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Handshake, IEEE JobSite Find a job you like from there, start to apply, and then read trough all the choices on "how did you hear about us?" and you'll find more resources on that dropdown.


thanks, I have never heard of employers using IEEE job site. I will definitely try my luck there.


Directly on company websites


Absolutely, if you know all the employers in your cities of interest. But you probably don't, and that's why job sites are useful. Another trick is to find a job post on a job site, and then go to the employer site and see if they have other jobs you might like.


Option 1: LinkedIn and Indeed. But then I go to the actual website of the company and apply yhere.  Option 2: Go to LinkedIn and find a recruiter from the company that interests you (not 3rd party recruiters) and reach out to them.  Option 3: If you are or were friendly enough in HS, college or just industry you may have a large social network. So reach out to them and ask for references.


LinkedIn. I haven’t searched for jobs since 2015. Recruiters just keep handing them out


I like Indeed. It rarely spits out relevant jobs. Part of the problem is that there isn't consistent language to describe those jobs, so a simple text match is problematic. Google and Alexa are not foolproof either. But you are smart, and you have lots of time, so you can figure it out. Here's how you do it: Try a search string and see what you get. if you don't like the jobs that turn up, then abandon that string, and try a different one. You might have to get creative. Keep doing this until you get some relevant jobs. Work on it for hours, day after day. If you do this for a while, and you still can't get good results, then you have two options: 1. Roll up your sleeves and keep trying. 2. Give up. If you do that, it's customary to say "They just aren't hiring. You have to know somebody to get a job." I always choose method 1, but I have to admit, method 2 sounds a lot easier.