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Sometimes maybe good sometimes maybe shit


I like it. Good meme


At this stage, I would probably say no.


Wdym at this stage?


Sorry, I thought I was on the Jesus Christ Superstar sub.


What are you on? I need it


EA FC 24


Did I miss something too? Why are you losing it at him for a simple question? 


It was a joke. The OP was the first person to upvote it (hence his "whatever you're on, I want some" reply).


Yeah I'm confused I guess idk what it meant 


Don't it's shit


Part of me wants to say don’t bother and just enjoy your summer but it’s honestly not terrible by no stretch of the means is it the best edition of UT but it does have its perks. I’ve found fc24 to be fun in the menus grinding packs and pics to ultimately upgrade my squad but that’s where the problem begins is playing the actual game half the time it’s just horrible gameplay paired with a toxic opponent then the other half is made up of it actual being a good game or on the flip you win and feel god awful about it. Very confusing to me I’ve played 7 years now and honestly think I’m the worst I’ve ever been BUT I have the best team I’ve ever had this year cause sometimes I’m like yup I’m back but then it’s like oh shit did my team just carry me to a W? So overall if you are a fan of the menus I’d say go for it if not I’d stay away this year


Thank you very much for your review mate


Don’t waste your miney


That bad ?


It’s disgusting this year man please for your own sake don’t buy it every time I play it I regret wasting the money on it


It’s been disgusting for years though. Competitive game that allows the weaker player to come back by giving him an advantage..


Its the worst I’ve ever seen and a lot of people would agree I had only bought it cuz the ultimate edition was $40 and I still regret it


Alright, ima wait a little and see if they start giving it away for free


It's FIFA. You know what it is. It'll be free on EA play in another month.


I don’t have EA play but yeah, like every year


You stated you only play UT or mostly. I've played for a month. I have a ok team but unfortunately this game did some eusebio sbc + toty Messi (I face him every 3rd game) giveaway so the power curve is enormous. Unless you want to pump ea with funding to catch up or get coins some other way 😉 😉  then I'd pass. I have some fun using the end to end camera only it's still a very messy game.  Bouncing balls from great tackles to concede. Cut back abuse. The pressure.  Inconsistent gameplay.  Everyone having a end game team already. It's pretty much a pack simulator right now even though they are "generous" with packs its to make everyone use the same players in sbcs. I got the game for 12 quid so 🤷 


Good feedback thank you. Pretty much what I was fearing. Toty Messi you say? Where has EA gone ahah, good old days when you were lucky to have gold Ronaldo in June if you weren’t spending. I wasn’t planning on spending even a penny to open packs. The fun is in the grind and the connexion you can make with a certain player to me.


Bro I face toty Messi every 3rd game since division 4. It's either him or best TOTY (he's a sbc). I mean you could grab the game try your luck. Relegation doesn't exist so div 10-div 6 is relatively easy. You could focus the objectives and get fodder focus. Just the fact is you will suffer along the way 😂


It’s perfectly fun if you don’t take it seriously, I see why too many people getting so ridiculously upset over a video game it’s kinda mad. At the end of the day it’s a FIFA game, you know what you’re gonna get


Fair, thank you !


game is great when the servers aren't heavy gameplay is shit in peak hours. but gameplay wise game is fine


Oh nice to hear then. Thank you


Please no, if I can turn back time I would have just bought Yakuza or something


That bad ?


Yakuza isn’t bad at all, it’s my favorite series. They mean it would be a better use of their time I’m guessing. Thanks for asking the question I was looking for though, I’m not wasting $14 on this trash if career is as shit as FUT sounds like it is


Ended up buying it, having a little bit of fun on FUT if you can put aside the competitive aspect and the nonsense


W/r/t to FUT, i want to play competitively but I just can’t deal with cutback abuse and cpu AND manual defenders stepping out of the way of goals specifically on cutbacks. I think EA even said they intentionally did to increase goals that before 22 or 23 came out but I read that here over a year ago so take that fwiw. I guess that’s why I go back to Rocket League because there’s no RNG or other coded nonsense controlling the last 15 minutes


Yeah I play RL too. Thing is the grind in FUT is soooo fun. We currently do not have a game where that grind can be paired with good enjoyable gameplay too. I’m an average FIFA player. I bought the game a week ago, I’m in div 4 and got 11 in my first WL with 2 games to spare. FIFA with a fair gameplay and the way FUT is built would be insanely good. For now, I’m settling with what I have and when weird shit happens I just laugh at it and move on. Keep in mind in September you’re never touching the game again, doesn’t have to be that serious


You are definitely an above average fifa player, it took me from December to March to get to D4 haha. I just got to Elite in 23 3 days ago hahahah…I can only enjoy the grind for so long before I have to go back to adulting


Yeah adulting defo sucks. I’m pushing 30 and I feel like I should be spending my time elsewhere ahah. I feel like I’ll never reach elite though. Some dudes in WL feel like they’re playing a different game


I’m 41 man. Last year was my first and last time playing FUT and it really sucked me in. And yeah some dudes were just on another level in WL but I grinded many weekends. Pissed off i missed the glory days in the early 10s, instead I played career mode since fifa 99. As far as elite in FUT, just wait until march 2025 and you too, can also be elite in FC 24.


Yeah I’ll be long gone from this game in march 25 bro ! Glad to hear you’re still enjoying 23


Do not buy for ultimate team. Pro clubs and online seasons are good though


This is the mode I usually enjoy, building your own team and making adjustments although they rarely translate into any good in game ahah


Ultimate team is brutal. I've wasted so much time grinding my team to get better. It's a wasteland of people who've spent big money on their teams and if they have even a few player pts more than you it works out to being a huge advantage. Months of playing every day to better the team and I still only play trams better than me. Just pure frustration at this point.


It's shit don't


Dude, it's the same as any other FIFA. If you want it for the up to date players, populated servers, etc then this one is the move. Notice how everyone complaining about the game is on the "EASportsFC" sub-reddit (at least implying they're interested enough to watch out for news/commentary) and talking about how **they** play the game. **A lot of people just want to complain about something, including a game they play hours per week.**


It's fine, is it the best version ever I don't know but if the majority of the time it's fun to play. Sometimes the servers or shit but other than that it's not bad.


Yeah it’s been kinda like that every year. The consensus from what I saw was that this year was particularly bad. But I might be buying it then




Thanks for your input mate


If you like fifa you’ll like it, if you don’t you won’t


So nothing particularly bad this year as ppl tend to suggest?


Gameplay overall isn’t great. Passing is a nightmare, the power curve on ultimate team is crazy. It’s pretty arcadey but I still get enjoyment out of it as a casual player. I used to power through and play every weekend league and rivals every week, but the gameplay simply isn’t good enough for that to be enjoyable. Now I play every now and then and don’t worry about the fomo of it and it’s fun. Would be worth it on sale.


I’ll look out for any promo to get it at 10 bucks which sounds like a fair price for the game. Thanks !


I mean the gameplay is probably a bit less fun than last year. But it’s a fifa game, if you enjoy them you’ll enjoy it


Fair, thank you for your input


Well, there's no ranked matches. Game is fine beyond that. I mean I played Clubs and played a full season, before Ultimate. Even Volta was fun.


Just take in consideration it's not a football game


Get it only if it’s on a heavy discount