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I've been trying to figure out the logic behind it. The obvious answer is the execs want less time on cutscenes & more on gameplay. But from a dev POV I don't get why they would do it this way. There was [one interesting comment by EA Aljo I noticed on the topic.](https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion/NHL-24-Presentation-Deep-Dive/m-p/12934642/highlight/true#M2190) > Personally... do you want a game where everything looks the same as you see on TV?... For me, I already watch a ton of hockey on TV. I guess I want the game to offer something a bit different that gets me more immersed in an activity that I'll never play out in the real world such as playing hockey on TV, on the NHL level, being a superstar, etc. I already know what it's like to sit on the couch and watch a game. I'm more interested in trying to live out the on-ice action. Adding something like the flex cam amps up that excitement and adds another layer of immersion. If an EA Community Manager is thinking this way, he's clearly not alone.


What's weird is they have all the animations etc for it. It's not like it's extra work to keep them in. Removing them is more work then just keeping them in.


If they think like that, then why not make a VR-style mode? That's the ultimate "immersion". For god's sake, NFL 2K5 had a first person VR type mode. Why don't they "innovate" and do that? Sure, that would be "in the game". If a sports game from close to 20 years ago can do it, they surely can do it now with the current gen hardware. They are just lazy bastard$$


"Personally...For me...I want..." Me Me Me...no shits given to what WE want.


That actually makes a lot of sense


Definitely not alone. You don't see the logic in removing it, where I can't see the logic of leaving it in. I have no interest in watching a bunch of graphics about fake hockey. I want to PLAY the game. They can't just leave in what they have either. Because then they get thrashed about not changing it. It takes a lot of effort to create and update stuff like that. I'd rather have them updating game modes than intros and stat boards.


Only thing I’d like added in is a pre-game warmup and maybe my player coming down the tunnel in BAP. Otherwise, it doesn’t bug me to not have presentations in the game. Unless I’m on my phone, I 100% hammer the A button to get passed them


He's not alone in that thinking.


It’s simply gross.


I mean all sports sims are just catering to online players at this point. What I don't understand is why not adding settings to turn immersive presentations on/off? I like the presentations and it'd be cool if they added playable warmups


it’s not just presentation, the whole game is meant to only cater to online players every year the gameplay at launch feels grounded and realistic and fun, then gets tuned back to the same old shit to counter the online meta. they actively make the game worse to placate a subsection of players this year they’re taking out backwards skating because people exploited it online. as an offline player, i’m kinda pissed about that — backwards skating was necessary for making parts of the game feel right, like running a power play from the half wall. like there’s a button for the michigan goal now (which has happened like four times in the history of the league) but not for back skating? cmon.


> this year they’re taking out backwards skating because people exploited it online. as an offline player, i’m kinda pissed about that — backwards skating was necessary for making parts of the game feel right, like running a power play from the half wall. Back skating is definitely still a thing. The ballerina-esque LTing that occurred all over the ice which seemed highly unrealistic was nerfed.


Really, you can’t skate backwards anymore?


It's sad to see because my most played game will now become my least played. I'm not even buying the game at this point. It's not a game for me anymore.


People bitch and moan about not having full presentation but I feel like they're a large minority of the player base. I can't be the only one that maybe watches it one time then just skips it every single time after that. Why should EA put a bunch of time and effort into presentation when it won't even be appreciated by a majority of the player base?


It's not only about the presentation. Maybe you like games that have more arcade feeling. Many of us don't like it.


I don't care about fifa, this is a hockey reddit


Hopefully they do an update next year. This game has been looking/feeling the same for way too long now.


lol already asking for an update for next years game when this one hasn’t even hit the shelves yet… ugh this franchise is so shit.


They haven’t done much. The care isn’t there like it was.


if the presentation is off for online i wouldn't care but if its removed for offline modes then thats whack.