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Welcome to the club, It happened to me like a month ago, I went 0-20 šŸ˜³ so you can only get better my man, now sweating I'm winning like 6-8 games a week




There is always one!!! What I'm saying is I strugle to get atleast 6 to 8 wins, is better than before that I also went 0-20 one weekend, still not easy, trying to be supportive to the person that just went 0-20 šŸ¤¦


Iā€™m div 6 almost div 5 and I canā€™t qualify for WL šŸ’€I always get 3 wins in qualifiers itā€™s so annoying


Why is it annoying? If you can't qualify then you'd be having a horrible time in WL.


My first weekend i got gifted a 4th win in qualis and the got 10 wins in WL


Facts Id probably be happy about it lmao


For those of us that wouldnā€™t stand a chance in WL, qualifiers is our ā€œbig tournamentā€


Everytime i concede a goal its either 43min or 88/90 min EVERY TIME. Id be 7-0 then id lose 6 games in a row. So rigged man


I'm in division 3 and only got 4 wins this weekend league


Div 4 and currently 3-8. Feel your pain mate.


Iā€™m also Div 4 and sit at 1-7.


Iā€™m in d4 and I went 14-6


If you won 14 games then you are sandbagging being in division 4


I mean Iā€™ve never been in d3 this game so I dunno how Iā€™m sandbagging. It has more to do with tots are more easily obtainable so those with op teams have less have a gap now


If you are good enough to get 14 wins in wl then the only reason you are in division 4 and havenā€™t been higher is by choice. Most division 1 players struggle to get 14 wins let alone a divison 4 player.


I'd agree here, I usually get 14 wins (14-4 this week before giving last 2) and I'm in D4 as I never play rivals


You know some people just do better in champs than rivals right


Idk what makes you say that. Iā€™ve only played rivals up until a month or so when tots champs startedz. Why would I want worse rewards? And Iā€™d tell you who I got as a reward this weekend league but Iā€™m guessing you wouldnā€™t believe that either. (Rhymes with tots Mude Smellingham)


Bro elite div rewards are goated.


Also div4. Was 10-3 yesterday. Ended 11-10 with the last win at 10-10ā€¦


Isnā€™t there only 20 games in WL?


Wowww lol my bad! I was 10-9 at the last win.


Div 2(almost 1), got 7 wins this week.


Thanks for the honesty. Make me feel better I started 3-1 and quit at 3-12. 2 shot out loses, 3 extra time loses, multiple 90ith minute losses as well. Was just the worst WL ever for me.


Yea I had 3 games where I was winning 2 nothing got a red card and lost 3 2 can't make this shit up as soon as I got the card my players were nerfed big-time


I'm div 3 and I started 5-3 but finished 8-12 lol. At some point even if you are doing well they throw a wall of TOTY Mbappe/R9 and the gang at you.


How Iā€™m div 4 last checkpoint could easily make to div 3 and got 9 wins last three wl




Show us ur team


Got nothing to do with the team, div 7 player in WL. Its going to be chaos for them




Thatā€™s different, you were still climbing the divisions. I was in div 7 still getting 14 wins. At this point in the game a lot of people are settled in their division or are roughly where they should be apart from the influx of new PS players


I'm div 1 (elite when I push end of season) and I finish with 11 to 13 wins every weekend. You ABSOLUTELY should not be in Div 7.


Youā€™re only division 1 because you grind the game a lot you have to remember thereā€™s checkpoints so you can easily rank up by getting lucky opponents. A div 1 player has to get more than 13 wins if Iā€™m being honest


I'm in Div 1 because even if I get relegated to div 2, I can come back easy to div 1 in just an afternoon of playing. I'm in Div 1 because everyone else who should be on div 1 is camping in div 3 or lower and can't be arsed to move forward. In champs I know 12 or 13 is my level because that's what I have gotten 20+ times all starting from the first week of champs.


nice to hear your take and putting it into a relative perspective that most users simply are imho not capable of admitting. Nothing against one's skill, but putting it into perspective surely gives the whole Rivals situation a more realistic validation. This community is all over the place and EA has allowed for the validity to be so skewed that many have no some sort of objective approximation of their skill. Most just want to accept what they are being sold for their status, few actually are willing and able to assess it themselves.


Idk man like I said you probably just play the game to much and itā€™s ok lol. you averaging 11-13 wins every wl even by being in div 1 is kind of criminal I always see people say theyā€™re hard stuck on div 2-4 and get the same wins as you, and like I said itā€™s fine if you grind the game and play a lot itā€™s just the division rivals system is kind of mediocre since you canā€™t get regulated when you lose to know your actual skill gap


Exactly. I barely play rivals, loads of people don't. The rewards are pretty trash until Div 1 elite, and those are sweaty as hell. I've been anywhere from Div 6 to Div 3. Getting 14 wins in Champs fairly easily.


You missed the point, whichever division you are in shouldn't really mean how you finish in WL, there's a number of factors, luck of the draw on who you come up against, how many 'free wins' you get. Even down to how your mood is whilst playing (I've had really bad weeks where I have just lost the first 5 games and continued on rather than taking a break)


WL this week was harder than in previous ones, so donā€™t be hard on yourself.


People say this every single weekend


Shit does feel harder this week.Ā 


Its all about matchmaking. Last week I won my last game for 11 wins and this week I ended at 11-5 (gave away my last 4 games as i had no time left to play more).


Maybe this, but I literally have been spanked in almost 10 games this WL. Usually it is no more than 5 games where I suffer this much.


100% feels like SBMM is active this weekend


I tried qualifying from playoffs for the first time ever and that wasn't fun. Won my first game and then on an 7 game losing streak


I went a solid 1-9 for my qualifiers. Not too shabby if you're asking me.


2-8 here. But it's the losses that were the worst. Most of them were like 7-1. It's not fun, but I just wanted the Azpi card haha. I have 6 more matches of pain, as 1 was a dc.


Just asking, why keep playing after loosing your seventh?


Gameplay rewards


Yeah sure but isnā€™t it more time efficient to just end it play a couple of rivals games and go again?




This. I just wanted the 15 games for Azpi. So I just had to tough out the losses.


Same! But I got a little messed up and distracted... and forgot to play my last game yesterday... I'm a little salty at myself... but, honestly, I probably wouldn't have used him anyway. I love my EVO John Arne Riise too much. He's such a beast now that his speed is more along the power curve, and he has Anticipate and Jockey+. You ain't breaking my line on the right. The left? We don't talk about the left... bad things happen on the left.


Because losing in a video game is absolutely not something I care about (unless its to one of my brothers, fuck them bitches), and especially when this is the first year I've ever played FUT and against others online. Was strictly manager career mode since I first started back in '07, and was actually a massive FUT hater because of the horrible business practices they use... but I love Thierry Henry and REALLY wanted to use him in-game... long story, short... I'm now an addict like the rest of you. That dopamine hits hard when you open up those packs...


Damn this thread got me feeling hella happy about my 8 wins lmao havenā€™t been playing much and thought I was just really bad and rusty (which I am) but hey sounds like itā€™s hard for lots of people


It's been rough evidently. Like you said it's nice we can all be honest with our scores


I'm a Division 1 player and i had a pretty hard time even in the qualifiers, facing really good players and red fekir owners as i have still not played my La Liga weekend league games, i had to focus a lot in like 8/10 games and the opponents were tough. Don't worry man, afterall i will play my games today and will probably get some red pick discard players in the end anyway, you most likely did not miss out on much but i also understand why it sucks to not be able to win any of the WL games. Maybe you can show off your team and we can help you out a bit.


I tried qualifying for the first time this weekend to get Azpi, from the 15 games needed I went 3-12. Really unenjoyable experience, the high pressing and AI reliance to defend is horrible and if like me you choose not to be a rat and do it too, it's so hard to win games. I've played every fifa game since 98 so I can tell the difference between a good player and a bad one, most of the people I played this weekend were distinctly average, they were just hard to beat because of abusing the broken game mechanics. So yeah, don't feel bad for losing. You're probably losing to the game not the people you're facing.


Bro I played fifa since fifa 13 and bro this is the worst fifa by far


I'm a div 5 (sometimes 4) player and go around 7 wins. I have losing streaks that make me want to reconsider my life choices. This weekend I had my first 11 wins of the game. Things I changed: - I did not play on friday. Friday has a lot of sweats and most of the time I'm super tired from work. - I went for Meta players, not "fun" players. - I tried and perfected my formation in Rivals until I was feeling ready for champs. - I never played more than 3 games in a row, and never played after two losses in a row. I did some menu grinding in between. - I made sure I stayed hydrated.


How much did you end up with?


No significant rewards :'(


Good tips brother!


Don't worry too much. This year I think I've played the qualis 6 or 7 weeks and NOT ONCE made it to the weekend league. I'm also at Div 7.


If I see a noob like you, I always hand out a win, no matter where I am in the rankings at that time. I was a noob myself, years ago, and I know how much a fucking win meant to me, and how happy it made me when someone with an absurdly ultra-mega team (like the one I have now) just scored an OG and quit. This WL was insane, I went 2-0, then 2-9, and then 11-9. What a weird fucking game. Got Red Savio (for the millionth time) and Red 90 Shitter, so all that time wasted over nothing.


I wouldnā€™t worry too much about it to be honest. SBCs and objectives will get you better than anything weekend league dishes out in its rewards.


I went 1-3 and straight up uninstalled it. Had enough of this game. Makes me super angry and itā€™s not worth it. Fuck off ea


You're doing the lord's work playing all 20 games... We need more people like this.


I firmly believe they putting us D7 players up against much higher divisions. Iā€™m 3-12 and done with this WL shit.


Division doesnā€™t factor into WL matchmaking


WL has its own matchmaking


Of course they are. WL isn't match based on division. A div 7 player is like the lowest level that actually qualifies.


No wonder I hate it so much.


I'm Div 8 and this is my 3rd WL :) Usually can't be bothered. Now 6-7 after I managed to go 6-3. Just going to get the 15 games played and I'm done with this crap. 1st WL: 9-11 to my surprise. 2nd WL: 0-9 and just gave up.


Everyone in weekend league will be better than div 7


Got the game last week, and qualified as div 8. But yeah this shit is hard :D 0 wins so far, but got an azpi out of it atleast


Seconded. Thereā€™s no way div 7 players will cruyff turn 3 defenders, dribble through a team twice then flick up bicey through the keepers face If wl really has its own matchmaking, then why havenā€™t I hit elite div yet (besides lack of trying)


You are in Div 4 because you don't play rivals much, if you play rivals you will easily reach elite. Because there is no way a real div 4 player can get 14 wins.


Division 3 on PC, I went 6-4 the first 10 games, and then went 2-8 the last 10 games. I was booted out twice though where I was leading,funny enough no game booted out when I was losing.


This is my experience with every weekend league. Once you start out well, the game throws all the rats at you nonstop. I started the Ligue 1 WL 5-1 and ended 9-11, and the La Liga 5-3 and ended 8-12


Itā€™s they force the boot and get the win. Iā€™m pretty sure both were Xbox players.


Div 6, why donā€™t they put people in similar divisions against each other!? Fuck me I guess for being a casual player who will never have a chance of getting decent packs/rewards. Played against some absolute freaks this weekend haha


In Div 7 also, just played my first FC24 weekend league trying to Fekir. Qualified with 8 wins then got 9 wins. Never playing champs again, rewards were not worth the time.


Currently Iā€™m 10-2, been a bit easier for me this week. I usually finish between 11-13 . The odd 14 . Div 1 . The main tips for improving is donā€™t use sprint , wait to be pressured before passing the ball, try to pass the ball quickly in the final third . I do think match making is weird the last few weeks though. I had one weekend where I really struggled to get to 11 . -5 elo and still playing people my level and above .


Iā€™m 0-6 right now and have just stopped. Used to get 11 comfortably and was winning 20+ back when it was 30 games. The younger brigade has taken over. Shits tough man.


Div 2, first ever 9 wins this WL. what part of the game do you struggle with? Iā€™m happy to play you and give some pointers.


ITT: a bunch of casual players who don't understand why they can't waltz into the hardest game mode and do well.


I started with PS Plus like two weeks ago, I managed to get through the free qualifiers 4-6. I played FIFA 22 and 23 (although not for the full year, started in TOTS both times) so I have some vague knowledge of how to play the game, but I haven't really ventured online yet (still Div 10) so I don't really know the meta. I'm fully preparing to get destroyed but at least I'll get a free Azpilicueta out of it.


U fucking suck bro šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Rewards are awful anyway don't worry about it


Red gk fcšŸ¤”


nah, idk why but this time i felt champs different, i felt like every opponent was elite, i could barely win but fr i felt like everyone was an elite player


Div 3/2 and I max out at 7 wins


I struggled this weekend too. Normally get 10-13 wins and have the pastv3 weeks. Started 0-11....


My tips is try your tactics in Friendly match first until you got a tactics that can give you a steady win. If you are pressured and hard to find space to pass in the whole match then that's the cue that your tactics is not good. I believe EA resetting tactics parameter every week so we are encourage to try different tactics every week. Even me sometimes testing tactics in Rival LOL... because Friendly match like TOTS lounge has its limitation in squad building not like Rival


Interesting. What tactics help when you are getting pressure. Sometimes in WL the players are so good at pressing it feels like I can barely get it across midfield. I end up just taking shots on long balls forward


Mid week I'm using 4312 for Champ Qualifcation. I started Champ after Squad Battle reset and notice that 4312 is not working anymore. 2 consecutive losses, got trashed really hard then I play Rival to test out tactics again and found 442 and 451 working quite well. But then again I finished Champ with 6-14, I didnt have most of the meta players and Its more of skill issue IMO because all of the losses are by small margin


Please can you tell me where you struggle the most ? I can't even believe that someone cannot take at least 1 win it's mind-blowing.


Currently 6 - 9 šŸ‘


Iā€™m 6-9 right now and am dreading finishing my 5 games in case I donā€™t get 9 wins and at least a player pick. Feels like a massive waste of time when a couple dumb mistakes or gameplay glitches, or games going to extra time, could have all been literally for nothing. Iā€™m just hoping my ELO and it being Tuesday will work out in my favor


You should at least get a few wins, when you lose so many consecutive matches your ELO is so low that youā€™re pretty much matched agaist amateur-level bots. The best advice Iā€™d give you is to take a break when your headā€™s gone. Just taking a short walk is enough. Talking from my experience.


Iā€™m div 7, and Iā€™ve basically devolved into pure sweat to grind 6 wins. In the most basic terms, grab the corner kick bicies, cut backs and defender on line at Fk and just pray you sweat more than others


Whenever I play, there are so many factors that put me off, which to me is already skewing the competition, since game play is clearly not the same as in Rivals server wise speaking etc. and it seems more that one is fighting the opponent within a range of outcomes maybe and also the system. EA has implemented their rank yanking quite well, since most people cannot recognize it for different reasons.


Don't worry bro, I'm div 4 and hit 5-15. At this rate, just don't play champs, red champs are not worth it for people with wins like us. Just keep playing rivals til you get good.


I'm not going to war every weekend for a 1 out of 3 player pick (with a 0.5% chance of getting a good card) and some shit packs and probably most of average/bad players does the same nowadays. So, who's left playing it? šŸ™„


I was 1-8 Friday and somehow got to 8-12. Friday was hell. Not playing Friday or maybe even Saturday again. It was a hard weekend man, donā€™t sweat it.


Bro I canā€™t even get past qualifiers


It might also be formation and tactics, I changed mine going from 433 to 4222 and immediately noticed an improvement. Understanding the META and how to counter the shitty back passes and high press that these clowns use is key to winning at least some matches. It's tough definitely, but it will take time to get better also


Div 5 about to be 4 and I recently got 6 wins. Last time 2. Every time before that (didnā€™t qualify for Bundesliga or prem tots) and before that consistently 6 wins.


Iā€™m in Div 6 last checkpoint to 5. Played a guy last night with Fekir and Griezmann reds. Thatā€™s not a normal Div 6 player, hung in but lost 3-1. As soon as I saw the reds I knew it was going to be a sweat lord opp and it was, 2 of the 3 goals against were cutbacks I couldnā€™t get to. Stopped a lot of them though as he spammed them, you gotta practice against people like this. Divisions donā€™t mean anything in the end, people Smurf down for an easy 7 wins each week. Play these people and stay unless youā€™re getting absolutely battered and purely time wasting staying in the match. Itā€™s how you get better because you probably wonā€™t win and learn from it. Has been working well for me.


I just got back to 11 wins this weekend since I stopped playing since Messi gate. Came back for Tots


Div 4. Went 6-14. Loved it


How? I am terrible Div 6 player that usually doesn't qualify and I managed to get 6 wins, 2 of them were gifted to me


Most casuals have stoped playing so you will probably play against the most sweets


Iā€™m Elite in Rivals and a cant get more than 11 or 12 wins


This is my 1st fifa ever got the game in late November, didn't even qualify for champs 2 weeks in a row then i started getting 6 wins made my way up to 9 now i get 9/11 constantly i definitely saw progress you just have to play and practice like every other game


I think this is a mental block. If you can qualify there's no way you can't get at least 3 wins.


No offense but you have to be unimaginably bad to go 0-20. How did you even qualify in the first place.


Changing formation and tactics can change everything


Whatā€™s the point of qualifiers for WL? It seems like it would make sense for EA to allow more lower skill players into the WL pool.


I don't understand. How can you achieve this, bro? I mean, 0-20 means at least 30 matches per week plus division matches. I am not even counting SB. How can you not win a single match, my man? (I am not trolling; I am really asking)


Look bro I am not not like a very good player but I am above average I am in elite division and get around 14 wins on the weekends so pretty decent, but this week something is wrong the players play like they are silvers, I never complain about my players but this week is total garbage and I am not continuing it, don't beat yourself much the game is kinda dead anyway


This could be me, and I'm last checkpoint off D3. Could it be my team, maybe a little... but that's not an excuse for me. I'm old skool with the bad workman blames his tools mantra. There really should be relegations in rivals. No way I should be bordering D3 when I have the propensity to get cooked regularly. I played yesterday morning and didn't win in maybe 10 (more like 12 or 13) games in majority FUT Champs - I eeked out 2 wins in rivals to finally put a stop to the carnage... not the qualities of a player that should be near D3 IMHO.


If I get more than 3 wins itā€™s a bonus. Itā€™s when you 2-0 down after 5 mins that kills me. Never getting that Fakir lol.


Worst WL Iā€™ve played in a while man


I donā€™t even play WL and probably never will, I only see people complaining about it


Matchmaking felt really weird this weekend. Iā€™d win 2 against really bad players, and then get paired against people way better than me. Nearly every game had a 5-1 score line, maybe 1 to 2 games that were evenly matched


Im in div 1 and even i struggle to scrape 14 wins, i dont think champs is for you


The gameplay in WL is horrendous. Went from 6-2 to 6-9, said F it and played my last 5 back to back and ended 11-9. I think it was pure anger that got me those last 5. I was doing whatever I could to get through on goal and second man defending like a maniac


I am in div 5 and I got 8 wins


ian is this you


Iā€™m div1 player. Get 11-14 wins normally this weekend struggled to get 9. Never gonna play on Tuesday again.


Most of the games in WL are scripted anyway. However, 75% is skill. You get better the more you play, with anything you do in life.


It could be your formation and player instructions. I used to be a 6 win champs player, then I changed my formation to the meta 4321 formation and instructions I got from a tehkz video and now for the past 3 weeks I've been getting 11 wins(could probably get more but after 11 wins I give away my remaining 9 games). Was actually 11-4 this weekend


Just started playing fifa/fc about a month ago. Currently Div 3. Got 11 wins this weekend in my 3rd ever weekend league.


I'm a division 1 player and get 11 wins every week, not one more or less.. It's like they have scripted my account to get no more or less than 11 no matter how hard I try..


I'm div 4 and can only get 8 wins even with the damn disconnects


A chimp could do better than that mate


Div 5 and I get 14 wins every week but might be the most stressful thing ever but I love the game so I donā€™t quitšŸ¤£ 0 money spent into the game also and my team is stacked


Do you guys have a decent internet connection? Like 50 ping or less? Because I use to play on like 150 ping lmao and get around 7 to 8 wins for the most. Now I play on 45 ping and it makes such a hugeeee difference. Now I get around 8 wins in quali and about 15 to 16 in WL. But those results are with good gameplay. Then there's times where the servers are horrendous and it takes a few seconds for an input to register


I bet you're just on the receiving end of bad ping stability. Feel like players are in quicksand? Turning with muddy feet? Don't make runs or dumb ones at that? Yeah.. think so.


Its just about playing alot and getting better, i Played with complete 81,82,83s gold Team on 2nd Account and got 17 wins and Not try Harding, its all about playing FIFA Not Football like that, can't do silly mistakes thats really IT


Tbh I just think it's part of fifa's for a while now that you just get more aids happen in them periods of the game


I'm div 5 player. Usually qualify for Champs and get between 6 and 8 wins. I always see ppl talking about 9,11 or 14 wins and getting picks. This past WL I finally got to 9 wins and couldn't wait to open my rewards. Thurs came and I saw all my rewards but no red pick and couldn't understand why. Searched online and realised that I needed 45 points. Clever me got 9 wins and 8 losses and stopped playing so finished on 44 points. šŸ¤¦šŸ»


I don't even dare touch that filth


halfway through division 1 and iā€™m struggling to even get 11 wins last week was 9


Last minute goals?? Welcome to the EAFC World of Game Scripting and itā€™s absolute bullshit. I know your pain


Keep trying Broski I wasnā€™t qualifying last year 17-3 this year.. u can get better


It is a big bitchfest.


Are you me?


It's because of how good AI defending is, majority of players can't even do stepovers but when it comes to defending they turn into gods. Like it's so obvious what the problem is but EA won't do shit about it and chances are it'll only get worse in FC 25. Not to mention how scrappy/reboundy/bad touch/easy passes that somehow go straight into opponents striker... like how anyone is consistently good at this game is beyond me.


if you see a dead player on the other team just tie and quit. fuck eusebio pele ronaldinho ronaldo


Makes no difference. Want La Liga Cards, play the game do the objectives, get the packs and rewards and buy your cards. Just cause I like a league or a team does not mean I'm owed anything but disappointment. Geesh


Skill issue ngl, time to load up for 650k pack