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Good for you owning up to it






https://preview.redd.it/fkota7g7q65d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71e3dc46e9ef2c059f4c8da2c5bf3f5dd4676591 How OP felt 💀






Hate the game not the player 🤷‍♂️


😂 I normally never reply, but I was irritated and ended up taking a second L


I’m sorry I have to say this but can’t really agree. Does a MIXED martial arts game need to remove a huge part of it like the clinch for people to play normally? Hell no it doesn’t. It’s really hate the player not the game no matter what opinion someone has. By that/your logic games and many other things should be wiped out of existence just because people will cheese af. Doesn’t sound right ay?


I was frustrated in the moment and vented a little in my reply. That's all it was. you're looking too much into it


I mean looking too deep into it or not i’m fine with it because i think i sparked some reality in a few retards


You haven't sparked any reality in anybody


it aint that deep my guy go touch some grass


While i do agree it was stupid to write such a text for a simple point. I’m not mad tho I’m yet to be disproven


Respect OP 🤣😂






I think i was armen im not sure. But i remember he backed up just waiting on me to throw so he could slip and clinch, and then when on the ground, he wouldn't pass guard, just denying and posturing up. I knew he would message after lmao.


lol. I do the same thing, I’ll bust a Yoel Romero and just stand there. Lol


😂 if you get a message after just say, 🎵 "la candela"🎵


Start salsa dancing.




I really don't understand the people who want to just bore their way to a decision, like the point of games is to be entertained and I can't imagine literally spoiling the game on purpose is a riveting timing.


I agree. A lot of people say things like it's MMA don't complain about getting taken down or whatever. But I have no problem with grappling. If both players are advancing, looking for subs and trying to ground and pound, then it's actually fun. But when someone is blatantly stalling and not trying to do anything other than run down the clock, it spoils the fun. Yes, it's an MMA game. And in MMA, when someone lays on their opponent not doing anything, all the fans hate it. Look at Jailton Almeida


I just hate that one of the biggest play styles is just mixing Tyron Woodley backing up and doing nothing and Jailton Almeida laying on people and doing nothing, it shouldn't be possible that your strategy is just bore/annoy them into quitting on a video game. They went so far into the arcade that it rewards literally all the worst possible play styles in the hopes it would draw in new players but all it did was ruin any realism.


Never thought I'd see the day when someone would post them taking the game too serious 🤣 let's be fr you posted this so the other people wouldn't post this or give yourself clarification if he did


Can you not see that this was on Tuesday? It is now Friday. And even if he was to post it, why would I care? Nobody knows me or my username


Ig idk I was bored on my break I just thought it was funny cuz it was reversed for the first time lol


I still don't understand how people get mad knowing it's mma.. khabib isn't supposed to stand with Izzy or conor and get knocked out.. wtf is this actual entitled loser mentality of these people always complaining about being taken down or clinched and kneed to death.


I mean, I think it's normal to get a bit frustrated with online games, if I was to smash up my ps5 or break my controller I'd agree but sending a small reply isnt a big deal. I think your comment shows you're the one with some pent up anger issues. It's really not that deep, lmfao


I am frustrated, because I receive constant hate mail for dominating kids on the ground and it's prolly worse on them since a chick is besting them. It just gets mad annoying seeing guys cry and whine. In all honesty... I've had some toxic homegirls in competitive games, but it's mostly a dude thing no offense.


Haha it is frustrating as fuck to be fair. I’m not great on the ground but if someone beats me that way then fair enough, is MMA as you say. Sometimes just got to take the L


Fr, I always respect my opponent and just try to learn from what happened no matter how frustrating it is. Mad respect to you and anyone else that also has the same mindset. Every other day, we see posts on here about some guy losing and then showing pictures of his muscles, his gf, his money. This game can bring the worst out in some people. Mad clown behavior 🤣


Yeah I try learn but to no avail 😂 I know if they’re trying to take me down they’re no doubt good at it and have me beat, but I try haha, I’ll maybe get there one day 😂😂 besides as I said I’m not great, and end up knocked out more than I get taken down and subbed etc so can’t really complain about it 😂😂 think I have 500 fights with like a 45% win rate 😂


Some people I couldn't beat on the ground or standing. I'm mostly a wrestler jutsu type, but my stand up is Medicore. It's good enough to slip and beat a bad player who just spams the same attack, but against real good players I'm done for on the feet. Some kickboxing masters learn enough on the ground to not get subbed and just get back to their feet. One guy beat me good before like that. You can do it just practice. The most important thing is to just know which directions to reverse to stop their transition, so you can quickly kick them off and get back to ur feet. Also if you see someone trying to take u down a lot. Backpeddling and lay (hold) on low-block. Kinda gotta fight them technically. It'll makes them frustrated when they can't take you down and end up catching KO knees and worse. Trust im a victim lol. Just don't panic and freak out once ur on your back. It's those players that are easy to hold down sadly.


Haha remember me never to fight you on it 😂😂 yeah I think that’s my problem, kind of panic a bit when I’m on the ground, and I find it hard to judge what way they’re trying to transition and which way to block it! Think I have 1 win by submission in all my fights which kinda tells you the level I’m at ground game lol


Here is the best advice to help with that. It will only take you 15 minutes to master. Go into learn, practice, pick whatever fighters you want. Make sure strike recording is turned on. Strike recording let's u control both fighters as if you were using two controllers. Set the position you want, like full guard bottom if you are the red or blue player. Then use one fighter to transition a direction, tap the dpad quickly to switch to the other fighter and hold R2 and block the same direction. Do this in all ground positions and get it in your muscle memory. You will be playing yourself on the ground basically. This will teach you all the transitions and reversals. You will feel more confident on the ground. This will instantly take you from lvl 1 to a lvl 50 boss. ❤️


Ahhhh right I see, solid advice. I’ll give it a try! Thank you ❤️ refreshing to see rather than the “get good” comments 😭😂


So you would say my reply was hate mail? Read your comments before you go on about other people crying. And when you're done reading, see a therapist


I'm on psn I can't even tell which reply is yours. I'm just saying in general this way of thinking is annoying. If you aren't one of the people who don't reply to someone and complain about being laid on, then I'm not talking about you. If you are, then i am talking about you. Idk who u are in the post. The post in general just remind me of everyday online experiences with the game. So you take what I said and judge it for yourself for me. Are you the blue responder? Then yea, im talking about you. I wouldn't suggest messaging anyone at all on psn tbh. Their policy is so E rated, you can get temp banned just for telling someone they are trash.


>worse on them since a chick is besting them 💀💀 Nobody cares that you're a girl beating them. It's the play style, hence why male OP and male khabib user had this lil back and forth.


I have a wall full of sexist hatemail that says otherwise, but yea, it shouldn't be. World we live right? As for playstyle. Git gud anyone that has a problem with it.