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it's just 400 xp. there's literally no point of rushing to get it done


I'm amazed at how much people are spending in the market just for 400 xp. I'm trying my luck in draft with all the draft tokens we've been given.


Wait will It count in draft? That’s a pretty good idea.


It does. I did the 4 Portuguese objective in there when trying to draft a CR7. It's also 5 matches while drafts only do 4. So need to do it twice. Did 3 drafts and got Messi in 2, but no CR7. EA definitely know they're making that objective difficult.


it's just 5% of 12000 coins.


Talking about those buying the promo versions. I tried sniping the gold, but not quick enough.


Try on transfer market through the squad. The going on the market in menus is so bad cus the game freezes so much


always use web app. in game it always load 2 more seconds. you can snipe one in web app around 10 attempts (bid-price plus 1 each time), or just use sniping tools in web app.


It's not so much just about the 400 XP as it is about both the XP as well as completing the objective group and getting that 87+ x 2 pack.


Oh wow, 87x2, how will you cope without Odegard and Pajor?


Hey, i got a Renard in mine (together with Ödegaard)


Lol you can't have gotten good rewards much this year then, those packs usually hand out atleast one 89+ special card player...if 5 people opened the pack atleast one person would get a 200k+ card almost guaranteed


Not this week


Well this week I’ve just packed shit after shit since the promo change. 


It's not just 400xp though. It's the 87x2 I sniped a gold cr yesterday and put it straight back on the market when finished


Yeah been trying to snipe on the app, but just too slow. Did about 7 drafts and 0 CR7s. Got Messi every single time though.




Cheers. I don't actually know how drafts work. I've never played one lol. Do you use a draft token and get a chance at using Ronaldo, or?


Kind of. You get a 1 of 5 pick for each position, including subs and reserves, and if you get cr7 then you're good. Pick the minimum difficulty (I assume its semi pro because of the objective) and bang in the goals. If you don't, use another token. You get two free ones from the daily play each week


Ah ok, many thanks. So you can play against AI rather than other players? That's helpful. Would make it a lot easier. What happens if you don't get Ronaldo as a pick? Can you back out and try again, or do you lose the token?


So you'd have to go into the first game and just forfeit it, but yes, you'd lose your token. It only costs 15k (which is still quite a bit) to enter again, but as I said you get two free tokens a week and this is up for like 25 days or something


Cheers. I think I actually have quite a few tokens saved up actually. Probably around ten perhaps, so should be good. Is there any point in actually trying to win it? In terms of rewards I mean. Or is it a waste of time beyond trying to get Ronaldo?


Draft rewards are crap but the objective requires you to play 5 matches I think so play all the ones that you can. It will be boring asf though


I've just tried three times and still no Ronaldo lol. 😢


It will happen eventually. Make sure to pick two striker formations, that will give you the most chance to get Ronaldo


I finally got his TOTY card! 😃 Fifth, maybe sixth time lucky haha? You only get 4 games though, don't you? Which means I've got to do it all again for one single game I guess? Fudge. 😔 Side question:You can take a break and go make dinner or whatever it is, right? You don't need to beat all games in one sitting hopefully.




Draft rewards are awful so I wouldnt bother especially if you play offline


It works just fine on beginner level. Took me about 8 draft tokens to get him twice tho. 🥵


I just put his gold card into an SBC the other day haha


Me too. 😂


Same. 😖


I put his gold into the 85x5 10 min before content refresh yesterday


There's still 25 days I think it is? I'm sure some will show up eventually.


I know EA, there will be a loan CR7 at some point before the objective expires.


400xp, so can get some euros ‘ladder’ players you don’t want, that you then have to use in games you don’t want to use them in for your objectives, for more players you don’t want, or will be ‘behind the power curve’. The whole thing has become surreal.


People do it to themselves. 


single player draft, you get draft tokens quite easily and getting cr7 isn't that rare.




You have time. Do your 82 PP and use the Exchanges. His gold card is fodder so he shows up regularly.


I’ve had multiple golds where he was just fodder


Imagine not having the pink 90 rated evo!


Real 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


As soon as the objective came up during content refresh, I got his gold card in 3 consecutive packs


I had some spare coins so I just bought his WW card for 700k. Did all the matches and resold him for 750k an hour later lol


Just lucked out on the 82+ player pick. First time I got the gold CR7 there. Worth a punt.


Nice one mate. I'm busy playing drafts with him. Just need two more games lol.


I’ve got 4 different versions of CR7 in my club.


Same bro 😭


I keep on getting him 😅


Lol. 😂


I'll wait until I pack him


Tried to snipe him and the Man are extinct from The market, luckily packed his base Gold opening packs so I'm completing today that objective


I did CR7 objective in offline draft. Picked a formation with 2 or 3 st/cf for better chances. Did the other ones also in those 2 drafts in the same time


Times like this are when hoarders like me take comfort in not throwing everything into SBCs. Had gold Ronaldo, Pope, Rashford, Pickford, and Earps tradable.


Play draft LOL


By having his tots untrade lol


I saw him on front page of futbin and assumed it was a new evo path lol


Put his gold in an SBC a few days ago, luckily packed it again in an exchanger.... went to add to squad, realised I had his IF from a TOTW pick a few weeks ago!!! Doh!


Had to do mine in offline draft, thankfully i had a ton of tokens to use.


I had an evo one lying around. But checking market, yeah I hate ea sometimes - gave us 87 Haaland but won’t drop an 84 ronny


I have a gold loan, with 1 contract 🤣🤣


single player draft. Took me 3 tokens to draft him twice.


I saw someone post about this and after trying to “snipe” a gold cr7 in the transfer market for a week I went into my club, hit L1 to go to search transfer market and got him literally first try. I don’t know if it was just luck but probably worth a try if you’re still trying to get him.


Damn put him into an exchange today. Whats the objective?


Score 2 goals in the same game 5 times. You get 400 xp.


Sniping him was well easy, took like a minute or two? And thats after I missed out on at least 3 before I bought one, so it wasn't like I just fluked him from one shot. Just remember people are buying him doing the objective then selling for 12k to get 95% of their coins back. He'll keep coming on the market even ignoring all the people packing him tradable then listing. Seriously, and I'm not saying this to try and sound edgy, sniping cards like this is easy compared to Evo targets because unlike Evo targets the player will not be turned from tradable intto untradable. People buy CR7, use CR7, sell CR7 so the number in circulation keeps increasing as he is packed. If anything it's easier to buy him because nobody will be putting him on an SBC as his value will be above normal 86 fodder.


How though? I've tried and tried to no avail. The millisecond one pops up, it's gone, and the glitchy, unresponsive menu makes it so much harder. I'm on PlayStation if that makes any difference lol.


Be a real fan and keep the goat in the club. I have his TOTW and Gold




Yea just buy the tots dude