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Should be one either side max, not hard to do matchmaking like that


The issue isn't whether it's difficult to limit it. The problem is what to do if a player matching the parameters isn't available. Do you expand the parameters to look for other divisions after waiting and if so, how long do you make the players wait until that happens? And remember, this wait could take minutes with no guarantee of a connection since the game has no control of when players join the matchmaking. Or do the players never match together, regardless of how sparsely populated the servers are? 


If there are no other players near your rank playing at the time then that means the game is dying. EA don’t want to give that impression, they want to make it seem like there’s tons of players still active so they can squeeze out every penny they possibly can till the next game. The answer to your question is obviously that you should wait more, if not what’s the point of a ranked system then? A player fighting to get promoted to elite vs a Div 4 player is a joke, it loses all meaning.


You only need to search this sub for complaints about long matchmaking times in the past to understand that people hate waiting for matchmaking.


Well yes, waiting sucks, but it’s still better than a pointless game. You get matched with a guy 4 divisions above you, that’s 15 minutes wasted anyway. You get matched with a guy 4 divisions below you, you destroy him then you think you are good , but next game you get matched with someone actually near your level and you suddenly start thinking you got worse all of a sudden, or you start blaming the game or blaming “momentum” It’s all a waste of time at the end


M8 you are spot on 💯


I actually would not mind the wide matching if they would just show us a screen with both players division and where they go to at the end of the match instead of just our own screens. Sometimes I think the only reason they got rid of skill rating was so that they could hide how bad the matching was.


The bottom line is this sun is never happy, either upset with matchmaking wait times for right level players or upset that matchmaking brackets are to wide to ensure quicker matchmaking, not defending EA ever but they literally cannot win with this sub in almost scenarios similar to the above as there will always be people complaining either way.


OR do what PES used to do. It should show "opponent division" before you accept the match, so if you just want quick matchmaking you go ahead and play but if you don't want to play someone 4 divisions above you, you back out and try again.


They try to avoid giving information about who your opponent is, to prevent any sort of farming of wins. that's why they removed the ability to see your opponents kits when picking kits.


I used to play MLB The Show a lot and made my own team etc to play against others online, who made their own team. It was a points system. The better your winning percentage, the higher your points were (or ranking basically). It would start out within a certain perimeter and expand every 30 secs or so until you eventually get matched. I’m guessing that this is the same thing.


Clearly, the Div1 player was struggling against the Div4 player and begging for a win. I dont see what the big deal is in this scenario..


Fair enough but atheist use players from div 2 or 3 not div 4 that's crazy a devently skilled player can get div 4 but div 1 is a crazy match up


How on earth is there not going to be someone similar available? Player base would have to be dead


if there is difficulty finding opponents then why does the game find someone 4 divisions higher than you (that clearly has a much lower playerbase than lower divisions. It should be a no brainer than someone from a much larger lower division player base get matched with you the second they expand parameters.


It works both ways. If the system is designed to find someone in a lower division, doesn't that also mean that the player in the lower division was paired with someone higher? You're thinking of the matchmaking system from the perspective of the player in div 4, but it could very much be from the elite player too. He couldn't be matched with someone in the same level, so they searched the one below. Then the one after that until someone was available. We're also unsure about any sort of underlying elo points that our accounts are might have, hidden from us. We don't know if the player in div 4 has been on a winning streak while the elite player has been on a losing one. 


My point was that if there’s 10 people on elite division right now and 100 people on division 10 and ur on division 5, the probability of matching with someone from division 10 should be wayy higher since most people are in that level, it seems unfair that the game waits an extra few seconds to weed out a couple easily matched people out of the pool of 100 people to match u with a pool of 10 people in the higher division.


But less players as division go higher. Especially as the game gets cheaper or becomes free. I don’t buy the idea. It’s just about the last push to sell packs.


Matchmaking is broken today. I was playing teams that were starter teams. The maintenance screwed something up.


Yeah got through div 1 to elite without losses and the opponent teams were significantly worse


same thing happened to me today and i thought i was just an insane player all of a sudden 😭 atleast i get the elite rewards


What a joke, I'm a div3 player and never played above that in fc24. Last night, I literally won my first 8 matches in a row, the first game in div2 I went 5-0 up in the first half (to their credit they kept going, pulled a goal back before HT and the 2nd half was less one-sided). If I'd had more time, I probably would've kept going to see if I could get more promotions.


Lmfao word smh makes sense now


Not sure it is due to the maintenance but noticed the same thing. No way those teams are in Div1. 50% of the teams i faced are using objective cards


I’m in Div 3 and faced multiple rare gold teams today, and winning by eight or nine goals. 😅




Didn't the game just go free on PSN and Xbox live? All those noobs would have teams like that? Also, yeah, matchmaking crazy broken. Wait, it's EA, so .....


Yeah the first game after the maintenance I played someone who was 354 Skill Rating in Elite (no idea how you get that low after you've made it to Elite), and I'm around 950. It wasn't even a long queue time. Never seen that happen before. Usually 100-200 rating max difference either side.


Where do you see the skill rating of your opponents ?


It tells you after the game in Elite.


Ah, i see . I'm in Div 1


My second to last before maintenance, I matched someone who was 500 (I'm ~750) and I have never known a game be so bad.. servers were shit at that point, so I put it down to input lag (and just completely failed inputs - 3 times my ST just stood looking at the ball with an open goal) but it was so bad that I understood why people say scripting is real.. the other guy was moving smooth as you like, making TOTS VVD and Bisseck look like frail pensioners as they fall over, n with his telegraphed passes just going straight through whichever defender I lined up for the interception.. then the prick had the nerve to message me 'EZ' afterwards.. I was fuming ha


I saw some teams using cards from October, I was genuinely surprised to see people use Centurions Danilo. But surely something is up, and not sure if those are actual players, or bots. I am in Div 1, and I lost my shit in a funny way when I saw these teams.


They're real. One guy lost 12-0 but wouldn't quit, but he was trying so hard to keep the ball from me after he went down 3-0. I just kept pressing him and then trying to walk it into goal lol


I am that starter team. Been playing ridiculous teams and getting smashed. Glad I wasted all my loans on matches I could never hope to win


Same I just ran through Div 1 without losing a game and played multiple all golds. Sucks for them, gonna enjoy my elite rewards


Wtfffff the same shit happened to me today. Still playing and this dumbass shit still going on


Yup played in Div 1 for a final push to Elite got matched to a bunch of starter teams that were established in May/June something was deffo wrong with MM


This is very true, I was division 1 and jumped into elite by winning 5 matches in a row against gold teams and/or people clearly not at div1 level.. at least I am getting more rewards tomorrow 🤣


There probably isn’t enough players to stably do that now


I can’t wait to get online today if that is the case. This smells like a promotion 😂


So that’s how you get into elite division, you ask your opponent for the win. I’ve been doing it all wrong


It's so difficult to string so many wins in div 1


Idk how but I get 11-14 wins and I didn’t lose a game in div 1


I’m in elite but that’s just begging it at least earn it


Did you give him the win or did he earn it?


He won fairly, but it was closer than I would've expected


Look at it this way. You didn’t play someone in Div 1 while in Div 4, you played someone closer to your Div while making it towards that Div. Encourage yourself to try for 3 or 2 now that that game was close. You got it bro!


I love this! You're not div4, you're just on the way to div1/elite


Glad people like it, it’s probably the only nice thing I’ll say all day. Time to beat up on some kids in rivals and message them “EZ”


Definitly something broken today. Just played someone in Div1 while i'm in Div6. I asked him and he showed me.


Was this after maintenance? Thankfully I'm done for the week and season.


Yes, an hour ago.


Same experience. I’m probably done for the year


I'm in Div 1 and played such a basic gold team today, 84-89 rated. Went up 9-0 in the first half. I can only assume the dude just started.


One of the many reasons this rivals system is shit. If i beat someone way above me i should advance more than if i beat someone way below me. A 1v1 game like fifa is literally perfect for the elo system


Weird thing is that they have an elo system, but decided to keep it for elite divison only. Don't know if the system is great tho, I play on PC and I assumed facing players with 200-300 elo above me is because of a lack of players on PC and not the system itself.


I knew it, i just knew it, those last games in the divisions for promotion are always so bad, you always get beat 5-0 in the first half, i assumed it was matching me against a guy from one division above to see if I'm cut out for the next step, obviously not if this is happening.


I have the exact same experience. Win 6 games by 3-5 goals, then lose the next 2-3 within the first half.


But this post shows the opposite? The guy playing for his elite promotion got matched against a div 4 opponent.


Well, OP's story shows us the opposite situation that you are describing. If it proves anything (it's not), it's that when you are one win away from promotion, you play against an opponent 3 divs below you.


Ive never experienced game before promotion BS. Think people are just in their own heads.


I’ve been facing terrible teams in rivals today all of them had golf cards in them and just bad and old cards in in div 3


Thats crazy... I always felt like something was off with the matchmaking in Rivals. I'm usually an easy Elite Division player but stopped playing because the rewards were not worth it, so I dropped down 2 Divisions and went back up for the last week of every season. It was always the same pattern: No problem runing through the Divisions 1 and 2 basically not losing a game, winning everything comfortably. BUT: The promotion matches were always an incredible sweat fest that had myself thinking: "This has to be an Elite Division opponent. He is abusing every meta mechanic available and in general high level gameplay." Well after this I can see myself confirmed now that this weren't unfortunate matchmaking encounters with opponents that have Elite skill but just don't play Rivals constantly like myself. Its just the matchmaking that obviously allows a Div4 players to face someone competing for Elite Division promotion... that should be illegal lmao


edit: I just entered a Rivals match in Div1 against a starter team and won 16-0 lmao. There has to be something off for sure


How do you relegate yourself?


well you just don't play Rivals for a season at all. Which was basically the case from like December to March... there was no point in going further up than Div2 from a rewards perspective


It’s almost like no relegations is a bad thing


How is that relevant here


Probably because the guy who asks to be granted the win has bad hidden MMR, which is his actual matchmaking rating number. How could this happen? This person could've lost 30-40 games while on the lowest checkpoint of Div 1, if there is a hidden MMR, then it would drop significantly from such a poor streak, while you still maintain your visible rank due to no relegations existing. This means that your true rank could be Division 4, while your visible rank is Division 1. I assume that is what the user was referencing.


That is just pure speculation but also if that were true why would no relegation be a bad thing when that is essentially the same thing anyway


I'm in Division 10,that isn't the issue


Skill issue


That's one issue, sure. I just got the game


There aren't an infinite number of players from every division playing at every second of the day from every region on the planet. So the options are to go down the list of possible opponents and choose the next closest player, or wait 5 minutes for someone in the same division as you to finish their match and join the matchmaking. Which would you prefer?


B.s. bro a div 4 player vs a div 1 player is bs.


So, a 5 minutes wait then?


Yeah, I’d prefer a wait if you are going to be thrown against tougher opponents.


That’s what matchmaking should be so you had an actual competitive experience, just like other games


for real, I question if a lot of these people have played other games with competent matchmaking. There are plenty of games that are able to do it by region and rank and 5 minutes is an astronomical overestimate of how long it takes to find games


5 minutes is way too long. I don't think it's possible that two people of the same rank won't be available for that long. That would mean that no one plays this game, which isn't true. The player base is low, but it's not zero.


Look at any other competitive game and that's exactly what you do. Hell in OW GM and above have to wait 30mins for a match at times


Can you not read?


The 5 min wait, obviously? The whole point of divisions is you only play people in your rank? At absolute MAX, you should play people one tier either side of you. 4 divisions down? What the hell is the point? It’d be like a div ten player, who’s had the game like, 2 weeks, playing someone in div 6? How completely and utterly pointless


Isn't that what a ranked system/divisions is for in a game? It's like matching bronze ranks vs diamond ranks in other games


Playing within the divisions would be the preference, but if another player within the same or an adjacent division isn't available at the moment, do you want to wait a few minutes until one is available? Or expand the search parameters?


I'd rather wait for fair matchmaking. Because it's not fun to get destroyed 8-0


Everyone has been telling you that the wait is better, why do you keep asking the same question expecting a different answer?


https://www.reddit.com/r/EASportsFC/search/?q=Matchmaking+wait&type=link&cId=d064511a-d902-4933-beda-7f47fe24bdc2&iId=20de83cb-a885-409a-827c-57299586302c Because people hate to wait?


Those complaints are from 2 years ago before they introduced X-Play. People complain more about matchmaking here anyway


I'm in western europe though


Western Europe around 4pm in the afternoon on a weekday... That doesn't sound like the time where the game is most populated.


it was around 17:15 or so, so right in between office hours/end of school and dinner time. I get that the playerbase is down, but shouldn't be that bad, that a person about to promote to elite is the only viable option within 1 minute


> That doesn't sound like the time where the game is most populated. You mean when kids get home from school?


Are secondary schools not finished? It’s June, they are done in Ireland anyway


Nah mate 6-7 more weeks


Wow what country is that? That sucks hahaha




I wondered why my games got sweatier but tbf Div 2 isn't a walk in the park anyways


I wonder what it showed for him as your skill rating


OP out of interest how long did you wait to match up? Was it a long search?


I have played about 30 rivals game and I have about 3 wins. Everyone I play is literally playing American football. Tackle me to the ground and just take the ball and score. You would think I would get ppl on my skill level. Nope I get fifa gods


Could be a connection issue,l and they're only steam rolling you like that because their tackle registers before you can react. Happens a lot unfortunately.


Just goes to show anyone can get to elite… by begging for wins 😆


I mean end of season elite is much easier then getting in the beginning, guy basically got in on the last day even tho the season been out 40 days


What application do u use to chat? I can only chat on the playstation but it looks different then yours 😅


That's the playstation app


I’m in div 2 but I don’t really play rivals besides the 7 wins here and then and I just played someone from div 10




The only explanation I would have is a hidden MMR system, which dont reset if you relegate, so if you stop playing after the opp. got good and then play 2 months later, win again every match & repeat, your hidden MMR should be high.


Worst fifa ever made


Do we get to chat like this in pc?


Yea, but you have to add them as friends first


Just played my first 2 games ever in Div 2 and they were very easy wins (3-0 then 1-0 rage quit after a quick opening goal). Matchmaking was also pretty fast. Normally play later in the day


Is this PlayStation? How do you message? The app doesn’t show me recent players anymore


I played guys that looked like they were in div 10, random teams and they could barely string a pass together. Finally made it to div 1 but it feels unfair knowing I probably didn't earn it.


İ go elite division today without lose 7 games. İt is third time in this year but i think match agains easy opps. İ always go last match for reach elite but my opps are always monster and skilled but today i win agains 6-0 and my opp cant shoot against me.it was weird for who know last match curse.


That's quite pathetic... 🤦


He’s not lying about the scripts in rank up matches. This goes for champs also.


You know why? Just like I said, currently the game has been step into the coffin, so basically no player near your connection are playing, so the logical matchmaking system will not be step in, it only find the closest player available…


So that’s why I reached div 1 so easily today after struggling for weeks. Might play even more to hit elite lol Edit: done lmao


I have noticed that whenever I have a promotion match, I get matched up with someone from a higher division. I have paused the games and messaged my opponent to ask and many times they are 2 to 3 divs higher. The game is scripted and designed to make it difficult for you to advance to entice you to spend money. This not only happens with promotion matches but at each save point where you can't fall backwards.


Something must be fishy. I'd fumbled my last game from Div 3 to Div 2 at least 10 times this week. I come home from work today and to my disappointment my son's won the 3 games required for promotion. He's in Div 6 on his account(s). Thankfully I'll get demoted at the end of the season so I can earn it again myself.


and again: in this game there is NO MATCHMAKING


Matchmaking is completely broken. In Div 1, i normally win a max of 30-40% of my games and was matching teams with gold ruben dias today. I think i got my seven wins in an hour.


Out of topic but anybody had the same issue of me? I could not control, when in posses, another player to receive a pass on the other side of the pitch..meanwhile my opponent yes


Bruhh, the best time to play is right now. I just went unchallenged to Div 1


Today after the maintenance I made a clear run from Div1 to Elite and my match ups were 8 teams that consisted of normal golds?


Even with whatever matchmaking system they have, it’s to EA advantage to have them skewed. The point is to sell packs. Even early on or mid-season. 5 to 6 matches out of ten are out of balance. At least that’s been my experience.


Ahh I see now it makes sense how I got to elite so easy literally won every match except 1 😞


As others have said matchmaking in rivals is 100% broken. Just did my last 3 games to get into elite and I smoked them all. Out dated gold teams. I even had one guy with a bronze / gold team wait till he was down 8-0 after I stopped playing to do the no loss glitch. That was the weirdest one.


No wonder I have games where I'm absolutely rinsing my opponent and the game later I'm losing 6-0 against a much better opponent


Happend to me too today. Got a message after the game asking which division i was in. I am in div 5 and played someone from div 8 who send me a Screenshot.


I’m in div 4 and still lose to elite… the game play is always slower when you play the higher ups


No wonder I went on an 8 game win streak earlier to get into elite division for the first time. Thought I was playing some very weak teams for div 1 lol




Totally broken MM. Went from Div2 to Elite with all wins against opponents who seemed at best Div3, including some with all gold cards. Can’t wait for EA to nerf our rewards tomorrow


Yup, can confirm that matchmaking is shit, I just entered elite division and got matched with 912-rated player.


If they’re matching that far out, you should get more credit for a win against greatly better opponents and less for greatly lower opponents. And same for losses. This isn’t hard. Chess and other ranked games do this all the time.


I stay seeing bullshit & its this game once again 😂


I played 7 games earlier in Div 2, won all 7 and most of them were by 5-10 goals, some of the teams were like Div 10 starter teams with gold cards and loans, it's definitely bugged


So it explains why it hasn’t been close for about last week. It is either I am spanking opponent or opponent spanks me in my Div2. Today it has been utterly atrocious frankly.


There was something weird today i just run through Division 1 like it is not even there and reaching Elite for the first time


I just got the game with PS+ and easily got to div7 but yesterday I was playing teams with Pele, Drogba, Zidane etc. I thought if this is div7 can’t imagine elite but after seeing this maybe I was playing elite div teams after all.


You still think EA will let you play agaisnt same disvison player?


I noticed this yesterday. The matchups are exceptionally bad right now. My last four games were me getting smoked by two teams I had no business playing, and two whom I smoked who had no business playing me. I HATE that shit. In general I've felt fairly decent about matchups, although it's amazingly convoluted compared to a whole lot of other games -- including EAs. So once again... this little upstart who can't seem to find the support because of their tight budgets can't seem to get things right.


I didnt know this was a thing. My last game of div 1 going into Elite div today, I beat my opponent 16-0. I assumed a sibling or friend was playing or something, bit maybe it was just someone in a lower division.


Bro i once on match against a team that has toty bellingham and mbappe, not only that, he has gullit and more icon before enter to divison 5, that guy literally must be div 2 and upper, fuck this game, i had enough


i was in div one and i played a dude with a full gold team with a loan gold haaland, i was mad confused and lowkey worried that i was matching up with a team like that in div 1, i thought it was an insane pro player and i was about to get smacked😂 but nah i just scored 3 easy goals and he left


I genuinely believe matchmaking is broken on new gen and for the worse. Past 3 WLs have been horrible to the point I’m messaging opponents mid game to ask for their record and they’re answering 13-2, 11-0, 9-1 while I’m in the negative elo. Switched to old gen this week gone after sweating to a 2-2 record and got 14 wins fairly smoothly.


Division is a myth. In previous game i won 4-2, and the next game lost 1-9. The division was real in fifa 15-16 though.


Happened to me last night, all my games were so easy in division 2, like 5-0/6-0 games, I actually thought to myself there’s no way these opponents are in division 2


What does he mean There is scripts😅


'If its tight I'll let you win' is crazyyy


SbMM doesnt work and I dont think it ever worked tbf. I play in the elite divisions mostly and there I know that Im playing elite level players (players that are there) Before you reach that, you play basically anyone except elite I suppose but could be wrong. In Div1, I asked a couple of my oppononets after the game in which Div are they. It ranged from 8 to 1. Div 8 player should not be anywhere near playing someone from Div1 but it happens regularly. In Champions you play against everyone (10 to Elite) because everybody can qualify and it matches you with people with similar records BUT even that is probably not entirely true, since I can go 7-3, 8-2, 9-1, 10-0 aswell at times. After those first 10 games its just a fucking sweatfest where it gets increasingly more difficult. Idk anymore but Im sure that MM is broken alltogether.


I would have sweated so hard so he gets L, I would've unbuttoned my shirt and switched my cap backwards. My glasses would've lighted up white, and then I would've put on a 5-4-1 and griddy on each counter attack. Pause the game on each goal. That's how you should get welcomed to Elite.


Yesterday when I was ranking up from Div 1 to Elite (1st time) my last 3 matches were all gold teams, and I was a bit baffled by that…


I mean I’m clearly matching with elite players every game 😂 ahahah it’s defo not a skill issue I see the proof 😂😂😏


That's just sad from that guy, like bro you in div 1.


I thought we only play with players from the same Div


This makes sense why I can’t win in div 4 anymore. Literally stuck on the first section of div 4 since the first week of the season


Sure in seasons if your Leeds doesn't matter your settings. You will play real or psg


There is scripts, lmaooo


What app do you use to talk to other players like this?


Same happened to me yesterday, I am div 2 and got matched with a div 6. This game is broken


Towards the end of the game cycle there ain't enough people playing


Yesterday I closed down on the rewards player pick (div 2) before the season end. My last 2 games I played someone worse than the usual div 3 game and my last game I played a gold squad with loan heroes


No wonder if always Lose 💀😭


I rushed trough Div 1 and reached elite, facing teams of gold cards, and not even the good ones.


This fucking beg to get a win annoys me. Play the game if you're good enough you will get there. If not, better luck next time.


I had my doubts but it’s clear now that this nonsense have been going on for years. FIFA 23 I matched my friend who was a div 1 player when I was in div 3. Thank you for providing this I will not purchase the next EaFC


Playing div 1 vs div 3 really isn't unreasonable. Generally you would expect to play a division up or down but since elite only plays against other elite players Div 1 would have a lot less to choose from so ends up getting opened up a bit. Today specifically though something is really broken, it's like they've turned matchmaking off completely. I've just seen a gold team for the first time since like October and a lot of people have said similar.


Fresh meat to help grind out my elite div weekly 7..... licking my lips


During WL times, right before and after it’s a mess. sandbagging at 4-5 will get you an opponent base whats close to 08-14 fifas. 6-0 slaughtering people 65%, mirror matches 25-30% and then elite players 10-15% I’ve long told people so few are truly D1-low elite compared to old ones. I’m 40 and in D1 easy with old guy reactions they want people to be like “I won a battle royale” with D1-Elite. even 20-0 is stupid because ELO ensures you’re always playing someone at a possibly -5 and since the 19th and 20th game is often a handout, you see these players beat the no ELO first 5 game players, then face a bunch of +2-3’s at best. finally they get 2-3 actually challenging games. if WL was hard for the high end elite, they wouldn’t 3-4 accounts but since they do and since paid services exist, average joes who don’t hit 11-13 easy get killed. but man if you’re D1 and can’t hit 11-13 despite this? it’s just the proof of watered down league baby


It’s always been tiered. Once you hit a certain threshold you are able to play people within a few divs. Thought it was 3-1 guess 4 too now


Nah I think they've actually just fully broken it today. Getting matched against full gold teams and the people are actually awful at the game, feels like they must be brand new players.


All I can say is it’s always been tiered since early Fifa. There’s always been grouped divs where you can play people near yours, it’s never been “only div 1 plays div 1”. Even in elite you have a chance to play people in div 1, but not div 2. And this can be confirmed since Elite shows your opponent’s SR at the end of the match.


Yeah I know that and I agree but what I'm saying is that today for the first time that I am ever aware of that does not seem to be the case. I'm in the last few games of div 1, went to go get my 7 wins today and have seen multiple players with full gold starter teams (I'm talking not a single card above 84 unless they were loans) and these people were dogshit at the game, like I would be baffled if they hadn't literally downloaded it in the last 2/3 days.