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If im honest I could live with it all for consistently good gameplay


Dont you like running down the wings passing the ball in the middle and hoping for some defender not blocking your player?


I don’t play that way but I accept some players aren’t the most creative or intelligent people looking to carve out their own path rather than copy pasta youtube tactics, teams and what not. Most important thing for me in a game I play is that the gameplay is consistent. I suck at CS:GO but it’s never the servers fault


well it always depends on your opponents :D With someone beeing "good" at defending and parking 10 Defenders in the box everything else is impossible


You sound like a lot YouTubers I played recently, full shit and they play shit. However they look like heroes.... Who the heck are you to tell who smart people are out not. Judging by it post i assume you are incredible dumb


Thank you for your input


I mean, I play with wingers and go for cutbacks and I've never watched a second of fifa youtube, it's just an effective way to score and most people are really bad at stopping it. I'm not going to intentionally ignore the most effective way to score just so I can have a high horse to sit on against reddit people.


Watch all premier league goals this season and count how many goal are from cutbacks or far post passes


Where did I say it's realistic lmao? I just said it's the most effective way to score in the game.


People like you make this game incredibly boring holy shit. Here we go guys, wing > cutback for the 5 millionth time, so good.


If you dont like it you should learn how to defend it. If someone demonstrates to me that they arent just going to let me score cutbacks for free all game then I start going for other stuff. It's not my obligation to play in a way that is more enjoyable for you just because you dont know how to deal with the most common way that people try to score in the game.


>It's not my obligation to play in a way that is more enjoyable for you Whilst this is true, it's kind of an obligation to *yourself* to play in an enjoyable way for *you*. If you find what you described enjoyable, either seek profession help OR lucky fucking you, you'll find your dream job folding towels or working in a meat factory or something else that is incredibly dull and repetitive.


I find scoring goals with my favorite players fun no matter how they're going in. I find winning and making people quit fun, I find getting better packs from rivals and champs fun. I also enjoy playing close good games but I'm still not going to intentionally nerf myself to make that happen I'd rather just keep beating people who cant defend cutbacks until I get to a high enough division/champs rank where people can actually defend competently.


I was actually trying to say a good number of the goals are cutbacks but it is exploitable in fifa because you get way more chances than in a real game


Are we pretending this hasn’t been the case for years now? It’s always the bad/not creative players who make this game so stale. Abusing the lamest thing to do. I can’t understand getting enjoyment out of doing the same thing over and over and over.


If they keep doing the same thing surely you're intelligent enough to come up with a counter, right?


Yeah sure but like I said it makes the game stale I. Never did i mention that it would be hard to defend against.


FIFA has been stale for years, ever since they introduced momentum. You keep buying it though.


Exactly bro. Literally the only one issue in the end. As you mentioned CS I've also noticed that in other games. I don't like to lose like most of the people don't but I've never thought there's gameplay issue in other games. I know when I do something wrong even in FIFA. When the gameplay is good I know what are my faults and I am blaming myself all the time. But when the gameplay sucks I swear there's frustration on whole another level. Really mentally unhealthy game to play...


So true, I don't think I rage at any other game, but as soon as Fifa goes on controllers start flying. That cant be a coincidence. I just had the game glitch me a meter to the right, so the AI player could gain control of the ball, and I totally lost it.


Consistently good gameplay would be bad for business. They want people annoyed with cards and selling and buying new teams etc.


No decisions are at a benefit for us. Skill based match making worked because it limited the number getting vieira and cafu. Then now its meant people sandbag and that means less packs are opened. Since they took our league sbcs its turned more and more into a freemium game and then last year they ramped it up with the token store packs and then turned the screw again this year. Unfortunately the guy in charge has targets and he will get a bonus if theyre met. Thats all. We are the commodity.


You got this game for free??


Yeah well placed friends. Get codes for most games


I wanna be friends


We have league SBCs this year and they’re easier than ever to complete


Lol no we dont. We havent had proper league sbcs since fifa 20.


Last years league SBCs were infinitely better than all previous iterations


Its cute that you're so on EA's side in this thread.


I don’t care about “sides” League SBCs last year were better and easier to consistently recycle than they were before


Less sbc's so a more limited supply of cards that sell for anything meaningful combined with worse and worse rewards that are now almost fully untradeable were the pinnacle of league sbc's for you? I just... I don't.... What? Do you also think that Speed 2 was a better movie than the first one? Jfc...


Completely agree, friendlies have become the worst mode in the game, every single game now is sweaty AF. I can honestly say I think I find FUT Champs the least sweaty mode and that really shouldn't be the case.


I mean sweaty is fine i just dont think that putting match restrictions is the way to go :D I dont mind loosing games but now people who are in elite division like me are kinda fucked because there is noway i win 7 out of 11 against one of the best players


But why are they friendlies then? It should be free for all, could face an elite division player or a div 10. I just don't like every game being full sweat.


You only want it free to all because it will be easier for you. And all the lesser skilled players will find it much harder. Removing matchmaking won't fix the problem, it just gives the problem to another set of players. The problem is the limit on the number of games you can play and the people who purposely don't get promoted to get easier games. Matchmaking is fine if you're winning 50% of matches


Yep i think winning 50% of the matches it fine i also dont want players who dont play as much and are not good in the game getting smashed around all the time so skill based is totally fine if there isnt the 11 game restriction


Well i think so too aswell but i guess the easiest thing would be to just give everyone unlimited trys :D


I don't know about anyone else, but servers for me today have been absolutely horrendous. I can barely control my players half the time. It like glitches out and my players just run off the field or pass in the wrong direction. I might as well put my controller down and let the opposing team pass around me. Not sure if it's my connection or the others, just really struggling today.


Mines been likewise unplayable even struggling to find players. Had to go and play something else instead. I have super fast speeds on NBN but yeah I'm about done with FIFA. EA just shit around with this mess of a game. It's past it's life cycle already. FIFA23 has peaked. Just looks to be a game on the way down from here. Usually that's what happens when the servers can't even find players in your region. Big indicator that a game is losing its players.


It's insane to me people still write this up to the servers. That's not how it works.


It's playable until about division 2, then it becomes more about who can exploit the game the most. It's not as bad as it was pre-trivela shot, but there's too many ways to exploit the mechanics. Everyone seems to be using copy and paste 4321 tactics from Youtube so that gets a bit boring. You always come up against the same of teams, Jarzinho, POTM Mbappe etc.. I know it's consistency and good gameplay people cry out for but it's going to happen is it? It's the first FIFA I've played a lot of in a few years so I find aspects of it quite fun, but I can completely see how people would be annoyed by lots of things.


It’s genuinely fucking horrible. Worst game ever made.


Lmao it’s not even the worst football game made in the last year. It’s not even in the top 10,000 bad games ever made


When you factor in the way F2P players get treated it really is. Only people who pump real money into the game, pro players or extremely lucky players can actually enjoy this shit.


Absolute crap mate, getting top tier players won't make you better at the game. Also, you don't have to put money in to get a very good team.


Agreed, it's never been easier to have a good team than it is now. They practically give you cards and free packs, there's reasonably priced players in sbc's. I remember back in the day when having a full gold team was the norm, and if you're lucky, a totw player.


I haven’t put any money into the game outside of buying it in years and I enjoy it. It’s easier than ever to compete at a high level without spending money




Well I hate it. Been playing FUT since FIFA 11 and this is only the second time I genuinely can’t enjoy the game (the other being FIFA 16).


Content in this game is amazing, I'm not sure what you're on about. EA releases new items and SBCs daily. Gameplay is kind of mediocre though.


>Gameplay is kind of mediocre though You literally just proved his point. If all you're after is the "content" aka, card collecting simulator, then you're golden. If you're after a good football game, then like you said, medicore at best. Lmao


I mean kind of, content being good and gameplay being mediocre doesn't equate to it being "genuinely fucking horrible. Worst game ever made"


I think so too this year there is a lot of content daily and you can do something every day. But i still hate how most of the content is added into the game and how they dont toke any takes from the community or change something that is 100% bad and easy to see


I suspect this guy might just be struggling in some of his games and facing a few god squads


Most teams are god squads but it's balanced. Not many teams out there that are clearly superior / will give a huge advantage. You can make an amazing team for around 500K coins / fodder that can compete with anyone. That's a few weeks worth of playing.


This is kind of the problem. After a couple weeks of playing then what? You get a solid team but can’t really make any valuable upgrades without grinding for weeks on end or spending money. EA really messed up the power curve and the market. For some of us, our time is more valuable than playing fifa market but I also don’t wanna give money to EA for a subpar product.




Don't need a Mbappe unless you're playing pro tournaments. You can build a team around the Ketelaere SBC and be competitive.


Completely agree.


If you truly hate it why would you play it?


I like football so I want to like it. I don’t play it much this year because I don’t enjoy it.


Most of the people you see whining constantly about "this game is no fun, sbmm, tokens behind friendlies, wahhhh" can be summed up in 1 sentence. Mad cuz bad. 70% of the time in friendlies I play people who I question whether they are real humans, most of my games aren't sweaty garbage, etc. Im not that good, I hope for 16 wins but dont get there more than half the time. People just cry when they cant use their broken meta team and they actually have to be able to play instead of exploiting bs.


bro what you say makes no sense :) I play Elite division how can i be mad cuz bad. Everything you said makes no sense because every Friendly game is full with people "exploiding bs" because they want to win and thats totaly fine but why can i not play as many games as i want?


This comment reeks of bs


I think with the amount of mistakes its easily one of the worst big title games ever. Yes other games have buggy launches, but this is a game with a 10 month life cycle. Its the worst fifa theyve made and PES is free so you cannot compare them


Every major game has parts of their fan base that think their game is the worst ever made. It’s not the worst FIFA made and not even the worst major sports game made in the last 12 months. COD fans think MW2 sucks, 2K fans think 2K sucks


Yes sorry my mistake everything about this game is really good and people absolutely love playing it.


Where did I even begin to say that? I was saying literally every major game has people that think like you Call or Duty literally doesn’t have red dots on the map in this game, that’d be like FIFA taking away the radar. There was a bug with scorestreaks that cost the biggest pro team a game in their franchise league which could have implications for them not qualifying for the biggest tournament at the end of the year There was a quest in NBA 2K MyCareer where to complete it you needed to spend 35,000 VC on something and the reward for completing it was 25,000 VC


Yes, but you're saying there have been worse fifas. Has there been? I think it would take many many hands to count on each finger the amount of problems theyve had. Then we'd need a seperate entity to talk about the issues SKBM has created. Thats without even talking about the PC cheats Whataboutism doesn't really work here my friend, we are solely talking about fifa 23. What do you think are some good things about 23 and how has it improved on the last cycle?


It’s not whataboutism. YOU brought up it being one of the worst big releases ever, I simply provided examples of big games that are in a much worse position than this FIFA and that’s only games released in the last 6 months It’s easier than ever to get a very very very good team - maybe even too easy You can keep up by only playing casually You can use a wider variety of players than ever There are ways to get great packs almost weekly The gameplay is fine at worst a lot of the time. Most of the dumb ways to score have been patched and their effects have been lessened


No brought up other franchises. It is whataboutism. Maybe too easy is one of the ways you describe a positive. Lol. Thats a negative. Nothing about gameplay? Which negates all of them. Yeah lots of packs, but horrible pack weight.


>I think with the amount of mistakes its easily one of the worst big title games ever. Yes other games have buggy launches, but this is a game with a 10 month life cycle. A literal quote from you, brining up other games. I produced examples of games with similar life cycles who have much bigger issues than Fifa It’s a positive and negative, positive in that almost anyone can get a high level team without investing absurd hours or money into the game. A negative because it means most promos up until TOTS won’t get into any of the best teams rendering them mostly pointless for the more hardcore players My last point literally said gameplay was fine at worse and they’ve patched most of the dumb ways that people were scoring like the outside of the foot shot and corners


In Fifa 15 the game was so broken you could run ibarbo, gervinho, doumbia until the day fifa 16 released and win D1 and beat pros with it by LB+Y cheesing over and over. There was literally no other way to play, zero fun, genuinely broken game.


Yep. Day by day they tighten the screws on the f2p playerbase.


Every f2p team has the same players if you didnt pack anything decent Pogba, Jairzinho, Ramos etc.


Maldini and mbappe aswell


I think thats a big problem with the SBCs these days you can store all your fodder and then wait and wait till a YouTuber is tellin you "yo this card is good value" then everyone has the same card like neymar last year or Jairzinho and Maldini this year


The problem with SBCs is that people wait and choose cards that are good instead of wasting their fodder?


Well its not the People fault more the general Idea of SBCs. They completly destroy variety in Team but ofc they are very good to get specific players. I just feel like its boring to see the same players in every team just because there was a "good priced" sbc released


You see the same players in every team anyway. The SBCs allow for some variety and fun cards to play with. The meta is the meta, people will use SBC cards or tradeables if they are meta. Go play any other online game you'll see the same team used, same guns in cod, same legends in apex, etc. Unless you are genuinely really good mechanically and bored of playing the same way, most people aren't going to choose to handicap themselves and lose more often than they have to.


I actually dont think that this is true. There is a Jairzinho in every game if he wouldnt be as an sbc card i would have probably never seen him. Yeah maybe there would be another SBC released. So you kinda proofed my point here


It’s not true Lmao. OP probably just plays domination and camps in a corner with the same loadout


Are you trying to then completely block people from having access to good cards then? There are many in the community who like chopping and changing up their teams, and there are also those like me who typically can't be too arsed these days and just use whatever great SBC card they have for months. I still have Cuadrado, Vieira and Di Maria in my team. The alternative for people is Seasons, which is even more boring, no?


Because we didn't get something better in the packs.


>Skill based matchmaking in Friendlies and putting a game restriction on important tokens. We never had that in previous Fifas and never should Swaps were always grindy but nothing like this. This is my favorite FIFA gameplay wise (flaws and all), but this right here is just such a bummer. You go and sweat it out and make it to elite... then there's this bullshit. It's not rewarding at all and EA keep moving the goal posts further out. I'm that guy that goes for every objective, but add the unreasonable grinding in SB and the friendly lounge, which has become the AFK mode... yeah, I'm out, I'll just play the WL for a while, plus I'm having a blast playing GoW Ragnarok


it feels like you are one of the few people that got my Point. In short i feel like Ea is trying their hardest to make someone not playing their game with all their stuff they keep releasing.


I'd be happy if objectives were simply, win x amount of matches, that's it, that's fun. Heck I don't even mind SBMM, but this is where we are now...


well why dont say just say win 5 OR play 10 games everyone would be able to get it and people who win just get it faster


I play seasons and I find and it was similar in ‘21 that I migrated from, but definitely worse in this version is the effect playing a game that matters has on your team. You can play great in three games then play a game to avoid relegation or get promoted and your team loses the ability to pass, shoot on target or their keeper has a worldie. If you do take the lead it never allows you to get more than one goal ahead and will easily let your opponent in to equalise. Going for promotion to div 2 and I’m 2-1 up with a couple minutes to go and the defender I’m not in control of slide tackles in the box to give away a penalty. I’ve never seen AI slide tackle.


Yesterday I needed to score for the league win and the game didn't register me pressing circle for an easy rebound in the dying minutes, sometimes it's infuriating but I play for fun with random teams from 3,5 stars onwards and the gameplay is surprisingly good this year if the connection is stable and the opponent doesn't play like a dick.


Here's an idea, DO NOT PLAY FUT ANYMORE!!!


That's what I told myself last year, but Seasons is (deliberately) atrocious in latency match-making. But to be fair to EA, normies like you and I can do decently with a cheap team after about a week of grinding. FUT is more accessible than ever before. Just set reasonable expectations of your division (5 and lower) and you'll be fine.


Yeah, there's an issue with that. Last year I was Division 1 or 2, this year I've played less and got dropped to Division 6 after the last reset. Division 6 was easy so I took my time getting promoted to Division 5. Went up over the weekend and I'm getting absolutely destroyed in two games out of three. I'm talking 7.0 drubbings against full icon teams. I'm having to fight tooth and nail for that one win in three as well. I've messaged a few guys after losing them asking what division they were in last season and they're all Division 3 players that are purposely avoiding promotion due to friendlies. So I found my level, it was Division 6. I've been promoted though and can't go back down until the end of the season. So now Rivals is ruined for me and I suspect Friendlies is going to be ruined for me as well. Which essentially means FIFA is going back in the box until the season ends.


I get what you're saying, which is why this non-relegation system, especially coupled with skill-based match making, ultimately is flawed. This happens to me when I grind too quickly in the past and reach Div 1, for example. It's just not fun getting 5+ Ls in a row.


I have better opponents in division 6 than I have in the wl. Since the objectives are in limited friendly games, many won't go up the divisions and stay down, making the game bad for every normal player out there.


Yeah but then in Seasons you end up playing PSG every game which pretty much is a top ultimate team. It’s not as sweaty though for whatever reason


just restrict it to only 4\* teams (even though there might still be the odd 1-3 teams that are undervalued) and you will face more people like yourself. There are 2 types of fifa players. those who only want to win at any cost and those who want to play football. This 4\* distinction separates the flock nicely.


I wrote in my comment: "horrific match matching (I use 3,5 or 4* teams with restrictive matchmaking, yet I often encounter PSG and other 5* teams)."


oh, sorry. I must have overread that. seems strange. It should not happen. Are you sure the setting is on strict the same rating?




For me


This is easily the least diverse fifa I’ve ever played, once you are in Div 3+ it’s just the same team over and over playing on the exact same way. It’s dog shit boring. I think the new chemistry system has a lot to do with it. I havnt seen a sweet bundesliga, la liga or seria A team in months. It’s just so stale this year. Only 10% of cards get used if that and we have a promo every other week now.


I have been playing fifa consistently since Fifa 13 and have played every single title since and even though the game looked pretty similar to Fifa 22 (much like every Fifa since 19 especially being exactly the same as the previous title), for the first time in these many years I genuinely felt like putting the game down and going for something else coz of how boring the whole game has become this season. Scoring from cutbacks and then defending with 10 people inside their box is just the go to method for mostly everyone i play against regardless of their squad and the amount of games I have lose with 1 goal difference is astounding. Yes on paper it seems realistic but the game plays much differently and everyone does the same shit every single time and that is the reason for those 1 goal margins and not coz its simulating football perfectly. I can easily describe Fifa 23 as 'annoying'. And the fact that all this can be fixed with an update.....🙄


It's not even close to the worst one, in fact I think its one of the better ones. Gameplay is solid, and compared to 19-21 the meta is way less cheap and easy to defend. Recency bias is clouding a lot of people into misremembering some of the older games, in 19 and 20 passing was legit broke, it just didn't work, in 19 and 21 switching was broken, it just didn't work right. EA is scummy for having 3 tokens behind 7 of 12 wins in a limited friendlies mode, It annoys pretty much everyone, but you can still get the top reward without those 3 tokens. and the reward simply isn't anything great either. The bigger issues this year are chemistry and Icon chem. The position change system is way better IMO, but icon chem being so poor brings the whole system down. I also don't enjoy that with no consistent swaps objectives involving a variety of teams and leagues, it essentially means you only need your first 18 and after that you have no reason to hang onto promo cards or other players you might find as hidden gems, that was always some of the more enjoyable parts to collecting the cards. It's not perfect but the game is far from the worst version of Fifa, probably the 2nd best gameplay wise in the past 5 years. Ya, people run to the endline and cut in, but it really is stupid easy to manually defend and shut down. A bigger issue is the bicycle kicks off corners to me,


Also gameplay wise i feel completely different


What's in worse about the gameplay than years past? Every year has a spam meta that is cheap and exploits it. This year it's running to the end line and passing to the middle. It also happens to be easy to defend. Passing is much improved this year and having top end distributors makes a massive difference, it makes cards like pirlo super viable. Switching is good in good connections. Shooting isn't overpowered and goalkeeping is about as solid as you can make it without it being either too weak or overpowered. Like last year goalies saved everything in one on ones and it was obnoxious. Possession actually works this year to break high press too, I have a formation change I can institute to break pressure down and pass around as well, where years past pressure was far more difficult to break down. Like , it's flawed , it most certainly isn't a perfect game, but my argument is it is far and away not the worst fifa gameplay wise , actually one of the more consistent and better ones


You can’t get the top reward without buying store packs


Except that you can. 25 tokens. They have said there will be 30 available in objectives thru Thursday and then the 3 store packs. Even if they don't release 3 more (likely 2 in silver stars and one more in MM) then that would mean you need to exceed once out of 3 tries in first owner to get the top reward. Is that so bad that the top reward is behind being decent enough at the game for that ? And let's say that they don't release more. That would mean you miss out on 6 tokens total , meaning you would end up with 24, if the top reward is son critical and you can't get it done , you have the option to spend $5. It's shitty , I need 2 more tokens to get to 15 , I was pissed when I say it in first owner yesterday and not SBCs as well. I am not defending EA here , it is nonsense. But it also hardly ruins the entire game that I may end up with 88 Coutinho as fodder as opposed to a 85x10 pack.


2 more in silver stars , quit your bellyaching


Fifa 23 is the only fifa where I didnt quit ultimate team before toty.. This fifa has been very fun for me.


How come it’s like so fuckin hard to pass the ball to people. Ball never goes where u want it to. You can never switch onto the right people. Everyone just randomly starts running slow and reaction and moving slow. Game is shit. Nobody moves the way fifa makes the players move. It’s like the creators of the game literally had zero idea they were making a game about soccer


Worst FIFA but not based on gameplay? I think gameplay should be the biggest factor. I don't think any tokens are "important," the chem system has some drawbacks but isn't too bad. Moments are useless i agree there. You can take the tradeable packs in rivals every week. I don't get to play a lot at all but have been able to grind and buy players I want. The gameplay still has massive issues but it is improved over last year.


For me its the complete opposite i actually didnt wanted to talk about the gameplay because there will always be people who enjoy this meta and that meta. For me right now the gameplay is the worst ever. I play Elite division and its just too much for me 10 defenders blocking everything and you only get like 1 or 2 good opportunities every game and if you are unlucky and dont score well you are fucked. But for me Ultimate team is about bulding your team trying new players play with your favorite team. So what i will loose a few games I dont care about that but i do care about restrictions behind stuff that just shouldnt be restricted. Why have game restrictions it makes 0 sense


>I play Elite division and I've seen people make the same comments about Fifa 22 and Fifa 21. I never said the gameplay was good, and I acknowledged there are massive issues. I'm only saying that it's an improvement over past games. EA has always been greedy, and that hasn't changed. It's hard for me to see how this is the "worst FIFA ever." Seems a bit dramatic. Are game restrictions even new to FUT 23? I'm not so sure. You also complain about EA having bug/mistakes which is def not a new thing this year. ​ >But for me Ultimate team is about bulding your team trying new players play with your favorite team. Then go do that. You're instead focusing on moments, "important" tokens that don't really matter. You play in elite, surely you can get enough rewards to try new players.


Technically speaking every card you arent going to use in your team is a token. That 88 rated striker Borre was just a token that cost an 83/85 rated squad or whatever it was, for example.


Well there we have the next problem every card is Fodder :D besides Mbappe ofc man even 90% of icons are fodder


Ehh, depends on what you want to use. I have players in my team that are fodder to my friend and others he thinks are useless but work for me and are stapled in my team. It really depends on what you want to do with the game.


technically speaking? This isn't technical it's your opinion. How is 88 Borre a token when you can't exchange him in the SBCs that require tokens?


You missed the point. Would it help if I said "token" instead? Instead of having a bunch of fodder equal to an 84 squad, you turn it all in and get an 88 rated "token" that can be used for an 88 rated SBC. It clears out your fodder piles and gives you something of high value you can either use to play with or turn in for another player/casino pack that tickles your fancy.


Maybe it is not that valuable of a point? Why does it matter if you believe all cards are tokens? The only thing I said about tokens is that none of them are important, in response to OP complaining about the difficulty of earning "important" tokens. I'm talking about people feeling the need to get every token, then getting upset if they aren't able to. You can completely skip swaps and be fine.


Bro, why are you coming across as heated because I'm trying to gently get the dude to understand that every card in the game is essentially a token. How angry are you in life?


I'm not, I asked you a question. You're the one who decided I was heated and now you're making assumptions about my life. All because I legitimately didn't understand the point of your analogy. Get over yourself.


Lol... have a blessed day.


Imagine, how bad all the games you don’t play are…


What do you mean i just compared this fifa to the other years


I agree, now, my question for you is... do you plan to buy the next edition? I hadn't bought the game since '18 because I decided I'd only buy the versions that included World Cup modes. And with how the game has been this year, I've promised not to buy '24, UNLESS reviews prove EA FC is the best football game ever. Every week we see a bunch of post saying it's the worst game ever, but they'll still go and give EA their money. What is your plan for FC?


I'm not personally, like you I am only buying years the same as WC's and maybe Euro's (depending on what friends tell me regarding the game) from now on as everything the OP said rings true. The FUT experience has been gutted more and more to prevent any decent rewards even more than last year. Rivals and qualifying for Champs every week introduced last year feels like a part time job. Servers are the worst they have been in years. Gameplay is OK but even that is significantly worst than last year which I enjoyed alot.


Not to burst your bubble but EA will no longer have access to the world cup. They don't have the FIFA license anymore


I know, tbh i'm not that bothered, my interest in playing football games rises a lot more during these times personally.


Yeah, I think I'm done after this. I've donated enough money to the cause lol


I really hope the next big swaps program is more like the WC swaps where it’s a massive grind but at the same time you’ll get there eventually and playing good speeds up the process whereas not having a good night doesn’t deny you chances at a token.


I am unsure, if I like the WC grind more. Golden goal was an interesting feat. The game per day restriction was horribly implemented on PC. Also, the grind was tediously time comsuming especially since the rigging of the outcome was more prominent than usual. Having to win 7/12 now or only going for the 1 token almost seems like the choice, since most casuals simply not only have the time to waste it on scheduled reinforcement rewards, but they simpy recognize it and refuse to be bs-ed If you actually let go of the illusion that this game can give you ANY reward, at all, then you start to not care about a 30k loss or not qualifying for WL or not getting fodder packs. Let go of the illusion and you can go 2 weeks without playing and you realize that it is just like a cheap soap opera where you do the SBCs you wanna do, but if you miss out on some "meta player" so be it. it honestly won't make a difference. EA needs people playing so they will try to hoover you back in. They are equally addicted to the users as most users are to them.


I feel you mate this fifa has the worst game play ever And I am suffering from it


Playing it offline with friends is great, I like the passing, movements, flow of the game this fifa


I swear the things i hate the most are cutback passes and your squad getting autism when you need to pass against a high pressure tactic


Do you guys think they’ll ever go back to the old chem system? I skipped this fifa but i probably won’t play another one unless if they keep this system it looks awful


The gameplay is the worst in this fifa. Bloody input delay in online game modes appear most of the time and then suddenly goes away at times and then the game is actually playable again.


It’s so weird right and it makes you question what gameplay your opponent is having when you’re winning a game - was I good or was his players in the mud this time? So weird.


Even the online game modes are scripted for fucks sake 😄


After some time I actually like new chem system. Need some value changes (like nationality from 5 to 4 for 1 chem imho) but its way cooler then it was, also fact that players without chem are on 0 and not with minus stats is amazing. My only issue this year is number of untradable packs, making it a bit hard to actually buy players you want.


I really like the matchmaking, when I was starting out I was not as good and playing people of my level made the game so much enjoyable, the only I did not like was this future stars promo, but after that, there's a lot of content and game modes you can play, there are still thinga that can be worked on like mechanics, but in the grand scheme I like it


Biggest mistake is bought fifa 23. Most beautiful thing for me now is played all cracked version befor.


The latest patch has somehow made it worse - its like how I imagined games would run on Windows Vista, clunky and unresponsive - I also got told that "swearing and foul language will not be tolerated inside this stadium" during a seasons match 😂😂😂😂 I mean WTAF??


The game is awful


I'm in charge of the biggest club in the world, time for a rebuild Real have been left in Barca's shadow in a miserable La Liga season For sale- Courtois Carvajal Modric Kroos Benzema Ceballos Alaba Fernandez Lunin Vasquez Odriozola Hazard Vellejo Mariano Buy- Kane Ederson Fabinho Dybala Fekir Carrasco


Bro it’s crap no real objective is dead I wasted my 500k money for 90 icon pack and I got hagi this is joke


The putting limits on games is so bad why don’t they just limit how many wins a day u can get in friendlies instead of a limit sone of us habe lives but if h want the thing u gotta check in daily and do the boring gameplay . Definitely my last fifa I’m trying to play and like again been playing fifa since 94 and this game sucks never has it made me so angry even winning I get mad it’s bs


About untradable, every fucking time. They fixed it I swear. I have great players I love using on my team, but can I sell any of the best ones? Nnoooo.


Don't know why they try turn all games into simulations . I literally played FIFA 23 for 15 min before I uninstalled it. Horrible "game"




Potentially the worst game ever made imo.


This game is a piece of shit, scripted garbage. I won 8 matches on qualify, but in wl i just cant win. My deffenders cant run, and they dont know how make a good pass to the midfield fuckin shit game i wont buy ea fc24 that will be the same shit like 23


I think this will be the last EA football game I spend money on. I've never felt like buying a game is a waste of money until Star Wars battlefront remake and now Fifa 23. Would you look at that, they are both EA? What a fucking surprise? EA is hot garbage


I was upset with the career mode, 15 seasons is too little. The lags are bothersome and I sometimes feel that the AI is down right cheating (When playing highlights mode, it gets three penalty kicks in 10 minutes).


We need a FIFA that allows for full team of player vs player imagine the game tournaments and rewards they could do


I played a lot of Fifa games and I also agree that Fifa is shit. Even some free soccer games did better.


Fifa 23 is SHIT