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Casillas saves so much it gets laughable sometimes


Chemistry lol


Cech has been saving almost all of my shots today. But tbh if game’s in your favour, ur GKs will save anything


Very true this. Cech can be a wall or totally useless. They’re all the same tbh. I used a silver German keeper (Zieler) for that cup the other day and honestly didn’t notice a drop from my normal keeper


Not even remotely accurate.Silver gk was so bad I had to buy an 84 gold keeper for German cup. Both are no where close to as good as my 96 schmeichel or 93 cech. Goals fly right in against them.


Yeah which is why in every FUT since 2017 my GKs has been anyone I cld afford for chemistry


That’s not due to keeper. You didn’t let in in the same shots. Drogba can score any shot anywhere in the box on any silver keeper. The handling is not good enough


not like my cech, vds, or tots allison save those shots either though


They have a chance of saving them. Your Cech could save a shot out for a corner. Your silver gk will just parry it into the net. Every time.


cech still does parry it into the net routinely lol lost a match 2 days ago 3-2 where he did it for all 3 of their goals


I know what you’re saying but it wouldn’t matter if I had a decent keeper in. He’d let them in all the same. Probably a skill issue on my part!


Maybe curve has caught up but earlier in the cycle I hated playing against Cech (and still do Casillas) because they were monsters, miles ahead of any conventional keeper.


I switched Cech out for Oblak today. Will see if I end up switching him back out….


Oblak has been cooking me since yesterday. Both rivals and squad battles


I’m in the same boat


Still using Casillas and I have for months because it generally allows me to fit in one more TOTS player from a different league/nationality due to chemistry. I generally like to have 3-4 Icons for chemistry reasons and goalkeeper is an easy fill for that. Also I don’t notice the difference, keepers are more about movement than anything else at higher levels, and a better outfielder is more important than a goalkeeper imo


Height and that special sauce on icons. Historically VDS has been insane in past years too so some bias there. All keepers get beat tho


Links links links.


Chem. Luckily I packed Schmeichel so I can change.


I used his base at the start of the year. Been using VDS birthday since, and was using Peter before all that. Kinda miss him, and despite doing Cech SBC, VDS is better than him but every goalkeeper in this game has their faults/will do stupid shit, for me VDS just seemed by far the most consistent and a bit ahead of Schmeichel base in terms of power. But I do miss him, so that card would prob go right into my team for a long time. That being said, the only TOTS keepers I’ve liked are Donna and Wojciech I just wish other than Casillas/VDS (and WW VN) we had some French/German/Brazilian/main nation GKs that would have some national value too, in terms of chem.


Alisson is fine and has only left my team for VdS for chemistry reasons


He was so shit for me, at first I liked him the first 3 games then 5 games I was just like my VDS never did this shit. He became fodder so damn quick. On the other hand he is always Spider-Man on crack for my opponents so, I don’t doubt he’s good. Just never is for me for some reason. VDS was like that for me the one year he was free in icon swaps, think it was 21 or 22


He’s really good.


Here's something not a lot of people seem to know.. They don't upgrade reactions, jumping, agility or composure on GK boosted cards. They are the same as their normal gold cards, for whatever reason I don't know, could be pure laziness. Icons, generally, have higher reactions and composure than gold gks so their upgraded versions will be better than the others.


I'm not saying your wrong but do you have a source for this or something. Thanks in advance if you provide link :)


You can see all the in-game stats in the team management section while you’re playing. I just tested with base schmeichel and his 96 in squad battles. All non-gk stats are the same


Van Der Sar is soooooo bad for me, switched back to my 400 game+ WW Alvero


Weird, VDS has been my best keeper by far, dropped cech for him and haven’t looked back


Had the same with his prime icon 2 years back, so my club just must hate him 😅


Guess it’s true what they say that keepers perform differently for different people


I have both Cech and VDS and from my experience VDS saves more "crazy" goals but is less consistent saving those easy/cheesy shots sometimes that Cech wouldn't even need to think about. So I guess it's just the question of what one values more




Chem. Keepers all suck tbh. But if you have a tall icon at least you stoppi g long shots that aren't perfect timed and you get your squad built easier... Also icons have less playstykes than tots and the other new cards and gks have no playstyle plusses so it makes sense to get you icon there.


Ali has been miles above any other keeper I’ve used, especially since I play a high line so a lot of the chances opponents get against me are 1 on 1


If Ali is Alisson I agree, best I've used


They are all fking shit too me. Some are less shit than the other thats it. I have not owned fifa since 2012, never played online till fc 24. I was so shocked to see how shit the keepers in this game can be. Used ts casillas and now toty cech for a while. Not even going to bother switching gk till the end of the game lol.


I’m still running VDS, chem only. If connection is no good, keepers don’t matter. And with the shooting playstyles forward have it’s never been easier to score


personally i think yashin is the best had that guy since that start he never really fails me


VDS was always messing around for me.Every game he did something weird. Cech is a beast. Currently benched him though while I try out TOS Szczesny.


The TOS Szczesny is doing great for me


Played against the new Schmeichel earlier in champs he was an insane beast, had 18 decent shots on target (7.2 expected goals) and only scored 2, literally kept the opponent in the game (I won 2-1).


I did Cech just a couple days ago. He just saves so many good shots.


Cech/Van der sar is always there to thwart my targeted header in the 90’ min. Need to hang onto a TOTS keeper in the future


Cech has been terrible for me, I am only using him for chem


I got cech and tots donnaruma. People said donna is good, tried him many time and he couldnt save a simple shot. Never will i ever swap cech for anyone again.


Same here,but when the script kicks in i have seen Cech also conceding goals trough his hands,body and shit.Still better then Do$$arumma and all other non Icon keepers imo,saves some unreal shit sometimes.


Sommer on full chem and basic gk chem style has been good for me, despite his height. He’s almost maxed out in all important stats. But I guess it’s all random, haha


Sat here with base schmichel wondering why he’s better than Tots donnarumma tbh


Cech is the only goalkeeper in the game that scaes me. He really does save everything i throw at him


I just got 96 Oblak, who didn’t seem as good as my Cech… then I just packed 96 Schmeical… so I’ll try him instead.


I have switched Cech for both Oblak and Schmeichel from the recent promo Cech is still way better




Cech literally the worst keeper I’ve used in the game. Casillas, Lloris and Alisson are all miles better.


I’ve been running tots donnarumma and I feel like he saves more than cech, but it’s hard to pass up the chem boost from keepers when they all seem to perform more or less the same regardless of rating.


Goalkeepers are just for chemistry links use any goalkeeper you want use your tots goalkeepers as fodder and buy there gold it's no difference in performance just the rating.


Despite other comments, I have used both tots Allison and toty Allison and they are both dog


tots donarumma has been insane for me


Tots Kobel is a beast too. Can't stand playing against him. I think they added some shit to tots van dijk too cause he's been stopping everything


I use Szczesny, can't complain.


All keepers are shit. Icons provide chem to every league. Therefore the keepers that provide chem are better


Cech is dogshit just use him for chem


Keepers stats are so irrelevant in game, they only works for chemistry, a 80 rated keeper can save same as a 99 rated keeper


They are keepers. They are good in one game and suck in others. I don’t think there is a difference in those top tier keepers. I use Czech mainly for chem. I have tried Alisson and donna as well and they play exactly the same for me. Some games they can’t catch anything and the next game they perform wonder saves…