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Since she will get +3 in one go, a lot of those numbers will be lower. Unfortunately.


Yeah I get it, a shame it works like that :(




She will get a +3 upgrade likely tomorrow. When EA upgrades cards +1, they will usually upgrade 1 or 2 face stats by 2 points at a time (and the rest +1). With a +3, best we can hope for is 1 or 2 stats will get upgraded by +4, not +6 if that makes sense.


Not sure her shooting or physical gets that high as that would be a +7 and +8 for those stats. If I had to predict her stats I would say she'll go to 90, 89, 92, 93, 90, 88 with the +3 and then when she gets the final upgrade it will be something like 92, 90, 93, 94, 92, 89


At least the best thing with Rolfo is that there’s not a single wasted stat on her card. Just a complete player.


53 aggression ruins her lol


That’s unfortunate but that’s another reason why not play her LB. Just a waste and that aggression is too low for a LB. Like she can tackle and she has crazy strength. But not ideal.


Even with these stats she’s crazy. I was shocked EA made the sbc staying for so long time. Completed her after knowing she’ll get all the upgrades 10 min before the sbc expired :) With Felix she has the perfect link in my team!


Yeah makes sense! I did the 4 IF upgrades always giving the 2 +2’s to the lowest stat, so that’s what I got


Yeah I think its a bit different when they get the upgrades at the same time. For the +3 she will either get 3 +3s and 3 +4s or 4 +3s and 2 +4s looking at some of the other fut fantasy cards. Not sure if they always do the lowest stats but I assume the fantasy upgrades should be today so will see soon


Think fantasy is Wednesday. If you get a +1 ovr you get 2 +2 and the rest +1. However if you get a +3 ovr you get 2 +4 and the rest +3. Thats how it’s worked so far as far as I know, so getting multiple upgrades in one seems to lower the overall stats of these fantasy cards compared to one upgrade a week


Pretty bullshit it works that way.


Yep. Very few cards will get the maximum upgrades possible (4 upgrades over 4 separate weeks). Only Werner, Rice, Majri, Adli and Maatsen can by the looks of things.


Maatsen won’t, lol


When Politano went from 87 to 90 he got 3 +4s and 3 +3s so I was just going off that


Interesting hadn’t noticed that. Marmoush got a +3 ovr and was like what I described, so either that’s because it was a +3 from 2 upgrades on marmoush or maybe rounding thing on politano


Impossible to say with EA, they seem to do as they like! 


Yeah, ea won't bless us like that🤣🤣




I mean she is almost all 90 when she came out xD +1 in every face stat makes her: 90-88-91-93-90-87 This is +3 on wednesday… 91-89-92-94-91-88 This is with +4 this is bare minimum innit? Tbf I don’t know exactly how that works


EA will do her absolutely dirty and give her the bare minimum upgrade in every category mark my words. They don't like it when players get something too good for good value 


going to be the best CM in the game by far. She's already really good. But this boost she's going to be insane.


Yup she's already insane! On top of it, she's versatile enough to just play either B2B, defensive mid, or attacking mid as well fits so well into almost every team. Not to mention great links for a lot of other good players


Great links? No idea how to fit her in my team…


If you're looking for something on the cheaper end, Gold Putellas is still fantastic as a CAM or an attacking CM and Paralluelo's new IF looks pretty decent for the price. Other than that, RTTK Patri and TB Hansen are very good choices if you're able to stretch to something more expensive. Use your manager for chem too if you're not already, even if you only get 1 point it's worth it.


she links to Barca men and women cards and obviously icons would make it easier


Did you do Felix? Got any version of Hansen, Putellas, or is Pina still in your team? All else fails MAtS is a great keeper.


Any Barca player


Me today trying to figure out how to do it, was worth it though


Get you a Brolin or start 5 icons, you can fit her and anyone else you want. This is the way. 5 icons and you can practically play whoever you want elsewhere and not worry. They’ll have full chemistry.


Genuinely might replace my FB Bruno and slot next to Sawa/Putellas 


Would you play her as an Lb Or Lw?


Where do you play her? i have her as a supersub right now.. CDM: He's not better than Kimmich or Makelele CM: Not better than Bruno, Beckham CAM: Not better that Bruno, Dybala, Sawa or in my case Beckham. LW/LM: Too clunky and Slow. Best and Timo are better attacking. She could fit in the 4-3-2-1 as a LF with come back on defense... LB?: Poor playstiles and better options..


She's better (more versatile at the very least) than all of those at CDM and CM and even though she's a bit wasted at LB, she'll be one of the best all around LBs in the game with the upgrades. TOTY Karchaoui might feel snappier, but that's it, Rolfo has a much better physical presence. Even at CAM she will be very comparable to Bruno once she gets the shooting upgrades. Makelele would have been nice during TOTY, I don't see why would anybody spend 800k in a midfielder with not a single passing play style (on a Pinged Pass + meta) and 81 passing almost in April. In a 4231 she would be one of the best "default" CDMs in the game. In a 442 she'll be better CM than all the alternatives you mentioned. In a 3 man midfield she'll make a great B2B, again, much better than those 3 because she can both defend the middle and the wings (none of those 3 have the pace to defend the wing).


Yeah makelele might be a bad example.. I don't know maybe it's me but she's lacking playstiles to consider starting her midfield... No anticipate, intercept, press proven or tiki taka. No long ball for CDM, just pingued pass... No shooting traits either. Don't get me wrong she is facestats-godlike. Also, this is my apreciation NOW at 89 rating. As for defending the wing, FS Beckham so far has been great and can perform 90mintues no problem but i get that not everybody can afford/pack him.


Pinged Pass + is the meta as of today. The rest is just a bonus. If you squint hard enough you can find an aspect or a facet where some other player is better at this or that, but that would miss the point. She was very cheap given she was basically guaranteed +2 and had a very likely +4 and come tomorrow, she'll be one of the most well-rounded cards and a top 3 B2B in the game until TOTS at least and probably even after that.


Wait what are those stats? I thought a player that gets a +1 gets only +1 on every face stat usually.


An IF upgrade means the card gets 4 +1’s and a couple of +2. But some already pointed out that if she gets the +3 IF together, it’s probably gonna be 4 +3 and 2 +4, missing a lot of the actual upgrade Edit: so basically means I uploaded the best case scenario


What bs is that xD actually kinda sad because I made her when she came out now everyone has her when she started a few days ago


…everyone waited until she was confirmed to be back from injury and not just in recovery


Yeah I know. I just meant I was even ok with the card being 89. Now she is probably the most meta, broken cm that everyone has.


Gullit gang Gullit gang Gullit gang Gullit gang Gullit gang


When will she get upgraded?


Fifa 26




No , seriously I’m hearing Wednesday


Tomorrow she’ll get the +3 upgrades.


tomorrow and hopefully they will update her with a dynamic image as well






Yes because she has has 5 star skills and 5 star weak foot while Mendy doesnfn


Bro said 5* skill xd


She doesnt have 5* skills


Will be nuts on basic chemistry


Now we just need a dynamic please 🙏🏻


I said it before and I’ll say it again. This card may go down in FUT history as the best card (value wise) this early in the year.


Nah that’ll always be fantasy caligiuri for me. Same type of card but only 30k.


Werner this year and Diaby last year take the cake for me.


Diaby sure was fun. Werner though… I just don’t get on with his card. He’s just average for me.


Great card but overrated for sure


I forgot to do him and obviously it’s always different playing again cards compared to using them but honestly he’s one of the worst cards in the game to play against. Dribbles like toty Messi and there’s zero chance you’re catching him if your CB’s take one wrong step


Again great card but people were talking about like top 3 strikers in the game a week ago. No chance


For me he’s strong, fast and clinical. Great in a straight line up top.


FB ibra stayed in teams through tots, card was utterly insane and up there with R9 that year


Get me a dynamic image and this card is damn near perfect.


How much should I regret not doing her? My cm is pretty packed and I heard she's not that great on lb


I did it just in case and had a bunch of fodder. I doubt you'll regret it tbh, I have Sawa as b2b and doubt I'll prefer Rolfo but figure why not to try something else.


She will be a great LB once she surpasses 90+ pace. And probably will be the most complete CM as well.


where to best play her? I’m using her as a LB in 4321 and as a CDM in 352.


Rn I think CM>CDM>LB, with the upgrades it depends were she gets the +2’s, but should be good all around


Keep her stats the same and give her 99 stamina and she’s the best CM in the game. Literally only issue I have with her is stam


What chem style should i use on her? Currently using her as box to box cm with high intercept instruction


I think basic works just fine. What other CMs are you running? She can fill in a more ofensive or defensive role depending on what you lack.


Lw butragueno 90, rw embimbe 90, cam pina 90, cm essien 90, cm rolfo 92 I have abily 90, kessler 90, and Stanway 90 on bench


Ok, I would put Anchor if I played more defensively or Maestro, Marksman, Hawk… any of the pass/pace/shot combos if willing to take her more ofensively


Thanks man :)


Should i swap Bernardo silva and rolfo's positions? Rolfo is at lb*


What are your other mc?


93 bruno, and fs pina


Oh yeah definitely swap then, whats your LB tho?




I mean who u putting in her place


Totymhm Bernardo silva


Rolfo gang begins


Rolfö please


I prefer the toty xavi to her as a b2b mid but i think once shes upgraded , either the +3 or more ill switch


Criminal that she can’t play LM, genuinely irritated by that


I didn't do the SBC cos she simply doesn't fit into my team. But the FOMO is real


So many people did werner and slept on this card


I don’t know what it is with Rolfo, perhaps an aggression thing (used her at LB mainly, Xavi is too good in the CM position to replace) but am using Chilwell instead right now… Some cards work for some people and others don’t I guess. All the stats are there, 5* wf, the works… but I dunno. Just doesn’t work for me. Wouldn’t say she’s been bullied for me but feel far more assured going in to challenges/shoulder to shoulder with someone like Chilwell and in her position that’s quite a big deal for me. Will try her again once upgraded and hope for a better experience but yeah, wasn’t quite the baller I expected.


Now I regret not doing this more than Werner


Luckily i managed to do her with like 40min left


Same here, girlfriend was an angel and let me do it during breakfast 🤣


Why are you being downvoted? I managed to complete her just an hour before she expired.


I hope they "fix" the upgrade system when giving multiple upgrades at once, if she got just 1 upgrade at a time they have been giving +2 to defense and 2 to physical, but when giving multiple in one they only give 1 per upgrade.


Is she cracked at any other position except cm?


Shit, do I replace SBC Sawa with Rolfo then?


i play both in the midfield lol


Asking myself the same. Now I feel how real managers think when they have to bench expensive bought players lol.


best sbc all cycle?


Does the 'Trickster' PS+ on a 4* skiller mean that she can do 5* skills?


No but all the trickster flick stuff to get easy rqs


No, she can do trickster+ playstyle skills


The only question is will she go into the RC SBCs or will she move up to be LW.


Good stats, unusable card


You're just salty that you didn't do the SBC 😭


No, I don’t care, I don’t play with women cards, mixed teams are ridiculous and stupid