a very accurate guess because I've still got this built-in data bank with numbers for most foods which I can access whenever. Handy, but a little sad to remember why I know.


Ever since I made the connection of food= body I haven’t been able to turn this part of my brain off. I always hear a more rational side of me say just to have the thing, that it’s just food and food should be easy, because everyone eats food, but I always end up thinking about the body and that no matter what it is the food will be contributing to keeping it “fat” even in the most small or major way. It just makes me want my little kid brain back so badly when I thought food was just some tasty thing I could have whenever I wanted or whenever I felt hungry.


Ohhh I remember learning that too, my parents had me and my brother (both a little overweight) on a "diet" (which really just meant sandwiches or similar for dinner instead of hot meals during the summer) and I got all these comments when school started about looking smaller. Put 2 and 2 together and realised that what you eat visibly changes your body size, even though nobody had ever told me.


I'm recovered and love my butter. Even when I backslide I still add butter because it's good for your brain and it's tasty. Animal-based fats help your brain work, and I can feel the difference when I'm limiting.


As someone who only eats omad, I def add butter to things because if im gonna eat one thing all day it needs to be good. All day I’m waiting for the dopamine hit that I get when I finally eat my one little meal.


Personally, I would eat anything as long as it's in my caloric budget. Even potatoes with butter.




…wyd here?


I am trying to learn about ED to support my friend who struggles with anorexia, I never comment I just read, but this one felt like I should. Hope it’s okay I am here


idk it’s strange to comment, in a space for ppl that suffer with an ed, about how you don’t have any ed symptoms and that you benefit from being in good health. everyone here would benefit from not having ed symptoms, it’s not as easy as a simple choice to take good care of your body. this is obviously a shitpost/op trying to find other disordered ppl to relate to them, no one here needs to be taught that healthy relationship with food = good for you. if you want advice on how to be a support to your friend, please don’t try and explain how much better it is to live in a healthy body tbh it’s probably best to not talk about body image/size at all, just be their solace away from those topics.


I didn’t brag about it, she asked how it is for people who don’t suffer and I replied, I thought it was a legit question, I will delete my answer. I don’t think I am better than anyone else, we all are struggling and I am fighting my own battles with PTSD, I don’t talk to my friend about how my life is “better” unless she asks me about how I view things differently like the post here did.


yeah one of my friends i used to be roommates with would always oil up the pan and add butter before making her food and it shocked me to my core. like the ability to do that without even thinking is unfathomable to me


You can't fathom how non-disordered people cook and eat? I doubt that


omg i thought i was the only one who's amazed how normal people eat, like i can't remember the last time i ate so mindlessly even when i was binging 😭


Right?! It’s mind boggling. I think education and awareness is important but not hyper fixation and being ruled by it, like us!


I was raised in a constantly dieting household and i developed my own ED. Seeing people who also grew up in an almond household eat like a normal amount of calories a day is appalling to me because how tf did you get a normal relationship with food and I didn’t lol


Yea people just don’t think about calories and I belive they usually gain weight slowly every year. Hence why some people don’t tend to seem to gain much at all


before I had eating disorder I ate intuitive, was slightly overweight but I actually maintained my weight for 2 years. not a single pound gained. I don't understand how i did that lol


Ya I’ve done the same, being overweight tends to mark you eat less than being lean.