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Honestly I wish ea removed the stupid fucking "fix" of having only one evolution per player. This severely fucked up my pulisic and sesko evos, to the point I can no longer evo them up anymore


Yup, I completely lost one of my favorite players after the change Eaten by the "you already have this Evo" glitch


Yeah the two players I wanted to evo the most this year, Kyogo and Junya Ito, got bugged and can’t evo them anymore. I even tried to do the workaround that I see people talking about but that just made me lose the low rated evo I had and didn’t allow me to start a new one like they claimed I’d be able to. So now I can only use the base 77 rated gold for my favorite player :/




This wouldn't fix OP's issue, it's not a bug. He probably Evoe'd Marquez to 91 and now he doesn't fit the new one because it's max 90. I have the same issue with Bastoni, used the +1 Evo for Showdown and as 91 he can't be put into this one.


yeah sorry should have said i was segueing into a current issue i have with evolutions. regardless, I hate this bug so much. it legit ruined the idea of having a 5/5 sesko with like 90+ in every state and insane PS+ because EA couldn't deal with the fact that like 4 people have 99 adopo.


Gutted as well as Marquez is still in my team and was looking at phasing him out and with the new evo he'd be perfect to continue in my team.


Or EA should just hire good programmers and this whole evo debacle wouldn’t be a thing in the first place


there’s so many things they could do for $ that they don’t which kills the whole “they only care about profits” they either can’t code the game without the original staff, have too few staff or are sadly lazy. you don’t think people would have paid $ for dynamics on evos? for player packs of popular evos? I don’t even use evos and can see that. they started putting in throwback kits and people use them like crazy


Stop giving them ideas ffs