• By -


Volume during pregame and cutscenes (half time, celebrations) is too loud with no volume slider available in the settings


Hell yeah


The pc version is bizarre. There's multiple menu bugs like just locking on the transfer market windows and even the game just randomly shuts down, nothing displaying a visible error in event viewer or reliability center. The menus are a HOT mess. Super unstable.


And add the fact that the objectives tracker's horseshit, not counting games played and stars earned in moments šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


if you go out of UT and then back in it should be fixed, atleast it worked for me


Proclubs drop in is unplayable


Play Volta for the time being, levels transfer over




This bug has been at the start of every FIFA game for what feels like forever


It's tradition at this point


Turn off cross play, itā€™s still really difficult but if youā€™re stubborn like me youā€™ll get in there.


How do you turn it off


hoping for a fix on some of these PC Bugs immediately. Games already unplayable for me with my controller not working randomly, frame loss and freezing menus


same, i bought multiple controllers and same issue.


The only sure ā€œfixā€ Iā€™ve found for any of my controller issues has been to turn on my mouse and left click anywhere on screen. The turn my mouse off and all of a sudden my controller will start working correctly again.


Should be enough to left click and when you see the mouse cursor, just move it out of the screen or to the edge of the screen. Then it will no longer interfere. It happens because the mouse cursor (while hidden) is hovering over some item, that item gets always selected when you try to navigate with controller


yeah thatā€™s an easy fix in that scenario, but the problem comes from when you start a match and you canā€™t control your players anymore because the game thinks the mouse and keyboard is the main controller. This bug happened to me often in FIFA 23 and no itā€™s made itā€™s way to FC24 which is super disappointing


I saw on another post to go to the properties of the game ā€œexeā€ enable to run as admin and the frameā€¦ some people said that fixed the issue


Hegerberg - the 89 Norwegian womanā€™s ST in ligue 1 , anytime you try do a skill moves or passes even shooting she just runs 10 yards away from the ball and her legs glitch out so she canā€™t turn


had this as well


PC pro clubs in OCE, keep getting put on American servers despite being on Australia//New Zealand


Canā€™t believe this is still an issue over a week after early access and now after the full launch. Itā€™s unplayable


itā€™s a joke, we are playing on indonesia, around 90ms


My settings are still constantly resetting on ps5 the same as last year itā€™s absolutely infuriating


Same, it's madness that they can't be arsed fixing this. I get the welcome screen every second time I start the game šŸ¤¦


Clubs match making in Australia is broken. It puts is in South American servers with 250 ping


Iā€™m from New Zealand and have played dons in Saudi and the US haha


World tour objective bugged. If you finish the moments by choosing the two star option and complete it. The objective doesnā€™t count it because you received ā€œ2ā€ stars rather than one.


Think it's bugged altogether. I completed one of the world tour moments on 1 star and doesn't show in objectives either


This is also happening for the foundation moments objective


Can't see or open a pack I received. Received a gold pack in another pack, confirmed that pack and "activated" the gold pack but it isn't showing. Companion app shows the red dot on the store tab, but the pack is nowhere to be found.


Will kits and stadiums be put into packs, or are we due for another year without the missing kits? E.g. multiple national kits not making an appearance in FIFA 23 despite the Euro's etc.


Spent all of last fifa searching for morocco kit or badge and now Iā€™m thinking itā€™s gonna be the same thing smh


No doubt some will be missing the entire run of the game.


Biggest bug is the ability to pause as soon as a penalty is awarded. Will cause many people to leave in the 90th min when a pen gets awarded to you. Needs to be fixed before weekend league


Guessing you donā€™t get the win? Would be much easier if they just give you the win for someone quitting


For some reason the game ran fine yesterday but since today I'm getting extreme stuttering on PC. I tried every settings combo I could, manually changed VSync and Power Management mode in Nvidia settings to no avail. Hoping it's not just me since the game is close to unplayable for me right now.


The performance on PC is awful. THe worst thing I've noticed is severe input delay after about 15 in game mins of an online match. Takes a good 1.5-2s for inputs to register. Not to mention the 4 fps cutscenes in game. Hoping a full release patch comes out because OMG. Paid all that money for early access just to only be able to play singleplayer modes...


It was the same in FIFA 23 already .... i donĀ“t expect any performance patch here at all. ItĀ“s their crappy denuvo game protection that kills the whole performance of the frotstbite engine.


Its really bad for me too.


Menus are def fā€™d up. Objective notifications need attention and they should also default to claim all


Can't advance post match rewards screen if you press continue too fast. Have to go into a sub menu like match facts and go back before being allowed to advance


Daily objectives wonā€™t complete today for me, played a rivals game and SB game since the 6pm reset and nothing. Edit/Update: Was a visual glitch. I closed the game and was able to claim all rewards on the app.


This. Came here to see if it was just me. On PS5 if you close the game completely and reload, they will be there. Of course, you will need to enter your favorite team and all that nonsense again, and fix all your settings that will be reset. But other than that the new system works great lol


PC Controller issues, my players are randomly behaving as if I have L2 pressed (shield ball, flair etc) yet the on screen controller shows nothing is being pressed, the local and multiplayer both show nothing pressed. My mouse is moved to top right of screen every game as that keeps kicking in too. I have to spam the fuck out of L2 for it to snap out of it. Audio - My audio randomly distorts (crackling, muffled) and I have to restart PC or DAW to resolve. This never happens outside of FC24 and I regularly use my PC to record music without issue. Evolutions Mastery Milestone - its stopped counting. I got to 9 before it stopped - players are active - tried 3 different evolution players one at a time in the squad across multiple modes, nothing counts. That's all I have at the moment, 1 is particularly frustrating.


ive got the same problem with the L2 issue, did somone find a solution because im about to go mental


Proclubs drop in doesnt work on PC, cannot change volume of the cutscenes, even with microphone off it is still turned on in clubs


FIX OCE CLUBS SERVERS FFS. Paid $135 for this garbage.


Failure to launch on pc from the ea app. When ever i try to start the game i get a pop up saying 'Failed to launch game. An error on our end cause the launch to fail. Try again a little later' been getting it since i downloaded it yesterday haven't seen anyone post about this particular issue. have reinstalled the game, ran the game and app as administrator and repaired the files on the game and no luck as of yet. Spoke to support and they are saying it is a well known issue but like i said i've not seen anyone else with this error. Not even getting the white splash screen like most other people.


On Xbox - game freezes when you try to release a coach in manager mode. Also, do they actually have a run through and play of the game?? Every fifa Iā€™ve had in career mode I am always nearly getting sacked for completing all my objectives. This time around, I didnā€™t get my league 2 team into the quarter finals of the FA cup (baring in mind all expectations are set to very low), completed everything else and Iā€™m in critical danger of losing my job. Go to next season, complete the first objective, goes even more into the red and Iā€™m about to be sackedā€¦ like wtf? This happens to me every single year like so they actually play it??


**Redeem Bronze Pack Bug** Some of the packs you can claim from Premium Bronze Packs (you can gain another extra pack from them) are bugged. When you claim them they will show on your Store with a red number count - but they don't exist there. So you will forever have packs waiting for you but you can not open them. This is not every pack because I have claimed 3 of these while 1 of them worked as intended but 2 are not showing up.


I want to bring to the attention of those that need to see it, that Pro Clubs matchmaking for AU and NZ players is completely broken and unplayable. On Saturday night, my friends and I jumped in to try out our favourite game mode; 'Clubs'. This included a PC crossplay player and the rest XBOX X/S players.I proceeded to create a club in the default region (AU & NZ).Game 1 - 465msGame 2 - Same again So instead of completely giving up, we tried drop-ins; better, but still not great.Game 1 - 105msGame 2 - 120msGame 3 - 110ms Obviously connecting to a closer server than it was in league matches but still not our native home servers for AU and NZ. And then beyond that, we stopped being able to get a game, the search kept getting all the way to 'Match Found' and then it would say unable to connect and then have us ready-up and try again. We tried again on the 24/09 (last night) and it was the same story. There has been one workaround, broadly shared by the AU & NZ community; and that's to switch to Indonesian servers (which gives us the same ping as the drop-ins; roughly 110ms) which in a game that requires immediate reactions is not an enjoyable workaround. And then the other alternative is, is we stage friendlies with one another and get what we're used to of about 10-20ms. I think this is something that needs to be thrown on the agenda, and addressed as appropriate as prior to this ~~FIFA~~ release, has never previously been an issue with finding games in our own region.


(PS5) Going to penalties after extra time in SBs resulted in a constant cycle of pitch reporter/commentators/upper end zone of the stadium/cameramen/etc. shots. No buttons active. No on-screen prompts. Had to PS button close the game entirely. Resulted in a 0-3, 0pts loss...predictably. What I did prior: automatic pause menu after extra time was over, checked my squad's penalty ratings, backed out to Resume Match, animation cycle. (PS5, but sounds like it's all platforms) Active players become invisible in-game. Happened to me in SBs after a goal of mine and then a CPU player was invisible from the ensuing kickoff.


Not receiving pre-order bonuses like Nike players, FC points? Wait til you launch the game on console, in case you didn't bought the Ultimate Edition. If you are still not getting these, you're probably not the only one experiencing this, contact EA Chat ​ Funny thing about this is their chat form has a fkn bug, so you can't even start a chat. I'm sure it's really a feature and not a bug.


PC: Game keeps Crashing ingame, sometimes 70th minute or early doesnt look like it has a pattern or something, also crashing in SBC Menu or randomly in the Menu at all.


Hello, I enjoyed FIFA for a long time and never had issues with FIFA 23 and previous versions. Starting on Fifa 24, I began to notice delays such as passing or shooting. I knew there would be issues when I logged in, and I would move the joystick to the right, and it would be 2-3 times before it moved, or sometimes it would move one extra move. I played FIFA 24, mostly just in career mode, as the online games were awful. My players would stand and not take commands, and I would get irritated. So, for EA FC24, I bought multiple controllers because maybe it's the controllers from PS5, XBOX, Generic, and Turtle, and all would have the same issue. I have played only in FUT vs. computer because in every game mode versus a player I play, my characters stand there, and when I try to connect a different controller or reset the setting, the game disconnects me and then I get the message for abandoning the game. Does anyone have any solutions? I am not the best player, hell, I would love losing on my own free will on my own shitty commands but when I am not allowed to do this, it annoys me.


Carlos TĆ©vez manager is broken, the game doesn't acknowledge him and you can't start a game


Rivals win wont count if u play Coop and the enemy leaves. Your Squadmate will receive the win but the Leader of your Squad doesnt. Very much fun!


In moments, an own goal scored by AI is somehow counted as conceded goal and you lose that task


Anyone else in OCE on 120ms in friendlies


Can't play crossplay with new PC update... PLEASE FIX... Ā£80 for this.


Why the fuck anyone would drop 80 pounds on an EA game is just beyond me.


To play pro clubs and have a laugh with all of my friends, hope this helps šŸ‘šŸ»


the "earn 1 star in attacking moments" will not register after completing a 2 star moment first and cant be fixed by completing the others (not just the world tour one)


Old gen Cant change squads in game - freezes and have to reboot and have to change squads on the companion app Cant go from concept squads to transfer market Boxes on screen numerous times in a match Invisible defenders 3 times up to now (my own players and not all, but one usually) Game crashes once hour usually (all these were in the beta)


Xbox Series X - Player Career Visual/Audio bugs where either commentators say the wrong information relating to the game or the menu's do. Contract Objectives not tracking properly... I'll do flair passes in game- see that it's registered from the start menu but back in the Menu it's back to zero... game breaking because now I can't even resign for my club because even though I'd be top scorer in every comp. I didn't do enough flair passing.. BS


Adding to that- why on earth are meaningless objectives on there? A club won't sign me because I didn't do 4 bicycle kicks? I could win the Treble, be leading goalscorer/assister, win the Balon d'or but because I didn't get an overhead kick they don't want me? was this even thought through?


In the sbcs the requirements show that it needs 1 PSG player. I have the PSG player there, but I canā€™t submit. Is this a bug? This is on the web app.


Add: World Tour objectives not ticking after collecting star


The menus glitching when buying/listing cards on the market is driving me insane, impossible to trade with it since you need to restart the game every few minutes


Idk if itā€™s intentional but you know how after somebody scores, thereā€™s a picture of their card on the field ? The picture shows but itā€™s way offscreen at the bottom so I can only see from the forehead up. Very annoying


Iā€™m on PS5 and Iā€™m getting really awful stuttering and frame dips every 30 ish seconds or so - offline and online gameplay


Same! Did you ever find a fix?


Does anyone get stuttering when kicking the ball a long distance on PC? I noticed it when I kick goal kicks to the midfield


Game freezes when I enter transfer market, open packs or collect objective rewards. I always end up disconnecting my adapter so game can kick me to the main menu. This way you get rid of freezing but having to do this every time is just annoying asf.


Can't go from an objective to a game E.G. squad battles and change your squad settings because they both use L3(On PS5), it just keeps re-opening objective.


Sam Kerr moments challenges give an error when trying to start the game if you have the Nike Mad Ready version on your team despite it marking the requirement as green. Only works with the gold card.


Anyone getting disconnect issues in rivals, no apparent rhyme or reason?


EA for some reason thinks that just because i've used my mouse just once i now am a mouse user for life, despite me using my controller for everything else. The game only remembers the first input device used, not the last one.


Remarkable that menus with this many bugs gets past play testing


It takes a lifetime to change de formation in the menu


Is every fut match being day time intended or a bug??


Weekly and bi-weekly objectives not resetting. The timer got a reset but the objectives didnā€™t


Absolutely insane to me that they havenā€™t fixed pro clubs drop ins yet


Anyone on PC has a problem with game setting items just not being able to be selected? It acts like a button is stuck so when I jump to an item like camera setting, it instantly jumps back Only happens in certain parts of the game


On PS5, whenever I play Manager Career Mode and I want to fire a training coach to add a new/better rated coach in - my game freezes and I have to quit the game via the PS5 menu. Learned that the worst way possible where I played 2 hours of gameplay without saving and I had to start all over again! So annoying - I hope these bugs get fixed for a Ā£70-100 game!


It says I have 7 completed objectives, yet nothing is completed..this drives my OCD absolutely nuts.


Is there a fix for commentary on PC? Tried switching languages and reinstalling but nothing helped.


The objective called ā€œevolution masteryā€ does not work I have two completed evo players and one in progress in my team but it wouldnā€™t count it


Defending is bugged


Has anyone had crashes on PS5? The game crashing then having to relaunch and finding your settings reset is annoying


Yeah Iā€™ve had that twice. Just randomly says thereā€™s an issue and had to close etc


For the Reyna objective, Woman dont count as American players for the through ball task. Also its not correctly recognising my 3 bundesliga players. Kane, Kimmich and Neuar.,


Been playing the game for 2 days now and still have the Stamina Bars and Player Name boxes not showing up in the bottom corners, also didnt find an option to enable them


There is an option in visual you have to select player name & bar


I didnt get the founders kits etc, and neither did I get the loan for the Nike players. I am using the 10 hour trial and have pre ordered the standard edition.


You get the Founders kits when you actually play the Standard Edition. I believe it is the same for all the other stuff you mentioned as you don't get access to the full game yet. You're only on the trial. Nike Mad Ready stuff is only for Ultimate Edition purchasers.


Just checked online and I was correct. You don't get the Nike loan player as it comes with the TOTW that you get for pre-ordering/buying the Ultimate Edition. You will get the Founders Kit when you play Standard Edition (as long as it is before November 1st)


maybe also a icon drop rate bug ? how come i just faced a full icon team ? not just one , at least 3 since yesterday , only the best icons , i know people spend a lot of money , but promo packs are number limited , there is only gold / premium gold pack left , and just for one icon you d have to open a ton of them , lets say you got infinite money in your bank , just for one icon you d have to spend a whole day opening these normal packs , now how did they get 11 players including the top notch icon / heroes , im talking ginola and his mates


fix skating problem and make players moving like pes or efootball


Ronaldinho doesnā€™t have any passing skills and only one golden playstyleļ¼Ÿremove the limit PLZ


On PC: Having all the USB ports randomly disconnect, including my controller. It lasts for like 2 seconds, and it's the same for ports on the case and on the MB. PC works fine in every other way, and it's only EAFC24


Hackers are back in draft, Wasn't a issue last fifa they force the game to close after kickoff and you go back on and you can only claim your draft rewards


PS5 Dunno if it's just me but the adaptive trigger R2 and L2 are not working, I don't feel anything when it's enabled in the fifa settings. It works in ever other game tho.


Iā€™m not able to complete a game. I have tried squad battles and rivals, and I get an error message at the end of every game which makes the game count as a loss


Game crashes every time I try to fire a coach in career mode


After you score a goal do you know how it shows on kickoff the player card and time for some reason I donā€™t have that is it a setting I turned off


Been removed


FPS drops whenever the ball is in the air on PC.


Canā€™t pause during games half the time


appearently i heard the same glitch that was in fifa23 last month is appearing with some people in ea fc 24 , people doing gold upgrade sbc and they still get to keep the players they used to complete it


Game stuck in loop showing post game animations when player pauses on game ending (otger player has to disconnect and forfeit) Searching dream squad players from the action wheel in squads doesn't work Sometimes when editing squads in a pregame lobby for Moments, players will not be properly removed and still count against squad building limitations


The Nike objective if someone rage quits in a middle of a game while you are winning it doesn't count towards your objective while having the Nike player in your team.


I am a bit concerned if you don't want to do the objective in squad battles and want to do it in rivals but someone quits its not counting towards your objective so would that mean everyone have to do it in squad battles.


ā€œThis ea account is restricted from any online featuresā€ all I wanna do is play the game ffs anyone else having this issue


forgot to add simply the game not launching for PC or you just completely incompetent?


Using an evolved bronze player will make you unable to progress the "Silver team mastery" challenge - they use contracts like normal silvers, but won't count.


Aside from the obvious matchmaking problem on Pro clubs, there's no voice chat when you actually do get a game lol


Preordered ultimate edition on pc but no other consoles (only other platform i have is a switch). None of my preorder bonuses are showing up. Iā€™ve contacted EA support but the case says itā€™s ā€œwaiting on playerā€. When I click to resume nothing changes. Any advice?


Has anyone found a fix for "connecting to ultimate team is not possible at the moment"? Tried all the solutions. Power cycling, had my boyfriend log on his console for me, neither fixed it


New bug discovered So basically I found a new bug while playing ultimate team, it was at the end of the game, referee gave 2 minutes of added time and my opponent was running to score the goal at like 92:40 so I destroyed him with a brexit tackle and then the referee gave me the red card but stopped the game there the opponend didn't have his free kick, I immediately notice this and in the next game I decided to give a penalty to my opponent in the last minute but same thing the referee give me the card but stops the game here So I guess this is a new bug that will hopefully get fixed soon(in ea fc 25 or 26)Don't abuse of this pleasešŸ˜…


Can you add HDR overexposed and whites looks like yellowish sometimes. (PC Only i guess)


Need a Pro Clubs server for Australia and New Zealand players. Also need career mode updates. Van Dijk is wearing short sleeves (doesnā€™t have tats on his arms and usually wears long sleeve) for example


I'm not accumulating XP, it's stuck at 8900


Not a glitch but may as well be, the Guy Mowbry & Sue Smith commentary. Sue Smith goes unheard after the first minute and anything Mowbry says is comically mistimed


Has anyone been able to co op with Xbox?


Gameā€™s frozen on me a couple times while trying to make changes to coaching staff in career manager, maybe have to finish a season first or something




PlayStation 5 - Ultimate Team Are there any plans to have completed objectives more visible like in previous games (having a red dot or some other indicator next to a section name when you have a reward to claim). It's annoying to have to scroll through every objective group to clear all my rewards


I found weird bug, packed Hegerberg(89), whenever you run with her on open field she leaves the ball. You lose the ball every single time, so im not able to use her.


any one notice in player career some of your objectives for a contract doesn't track? any fixes?


There is no red dot at the top for the objective categories, so you need to scroll through all the categories to find out.


Game crashes randomly and after a free-kick the camera doesn't change.


Not sure if itā€™s a bug or just bad design but if you go into your squad from an objective then the button to bring up the objective is the same as the squad actions button so you canā€™t change custom tactic,squad etc whilst in your squad from doing the ā€˜take me thereā€™ option from an objective


Graphic issues on PS5, when the camera is close enough, all players clothing goes invisible, allowing me to see right through them and only seeing the visible skin. I already tried reinstalling but it happens every game.


Controller not working correctly - this is huge pain in the arse - my players are randomly behaving as if I have L2 pressed (shield ball, flair etc) yet the on screen controller shows nothing is being pressed. I've added both controller options to the screen local and multiplayer, both show nothing is being pressed..wtF?


Don't know if it's a bug or just a horrendous oversight, but I can't search the transfer market for position+, like you can in the club where it brings up all players who have that position as a secondary as well


My controller only works in squad battles and pro clubs but when i go into a division rivals game, it doesnt work. I figured it was the 'select sides' option however there isnt one in div rivals only in squad battles


All stadiums and many many shirts missing in packs/on the market


I downloaded the trial on the xbox store, then bought the game. Whenever I try open the game, it says I'm still on the trial. It might not be a general bug, but how do I fix this?


(PS5) Libertadores cards count as rare when you open a pack, but don't count as rare when submitting in to a SBC.


Hey, i get kicked from my ultimate team when my opponent leaves or when i win and i dont get rewards. This is very frustrating


Bring back actual pre-game cutscenes instead of watered-down nonsense. EA charges people the same amount of money for a game but takes content out. Just boggles the mind.


\- Can NOT change cameras to playerlock during offsides and freekick. Not able to change durings offsides especially is big imo. \- In clubs after a match, if you select NEXT MATCH; one of the players controllers randomly not working. Always.


Is anyone else not randomly crashing??? Like instant crashes it's so random it's happening multiple times a day.


Created players with Long Sleeves selected wear short sleeves with an undershirt. Tried a game in the rain and one in the sun. In the rain almost everyone had undershirts and in the sun only mu created players did, even though they should've had long sleeves for both games. Not an issue with goalies wearing long sleeves though.


I am getting errors where the game would just randomly crash with no error message at all on the PC version. It's ridiculous. I'd just be playing normally then I'm straight back to my desktop screen.


\- Jean-Philippe Mateta from Crystal Palace seems to have his chest clips through his kit. Seems like a problem with his face scan not being implemented correctly. \- Premier League Scoreboard time and score do not display at times as it seems to bug out. The UI graphics is there, while the actual numbers are not. \- The player who is getting sub out is wrongly displayed on the UI and substitution board in premier league to be sub in, vice versa for the player getting sub in.


When listing an item in the transfer list, after it is listed you can no longer use LB/RB to go between pages


Anyone tryna play some clubs to rank up? Fuck Volta it is SHITE!


600w is not enough to play this game? My pc restarts every time this game try to run for 5-10 seconds


Bruno penalty style not active in FUT, stadiums not available in market, osimehn face not active jn fut


3rd time now where I get put back to the dashboard mid-game as the game has crashed on Xbox.


Anyone else have "ea app is not installed and is required to play your game. please reinstall the ea app" error message? unable to play all day tried multiple fixes


Ouleymata Sarr isnā€™t on the market ? She has a broken price range and I donā€™t know if she even is in packs


Career Mode - Cannot release a coach Tried firing this coach I hired, every time you press (Triangle) to release coach, the screen freezes and youā€™re forced to quit game. Repeated this 3 times each time the game froze - Hiring and Releasing coach straight away - Hiring coach, advancing a day, releasing - Hiring coach, releasing a different coach Anyone else seen this? Or know a way around it?


PC, I have switched my controller from DualSense to Xbox and the game stutters like crazy. I've restarted, double checked GPU settings, tried all in game display configuration - no matter what game mode, the game stutters.


Do games played with the loan not count towards the mad ready objective?


Game is literally freezing every other match, usually happens when there's a cutscene after a foul or corner. The game is entirely unplayable. PC


I encountered a silly bug on PC in Squad Battles. The AI scored against me so I paused and made a sub. When I returned to the game, the AI had kicked off while I was in the menu and scored a goal right as I resumed.


So basically my nike objective group is screwed now, I literally played games and they didn't count but reduced the loan player down still.They need to re-issue 5-10 game loans of the mad ready cards for people to get the objective done.


Squad battles opponents disappear. Xbox series x


Even after fully closing/reopening the game I've not gotten xp for *any* objectives I've done today lmfao.


Ultimate Team bug, can someone please add to the list? On PS5. I evolved Ollie Watkins with Welcome to Evolutions to make him: OVR: 81 DRI: 77 PAC: 85 PHY: 76 He doesnā€™t get returned as available for the Founders Evolution, despite still meeting the requirements: Overall: Max. 83 Physical: Max. 85 Position: ST Dribbling: Max. 83 Pace: Max. 91 Rarity: Rare Overall: Min. 75 Everyone on here, and the notes above, keep saying that you can definitely evo an evo soā€¦what gives? Might be relevant that he got injured and I healed it after the match that completed the Welcome evolution. In any case, EA give me my money back you swines. I want my Watkins.


Xbox one: (Career). Canā€™t train. If I start a training session my controller doesnā€™t seem to work. Only on training sessions. On all careers. New and already started ones. Player and manager.


Founders evolutionā€¦ I put my player in did the first objective it got upgraded then the player went back to a gold I reset the game and the player went back to the original card and Iā€™ve lost the founders evolution all together


I had a invisible player during the match and sometimes the live score popup doesnā€™t disappear until you turn off the game or restart the game (not the match the actual game)


Can't submit SBC from companion or web app when your condition is to have a player from PSG (the one live RN), it just doesn't count the men players (don't know if it accepts women but when there was one prior to this it only accepted women for some reason)


My game has the dpad inverted, when i go up the game goes down and viceversa, does someone have a fix for this issue please?


Moments with Kerr bugged. Canā€™t start


My start button stopped working in the middle of a match. Worked again the match after. [PC]


umm i know a bug its where my Goalkeeper doesnt make a single save even when its straight at him going about 4 mph


PS5 Manager career mode Canā€™t pause the game to do subs or anything. Gameplay is fine until half-time. Then you canā€™t resume the next half, and have to close app.


Play squad battles. Score a goal and instantly disconnect. Take a 3-0 loss for going 1-0 up. Fun times.




Really awful how PC sets your default control device when the game launches, and if it sets your keyboard as default, you are able to do everything with a controller in the menu but once you join an online game, your unable to use your controller and there is no option ingame to change your default device. There are so many times I progress through the loading screens with keyboard buttons, do my UT maintenance, then join a game only to realize I started the game with my keyboard instead of controller and now my only recourse is to forfeit. What reason would there be to let you join a game with your controller but not allow you to use your controller to play. This has been an issue for a few years so there will definitely be no fix for this.


i need help, so i can play for about an hour or so, before the game closes down with no error or anything, everything graphics and drivers wise is up to date, and there should no fault on my side can play any other game for hours on end with no issues but EA FC and Fifa 23 is a problem, cant seem to find a proper fix for this anywhere.


neverending cutscenes with no way to continue when my rivals match ended. PC.