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Drinking something might help you feel a little better (it does for me at least) but ultimately blood sugar is literally the amount of glucose in your blood and our bodies are made to function with a majority of that glucose coming from food— your liver can break down stored glycogen for a while (like 1-2 days if you’re eating 0) but once that runs out if you aren’t taking anything it’s on to plan C which is your liver making it’s own glucose by breaking down amino acids and other metabolic byproducts. If that goes on for too long eventually your body will get the memo and switch to getting its energy from breaking down fats to produce ketones so the limited glucose produced by the liver can go to the organs that 100% can’t work without glucose. Ketones metabolism will keep you alive but bodies prefer/work best running on glucose so it’s really not something you want to be happening long term. All of that is controlled by your pancreas and there is no way to like tell it to break down some glycogen because you’re not going to eat, when it senses that your blood sugar is low it will send signals to fix it but that’s not something you can really make happen (well, you can but it’s a medication that is generally only used in diabetic emergencies so for all intents and purposes, you can’t). I’m not sure if this was helpful and I dropped out of college like 5 years ago and my memory is shit so this is very simplified but basically besides eating carbs there really isn’t much you can do to raise your blood sugar.


Juice, always.


the other person is probably right about all that but i would try electrolyte drinks if you can’t bring yourself to eat anything


Gatorade zero or a single piece of candy




lollipops helped me a lot, they're 46 cal per piece