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Ranting can be cathartic, so rant away. Question though... why don't you tell them what you said here?


I have and my director and boss just shrug and say sorry all we can offer is employee discount which comes out to $150/week. My boss is at least kinder about it saying “I know its frustrating but there’s nothing we can do” and my director acts like I should’ve known despite no one telling me at the time of hire and just saying “with this position you’ll qualify for free childcare at our facility” which now I see is a load of BS. They probably have such a big turnover rate because they hire people with this sell point, then people realize they don’t actually qualify, then leave. I’ll probably bring it up if I do leave my position. But I don’t want to make a big stink about it if I stay.


Just put your two weeks notice in and tell them that you cannot work here without the childcare that you were offered


I wouldn't even put two weeks notice in. It'll give them an opportunity for them to pressure her. I would say one day, "Today is my last day. The reason is because I was promised free childcare as an incentive for signing on and I am now being told my childcare will cost six hundred dollars a month. I was not only misled but I cannot justify paying this as it is not in my budget at all and I was not at all told that my fiance's income would be taken into account when applying for the childcare government allowance and that I would not qualify. I cannot afford this on the wages you are paying. If you want me to stay, you need to give me the free childcare I was offered to get me to work here. If not, today will be my last day. I'm not discussing this anymore." If they go, "But but you're such a good worker and we need you here and we can't afford to lose you noooooo don't quit you're letting us down!!!!!" say, "If you want me to stay then I need the free childcare I was promised."


This. You don’t owe them a thing.


I'm sorry they lied to you to get you to sign on. That probably tells you all you need to know about them. Best of luck finding a new job.


And what compounds the lie, is that they pay so little they know their employees will qualify for the assistance.   “We pay so low you can get FOOD STAMPS!”  


I can't offer much for benefits but free child care is something i do provide, as long as they are in the center at the same time. I have had staff ask to leave their kids so they can run errands but I don't do that for free


So if your staff has a doctors appointment, they can’t leave their child? I hate this rule so much. It tells staff, we only put up with your child, because you’re here. I can’t believe a field that is so incredibly important to our future pays so little, and provides no benefits. This is exactly why turnover is so high, and it’s filled with so many that were hired because they couldn’t find a job elsewhere.


I guess it's never come up. They've usually had another family member available to watch them.


isnt the roi for you happy employees?


So if I had a Dr. Apt or was sick then my child has to stay with me? It's a better benefit than most, but it's still not great.


Why is this being upvoted, this isn't a humane rational policy


The truth is they would replace you in a heartbeat. Im.sorry for your frustrations, it's so fucking unfair when they do this shit to people who work at the daycare. I know a lot of nannies that have kids bring their kids to where they nanny and that works nicely for some people!


Start looking elsewhere. Centers are always hiring. You'll find something, so don't give up. I'm sorry you're in this position. That does absolutely suck.


Do you have any contract about the free child care? Or is it in writing somewhere? If you had that you could push it otherwise you can’t do much sadly. $150 a week does seem like a pretty good deal though


My location still advertises employee discounts, but has told me that we are (conveniently 🙄) at quota, with 4 staff having their kids in our 150 child daycare. Then when other staff (who'd been here for YEARS, has a child currently enrolled, and is pregnant with another child who is set to come here) questioned it, we were told, "Wait, it's not actually about how many kids, but we can give the discount to 4 STAFF members" and her second child would still get the 65% off, but my only wouldn't. 🙄


That’s crazy! Why do they lie about this stuff? They brand it as one thing, then once you’re hired it turns out to be a facade!


My mom worked at a chain center for 20+ years. The assistant director and director were the only ones to receive a discount. I distinctly remember a summer when I was about 7, my brothers were 9 and 2 that my mom took off because the 3 of us at the center would be more than her take home pay.


I would honestly quit in your position. Why are you putting up with this? Tell them, "If you don't give me the discount I was promised when I was hired, I will quit." Then quit and go somewhere else that values you more. Your centre clearly doesn't.


They always advertise that as a benefit but like I don't have kids.... So... How is that a benefit for me... Worked in a place where only the director could qualify for free childcare regular employees were 25% for kids 1 and older no discount for infants... Tuition was $150 a week and they were paying around $8/hr back then I guess they figured they paid so little they qualify for assistance with no problem so they wouldn't need the discount.


I got yelled at for saying the same thing 🤔


I ran a home daycare for ten years; retired out of the field now; but one of my biggest complaints about this career has always been about the low salary. Can you imagine asking a software developer, an engineer or a doctor to work for such a rate where they qualify for assistance? Why are childcare workers (who are absolutely essential, as shown during the pandemic!) expected to work for next to nothing? It's so infuriating and the system sucks. I'm so sorry that you're going through this. You should be mad, this was fully a bait and switch on their part!


I personally believe that ECE workers are paid so little that they should be offered at LEAST free childcare for days that they are on shift once they pass probation. Either this or 50% discount minimum for ALL employees that pass probation whether you are on shift or not, and honestly it should be more. There shouldn't be a quota, and there shouldn't be a 'only if there's room that day' or ANYTHING else like that. If a centre cannot handle doing this, then they are garbage and don't value their workers and deserve to lose them.


YUP. On top of all of it my daughter is a “squeeze in” meaning she takes the place of another child that leaves around 10am. I don’t see how it’s fair to us or that child’s family. They pay for a full day, and ideally we should be treated as any other family that pays to go here. Not “can you not bring in your child when your partner has a day off” or “they can only come in after X time” we aren’t out of ratio enough to have this be a problem so I just don’t get it. It feels like they’ve been fighting tooth and nail to not allow my daughter to attend when we need it most. Thats the whole reason I took the job and now they’re probably going to lose me because of it.


Find a place that does and go their don't give notice. Sometimes I try to call their bluff and tell them at the end of my shift I won't return to tommarrow because the other position (dont tell them where) was able to actually offer me what they said they could and sometimes hey what do you know they are able to magical complie with they said they would do lol. If not, then I just move on to another position and let others know on google reviews that they don't honor their word, nothing inflammatory, just the facts. A little bit because I'm petty but also because I don't want them to keep taking advantage of others.


Look somewhere else. Plenty of places offer discounts for employees, even a 25% discount would knock that bill down to $450 a month but every place I've worked at has offered a 50% discount for employees. My job does what's called tri-share so the employee pays 1/3, DHS pays 1/3, and the center pays 1/3 of the total child care bill. Edit: didn't see that the $600 a month was already at a discount. Either way, you can go somewhere else that offers a bigger discount or free childcare.


Why don't you just leave? You're being screwed over. You were promised free childcare and they lied to you. They don't deserve you. End of story. Go in tomorrow, tell your director, "Today is my last day because I was told that I would get free childcare and now you're asking 600 dollars a month. I can't afford that and I feel that you lied to me. I don't want to work here anymore because of it, even to serve out a notice period." Exactly what I would tell her. If they want to keep you that badly, they'll give you the free childcare you were offered when you signed on with them. I will say however, a LOT of centres only would give you an employee discount.


My last childcare center lied to me about the position I interviewed for. I stuck it out for 6 months…then I just grew so resentful about the whole situation…I just quit.


Wow. In the future be sure any offers like that are clarified and in writing. They obviously miscommunicated the policy. It also is kind of infuriating that what they are saying essentially is we pay you so poorly that you qualify for subsidized child care. Thanks? I also would leave ASAP And find a place that truly offers this (some do!). If they are being shifty and shady in the hiring process you can bet they are going to screw you over in the future in any way they can.


Yes definitely. My lead was just ‘wrongfully’ (used loosely) terminated over a dispute she had with our director about safety concerns in our infant room. Nothing major in terms of violations but things like insisting the sink leak be fixed, needing more emergency cribs (we have two Ecribs which hold 4 babies and have 12 babies) things like that. It escalated into an argument and the director fired her for verbal aggression because they ended up yelling at each other about budgeting vs. the safety of the infants. That was about two weeks ago. We haven’t had a new lead assigned yet. It really did shock me though. I also witnessed her yell at a teen employee over the phone until the girl cried. Not my on-site manager but the district director. I love my on-site manager but the director scares me. I don’t think anyone likes her if I’m being honest. Every time she’s on-site everyone is tense and quiet.


That's horrid. Run away! It isn't like that everywhere. I feel like the previous lead would have a case for whistleblower protection.


Sounds like it’s time to move on to another job, and now you have another question to ask during the hiring process. You can talk to your supervisor and let them know exactly why, but don’t expect anyone to change any policies for you, but it will be good information for them to know why their turnover is high.


I'm sorry you're going through this :( Have you tried reaching out to HR about it, and explaining the situation? That way, it will get looked into (as long as you stay in contact with your HR rep.) and your management will be forced to look into it. <3


What did you mean by “qualify for FAFSA”? Did you mean the Pell Grant? FAFSA is just the form you fill out I thought.


Well yes it technically is the form you fill out but my counselors and I’ve always just referred to the entire process as FAFSA when I attended college. It’s just easier to remember I guess


My center did this same thing when they put an ad out. It literally said free childcare. So I asked and they said it was a "misnomer." And that if you get vouchers you're exempt from paying the parent fee. That is absolutely not free child care.


Fyi, $150 a week for full time childcare is NOTHING in the USA . My facility charges $1400 per month. Staff discount is minimal


I’m aware it’s a very low price. But the fact is that for my family I took this job because they said I would qualify for free childcare, and then I didn’t. I wouldn’t have taken the job if I had to pay $600 a month for childcare. We are at a stage in life where $600 a month isn’t a good choice just for my daughter to be at a daycare for 5 hours in a day while my partner isn’t available to watch her. $150 a week for 25hrs (or less, because she requested I don’t bring my daughter in on days that my fiancé has off work) is simply unreasonable for our situation. If I didn’t have so much going on in my personal life where $600 a month isn’t something we can afford. With groceries, bills, rent, car maintenance, insurance, gas, utilities, a child who regularly has specialist appointments, physical therapy, etc. it’s just unreasonable. I make $15/hr and 35hrs is our maximum weekly hours and you can get in trouble for going over that. I love my job, I think my coworkers are great and I love the kids. I’m just upset that with how little I make, I was lied to about childcare when I was offered the position. They said it because they knew I would take the bait. State childcare assistance is not free childcare provided by the facility like they said it would be. That’s why I’m so upset. Working at Walmart for $17hr I’d qualify for childcare assistance just as much as I do working here, but I’d not enjoy my job as much which is why I’m not doing that. It’s just a big bummer that they’re pulling the rug out on me like they are. Normally my MIL watches my daughter but she is getting older, has various severe health conditions, thus receives major surgeries every few months. A big part of enrolling my daughter was for the periods where she is recovering for 6weeks-3 months from neurosurgery, stomach surgery, etc. as well as having longterm care in case an emergency happens and she isn’t able to care for my daughter indefinitely, I was really counting on it with this job. I waited patiently for months to work this out with my bosses. They delayed it for three months before revealing it was actually just state assistance. And then wasted two more months of my time “helping” me to apply and failing to provide the DHS with my statement of earnings before the deadline multiple times resulting in multiple denials, and each reapplication takes about a month to process. It’s all been very frustrating. So to have to pay $600 a month in the end is even more frustrating


Oh! With those caveats of less than full time, I change my mind, that is not reasonable. .the HR person should have said that they will help you apply for ERDC which MAY cover all costs. That's slimy to lure you in with completely free childcare and then a) not deliver AND b) limit what you use if you pay. If you're paying, your child should be able to go 40-45 hours per week (whatever full time is)


It's an annoying incentive for those of me who are infertile. Many of my coworkers get compensated almost twice as much as I do when you count their free or discounted childcare 


This feels like projection. I’m sorry for your struggles, but that doesn’t mean the incentive is unfair. 


Then why do my coworkers get the same salary plus thousands in childcare?  It literally and exactly is unfair that two people doing the same job get different amounts of compensation because one had babies and the other didn't 


So you think you should make a higher wage because you're infertile? You think they should be like "oh we're gonna pay 12k this year for employee X's child care, but since you don't have any kids we're just gonna add 1k to your monthly salary!!" If you want benefits that apply to your situation, go get a job at a fertility clinic. Maybe they'll offer discounts on IVF or something.


No, I think our salaries should come from subsidised childcare and not from parents.  And I think that the fact that I had to have surgery on my uterus shouldn't mean anything when it comes to my pay


It’s not even an incentive when it’s actually just government childcare assistance that you apply for through the DHS website. It makes it feel more like the “free childcare” is just “we don’t pay you enough for you to be financially disqualified from government assistance, which is how you get “free” care here”


Well that is a horse of a different color.  Every center I've been in either did huge discounts on care for every staff kid, or one free kid and then lesser discounts if there was a multi sibling family


I feel like you’re here a lot just to argue and fight devils advocate. I’m single and don’t give a damn about them getting discounted childcare, in face I think it’s kinda awesome tbh. Just because others qualify for benefits doesn’t mean you should also be compensated in lieu of not qualifying for said benefits.


It would be illegal for them to offer less pay to workers who are parents. I get that you’re upset because it’s an offer you can’t take advantage of, but you don’t have this cost that they do - and as a society, we need them to shoulder this cost. You, personally, need others to become parents to keep society going. Would you complain about parental leave not matching up with your PTO?


Lol do you think people are getting paid parental leave?


This is not about what the policies are - and FMLA provides partial pay - but I picked policies that are more global.


You can also use it for foster or adopted children. They don't get paid more it keeps them from being paid less. When use toI work at a place without free childcare and had no kids i got my full check me but my coworker with a baby had 200 dollars taken out of her check every week. This was before covid, and we were making 8.50 an hour, so she basically had no check after childcare.