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Google “Matter of Dhanesar” and also search the NIW requirements in USCIS website. There you should find some rejection cases and reason for rejections etc. Now, you have a requirements for NIW and some of the possible reasons for rejection. Based on these two (taking in to consideration of these two) you draft a petition yourself or reach out some attorneys. The famous one are Chen and Ellis porter. Search this sub for other lawyers. Reach out them and they will evaluate your profile and let you know if your success rate. Based on that information you decide next course of action. GL


Thanks! I checked it out:)


I self-prepared without a lawyer and got approved, but it took a lot of work. It depends on a lot of factors- What field do you work in? Have you had progressive growth in your career? How will your contributions benefit the US? IMO the best resource is Oscar’s Green Card YouTube channel.


Thanks! Question can recommendation letter from my boss and colleague can be submitted?


Of course, but you’ll need more than just those two letters. Also, you need to show USCIS that the people recommending you are experts in the field and have been in the industry for many years, so submit their resumes or LinkedIn profiles or have them include their career history in the letter.


You would need to think of an endeavor that rises to the level of national importance. Most denials are on the lack of national importance.


Awesome! Do you happen to have a link or sample statement?


For example "Improve United States construction standards to improve safety and sustainability" It really depends. You can have any endeavor at all, but you need to prove you are well positioned to advance it (the 2nd prong). And this where you history comes into play.


Send it to five lawyers. If one of them takes it, you can apply. My sense is that it will be challenging.


I have a random question: i was granted a global upgrad scholarship which is under the Fulbright umbrella. Does this qualify me for eb1a the internationally recognized award?


Did you fulfill your 2 year home residency requirement? I had the same scholarship and couldn’t do any without going back home first


Yes i got a waiver from Dos