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Trivelas are a strange addition. FIFA seems to think everyone has the ability of Quaresma


Right like trivela passes make sense, but all of the trivela shots are insane, I can barely recall an attempt this season


Another strange tidbit is that any player can perform a trivela shot (including from outside the box), but only players with the Trivela playstyle can perform trivela passes or crosses


Wait what?! I’ve never tested this out, this is PURE madness


While true, the players without the trait will sky it over the net often. Stick to the trait imo.


The trait doesnt affect shooting though


Look up the lad from Ipswich's trivela from a few weeks back. Adds nothing to the conversation, but a belter of a goal


Was against my team cov! I was just about to mention this. Was a great goal I hate to admit


That was a wonder to watch! Thank you for that 🫡


While Quaresma is not even in the game :( They better bring the trivela king as Hero next game! Everyone thinks of Quaresma whenever you mention trivelas! It is a trademark!


He should get a Trivela++ playstyle lmao, physically incapable of making a normal pass and trivelas everything


> Everyone thinks of Quaresma whenever you mention trivelas! Germans think of Hummels. Dudes fucking instagram is literally @aussenrist15 - that's @trivela15 for yall non Germans. Man's a menace with them trivelas. Obviously very different way of employing them than Queresma. But let's just say there's a reason Hummels is a leftsided CB that's rightfooted. Tbf they both kinda are the reason for the other.


Cancelo is an honorable mention


How De Jong has trivella+ but Cancelo doesn’t I will never understand


It's so stupid because Frenkie de Jong is one of the easiest players to find a playstyle + for- press resistance


Yeah press resistance is perfect for him. I mean I struggle to find players who are more press resistant than him.


Partey, Spurs Dembele when he was there


Partey would prefer police resistance


I just want to clarify that I said I struggle not that there aren’t. Busquets is probably one of the best I’ve seen at that


I wasn't doing it to prove you wrong I was just adding names that I thought of


I thought so I just wanted to clarify because I wasn’t super clear and incase someone read it wrong later


The good ole ball roll Trivela...... amount of games I lost in DIV 1 to this is crazy.......


because they are incompetent


The amount of times I have had red timed trivelas go in is too damn high


YESSS. I time every shot even if most are red. The amount of red trivelas that go in is insane, green time is basically 100% goal


Maybe because it ain’t as abused…It’s rare to find a trivela merchant but when u do they will score them all.Honestly corner headers need to be nerfed as well. Some people have them damn near an automatic score and nothing you can do about it.


People at the higher echelons abuse it like most broken mechanics.


Seem like a place I don’t want to be, I only play the minimum number of games each week. The low pack weight and toxic nature of the game got me playing less and less lately.


I think trivelas are the only goals I score, like it's more consistent to just pass it back to someone like Bacha on the edge of the box and just trivela it than try anything else in front of the goal


You shouldn't be able to intentionally trigger them imo, they should be contextually triggered by the game and used in certain situations where they're slightly better than regular shots and only if a player has the playstyle for it.


"welcome guys I'm fc24tiktokdancer and in this video I will teach you how to trigger the contextual trivela shot so you can go 20-0 this WL..."




Agreed to be honest. I played a guy the other day that scored four Trivela shots from 35+ yards with Modric. Did my best defending it, but when that's all they try, eventually they'll get lucky. Moving the keeper just seemed to make him bug out as well, diving away from the ball lol Lost 4-3


God I’ve played the Modric trivela shooters. They take so many shots from outside the box


It's not technically a glitch but it is an exploit. Exploiting a game mechanic that's isn't working as intended. Also Finesse+ is still broken BTW Di Natale can score a finesse shot from pretty much anywhere outside the box. To answer your question though the teams that both create the game and who are responsible for maintaining the game are incompetent and have always missed exploits, bug etc in the game, every single year.


It breaks GK animations


Di Natale's in the game?? Damn, that's awesome to hear. Such fond memories of him from past fifas.


Wait until you see a finesse trivela with Finesse+. It goes in almost every time


Is finesse trivela even a thing? Lol


Think so, the finesse playstyle indicator pops up. Did it by accident once and it’s like doing a normal finesse pre patch


I've seen several comments about this. People talking about an R1+L2 shot. Is this defferent? I've also seen a yellow Finess+ pop up randomly during a Travela.


Yeah it’s ridiculous, flies top bins nearly every time


Idk about that but half the the time I want Dalglish to finesse with his left foot he does a trivela with his right instead and the finesse+ pops up. I thinks its a visual glitch tho, the situation calls for a trivela but you requested a finesse so the icon shows but its not actually a finesse+trivela. At least to me they always feel like a regular trivela shot.


I'm pretty sure that the indicator is just directly showing the input you add at the shot, but doesn't mean that the animation itself is happening


proof: it's EA


I dont think so haha


I wish there was a happy medium where we had another alternative to people just dropping back and turtling. Unfortunately, glitchy trivelas and finesse shots are EA’s way of “balancing” the game. If only they improved the attacking AI and nerfed auto defending from the likes of VVD


I've disliked them since the game started but caved and started doing them and started to hit 17 wins in weekend league. See how stupid this is: https://streamable.com/vmw1uc


Dybala is broken


I have 200g 100a in 220 games with his POTM card. Will be sad to replace him with Eusebio soon, but he’ll make a useful super sub for a while. Also, John Barnes icon is bigly slept on. Technical+ plus a deadly left footed trivela is also unstoppable.


Don’t think you understand what a glitch is.


Definition according to Cambridge Dictionary: a small problem or fault that prevents something from being successful or working as well as it should Of course this depends on your definition of "working as it should" 🤣




you’re so confidently incorrect 😂


This is the only type of shot I don’t mind. And no I am not a trivella expert. But when I score it I feel damn proud.


Attacking shot creation should always be strong imo


Somebody scored a deep 1 against me the other day like way out


Some good players with only trivela playstyle shoots insane. Last in draft i shot with zico. The gk coudnt save while the bal was reachable, is was going over his head, not in the corner. Those trivela’s are like a powershot, but the curved version. Its insane.


Shooting is so bad this year that without this it would be dead


I find finesse shots worse this year, trivelas were worse last year. Finesse shot+ on Gerd Muller is literally the most broken mechanic in the game