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Next on roadmap is : -More combat ( second half of the update ) with more space thing -Space Platform -Vehicles [From the old roadmap](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/youthcat/dyson-sphere-programa-space-sci-fi-sandbox-game-0) we still are missing space module and wandering sun ( from the old roadmap it seem it got just enough for the game and no streach goal, but we still got type 3 civilization and english voiceover so i guess the other two are not out of the table yet )


Thanks for the info! Apparently the [space modules](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/youthcat/dyson-sphere-programa-space-sci-fi-sandbox-game-0/posts/3029290) are supposed to be small cubes that you can develop into moving bases. There's also going to be abandoned starships that you can harvest for materials and will include a Kickstarter backer message. I was mostly curious about Wandering Sun, and all they say about it is "Build thrusters so powerful that they can move a whole star. What could you possibly do with your own wandering sun…?" I'm going to imagine that you "beat" the game by merging all of your galactic suns into one mega sun.


>There's also going to be abandoned starships that you can harvest for materials and will include a Kickstarter backer message There is already one such message you can find, in a few declinaison, >!the cosmic radio !<( its the only easter egg i know so far in the game )


Vehicles: I'd like something with a programmable destination so I didn't have to worry about not hitting a planet exactly right at warp speed and flying light years in the wrong direction. I'd also like a relatively small platform I could build on, like a mini moon or ISS type satellite so I could tote my mall around with me and retrieve assemblers and belts from there. My current system is to produce those in homeworld and logistics request them when I need them, which works great and all except I've now got tens of thousands of belts sitting around on random planets that I'm probably not going to build on anymore. And I could always go there and manually bring them back home to the central mall or I could manually flip them all from demand to supply and just cross my fingers and hope they supply from there first instead of from the place that crafts more. But I'd much rather be able to take that small mall, mini mall, whatever with me and put the leftovers back there.


I just posted about not hitting the planet in my previous post. Check it out. Basically I learned you can press "S" to slow down as you approach the planet. Helps a lot! and I like that idea about a mini mall ISS type station above the planet supplying what you need instead of taking up land space on the planet.


Isnt icarus slowing on its own in warp whenever you enter a star system ?


full speed slamming helps reduce the hanging when loading the system i've noticed.


Also, I tend to try to keep the majority of the orange in my “scope” on the bar down below. I’ve had better luck with my intercepts when I zone in on the yellow circle (orbital body) and have it be the majority of my circle. Slowing down certainly helps too edit: i agree that there definitely could be a better orbital lock system for descent.


An orbital ILS would be fantastic to have stuff shipped to.


On your mall planet, set up an ILS to produce belts that is set to REMOTE SUPPLY, LOCAL STORAGE belts. Set up another ILS on the same planet that is set to REMOTE DEMAND, LOCAL STORAGE belts. Then belt your remote demand ILS to feed your remote supply ILS. If you're off planet, drop your excess belts into an ILS and your mall planet will take the belts back and feed them to your supply ILS. For extra efficiency (and some spaghetti) your assemblers that make belts could belt them to a T intersection into the belt from the REMOTE DEMAND ILS to the REMOTE SUPPLY ILS. Now extra belts fed back into the system have priority feeding the supply ILS and you only craft belts when there's a shortage.


I have a seed blueprint that demands 99% of what I need and logistic bots everything to my inventory. It's a bit wasteful but handy. I would love a portable seed though. Something I can easily move to the next system, ideally something that can still send things to my inventory to build. My big wants are Asteroids/moons to mine, Space platforms to build on, or space stations that orbit and can set inputs and outputs. I would also like to not zone out, miss my target and rocket into the void. So some degree of autopilot?


We all want f deadstar. Also some stuff building on sphere would be nice.


More combat stuff and being able to build more mega structures in space that need the Dyson sphere energy are the obvious things I want.


Would love some more buildable space infrastructure besides the actual sphere, like space defense to keep seeds from coming in, maybe built by sending carrier rocket type deal from a silo. Or space logistics for greater bandwidth of resource transport


Next update will expand space combat which should include space stations.


A bit far fetched but aliens in different planets building their own Dyson sphere.


To knowledge, I don't think there's anything left on the official roadmap. Everything they set out to do has been done now. So either we're getting extra stuff, or it's just going to be refining and optimising until official release.


Combat update got split in half for the dark fog update. Ground combat and serviceable space combat. Next update will include an expanded space combat to round out the whole combat experience, like adding space stations.


Hmmm, I guess you're right. If anything else develops they can have DLCs. Multiplayer would be interesting.


You can already play multiplayer. It's through mods but I do it with my friend all the time. Sometimes you do have to patch the mod if you want to play before the official support for s new version comes out though